/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2218

► Detected: 198,400 ► Died: 7,984
►4 people have died from the virus since the last thread was made.

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Millions of Americans to lose their jobs

Robbers grab 100,000 surgical masks at gunpoint in Ukraine

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Virus affects blood circulation

4900 deaths across 182 cities in Iran, Iran opposition estimates

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

Spain only testing high risk cases

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

01:17: 26 new cases in Norway.
01:14: 93 new cases and 3 new deaths in South Korea.
23:16: 108 new cases and 4 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
22:15: 51 new cases and 1 new death in Turkey. The patient was an 89-year-old who contracted the virus from someone who had contact with China. This is the first death in Turkey.
22:13: First 2 cases in Montenegro. All countries in Europe now have at least one confirmed case of coronavirus.
22:12: 83 new cases and 3 new deaths in British Columbia, Canada.
22:04: First case in West Virginia, United States. All 50 U.S. states now have at least 1 confirmed case of coronavirus. American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands are the only U.S. territories with no confirmed cases.


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Other urls found in this thread:



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>Dead: 7,984
lol, still only 7,984.
How many days has it been stuck at 7,984? Four days? Five days?

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► China 80,881 (3,226) ► International 116,864 (4,728): Italy 31,506 (2,503) Iran 16,169 (988) Spain 11,826 (533) Germany 9,367 (26) S. Korea 8,320 (81) France 7,730 (175) US 6,194 (102) Switzerland 2,742 (27) UK 1,950 (71) Netherlands 1,705 (43) Norway 1,469 (3) Austria 1,332 (4) Belgium 1,243 (10) Sweden 1,191 (8) Denmark 977 (4) Japan 878 (29) D. Princess 696 (7) Malaysia 673 (2) Canada 479 (5) Australia 452 (5) Portugal 448 (1) Greece 387 (5) Brazil 328 (1) Ireland 292 (2) Slovenia 275 (1) Bahrain 241 (1) Poland 238 (5) Egypt 196 (6) Philippines 187 (12) Thailand 177 (1) Indonesia 172 (7) H. Kong 168 (4) Iraq 154 (11) India 143 (3) Luxembourg 140 (1) Lebanon 124 (3) S. Marino 119 (11) Ecuador 111 (2) Turkey 98 (1) Bulgaria 81 (2) Taiwan 77 (1) Panama 69 (1) Argentina 68 (2) Algeria 60 (5) Albania 55 (1) Hungary 50 (1) Morocco 44 (2) Azerbaijan 34 (1) Dom. Rep. 21 (1) Martinique 15 (1) Ukraine 14 (2) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 7 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Qatar 442 Cze. Rep. 434 Israel 337 Finland 322 Singapore 266 Iceland 247 Pakistan 247 Estonia 225 Romania 217 Chile 201 S. Arabia 171 Kuwait 130 Peru 117 Russia 114 UAE 113 Slovakia 97 Mexico 93 Armenia 78 Serbia 72 Croatia 69 Vietnam 66 Colombia 65 S. Africa 62 Latvia 60 Brunei 56 C. Rica 50 Cyprus 49 Faeroes 47 S. Lanka 44 Palestine 41 Jordan 40 Andorra 39 Malta 38 Belarus 36 Georgia 34 Bosnia 34 Cambodia 33 Oman 33 Kazakhstan 33 Venezuela 33 Macedonia 31 Moldova 30 Uruguay 29 Senegal 27 Tunisia 27 Lithuania 25 Afghanistan 22 Liechtenstein 19 B. Faso 15 Macao 13 Maldives 13 N. Zealand 12 Bolivia 12 Jamaica 12 Fr. Guiana 11 Uzbekistan 11 Bangladesh 10 Cameroon 10 Monaco 9 Paraguay 9 Reunion 9 Honduras 8 Ghana 7 Rwanda 7 Chan. Isl. 6 Ethiopia 6 Guadeloupe 6 Cuba 5 Guam 5 Mongolia 5 P. Rico 5 Tri. & Tob. 5 Ivory C. 4 Kenya 4 Seychelles 4 Nigeria 3 Aruba 3 Curacao 3 Congo 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Gibraltar 3 St. Barth 3… Total 165/251

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Any chance this was around before 2019?

>US State Leaderboard
108 total deaths


54 deaths
13 deaths
12 deaths
7 deaths
4 deaths
3 deaths
2 deaths
1 death

Attached: cabronachan.png (729x905, 81.61K)

Did you know that COMMUNIST CHINA is THIS advanced?


