Peak degeneracy

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imagine needing lube to masturbate...

but doctor breakfast cereal said it was good for you.

Fuck these slide threads.

Fuck that guy
Learning about Kellogg in med school was the biggest fucking blackpill of my life
Worse than fucking Salk

Nice, hes got an antique sort of joy stick. i believe it must be from the year.... 2013. you might as well be playing a nintendo.

It's not really lube though. This is a very inexperienced masturbator

i fucking hate potheads.

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My hands get really dry

I use my legs to masturbate, while laying stomach down on the bed. It seems gay, but it's actually super convenient as all the cum goes into my underwear. Also feels amazing.

Meh, beats alcohol.

Seems comfy desu

>I use my legs to masturbate
What the fuck am I reading?

im pretty sure any way you masturbate when you have a foreskin feels amazing
masturbating when you dont have a foreskin is basically just an endurance test that yields a fraction of the pleasure it should

idk bro lube just always feels better

weed is for niggers


I fucking hate potheads so God damn much.

>hey siri why am I depressed: the photo

I like how you losers think a plant God gave us to use as a medicine is "degeneracy". The lube to masturbate with though. WTF is that shit though, for real lol

>Your ancestors all fought, toiled, and died just so you can jerk off to cartoons

>foreskin feels amazing

I'm grateful we don't have idiotic ideas here in Sweden about cutting of baby dicks for no good reason at all.

life having your dick butchered as a newborn is a special kind of hell

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I can understand that and I feel you. Tbh I think I would've been angry at my parents even as an adult. "Why on earth did you think it was a good idea to remove my foreskin at birth? It's like saying God did something wrong and we're not even fucking jewish nor muslims so Wtf DAD?!"

Anyhow, don't cut your children's genitals when you have some of you own.

I've told my boomer dad about how wrong it was for him to have done it to me and his only real defense is that it "looks better". I've told him if I have a son I'm not passing down the practice to him. I love my dad but that is something I'll never agree with him on.

God I wish that were me.

let us die stoned and stained by our own cum.

I never understood retards like this. Why are you using lotion instead of proper lube? Lotion usually has a bunch of chemicals not meant for your dick. Lube is cheap on amazon.

Then again don't get your dick cut off at birth and you won't need lube.

I wasn't circumsized and I ended up with fucking phimosis (my foreskin can't fully retract when erect without pain) it fucking sucks.

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Am I the only person in the world that just rubs my dick against my leg?
It's so much effort to actually jerk it and you can't do it in front of people without them getting all mad.

Circumcision makes life as an American a surreal experience at times. I've begged family members not to mutilate their child. I've explained that the foreskin is a complex organ that protects the penis, and makes sex infinitely more pleasurable. The removal of the organ damages a boy and the man he will become. It causes pain, distress in infants, and in young men it causes sexual dysfunction for a life time.

I've explained this to multiple people who stare back at me like livestock. They are milky eyed automatons whose faces shrivel up into expressions of disgust. Someone displaying earnest, absolute love for children and a desire to protect them-- disgusts the typical American. They are interested only in appearance, the idea of a friend changing their baby's diaper and the penis being /different/ is a nightmare for these bovine Americans. That is all they think about. That is all they care about. They break into a cold sweat when they consider that someone might consider them or their child 'different'. What does the child want? What causes the child pain? These thoughts do not enter into their minds.

So on one side, you have the brain dead human cattle who are deathly afraid of someone, years from now, casually pointing out and asking them why they didn't circumcise their son, and then on the other side you have mega corporations and wealthy medical research groups who handsomely pay doctors, hospitals, physicians, etc to keep performing the operations. You have media who run total blackout campaigns on circumcision because Muslims and Jewish people are afraid if the typical American becomes opposed to circumcision that they will ban religious circumcision. Neurotic religions, profit, brain dead herd mentality, all kind of feed into each other and if you even mention the C word, people look at you like you just grew a second head.

If you’re circumcised and your pp doesn’t get moisture from your foreskin because the doctor cut it off -

>I use my legs to masturbate, while laying stomach down on the bed.

How the fuck do you do that?

I just imagine this user running around and shouting in peoples faces about circumcision. Good post but it made me laugh

you're indulging in idle pursuits right now too

Guys with phimosis are the biggest pussies on the planet. Your dick is so sensitive that even slight pressure causes you exquisite discomfort? The poor baby! If you want your foreskin gone you can have it taken away in an afternoon. I was tied down as a newborn and raped with a knife. If I want a foreskin I can only grow a crude facsimile after spending 10 years of applying constant tension to my penis.

