We're living in a period in time where it can truly be said that God is dead. All hopes and dreams are delusions. Your pride, honor, and virtue are products of your ego and are just things you tell yourself to justify your self-sacrifices.
Sexual morality seems to be a relic of a bygone era. It's a residue of romantic idealism. It's for people who have not yet accepted the fallen nature of man; who instead cling bitterly to the spirit of their forefathers.
Those who embrace sexual morality seem to have not yet embraced their finite-ness and the futility of their idealisms and dogmatisms.
Abandon all hope all ye who enter here.
Is sexual morality a cope?
Your father nor mother taught you to masturbate, you felt it as it is natural, does that mean you were born to sin, jesus was real?
the more innocent they are, the less inclined they are to do that stuff
I not stooping on the same level like you whores
Why is sexual morality dead? Look around you.
All morality is cope
Casual encounters are awful though. Nothing beats good regular sex in a monogamous relationship.
Who is that?
youre right in that its in the spirits of our forefathers
Sorry heathen niggers & freemasons..
Sociological/psychological science is on the side of heterosexual, homogeneous, monogamous relations. And the Christian idea of waiting for sexual contact until marriage, is also backed by Alpha Science.
That's the Nature of Reality.
Don't try telling that to the kike-rats who run Britain and thus Freemasonry, because their dogshit chemical-biological hormone release continuums can't sync with this geometric-data input.
You can be as fallen as you want, and as depraved as you want, but you cannot deny that Alpha Science is on the side of all the aforementioned concepts of morality.
Is the common opinion that sexual gluttony is something akin to taboo or pink elephant analogy because of the implicit instinctual awareness of how utterly sickeningly disgusting it is a matter of cope?
Who knows OP, who knows
>Why is sexual morality dead
jews killed it among the goy nations
sexual degeneracy is a cope
Nihilism is a cope for underdeveloped r-strategists. In violent competition, you nihilist, hedonistic fucks always lose to groups that display fierce in-group loyalty and capacity for self-sacrifice. Even worse, you actively subvert healthy groups that let you in and allow you to wallow in your retardation unchecked. You exist only to fuck, you're a relic of a bygone era when humanity was actually preyed upon by predators and certain clusters of the human population had to turn into rabbit-like breeding machines to settle new regions. There's no room for you in the modern world, your very existence is the reason why we have civilizational collapses. From a biological standpoint, you're basically pests. Take your degenerate bullshit elsewhere.
But, how long does that last?
Adultery sin is bad as repenting is hard
What do commies think about sexual morality?
No niggers in my gay bath house or
No faggots at my interracial wedding
Or maybe god doesnt care if you bang whores or not.
Did they? Or did we kill it with our behavior? They gave us the gun, but who pilled the trigger?
I don't want to burn in Hell. Hell is real. Yes, I am a sinner. All I do these days is read books. This world is Sodom and Gomorrah.
Not if you care about the advancement of civilization.
Its somewhat both. Casual sex is honestly pretty fucking soulless and the result of rampant casual sex can also be pretty damaging, more to women than men. But on the other hand, its no coincidence that the majority of Yas Forums fags who are against "degeneracy" are unattractive guys who couldn't indulge in said degeneracy if they wanted to. Yas Forums fags have a point about the negative consequences of sexual liberty, but I think many of them would not feel so strongly if they had an easier time participating in it.
You may say that, but the vast majority of human beings are sexual hedonists.
>We're living in a period in time where it can truly be said that God is dead.
Stopped reading immediately. Gonna assume the rest of your post is stupid hedonistic garbage.
Imagine believing god is dead after he essentially started the apocalypse thanks to dictator Xi stating he was going to rewrite the bible to better reflect his own personal beliefs, and subsequently reeducate christians.
-Pestilence - Corona-chan
-Famine - locust swarms in africa/middle east/stock market crash
-War - Incoming war due to SM/Oil crash
- Then death obviously
But go ahead with your wicked and selfish hedonism. That's priced into the god's plan too. You're and people like you are gonna burn unless you repent and practice temperance.
>Is sexual morality a cope?
Do you enjoy/don't care when your girlfriend/wife is getting fucked by other men? If yes, then you have mental issues. If no, then thats where the sexual morality is derived from.
didnt read the post
now kys cuck
God and he'll aren't real. Your morality is cope.