Can Capitalist cunts even compare? No wonder China won against the American Corona weapon.

Attached: China Model Wins.jpg (867x820, 71.1K)

anyone have a screenshot of user stating not to take ibprofin or NSAIDs?

Trumpbux have saved us. Thank god I voted for that faggot

Even our policemen don't have hand sanitizer or masks

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Who here is enjoying their "sick leave"?
Wagecucks now have the chance to become NEETs.

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Daily reminder for cure/vaccine fags, human trials will take years to complete. corona chan is here to stay


Ignore the chink leaf poster and always remember FUCK CHINA

Why don't we have any fucking idea who is dying from this corona shit?
>starts in china
>spreads to only korea and japan within asia
>currently hitting usa and euro regions with high chinese immigrant populations

When HIV was a scare, the FIRST thing they did was create a victim profile and came up with it being Gay-Related. Are we too deep in communist social media globalist society to point out ANY human differences?

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For the Glory of Corona-chan:

>close eyes, sit in a kneeling position on a comfy cushion or stool. visualize Corona-chan in preferred form in front of you in a white room sitting or standing as you prefer, transferring energy from one another). hold tip of tongue to roof of mouth while breathing in through nose. breathe out and chant through mouth slowly,.

Ia Ia Zi Azag!
Ia Ia Zi Azkak!
Ia Ia Korona Zi Kur Ia!

Repeat slowly for about 36 repetitions (extend one finger each recitation on hands, then at ten re-close them, repeating until 36 is done to shift focus from counting), then slowly bow your head, finish saying "Ave Korona-chan" before opening eyes.

Let's make a Corona-chan godform

Can any user post some numbers on economic output of China in manufacturing and product? Are they back to normal?

Orange man bux when?

Even Argentina has those helmets, retard.

Tiananmen Square 1989

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>446 pacientes ingresados en las UCIs: los hospitales se encuentran ya al borde del colapso
La cifra se eleva en 102 en apenas 24 horas por la avalancha de nuevas infecciones. Brusco aumento de casos en La Paz y el Clínico y situación dramática en Torrejón y Leganés.
Google translation:
>446 patients admitted to the ICUs: hospitals are already on the verge of collapse
The figure rises by 102 in just 24 hours due to the avalanche of new infections. Sharp increase in cases in La Paz and the Clinic and dramatic situation in Torrejón and Leganés.

user, watch this video asap

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China wins.

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I've been washing my hands a lot like they said, and it's really starting to hurt. I don't think I can wash them anymore. Is this thing almost over?

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Those helmets were designed in a capitalist country btw

How many /cvg/ anons here are girls?

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two weeks paid off work. just watching anime and going on Yas Forums

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Anyone else starting to think this thing is going to wind down soon? I watched Trump's press conference today. The energy, the swagger. I unironically think the US is heading into a golden age once this shit is contained. Does he know something? He seemed way more positive and energetic than a few days ago.

Anyway, God bless all of you.

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I wonder what a libertarian would do. Seems like nothing is just as effective as this panic shit.

i dont know about other places but im pretty sure florida straight up cancelled the school year. god i wish i was a kid right now.

What drugs are you guys doing tonight?

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That's a good question.

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Cure found, everybody go home

I'm so sick of nothingburger toll ccp chink shillfaggots coping about this.
>muh meme chart said millions would be dead by now
So fucking what? Just because some retard predicted too early doesn't mean this isn't going to happen.
>muh other countries numbers moving even slower than china, so china's numbers are probably accurate
No they fucking aren't. We all know that the chinese are liars and there is no way in hell they would release their real stats. There are probably millions dead in China right now.
>muh flu kills thousands a day and this virus isn't even killing 500 a day.
Have you heard of exponential groth, faggot? In 2 weeks from now it's gonna be killing hundreds of thousands a day.
>muh boomer death ship stats, only 7 dead out of 700 and almost all others are recovered
These boomers had the best medical care possible. Actually, almost all of them were going to die from this, but the doctors saved them, and so only 7 died. But it's not going to be the same when the hospitals are overloaded.


don't think so. why would the ccp give out any factual numbers? curious why they are also kicking out usa reporters, maybe they have the info in their butt drives.

Reminder of Late Stage Capitalism

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Are factories still making foodstuffs? Have crops started being planted in the southern plains states already?

Has anyone thought about the animals if this goes on more than a couple months???