I'm not cut and I can tell you, moisturizing cream feels amazing when fapping. It's like fucking a handpussy

holy shit

Reminder to everyone whose dick has been cut to restore their foreskin with either manual methods or with a device. t. restoring for 8 months now.

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>I need eliminating from society.
Corona chan, do your thing.

We'll get our skins back in the next life, brother.

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You don't fuckin retract your foreskin daily to clean your dick?

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Then you have people like this, who think calmly and politely discussing circumcision around expecting couples is the same as hysterically shouting babble.

This is how groups that want circumcision to stay, continue to keep circumcision a norm. They act like criticizing the act of tying down babies and making them scream and cry and bleed as their genitals are carved into, these people act like YOU must be the weird one if you have a problem with it.

It's all so tiresome.

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... does it actually work? Does it hurt? Do the nerves grow back? How long do you wear it?

Cut fags even have to pay the Jew to wank

I'm glad my Chilean father chose to not put my brother and I under the knife.

Break on through to the other side

Smoking seems like the worst decision right now, given what is known about the virus.

More info pls

what do you mean user?

Sometimes I wonder if I would have preferred being born to a race that didn't circumcise, instead of being born to Anglo parents who believe the retarded hygiene memes.

I'm still not sure which I would have preferred, given the choice.

Cool story bro. If I wanted to get circumcised I would have to go to the doctor and get raped with a knife and actually be able to feel it, as well as having to deal with extreme pain for a few weeks during the recovery stage. I am against circumcision and I don't plan to circumcise any children I have. Right now my options are painfully attempt to pull my foreskin open wider or get a circumcision that will almost guarantee me a penis that barely feels anything because I've lived my entire life with thousands of nerve endings and my brain has somewhat adjusted to that.

>... does it actually work?
Yes, I've done it for 8 months and have gained a considerable amount of slack. You won't start to get coverage til about a year and a half in, but you will feel the difference before hand.
>Does it hurt?
As long as you don't tug to hard it won't. You shouldn't ever feel pain while restoring, if you do take off the device and readjust it.
>Do the nerves grow back?
New nerves do grow, but not as many and not the specialized ones you had.
>How long do you wear it?
8-12 hours a day, for about 2-3 years.

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Not him but kellogg did some extreme stuff in antimasturbation. Like he had these shock cages, would tie a thin steel cable on the cock, etc. Weird fucker, should've been shot. I haven't had to learn about him since my med classes (and that was a long time ago)

Bro read. I said I cannot fully retract when erect. But I couldn't retract at all until I was 16. My foreskin had 2 adhesions and I had to forcefully rip my foreskin from my dickhead. Extremely painful.

I always thought it was much better and cleaner to be cut, and men and women agree in america, now that i have lurked long enough, i wish i had a foreskin.

My mother is white but my dad I guess said no hahahah. He's really based to. Came here as a political imigrants after the fuckery the U.S pulled in Chile in 1973. He and his family arrived in 1976 .

You can actually break your penis doing this user.

wait so does it clasp around the little skin you have after being butchered by kikes? I guess i would need a diagram or something to see how it works and to maybe invest.

Im circumcised and it pisses me off enough that I just made this OC in MS paint, feel free to save

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>If I wanted to get circumcised I would have to go to the doctor and get raped with a knife and actually be able to feel it,
Babies are just as capable of feeling pain as grown men. The idea that babies cannot feel pain, and therefore it is more ethical to FORCE a painful genital body mod surgery on a newborn, than it is to allow a man to VOLUNTARILY take a surgery, is insane. If you get circumcised as a man you get pain meds. If you get circumcised as a baby you get a hot urine and shit compress. You're a faggot.

Feelsbadman... the kikes will pay for my mutilated cock.

Circumcision is the most extreme and unnecessary way to cure phimosis. If you can't cure with steroid cream and stretching, just have the doctor make a small dorsal slit to relieve the tension so you can pull back the skin.

Kelogg is the reason that burgers are circumcised (not me though :)). George Kellogg, crazy guy.

>Chilean immigrant
Hola mi hermano

Imagine living in 2020 during the first major happening of your life and you decide the best thing you could do is get stoned and fap

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Whatever happened to using a sock? I have a bunch of fluffy wool socks that I use specifically for fapping into. The cleanup is easy and it feels great.

It's called Prone Masturbation or TMS (Traumatic Masturbation Syndrome). It could give you erectile problems and make the sensation of PiV intercourse not be enough to get off. But whatever works for you

>everyone on this website constantly mocks reddit
>they all have accounts and spend more time there
>and then bring that gay astroturfed bait here
god i miss /cripplechan/

>It could give you erectile problems and make the sensation of PiV intercourse not be enough to get off.
You mean like exactly what circumcision does?