Source: your crappy rabbit instincts. You're saying this because you're biologically wired to think that way. The other half of the population cares more about competition and the fitness of its offspring than about fucking with as many partners are possible, and they're getting tired of your shit.
>Fallen nature of man.
You shouldn't philosophise you're just not bright enough for it.
>Yas Forums fags have a point about the negative consequences of sexual liberty, but I think many of them would not feel so strongly if they had an easier time participating in it.
They all would, let's be real. It's like how you see white racialists talk about how all non-whites be evil 'n sheeeit, but nips are somehow based, and usually it's because nip women are better than white women, even though that goes against the Fourteen Words. Ideology always fails against biology, whether you're a feminist who loves to get dicked hard or a tradcuck who believes roasties are impure but posts on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum where every other OP has a lewd picture of a woman who'd be a roastie in their eyes attached.
People set aside fucking all day to build civilization. It is impressive and also a big disaster. Either way, I don't think there is a convincing argument out there to prove we've evolved. Everyone has temporarily gone back to fucking all day in the wake of the virus.
My mom taught me how to masturbate.
Probably during the first dozen sessions or so I personally would indulge like the majority would/did. But then, me personally after prolonged introspection and inevitable maturity of mind, soul and spirit. I would no doubt become sickened by the entire escapade after retroactively kicking myself in the balls for being so fucking vile and morally retarded.
look who just read Nietzsche
It depends on context.
Some people can use it as a cope there isn’t anything stopping them from doing that.
However two reasons can be pointed to as to why it’s not total cope pending your intention: health & family. The more sexual partners a woman has had the more likely she will not be able to emotionally connect and the divorce rate reflects that phenomena. Children that don’t have a strong family unit (especially single parent households) are much more likely to have significant mental health issues among other things later in life that stagnates process. If somebody cared about their childrens upbringing, sexual morality isn’t so bad.
The other reason is health. You don’t want to get AIDS. Anybody can fuck a whore but what’s a fuck intrinsically worth? $20? My entire immune system? If you say “it’s not worth my immune system for a one night fuck with a dirty broad” then you’re already practicing sexual morality.
Jewdar going off
If instead of printing money we prepare to pay a mass labor force to train in and perform eco-related tasks such as soil repair, tree planting, digging water infiltration ditches in arid regions, placing solar panels in fields throughout the nation, and so forth, we could invest in our next seven decades of economic strength.
Post this around!
There's more to politics than sex, anons.
What's the objective in advancing civilization?
>Did they
yes, i answered your question now stop being an argumentative retard.
they pushed the cultural marxism hard after the invention of the pill removed all ramifications sex outside the marriage.
So christkike faggotry dressed up as philosophy, god dam you're so transparent.
Is this a slim Trapunzel???
based russian bro
>There's more to politics than sex, anons.
They wouldn't know that because this board is just for social degenerates who belong on a cross to whine about how those OTHER social degenerates who belong on a cross are more socially accepted. This whole board is the male equivalent of I'm not like those OTHER girls bitches who whine on Tumblr about how special uwu they are.
Do you prefer indoor plumbing or outhouses?
>christkike faggotry
>limey flag
As opposed to what? The Mudslime morality that's running bukkake trains on your daughters or the Angloid imperialist morality that brought them there in the first place?
What is sexual morality like in Poland?
Based ivan.
This chick looks like she SHOULD have a mustache.
I'm I wrong?
Hey guys i found the roast beef!
>(science) is objective truth
I bet you think Santa Claus is real too huh
absolutely based post, its hard to take the cries of abstinence seriously from those who never got the option of choosing it. I'm sure there's an interesting debate about the pros and cons of degeneracy at all levels but this holier then though attitude this website likes to display whilst its just an echo chamber of sexless, racist robots.
You're a fuckin idiot, it's 6+ billion shitskins industrializing in inefficient shitskin ways to feed the consooomers that's gonna do us in. Which is a GOOD thing, we /ICEAgE/ now, hopefully not a spic/nigger/arab or gook that survives it.
There was no philosophy there, faggot. I simply compared the viability of two psychological models that basically cover about 90% of the human population on this planet. You're just triggered because the obvious conclusion denies you the right to exist.
But is simply too stupid to understand it.
That literally derives from Christian theology, brainlet.
what does that even mean you stupid nigger
all he said was that stats show how sexual promiscuity creates bad family relations and destroys society
>But on the other hand, its no coincidence that the majority of Yas Forums fags who are against "degeneracy" are unattractive guys who couldn't indulge in said degeneracy if they wanted to.
