Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>darwinism is doing its job
so she's aware of her impending fate
>Who was in the wrong here?
The Jews
Just think of all the diseases that poor poor toilet seat has now.
She wouldn't survive a day in a jungle and she talks about darwinism. Dumb whore.
Silicone lips or infection from licking a fucking toilet seat?
>Who was in the wrong here?
Obviously the mother, for not aborting.
Why do zoomers have zero dignity
Imagine becoming quasi-famous for licking something, which dozens of people have sat on to take a shit, in the middle of a deadly epidemic. Imagine that, now imagine being happy about it. Being happy that people have seen you do that. That is extreme mental illness. That girl needs a padded cell.
Look at those cold dead eyes. That's the stare of an abuse victim.
Based boomer remover
Definitely the former. Zoomer girls want to look like Kylie Jenner.
Ya gotta admit, if she was doing it as a joke, it was fucking funny.
They're going to look like fucking freaks in 20 years.
She can't get a job a decent company.
In the future she will be fat whore and a drug addict.
And she abuse the child and go to jail.
she's based. fuck this boomer virus
Shes only 20? Christ, she looks like shit.
Boomers for being old
Dare i say...... fucking BASED?!?!
fuck boomers
fuck leafs
fuck jannies
Lol.... Roastie.
All I’m gonna say is nothing I’ve ever shit posted here should be compulsory of jail time if this fucking thot aint arrested first
It was unhygienic, but I don’t think this challenge will get her infected, because it is a fucking respiratory disease, not infectious through the digestive system.
She must suffer from braindamage. She deserves the rope, so does OP:s who post about this useless skank.
You won’t either.
Wife material
Wtf is that real?
>horrible plastic surgery
W h y . J p e g
she seems dangerous
pathetic copycat of OG toilet licker whore
seems like it used to be that only smart people got into college..what happened there..
She looks like 40.
The cold dead eyes means she is outstanding in the sexual arena.
Survives fine in modern society
You should grow a vagina and join the birth mafia, cartel, syndicate etc.
Is this real?
Lmao, where I live they sprayed public toilet seats and door knobs with bleach
Did this girl say to her plastic surgeon "What can you do to make me look exactly like a blow-up doll?"?
I never thought a toilet seat licker would be more high IQ than half of Yas Forums
> Nobody thinks my plastic surgery is pretty
> I'll just lick toilet seats for attention then
We got it from millennials.
>so she's aware of her impending fate
Stfu c uck. This bitch is based as fuck. She would be right home here on Yas Forums
So I'm basically hearing that she wants her parents and grandparents to die, and for her friend parents and grandparents to die.
Right, good to know she knows what she wants
Take responsibility for yourself, loser
>I never thought a toilet seat licker would be more high IQ than half of Yas Forums
Yea you did. You just thought it and typed it.
And that's because you're fucking retarded.
Maybe you should date a toilet seat licker, maybe you'd enjoy the taste.
Curling irons are for hair, not yo lips!
Jungle's aren't shit, I'm a petro brat I've been in so many jungle compounds as a kid and I was constantly wandering around randomly in them kicking down dead trees and pretending it was a battle
She looks like a freak now
mmmm, shes the kind of girl who likes abuse
You mean women
It's just a quick series of injections. No real side effects, and it gets absorbed naturally so no problems at all.
well consider about half of pol on here are kikes and shills, you might be right
Well, at least dirty old boomers will know who to call when they want a girl whose mouth they could shit and piss in
Viral human toilet here. I want to see her take it up a notch
Cunt should follow it up with the fire challenge.
Jesus fucking Christ I hate this place sometimes
She licked a toilet seat to prove everyone else is retarded?
>old people who had a lifetime to breed already
Wat a retard
all dumb cunts. Darwinism works when you PASS on your dna. boomers are not going to do that because they are too old. she just proved how fucking dumb she is, Darwinism will take he rout because she cans till pass on shit, I hope not.
God I fucking love that all these twenty-something faggots are unironically using the term 'boomer.'
She is too old.
