Neets not getting trumpbux
How can the government tell the difference?
>about to finally get my driver's license and start looking for a job
>pandemic starts to fuck it up
Goddammit, I was going to finally stop being such a loser. Will the DMV even be open in a couple weeks? FUCK FUCK FUCK
nigga, it's based on how you filed your income taxes
IRS with infinite laws and monitoring
you can file a tax return even if you owe no taxes. it's literally what the .gov had the disabled people do during the Bush stimulus payment
well, since you have no idea what income taxes are, I think it's safe to say that you won't be receiving any money.
What if I work but I’m on disability?
No thanks. Signing a tax form is a legally binding document that opens you up to all kinds of litigation.
Neets if you sign that form, expect to be audited.
>all my expat friends made fun of me for filing taxes every year
>Tfw don't even need to pay tax because foreign earned income
>Tfw free money
Feels good for once being a slave
>White people think they'll get this money
>mfw i make to much to get free money
Got a raise earlier this year, finally making over $140k a year. Now the government wants to give out free money for everyone making les than $130k... fuck you!
Oh well, at least my wife will get some Trump Coin. She makes $110k, so she should be fine.
>mfw current NEET but worked last year and earned less than $130,000
get wrecked perma-NEETs
watch you will probably have to pay it back at the end of the year
0% cuck loan
Literally me. Fuck our lives, user. (except not really because then we'd be like all these NEET faggots lmao)
>combined household income of a quarter million
fuck you, you get nothing
>has never worked a day in his life
next it should be $100k
>would provide monthly checks between $1000 and $2000 to every American who earned less than $130,000 last year
Of course, because making $120k is fine, but $140k is not...
It won't happen where's your wall pussies
Feels fucking comfy worked 5 months last year, earned 15k and with the 12k standard deductable i got almost every cent of tax back, now i get bonus trump bucks
>For those individuals who earned $0, were unemployed, or who are currently unemployed will also be eligible. Should the bill go forth and pass, the payments “would not count as income in order to protect eligibility for any of the income-based state or federal government assistance programs.”
Based trump cucking to socialists and the big banks with our money.
This is the mind of Bernie bro
Working americans? i thought this was meant to stop blacks from rioting when they cant find food cause they dont plan for shit
taxes m8 you paid taxes you get trump bucks
>muricans get $1000
>only for wagies
>straya gets $750
>only for neets
Never been prouder to be born in the greatest country on the planet.
>my state waives the waiting period and gives me $600 a week neetbux because I lost my job until this blows over
>Trump giving me a cool grand a month
He got my vote in 2016, he has my vote in 2020 and in 2024. Trump dictator for life.
>earned total of otherwise full blown NEET
>mfw will qualify for tumpybux
get rekt wage cvck
True. It’s nice to ride slowly into this situation safe in the knowledge that it won’t hurt our bank accounts... but, hey, always nice to get free money.
Why so hostile Canabro?
NEET here I file taxes every year even though no income.
Per MONTH for 6 months then maybe extension.
Under the Ryan/Khanna plan, the vast majority of working-class Americans would qualify for this tax relief. Every American adult making up to $130k would receive at least $1k and up to $2k per month for 6 months. Congress could then renew this again for another 6 month period. This would operate as a temporary, emergency Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), allowing the IRS to access 2019 Tax Return Information in order to ease the cutting and sending of the checks.
Sounds like everyone who filed taxes last year. Married couples should only get 1, and for every kid they should get -100 dollars, which should be sent to everyone without kids. Really sick of paying for other people’s hell spawn. If you actually look up how much of your money goes to supporting other retards dumbass children you would throw up. People that make responsible decisions should be rewarded for once. Actually people with kids should get nothing, with their share distributed among those that don’t. Childless people need the money the most from all the money we spend on other people’s retard kids.
>For those individuals who earned $0, were unemployed, or who are currently unemployed will also be eligible. Should the bill go forth and pass, the payments “would not count as income in order to protect eligibility for any of the income-based state or federal government assistance programs.”
If they don’t remove the $130k limit than I don’t want anyone to have it!
This is the end of America. This shifts the Overton window firmly into "just give everyone money" territory. Debt, inflation and suffering will follow.
Are US Citizens in Puerto Rico included? Because we're also AMERICANS.
i havent filed yet though
I hope so, brother. We gotta stay strong together.
Lolololol. NEETs somehow translated "funds to assist with the impact of being out of work" with "santa clause giving free vidya".
You fags are just as low as the gibme's. If people sitting on their ass were paid to sit on their ass, they'd probably expect to keep getting paid to sit on their ass. This is the whole entitlement system that you say you're opposed to, but are living.