As in Humans will start eating every god damned animal on this planet
Forest empty, Lakes empty, grasslands empty, beaches empty, coastal waters emptied.

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Don't come on an American based board babbling your pig latin, Pedro.

Bio scam number #408



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Are there people here who truly, unironically, and sincerely believe that this is still a Nothingburger?

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By the way: I didn't buy the special disinfectant gel, I don't wash my hands and I'm doing fine. Don't wash veggies or anything else people might be touching.
Choosing the spartan option over here. I'll build immunity or die.


This is what I want to know too, China can't have fumblefucked Wuhan and the rest of their country for two months straight, ceased any meaningful export and still have any sort of functional economy, let alone a operational, healthy workforce.

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Naisu my dude, stay healthy fren

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Why cant capitalist countries build these Disinfection Tunnels at every entrance around the city?


I posted a translation too.

Overweight > Pre existing Lung problems > Old > Diabetes

Is that generally right?

Difference is people buying trucks of stuff in capitalism vs. the stuff literally not existing in socialism

Gonna die. Better help.

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its people who are uninformed or willfully ignorant

thanks to again anons, I'm collecting webms of shit like the death squads in hazmats and doors being welded from Chinato show my brother since he hasn't seen them and asked me to show him
still requesting them so I can save them this time

Why the fuck does my work still want me to come in and try to sell people phones

Greedy bastards. I’m quitting.

Fuck off with this shit. The Chinese shills can bypass the auto censoring so that they can do their information warfare. The only people it would effect are the random Chinese citizens, and it would be better if they can access these threads so that they can get some real info concerning how much their government fucked shit up.

Because they are placebo.
Why can't China report the real numbers?

forced buyouts of all Toilet paper manufactures becoming the TP baron.

Why is nothing happening in Japan? No quarantines, no major shut downs. It hit 800 like... weeks ago. No hospitals overwhelmed, what gives?

Its the big mac of burgers. Nothing special.

Discord? pls be my corona gf

If one of these cures is actually the real thint, will be relieved or disappointed?

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the hospital clip is from italy.

lots of webms here


>The report by the ‘Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team’ has been released on March 16th
>the report is somewhat narrow in its remit and some conclusions may be ‘best-case-scenarios’
>Key assumptions include the fact that immunisation is long-term. This remains a big unknown it remains to be seen how long immunisation lasts for, following infection by SARS-COV-2. Some evidence suggests immunity might be relatively short-lived
>the scenario of a 18-month lockdown would devastate the economy and could hence reduce life expectancy beyond the toll that SARS-COV-2
>The report concludes that the effectiveness on the Covid-19 pandemic of any one intervention in isolation is likely to be limited

tldr, the war college report predicts roughly 2 million mutts dead within the year and now you have scientists saying that's a "best case scenario"

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That´s what socialism actually looks like
>socialism at its best = capitalism in its worst
fucking gulag flag

A lot more than you think.
Some of us aren't as stupid as the rest

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How would you know? They won't tell you as they don't want to lose the Olympics.

This isn't the bubonic plague, bro

Disappointed, since it won’t be able to go into mass production soon enough to stave off mass death.

I don’t get my drugs till Friday most likely and this IF there no quarantine in place by then. Cool with my plug tho so maybe I can still get him to give if there is since no one will listen to the rules anyways

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What's ONE THING you accomplished today on your Corona vacation?

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It would seem strange that they would suddenly be able to go from locking people in their apartments to “ok comrades, back to work”

Then why this didnt happen in COMMUNIST CHINA?


This is Feb 11, the height of the outbreak. Taken by a White CIS male, so no worry, as he is better than you racially and genetically and never lies.

That's only if you do nothing.

>Plaquenil is chloroquine based anti-viral
>Azithromycin is an antibiotic but induces anti-viral effects
>Combination of both can be used as a cure
>it reduces the contagious period from 20 days to 6 days approximately
>chloroquine didn’t work in China because dosage was too heavy
>contagious period without treatment is 20 days (NOT 14 !!!)
happening is containable, don’t over panic and play smart
20 DAYS! NOT 14


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You know the rules. Show your tits or gtfo

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do nothing was 4 million dead from the virus alone, carrying out the current measures is 2 million

Found the guy stealing all my toilet paper

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daily reminder that if you're not in full-blown panic mode now, you're behind the curve

He is acting like a president instead of a wall street trader, and the discovery of a life beyond money has filled him with purpose.


according to this blooger, face masks don't work. Neither does Purell. Just a hot tip from your friends at the new york times.

