What can we do to stop racism to Chinese people?

When will stupid people know virus is not having a ethnicity? Chinese people is not virus and virus is not Chinese. Things like this make a bad message to racist to make hate crime to Chinese people. What can we do to stop this?

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>What can we do to stop racism to Chinese people?
Holocaust all of them and then there will be no Chinese people to be racist towards

Are you seriously saying this kind of message? Are you wrong in head?

1 bat has been deposited in your soup.

Not funny

then wu gonna make my noodles and my iphone you fatass.

>What can we do to stop racism to Chinese people?
Remove all of them from western countries.

What racism?
- West Nile Virus
- Guinea Worm
- Ebola
- Zika Virus
- Rock Mountain Fever
- German Measles
- Spanish Flu
It's the Chinese coronavirus because a) it originated in China, and b) the Chinese government's incompetence & censorship made the outbreak far, far worse.

Maybe you can ask Not China, who didn't originate this Virus, if Not Chinese Scientists have figured out WHO PATIENT FUCKING ZERO IS!

Asking for an entire nation of friends. Also, fuck your island.

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it's more about the fucking CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY jailing doctors when they were trying to tell the world about Wu-flu to cover it up and then start blaming the US for their fuck-up

get with the program, nigel

the CCP is not "China" or Chinese people - it's an occupying force for the past 75 years

This. Tie some pomeranians down to lure them into the meat grinder they call a chinese escalator, the rest will follow as they try to harvest the leftover paste to sell it as gutter oil for cooking.

Saying "Chinese People" must certainly be racist too.

In fact, it is! It differentiates on race!

Even your country name.. "China" is racist as fuck because it makes people think of slanty eyed insect people.

why do you keep doing this
for nearly 2 weeks you've been coming here with your vpn trying to say racism bad and china #1
no one buys it, kill yourself, chink

Psychopath american. No wonder you are hated in worlds

Hey Chang, your granny got raped by a Jap

>What can we do to stop racism to Chinese people?
send 'em back to china

Don't you have a screaming for help live animal to be shoving down your gullet as you run over a child in the streets to avoid paying medical bills? Or some toxic sewage gutter oil to use in making food? Or a child to kidnap to sell its organs for free money? SUCH A MYSTERY WHY PEOPLE HATE CHINA HUE HUE HUE.

They are born and raised in US and they are American. Many never went to China you idiot

Chink is a nationality not a race. Slants are a race. When he says the “slant virus” let me know

You know more European and American has COVID19 than Chinese people right? Stupid

ni hao fellow white persons. we are making for great success in stopping racism attacks on poor defenseless chinese peoples, who not carry evil american virus to kill strong chinese economics.
stop racism attack chinese people is lucky best opportunity to get prosperity and good fortune.

We should go and cough into asians faces... and then say they are racist if they complain

Go back to wherever you came from you fucking Muslim poofter

Fuck off, chink. Tell your boss at the CCP that your kind isn't welcome here.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

You don't even speak proper English. Leave England immediately you parasite garbage.

Start referring to the virus as trump virus


That comment was too intelligent for a meme flag, unless of course you are one of the British citizens left with testicle that work properly and common sense. I know that feel.

Taiwan Numba 1

shut up chink

> more people in the rest of the world have the wu-flu...
> assumes chinese propaganda ministry numbers are accurate
shut your slnt eyed face Sum Ting Wong.
you cant even speak english, but youre going to try and tell me that china isnt the source of this plague?
the chi-com politburo is incinerating corpses by the truckload, and still claim "china stronk" because they are deathly afraid of "losing face'
thats part of why we all hate you gooks, all you care about is your social standing and image. youre worse than hollywood sluts and instagram whores.
go be thirsty someplace else.

Kill your self faggot

fuuuuuck you slant eye.
I hope america invades china after this shit.
cant wait to enlist for chinese version of islamic state

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Nuke china and the Koreas. problem solved.

