Coronavirus means the US will have to force Canada to turn over food and supplies

The US will never run out of supplies because we can just take from the unarmed faggots up north, so stop freaking out. We'll be fine.

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Don't forget it canucks

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The only question is will the US kill all of Canada's population or enslave some of them

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the only way ur takin our shit is beating us in a snowmobile race and that isnt happening stupid american faggot

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canada has guns.

If instead of printing money we prepare to pay a mass labor force to train in and perform eco-related tasks such as soil repair, tree planting, digging water infiltration ditches in arid regions, placing solar panels in fields throughout the nation, and so forth, we could invest in our next seven decades of economic strength.

Post this around! We can further improve our agricultural dominance if other countries don't also do it!

molon labe mutt


lol he thinks were unarmed

I say we enslave them to run our vast Maple plantations.

We'll see faggot


2bh dawg we would just share them with you if you asked nicely

but if you actually tried to take them you'd just die in wave after wave of ZOGbot backwater soldiers in a prolonged guerilla war - just like Afganistan, Iraq, and Vietnam :^)

you can't even beat a bunch of third world riceniggers and cavedwellers...

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This is probably accurate

Fitting that picture is of a mutt blowing a Canadian. Send your wife up we got lots of canned fish and toilet paper we can send home with her after we make her breath stink for weeks.


oh no no no leaf bros got too cocky

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Alaskans could rape your entire country with snowmachines. Dont forget theres 300 million Americans and 33 million canadians. It wont be much of a fight.

When is the last time ameriburgers fought in a cold climate?

We already give you our resources in exchange for bits of data that you claim counts as money.
It would literally cost more to take our shit from us then how things work right now where we're dedicated to handing it over as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Also man for man, your boys ain't shit. You'd never even see most of us.

we also have some pretty great domestic food production, its mostly meat tho..... Vegans BTFO

This. The US putting any amount of resources towards getting Canada's recourses is laughable...they already either outright own it or everything is set up like an old colonial system, to rape the land and in return, we buy your goods.

Ever wonder why Trump and Trudeau have never had any beef? It's because there is an actual agreement between our countries that depends on us not becoming a threat of any sort so the American's give us the illusion of independence in return.

You dont need our food. During the new NAFTA negotiations maintaining our "supply management" over eggs, chicken, beef, etc. was a massive point of contention because your key farming areas could take over our market over night. I think it was North Dakota? Somewhere like that? Anyways it had the capacity to completely underbid all of Canada's poultry, for example.

Doesn't matter. We're literally 50% or below white at this point and can't even win sandbox wars.

In all seriousness we can't even beat 80 IQ literal tribesmen in sandals

haha yea ok retard.

Actually, the world is totally unprepared for a total disrupt in the supply chain, even if you raid and take the supply of whole Canada it won't be sustainable for much long, I'm not joking when i said survival of mankind depends on the inflated supply chain we have enjoyed until now

Go fuck yourself ausfreak

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this incident could unironically lead to a NAFTA we have the resources to help everyone out. it would lead to a massive purge south regarding the drug trade

Cant we just rape Mexico for rice and beans first? I don't want our leaf bros to be raped.

dumb phoneposter

Yeah, no. Pic very related.

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Never tried . those "wars" were so the CIA could grow poppy fields.
100 million armed non military Americans would crush Canada in a few weeks.

Anyone else see all the lights in the sky? We saw hundreds all in a row! WTF?!


Yes...yes, good goy. Let the Americans fight the Canadians.
Ignore the fact that you both share common ancestry, common language, culture, and have fought side by side for the past 200 years.

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What supplies do you think we have? Canada has 33m people, thats 1/3rd the population of california. Also, it's cold and uncomfortable, not unarmed, and we'd just flood the northern states with poos and filipinos if you raided the borders near Ontario. Much more fertile land to conquer south of your borders. Also, please crush our subsidized dairy and agro mafias, i'd like to pay less for my basic dietary requirements.