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There were lots of shortages in China. They had to forbid people from buying more than their daily needs.

How exactly is this hitting 200k if 81k have already recovered?

It's like 119,000 infected, stop fearmongering.

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I abstained from alcohol

China's numbers are real. They actually test people (for free), unlike the US who does not test people.

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user here’s a link to large File :D


Do you even fold, brah?

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fake news. schizos take your meds.
trump has it under control schizos everyone does and there is a cure.

Whales. Seriously. Fuck these niggers.

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>China's numbers are real
lmao, the numbers are literally unscientific in that the curve makes no sense

>Spain medics saying there could be 56,000 deaths if they don't take more preventions
oh fuggg

also if i wake up dead tomorrow, bye guys, watch out by yourself.

What happened status of the doctors in ICU washington and newyork

Holy fuck, my english.

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>Are there people here who truly, unironically, and sincerely believe that this is still a Nothingburger?
Only chink shills. They keep making ridiculous arguments based on the (((official numbers))).
They don't understand exponential growth. They keep saying things like
>other countries numbers are moving even slower than china's numbers
>china must have been telling the truth
Fucking shill faggots.
And they keep pointing to the boomer ship as though one little case study somehow validates their claims.
They are coping so hard at this point.

what are the chances of getting a /cvg/ gf? I want to play video games with one!

>Being such a simp

lol i hope they are just using it to mine shitcoins

i only have a 1050 Ti

i'll drive up my electricity bill anyway tho

hey what's the source on this


Another CIS white male showing COMMUNIST CHINA'S ABUNDANCE amid the Corona outbreak vs Late-Stage Capitalism's misery and human right abuse (in pic).

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the state of normie housewives

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all you do is repeat that shit without refuting anything anyone has said BTFO brainlet. when you come back with actual counter arguments ill listen

That's wrong. The US has free testing centers in every state. I've got friends that have tested.

Kek, anime qt(sissy)

Earth looks so small from here

In order to recover... you must be...
>wait for it you brainlet

Because you still have the virus, hence you are still infected.

why is it always hyperkiked impressionist bullshit with these (((bloggers)))

I fold. On Team 229500 for now

Spain has 400,000 deaths every year. That's a big number for a new disease.

How do I convince my boomer parents this is real?

>parents in late 50s
>dad lifelong smoker
>mom literally has lupus, LUPUS
>need to drive two days to take care of some non-critical business instead of paying maybe $500 to not go
>"you guys really should wait a few months"
>dont be crazy user
>we will take all precautions
>only people in their 80s with conditions die
>it's way overblown

any advice? my mom may actually die from this. i am just hoping Atlanta shuts down all non-essential businesses in the next week or two before they plan to go so they have no choice

Only small number of people tested. If you didn’t go abroad, you will probably be ruled out as sick with cold if influenza test is negative.

people in NASA are already coming up infected. You're next.

The fuck did I do? I just asked if anyone is enjoying exploiting the paranoia of businesses to get paid sick leave.

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Nice meme. The chemical reagent needed for testing is in extremely short supply. Not to mention the testing is more extensive than checking to see if you have the flu.

No way China is able to test millions of their people. There are millions dead in China and it’s probably spreading.

Yeah I know.

It really boils down to one of two things then.
Either they have successfully contained the virus and there is little risk of spreading to the rest of their workforce,or they don't care, and are forcing their population, whether expendable or not, to keep their export and domestic market afloat. That is all assuming they are resuming production and trade as some are saying.

fucking loving it
>stocked with supplies since january
>already mostly a neet, go outside only for food and work, and i only work because i like to eat food
>about to get free money from the government and my job (boss of a private country club is paying staff during the time we're off)
this is almost literally the best case scenario for me, feels like im 13 again, playing games and talking to friends on the internet all day and night

Sorry paella bro I was too hasty again.

>Bout to go to school in a couple months
>Had the perfect job to live on while In school.
>Finally start to get my life together
>World is shutting down

Fuck my luck guys. I don't have much in preparation, I can last a month tops. I only have enough ammo to fend off like 1 group of looters. I don't have much money to get more stuff now. Why couldn't this have waited a year? I would have been in much better condition.

Attached: brrrr.jpg (853x609, 70.29K)

>open youtube in UAE
>type in coronavirus
>same sponsored bullshit content as in USA
(oh yeah, still not screened when traveling, at all)
took the bait

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Go back to Yas Forums retard

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Hmm. your rigs and specs looks pretty broken by now.