>Chinese people is not virus and virus is not Chinese.

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>siding with the country that sicced a bioweapon on the entire planet

>Not funny
You're absolutely right. It's hilarious.

>the chinese virus
is this #MAGA's attempt at a comeback after china blamed virus on US?

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What's wrong with racism?

Check em

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There is evidence that COVID19 is NOT origin of Wuhan but USA. They brought it to Wuhan during Military World Games in Wuhan. It is America virus.

When people disassociate the words “black” and “thug,” “white” and “racist,” “Jew” and “greedy,” Muslim” and “terrorist,” and “Mexican” and “immigrant.”

It’s not going to happen. Stereotypes are bad and incorrect, but they serve a purpose. They allow one to make apt judgments when one needs a quick generalization about a particular group. By doing so, one can act accordingly, understand the issues, and at the same time increase the survival rate of ones self and family. You can hate stereotypes, equivocation, and bias, but there is a purpose, especially in a global crisis like this.

Say American that cant write word "colour" in correct spell. You know we bring English to you right?


>the CCP is not "China" or Chinese people
Unfortunately, the M*oists have socially engineered mainland Chinese into a subhuman species. All genes expressing individuality, independence, intelligence (instead of cunning) and goodwill have been bred out in the last four generations.

t chang

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I am British, can you not see flag? Stupid Islam

Keep cry faggot

>literally chinese social media
>the fucking lancet
>virological.org paper uses a median date for mrca of december 2, far from the october wargames
>who.org only quoted for completely separate case
Fucking illiterate Pakis
>complaining about islam
Fucking illiterate Paki, you don't have a loicense for that inferiority complex projection

Do you know Falklands? It is not your island. You go cry now

tbqh, Korea and Japan are doing far better than the CCP

Okay Pajeet

Do you mean a couple of shitlumps in the middle of the Atlantic that a handful of 17yo conscripts took from your lizardfolk handlers and got them so mad that they had to be stopped by Boris and an excolony from nuking them? Yeah, the Malvinas were a fucking great time; that also reset the clock for another 150 years of negotiations. Only B A S E D thing Galtieri the drunkard did. Then again, what do you have to do with that? That beef is between us and the (((eternal anglo))), not fucking illiterate pakis without a loicense for projecting their inferiority complex.

It's Chinese. Admit it. Eating the raw kidneys of a marmot does zero shit but it sure made an outbreak of pneumonic plague in China in Nov 2019. Stop being yellow hillbillies and eating possum stew. Get with the times you backwards fucks. And if your young don't do such things but you aren't shaming the old until they stop, then yes, China you own the whole goddamn world of sickness you Chinese have caused. I don't see any other ethnicity in your commie craphole. Own it.

When will stupid people wake up to your communist shithole? And fuck Jannies for supporting a dictatorship!

If you truly care about the world, denounce the CCP, and admit Xi Xinpeng is PATHETIC!


> chink propaganda outlets say...
fuck yourself faggot.
youre implyin gthat US physicians and the CDC cant identify a fucking VIRAL OUTBREAK but the chinks can?
thats fucking retarded.
the vape-fag extinction event was a direct result of inhaling mystery vapors from chemical pellets made in CHINA using the cheapest shit they can find
every case of vape cough was traced back to street dealers selling shitty "pods" they bought in bulk from chinks.
no virus was found.
not in a single case of Vape Cough
further, Vape Cough wasnt contagious, only the vape fag got sick, while his elderly grammy and grampy were unaffected.
go sell this trash on alibaba faggot, nobody here is buying this shit.
not even alex jones.

Talking about American virus here not vape stupids

Then why did you link a propaganda piece that mostly ranted about stale vapesticks and deliberately misinterpreted data? Is your family tree a wreath?