>it's ok when trump does it
Yas Forums shows their stupidity again, this is all to help the corporations not you filthy amerimutts
If married people don’t have kids both should get it depending on the state.
i'm sure they'll work it out. i mean after all tons of seniors who are some of the most vulnerable live off social security and don't meet the 55,000 threshold to pay taxes as a result so they don't even file taxes. I just couldn't see the government not paying these people so I'm sure they'll have either a quick file for people or just have a type of file for payment system where they just verify who you are via ssn#
So this will cause hyper inflation and the already pitiful NEET gibs will become completely worthless. Niggers will pillage and burn every town in the country.
Wait so I get moneys
But a lot of people get moneys
Moneys worth less
This is not a good idea at all!
No you aren't.
Stop lying and go wax your GF s moustache.
There are still too many people working sick. We need immediate mass testing and only allowing clean people on the streets while the rest are quarantined.
I shouldn’t have had to been working this past month! But I need money! We are all so fucked! We are a month behind.
>work as a wagiefag in fast food/retail
>Got a tax refund this season
>Still live with parents
Am I gonna be getting money, bros?
Combined with supply chain disruption that has already rendered some things hard to find, that would result in some great soviet style empty shelves photos.
look at this RAGIE WAGIE
all in a huff, he gets mad and starts to puff
but tough, tough, tough
NEETS and niggers and welfare riggers are going to get paid so don't be late for work
WAGIE and get into your cagie
Hard times create strong men. We've been too spoiled for too long. Americans have gotten soft. Time to harden up again.
>Ro Khanna
>pajeet Democrat
>Tim Ryan
>Midwest Democrat
The weirdest thing about American politics is the sheer number of politicians who would be more comfortable in the Republican party but are Democrats either because they can only win as a Democrat or Democrats because their daddy's daddy's daddy was a Democrat.
Joomers still S E E T H I N G about the Trump bucks.
a thousand bucks to each adult ain't going to do shit. Bush gave out like 700 per person back in 07-08 and we didn't have magic hyper inflation
I did Uber the last two years and started working a real job in January. Will I get Trumpbucks? I don't recall paying taxes the past two years on my Uber shit. I could be wrong and I honestly barely made enough to survive anyways doing Uber (like $400 a month).
Hahahahaha holy shit I got laid off this week and only got $10k last year does this mean I get NEETBUX
If this continues for a year we might see slavery come back.
Nice, now I can grab a POF Ghost before election season.
Cue 2008 financial crisis
Gonna get them Donald Dollars boy.
>I don't recall paying taxes the past two years on my Uber shit
well you're supposed to lmao
>For those individuals who earned $0, were unemployed, or who are currently unemployed will also be eligible. Should the bill go forth and pass, the payments “would not count as income in order to protect eligibility for any of the income-based state or federal government assistance programs.”
NEETS can still get trumpbux if I'm interpreting this right.
As of right now I'm unemployed due in part to the virus, partially because of school as well. I should be able to get this.
every adult citizen gets them
So married couple filed jintly, one works one doesnt. How would they know that? And say someone didnt work last year but works this year, how would they know that
I never filed anything and I never contacted by the ScamRS. Did I make too little at the time to?
Same thing happened with the Bush stimulus package back around 2008, in an attempt to prevent the economy from tanking. Spoiler: it didn't work
>mfw work for college
>mfw college is closed rest of semester
>mfw supervisor told me to still put hours worked
>mfw getting payed for doing nothing
>mfw trump bucks is a thing
Feels good being a neet bois
Ps5 here we come
People are getting fired and businesses are getting shut down. This isn't the time to give to working Americans. They already have the upper hand.
>tfw you make 129k
>MFW getting paid to work from home AND I got 1,000 extra. Feels good
The fed has just printed 3 trillion over the space of a week into the failing stock market. Industries will continue to be bailed out with printed money and now all this free shit. Not sustainable, you will see.
also why the progressive tax is dog shit
Can't wait until corona-chan wipes your boomer ass out, fuck off you greedy shitstain
I was a working American up until 2 days ago.
They can just print more
Same just got my laptop today. Hopefully our center we remote in doesn't get shut down though. It is a possibility.
It sounds like everyone from Rep. Drooly Kennedy to Romoney to President Trump are getting onboard with some form of this.
Mnuchin said all Americans minus millionaires. There have already been huge layoffs so it wouldn't make any sense to give it to just employed people.
Will I get this on top of the welfare?
If you read the article to the end and didn't listen to this faggot, you would see that $0 earners and currently unemployed will also get the neetbux
If you don't have kids you have no skin in the game for the future and need to be taxed even more than you already are to pay for the best interests of the country. All you're going to do with the money is consume more widgets anyway.
Today the working class defeated the NEET leach class
"For those individuals who earned $0, were unemployed, or who are currently unemployed will also be eligible. Should the bill go forth and pass, the payments “would not count as income in order to protect eligibility for any of the income-based state or federal government assistance programs."
you do know that progressive tax rates only apply to money made above each threshold right?
if you make 1 dollars above a bracket you only pay the next bracket's taxes on that 1 dollar