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Nice bold faced lie.
Nasal swabs of recovered in Italy 2 weeks after show no signs of the virus.

will they leave you a nice inheritance?

Hard to believe that COMMUNIST SUPERIORITY won?

Guess so. But this is true. Now, China will help its friends and leave enemies coughing their lungs out.

Attached: China help serbia.jpg (1256x1017, 142.83K)

Thanks a bunch for using my Corona-chan, OP. Makes me happy to see her being used.

should i add the filters not?

Stop shitposting on Yas Forums ISS nerd.

Attached: save it before it gets deleted.gif (640x480, 2.5M)

if you don't want to become like Italy, which may well surpase China in number of cases and deaths, stay the fuck home

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The memevirus already passed through the us population in late 2019. Thats why they are finding it, among hundreds of pathogens in the dying.

hide their car keys

3 months no fap so far

What games do you play bro

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Looks like female krauser

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So how does the virus actually kill you?
Do your lungs fill with fluid?
Why is there the possibility of heart failure?
Is it confirmed that permanent damage can occur, like scar tissue?

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Man its nice seeing a fellow shitposter but at this point your just putting low energy into it. Sorry.


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have sex schizo incels.
>muhhhhh joooooooooooooooz
literally over a damn flu. hahahahaha take your meds all of you seriously you all need help

SARS resulted in lowering of lymphocites as well.

So is it confirmed if disinfectant is even effective at all against the virus?

guys... im starting to have a dry cough...

>stay the fuck home

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>i ate most of my prep

Attached: stress-eating-woj643.jpg (205x246, 6.2K)

Nobody is being tested.

13,000 tests have been done through the entire country since they started public testing 10 days ago.


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Maybe a clever user can check the status of the Chinese cargo ships.

keep your fucking job retard, nobody is hiring right now.

Dont think so

>3 months no fap so far

You should fap at least twice a day like me.

Once when you wake up and again immediately before going to bed.

>Believing the numbers

If 90% of people are going to get it then people are fucked, so no point testing anymore.

show them Italy videos.

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Will anything be open in BC next week? I want car insurance and plates but I'm not home yet and nothing can be done over the phone

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thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=2h6_WWMnI-8

>lol i hope they are just using it to mine shitcoins
Lol, yeah. The state of us burgers.
We are truly the real Ferengi.

20 DAYS NOT 14 !!!
youtu.be/n4J8kydOvbc?t=539 (9min)

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Hope your little feeble space station up there gets hit by a space debris. Fuck you space nigger.

Post pic of dead pasta niggers or Corona Chan is fake and gay

Hmm. This bot is breaking up!!

I thought u were writing how the anime girl would.

Attached: tfw no pandemic GF.jpg (686x526, 141.33K)

In big crisis the leaders get druged by experts.

do people really?

CHina is testing at their airports. People are literally FLEEING back to China to get tested.

China is the West Berlin of today. All people who want freedom and survival RISK their LIFES to climb the Wall to China.

The West has FAILED as an ideological and political entity

Attached: People flee to China.jpg (823x521, 112.69K)

It attacks your lungs and your body's immune system response induces pneumonia
some evidence suggests it also infects your heart, but not enough data to say for certain, same deal with the claims about infecting CNS or immune system, not enough data

if only he had it

didn´tt read fuck your flag

Nobody believes you, Chang.

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Te scot in oras maine. Alege zona.

I wish the world would hurry up and end sooner, and normie circle jerk is fucking mind numbing.

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I think there's going to be some panic when they announce first coronavirus death


hmm.. sexy

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post physique

Mostly singleplayer games just like real life hahaa

on a serious note, Yakuza games, VR, Yugioh, Smash, and might get Nioh 2. I should play more multiplayer games. I liked L4D, Deep Rock Galactic and Risk of Rain 1/2

Fun times. I got to get a physician locally to understand my issue with my workplace (basically the lack of care of potential infections to customers) so he gave me a week off. In the meantime, I'm switching up jobs to something I KNOW will be closing up soon when a shutdown occurs and then bank on the trumpbux.

times like this make me proud to be an american


god bless

Such hostility. I could throw a toilet paper roll down and wipe out your town

Where's the video of her chopping the snek up and eating it raw?

You're schizophrenic. please get help and take your meds

Corona-chan doesn't make you sneeze, right? Just coofing?