Nigga, what the fuck am I reading

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Hola mi compa como estas? Saludos!

I'm circumcised and I have quite literally never used lube to masturbate other than the one time I found out how much more messy it is.

>I wanna get my dick sucked

I have a question for cutfags.

Are your orgasms really intense? like when you coom do you get muscle spasms and total euphoria? Or is it more like a better sneeze.

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>all the cum goes into my underwear
Absolutely disgusting

Yeah you take what skin remains, roll it over the pusher, and put the cone over it to keep in place. You can see in this link how it's put on.

I have a restored foreskin. I used the DTR ( ) and wore it for about two years for 15 hours per day. I remember it hurting for the first week or so and then you can't feel it when you are wearing it. However, it did get uncomfortable every 2-3 hours and you need to take it off for a few minutes. I recommend putting some kind of cushion on the pusher part to make it more comfortable. I used a microfiber cloth. Not sure about the nerves.

It feels 10x better. I can masturbate in the shower and without porn now, which are things that I used to be unable to do.

I'm 35 and just discovered the wool sock. My wife just had a baby, so don't judge.

I don't think cut fags know what it is to orgasm

i'm glad my white, protestant parents weren't jews and didn't cut me.

Depends imo. If its a "tension" thing, a quick fap with minor euphoria. But if I want to go out I can last a long time (because NO FUCKING NERVES THANKS MOM AND DAD) but finally getting there is awesome. The only issue is not being able to finish. I've had a couple girls get defeated because they thought it was something wrong with them.

>Whatever happened to using a sock? I have a bunch of fluffy wool socks that I use specifically for fapping into. The cleanup is easy and it feels great.
a peak pervert steals a pretty lady's socks and faps into them, preferably dirty.

Faggot I'm on your side. Did you read at all? My whole point was that it sucks that I have phimosis. I'm glad i didn't have my dicktip chopped

You had a meme circumcision where barely any foreskin was removed. You have plenty of slack skin

Like a relief. Nothing special.

>I'm 35 and just discovered the wool sock. My wife just had a baby, so don't judge.
You have a wife and never jerked it in her dirty socks? Bro, come on.

>Are your orgasms really intense?
>like when you coom do you get muscle spasms and total euphoria?
>Or is it more like a better sneeze.
Its like 2 seconds of mild pleasure followed by intense dick pain because i had to spend 20+ minutes constantly fighting a failing erection

>You have plenty of slack skin
You have plenty of fingers, just lop one off.

Weed is great nerds makes sex amazing and you can grow extremely high quality shit at home with a 500 dollar setup. Get fucked boomers

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I’m waiting for foregen but good work m8

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That one you don't need to use straps right? I've been thinking about switching over just for that.


I'm too much of a pussy to go to the doctor. Stretching has worked some but it's painful, annoying and just overall sucks.

>i'm glad my white, protestant parents

hey i'm half aryan too hahah. My mom.

it's more mental than physical for us, and we don't even know it. I actually dated a 10/10 asian cheerleader in HS (I have decent charisma and looks), and had to use a condom since she didn't take birth control, and I actually struggled to maintain an erection sometimes, and I'm not gay at all, I thought something was wrong with me until I realized years later that I was just mutilated by my single mom at birth

Steroid cream and stretching, or get the slit surgery that opens the prepuce.

Fellow 8anon here. We are back up. Maybe a honeypot, but 8kun is fine. We could use more traffic though.

>Its like 2 seconds of mild pleasure followed by intense dick pain because i had to spend 20+ minutes constantly fighting a failing erection


Similar result, different mechanism causing the result.

my dick is so small i still have foreskin after the doctor circumsized me. mostly intense orgasms if i wait a day and my fetish is involved.

nice digits. Shame its a several year thing since I already have my suicide date set in a 6 months. Was kinda hoping it was a quick 2-3 month thing so I could have some pleasure.

That's not lube, coombrain.

Puta la wea

>all the cum goes into my underwear
what a waste

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>I'm too much of a pussy to go to the doctor.
Why? What’s he gonna do? Forcibly circumcise you?

You are not circumcised.

Same here, we were the "lucky" ones cut low and loose. Let me tell you though having even just a bit more slack is amazing.

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His hand looks so soft.. I bet he’s cute


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projection, like schizophrenia, is very very jewish desu

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John Kellogg, I mean