> stereotypes are incorrect
no, they are almost alw2ays correct, thats why they became stereotypes.
check your local crime blotter, its almost entirely niggers and a few beaners. GUARANTEED. it doesnt matter where you livce, how exclusive your community might be, or how lacking in "diversity" your state is, the jails and prisons will be almost entirely filled with niggers and beaners.
see that car up there with crumpled up fenders, and signs of half a dozen collisions? look at the driver. what do you know, its either an asian or a woman.
surprise surprise surprise.
smell weed coming from the next car over at the stop light? take a look. yes, its a nigger.
amazing, how did i know?
go to a 7-11 for some smokes and a big gulp, and who is that behind the counter? a pajeet or a paki. almost every fucking time.
hear some assclowns chanting "no trump no kkk, no racist usa!", take a look at the crowd. numale soibois, disgusting pink haired mega-dykes in problem glasses and old decrepit hippie drum circle washouts, and every last one of them is white.
see vidya of looting on the interwebs?
ohh look. its niggers.
stereotypes are ACCURATE, thats how they become tropes in the first place you idiot.

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eat a dick faggot. you haven't even managed to grasp the basic grammar rules, and you're trying to lecture white men on spelling?
Protip: Color and Colour are BOTH correct spellings of the same fucking word you slant eyed verminous cockroach

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remember that little scuffle you had back in the 80s? the one where you won and kept your territorial claims intact? well guess what nigel, you totally lost because... um... im mad at you for detecting my shitty grammar and correctly identifying it as the typical chink pidgin.
the falklands are british clay, and england doesnt need any fucking gooks, go back to your own country you flat faced dog eater.

You need to go back to Europe or Africa. Real American is native American not European immigrant or African slave.

can't tell if low quality bait or commie shill bot

either way m8 I hope you get the kung flu and dissolve in a pile of your own gook puke

Chinese aere a dirty people. You can see it anywhere in the world. Dirty. Not to be compered with Japanese people.

You need to go back to Pakistan

did you even read your "source" faggot?
your own fucking "source" tried to claim vape Cough was actually covid 19, but american doctors were too stupid to identify THE MOTHERFUCKING FLU
youre an idiot, YOU posted shit that makes the Vape Cough = Wu Flu claim, and youre too dumb to even read your own citations.
seriously, you are an incompetent dirtchute, and should have been drowned at birth, just on humanitarian grounds because you are a literal waste of oxygen.
and i maen LITERAL in the very real sense that you actually are a waste of oxygen, this is not hyperbole.
every breath you take is entirely wasted.
if your mother and father cant be bothered to extinguish your existence, then you should take it upon yourself to commit suicide.
it really would make the entire world a better place if you were dead.

> family tree is a wreath

Attached: me_gusta_mucho.png (233x240, 21.62K)

This is normal street in Europe.

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I'm pissed because they shut down all the fucking restaurants and now I can't go to the all you can eat buffet with sushi and chinese food. I've been craving that shit.

And this is normal street in Shanghai. And you say Chinese is dirty? Stupid

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two words for you m8

open. defecation.

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I agree. I went to Europe before it has corona outbreak and it was very stink and dirty.

And we don't do same?

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> chink gets stumped
> called out and proved to be a retard from his own "citations" that he didnt even bother to read
> ummm... U shuld go back to europe or africa....
faggot, i dotn have to "go back" anywhere.
my ancestors conquered this land, and built a civilization here.
a civilization were we dont have coup d'etats every fucking few years, where we dont incinerate our history to protect the delusional rantings of a shriveled up little marxist pretender, and we dont eat dogs.
why do these plagues come from shithole countries like sandland, south america, africa and china? because youre filthy. you have terrible public hygiene and you wallow in your own crapulence.
rural china is as backward, filthy and disgusting as anyplace in nigger africa, you just put on a good face in the urban centers to trick the tourists into thinking your society is civilized.
half your population is illiterate, and dont even have access to toilets, youre worse than india.
indians generally do have access to toilets, they just choose not to use them because they fear the cock-stealing toilet witches.
chinks dont use toilets because you cant even manage to create indoor plumbing without western engineers to design it for you.