95% of men are like that. They would have to pay to fuck a shitload of sluts. Chad gets shit load of pussy without paying.
Kikes promote sexual degeneracy, make it beneficial to be a whore (rig divorce laws in whores' favor, pay money to whores for having children out of wedlock, promote it as cool and trendy, alimony, give whores the opportunity to camwhore) and essentially remove any means to do anything effective about it.
If you weren't a porn addicted coomer, you would realize, that it's a way higher purpose. Speaking of which, that's what your whole "rationale" on sexual morality being a "cope" and not sexual hedonism, which is merely the justification for weakness and addiction.
It's for people who want it. Any form of self-abnegation is for the people who have ample opportunity to choose otherwise, and pick restraint. They choose restraint to enhance the experience of indulgence, under whatever circumstances that they've resolved to release their bonds beneath the flag of.
It's a fetish. And that's not bad. I know that this is Yas Forums, so you're confused about this, but fetishes are healthy and good, if they're expressed in a manner that is productive and kind.
"Sexual morality" is about a man and woman who love one another reserving themselves for one another, to experience the meaning, pleasure and fulfillment they find in one another. It's a fetish. And it's pretty fucking healthy.
I read him years ago, actually
I knew I had seen her before
T. I can't into life without a desert instruction manual
The absolute state of faith fags.
she looks like she sleeps with black dudes
>J-just plant trees bro and, uh annnnd SOLAR panels bro that's ALL we have to and like stop burning so much fossil fuels!
90% of the worlds energy comes from coal you dumb nigger, the consensus has been that we need a process that we haven't developed yet in order to stifle the inevitable ecosystem recycle. Btw, it's the Methane being released from the cryosphere that's the issue, not the co2 that will fuck us.
You posted this exact thread word for word earlier.
>it's all just idealisms and dogmatisms from a different era bro, lol it's just a spook bro
>let's just engage in endless sexual degeneracy bro, stop being such a slave to spooks
>two years later tests positive to HIV
>on the fourth attempt to get healed from syphilis using the magic hospital pill
>has impregnated at least four different women
>civilization has degenerated to the point of animalization
>your most base instincts rule you
Look at my flag and tell my I don't know what I'm talking about
brooke wylde
Fuck off we're full.
Better than in the West, worse than in the past. Doesn't matter anyway, we're all going back to conservatism once the r-tards trigger another collapse because they don't understand scarcity and in-group loyalty. It's also going to be harder for them to subvert that future conservative West because we're basically capable of explaining their subversive strategies in biological terms, which will likely render them at least somewhat ineffective.
Our children will have it better than us.
full of women wanting to fuck black dudes?
This woman should executed, along with her father. For the fact she is whoring herself out in public.
Why you here then?
Legit you fags talk endless trash about polacks and there ways.
Why the fuck you here for?
Why would normie cancer come to this place only to complain about the people who made it home only to complain about those people.
This is why pol will always hate niggers and women.
ZERO self awareness, your hypocrsy reveils more about you than your CONSCIOUS enough to ever understand.
>God is dead
Fuck off
a picture of your subhuman family? Kek, your entire race could be wiped off the planet and nobody would notice or care but the planet would audibly sigh in relief.
Don't you think women would've eventually done it anyway after the pill was invented?
The world had pandemics far worse than this with regularity. Rome at the height if its glory saw people die daily from malaria and tooth infections spreading to their brains. You're a pussy, I'm reading a book about medieval history and eating cookie cake, life is fine. Fuck you
>faith fags
Who said I was a faithfag? I'm just poking fun at a limeyfag like you having the temerity to criticize anyone when it comes to issues of morality. You lot can't even into life at all, faggot. Your whole country is basically a pedophile's wet dream lol.
Nah, sexual promiscuity is a cope to fill the void of a life without purpose. Even though you stuff all your holes with BBC you will still feel empty inside.
>Why you here then?
I enjoy the free flowing ideas that are not allowed to exist on other areas of the internet.
>Why would normie cancer come to this place only to complain about the people who made it home only to complain about those people.