She may be an age-spoofing boomer.
i love the prison mike shirt
I am surprised no one is asking what else she is willing to lick?
and the autistic aussie poster arrives like clockwor
The sun reflecting in your white armor just blinded me
I want to decapitate and burn alive women that do shit like this.
No, she's not, she's disgusting. Keep it in your pants, retard.
Sensible chuckle
I know, right? Where am I supposed to do my blow now? Disgusting.
some disgusting whore licking toilet seats would fit right into a shallow grave you simp faggot
No...I think she just proved that she's retarded
>those fake botox lips
Let's be real she probably eats ass anyway
Darwinism only proves adaptation. People are retarded. Anyone who licks a toilet seat is an untouchable piece of degenerate shit not fit for civilisation.
he's right meme flag
Yas Forums would you kiss a toilet licker?
millennials are pathetic in many ways, but they never licked toilet seats for attention
This is Murcia, we are free to lick toilet seats if we want.
She could've cleaned it and sanitized it before taking a picture of herself licking it.
This. I want to see someone replace the toilet with a big black dick
Remember how embarrassing it was to grow out of your edgy emo phase from 15 years ago and to have people remind you by showing your old myspace photos?
That's what it's going to be like for 20somethings today when they're in the 30s in 10 years time. Except it will be 100 times worse this time around because everyone is saving everyone's photos, where 15 years ago only somempeople saved some photos.
she's right though, Darwin says the Boomers should die.
sure she would. She's a woman. She would just find a man who knows how to survive in the jungle and suck his dick in exchange for food, protection, etc.
All this "Strong independent woman who don't need no man" bullshit is just a joke to them.
We need to revoke women's rights before it is too late.
She's just saying what most people are thinking, let's be real. Also, any anons here who pretend they hate her for saying this stuff lowkey agree and are just trying to rile up other anons.
>She wouldn't survive a day in a jungle
Interesting words coming from an user on a board that acts like they have the power of some mythical fucking frog that would enable them to survive any happening all the while making fun of chinks and niggers for being superstitious as fuck. I think the biggest happening will come about when Yas Forums actually develops self-awareness and realizes it's not as cool as it thinks it is.
>revoke women's rights
That's not enough. We need to repeal universal suffrage. Letting the commoners have a say was a mistake, and you know it. Women wouldn't have gotten the idea to want to vote had we not given it to men who only got it after killing their rightful kings.
>Women: we want to be respected and treated as equals!
Also women:
Hot and based
The "millennial" vs "boomer" thing is absolute NPC normie shit.
It is a classic indication of the INTELLECTUAL INFERIORITY of leftists in that these very people who scold the intelligent for using science and data to talk about racial and sexual differences, then casually start making sweeping judgements about ENTIRE GENERATIONS of humans.
Communism = young people hating the older and wiser and basically ruining their lives by refusing to build upon the experiences of the past.
Far right nationalists = people listening to their elders so that they can learn from the mistakes and successes of the past.
kinda funny that thots would rather lick a public toilet seat than even hold hands with some guys
Boomers are the reason I have a state of the art computer.
I hope she dies brutally at the hand of savage niggers. We'll see if she holds this kind of discourse till the end.
Why do absolutely degenerate blonde whores get me going? Why am I like this?
>>Women: we want to be respected and treated as equals!
But if a man did this and was unrepentant about it, you'd be agreeing with him and saying he was based. Just saying.
Who are you trying to fool here reddit nigger
>I hope she dies brutally at the hand of savage niggers.
So she should go to France?
Ill-mannered twat who would've been socially shamed for all of eternity 20 years ago.
but this isnt the thread for that sort of degeneracy
holy based but an absolutely disgusting thot
>then casually start making sweeping judgements about ENTIRE GENERATIONS of humans.
Says user on a board where every other word is nigger, faggot, kike, etc. Can't eat your cake and have it too, user. Then again, you are British, so cognitive dissonance is to be expected.
no baby boomers are greedy hoarding scum.
you're uneducated.
Yo how'd they train it to do that??