Yeah too bad china took over and now runs that place with Socialists and communists.
Canada has become a safety threat to the US and since theres only 33 million Canadians its time those brothers take back our clay.

so? just kill all our politicians. Literally no one would give a shit. In fact you would be hailed as heroes.

Why the fuck did you not take video??

what about about that whole 1812 thing?

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Thats your job. Then when the UN sends in blue helmets its our job. You start it and we'll finish it. Its not like Americans are going to let white canadians get killed off by the UN or China.

Oh lol. Canada, don't fool yourself. You're a fart in the wind military wise compared to the US. Be grateful they protect you. Be quiet. And say thank you sir

pretty much

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Or that whole underground railroad?
Blacks were going to get shipped back to africa but canada took them in. Then didnt want them and now the US in infested.

Where is that one Alaskan with the guns who posts?

Canadians haven't eaten food since 1994 you retard.

What food?

You obese-oids couldn't even pacify 3rd world goat farmers in Afganistan and Iraq, and you think you could control a country as large and rugged as Canada? With a well-armed WHITE population?

Keep dreaming, mongoloid. If you thought it was hard keeping Mexicans from crossing your border to fuck with your country, wait and see how hard it is to keep people who look and speak exactly like you from crossing the longest border in the world to get revenge.

Doing Trooper stuffs.

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Come and get them mutt.

You cant eat Indians.

That was the military.
The 100 million armed white Americans that could drive to Canada in one day would ass stomp you into a muskeg.


nice larp

listen, I realize leafs are often faggots, but we are not going to abuse them. They are going to bring what they deserve on them selves.

Keep dreaming, Mongoloid Dawn.

The US is full of genetically inferior pussies who weren't tough enough to hack it in Canada.

we dont need food from anyone dumbass, if there is one thing were good at its making more food than we need

I own a vz58 and a mossberg590a1 ... lets do it fucking mutt , oh and don't forget to elect an other nigger !!!

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We'll just destroy your energy grid in counter-strike

Canada is hardened from long winters and short summers, while America has eaten itself silly. I hope you understand that outside of American media Americans are the joke the globe. Go look on twitter right now, you had all the time to prepare but still your fat asses are planted on beaches. It will never cease to amaze how unaware America is of it's own demise.

I like this guy let's kill him last

Jokes on you, all our shit is fucked this year no doubt. The local grain elevated almost went under because they had to spend so much money fumigating the grain that was coming in.

Burger have you seen our rape statistics?
You would get raped 6 times before reaching the first house.

I love Amerimutts larping as rugged soldiers.

Big strong mighty Americans you are so brave and rugged just like Washington and Jefferson now go die for ZOG like a true American.

But I thought pretty-boy Trudeau said guns are bad?

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Then why does 80% of Canada live along the US border and not in that nasty bush?
Canada is like an 80's TV show and now a danger to the US.
The US is being forced to absorb Canada before you mutts sell it to China for beads and firewater again.

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Canada will emerge as a totalitarian superpower in corona's wake. Trudeau is the reincarnation of Hitler, he just doesn't know it yet. Yas Forums has joked about "the day of the rake" for so long they failed to realize Canada will be the one doing the raking.

We were bored.

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Then why don't you take your country back from kikes and spics and niggers and chinks.

"W-we could take over any country we want to anytime we want to. W-we just don't want to. We wuz 1776"

So did your jewish mulatto nigger you elected twice.

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You'll kill whoever your kike masters tell you to. Especially if they're white.

JaMarcus Quintavious Washington Sanchez III calling anybody else a mutt is pretty rich.

The lone state of Alaska would be enough. You have no clue what cold and dark is and the beach is frozen 20 feet thick. Try Wyoming. those fuckers are hardened from winds .All they have to do is drive 50 KM across the border and bypass 80% of the "hardened" city Canadians.

The people who start these threads have to be shitskins. I've never heard white Americans talk or act like this. Only third world half breed mutts who "became" Americans have a seething hatred for Canadians, Brits, Europeans, etc.