"BUT BUT NO, ITS OUR IDENTITY. SO OUR RETARDED JUSTIFICATIONS ARE CORRECT" the reason I shit on pol users like I did in my post is because they like to pretend their ideas are so superior and fundamental truths but almost consistently fall flat on their faces with opposition
>ZERO self awareness, your hypocrsy reveils more about you than your CONSCIOUS enough to ever understand.
explain more lad,
This man is based and redpilled. All of you faggots take notice.
Your literally shilling your own values, and trying to make it sound like an objective argument.
Also you can't deny my right to exist, you exist to clean my toilets.
But keep making assumptions and keep trying to dress your underlying belifes as rational sound or objective in any way shape or form.
Ive yet to meet a christkike that has escaped the false dichotomy his philosophy has trapped him in.
This is why mutants laugh at you.
Women would've done all of that shit anyway. They're hypergamous.
You're a fucking shitskin, reee'ing about racism because you don't fucking belong in the U.K.
Christian philosophy being an accurate representation if human nature.
No subhuman man is a beast that become conscious of it's self, it never fell from grace it clawed from mud.
Are you just trying to justify being a slut?
Shut the fuck up profligate.
"God" is a jew invention. Simply live a life moderating addictive pleasures and you'll be fine.
No one responded.
Maybe for you ugly fags, but not me. I am a 8/10 guy but working out and having a good job makes me extremely attractive to women. Everywhere I go women flock to me. Guess what though, I always turn down their advances. Why? Because I understand that men must strive to better themselves and their communities. I do my best to be a positive role model to all the young men around me. You would be surprised how much zoomers need strong male role models. Both the guys and girls. They all know instinctively that being hedonistic is wrong, and try as they might they know deep down inside that they are hurting themselves. Just by being a quality male you shit on all their stupid arguments. Better yourselves, and then better your community.
>can truly be said God is dead
Why? Because bad things happen like the bible predicted? because degeneracy is wide spread like the bible predicted..?
Sexual immorality is a sin because it's a sin against yourself. YOU suffer when you practice sexual immorality.
Coomers, fornicators, tinder addicts, homosexuals, trannies, etc are all miserable and through their behavior God punishes them with the reprobate mind. The reprobate mind is a curse that makes you basically insane. You lose touch with God completely and your life becomes a living Hell where you are so far away from the Father in Heaven that you can't even sense his presence anymore, leading you down into a further hole of sin.
Don't be a coomer, don't be a degenerate tinder addict, don't be a faggot, don't be a tranny, repent.
Don't start shilling this badly written garbage again.
What's it like in Brazil? Is all hope lost?
clear cope lad
I almost believe the conspiracy theory that the feds control op you to shit to make you believe retarded things and self implode despite some underlying truths. im not ree'ing about muh racism, I'm saying it reflects badly, similarly to incels preaching sexual piety. who cares what the slave has to say?
EXTREMELY based post, everyone screeching autistically against it has no retort whatsoever
How can you be do sure? How can you be certain things will get better?
Maybe that should have been a sign that your thread was trash and you should go do something else with your time.
>>Abandon love
You are a coward a degenerate . Day of the rope soon.
Alimony and divorce laws exist with jewdiciary blessing. As for other things, they would be banned and it would be legal and acceptable to beat women up for that shit. That's how it used to be and that's more natural state of affairs.
This is what it always comes down to with you goyim mortals. You don't hate God for any noble reason like I do. You merely want permission to sin. You may hate me for being fallen, whatever on earth that means to you, but the truth of the matter is I am more noble than all of you. I resist God because I want more power for myself. This is not a sin. It is in fact a virtue and the white race is dying for being less virtuous than Satan, conceding land and political power to enemies instead of accumulating more for themselves. When you die your punishment will be seeing my glory and knowing the spirit you hated above all things was truly more righteous than you.
Based and Urantia-pilled
jew: the post
Virginia Madsen
>it never fell from grace it clawed from mud
high iq posts as always gentleman, keep up the good work
>Your literally shilling your own values
No, I made a definitive statement about objective reality that can be disproven or proven. There was no value judgement there. My contempt for your kind might've seeped in though. Get used to it, you're going to be getting this attitude a lot in the future.
>Also you can't deny my right to exist, you exist to clean my toilets.
Your country disgusts me. Also, based on an educated guess, I can say you're a careless cityfag, probably laden with debt, which means you're pretty fucking poor and you have no right to be talking like that to anyone.
I'm trying to understand why people fight the inevitable. Why persist?
Fuck off