Is he a criminal mastermind?

We're literally in an apocalypses and he refuses to quit, making his supporters (most of them are illegal or underage) waste their money donating to him.

Doesn't he realize he's going to make them starve? We're on a crisis and he keeps encouraging them to waste their money on a failed campaign. Or maybe that was his plan all alone, make poor stupid people even more poor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>We're literally in an apocalypses and he refuses to quit, making his supporters (most of them are illegal or underage) waste their money donating to him.
Bernie is a double agent, his ultimate goal is to lead the far left off a cliff

Perhaps he hopes to keep Biden from cinching, and then win at convention.

>Brapnie Sanders

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Aren't they postponing all the votes until late Summr and Fall?

no refunds

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Fucking based

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Private air travel is not cheap, comrade. Commissar Sanders must make it to the Illuminati Baal sacrifices on time.

Because, retard, even if he doesn't get the nom, if he keeps championing universal healthcare its likely during this pandemic more people will realize that it is the best choice for us all. And Biden flipping and flopping on things like gay marriage and social security shows he only follows whats popular and he'll be pushing for m4a before long.

You're staring a gift horse in the mouth, he's disenfranchising would be democratic voters.

>Is he a criminal mastermind?
Naw, just a jew

Jew gathering shackles. No mystery

He wants that $1000 everybody's getting. He need to stay in until then so his followers can donate that money for his summer camp.

>Because, retard, even if he doesn't get the nom, if he keeps championing universal healthcare its likely during this pandemic more people will realize that it is the best choice for us all.
This pandemic has nothing to do with universal healthcare, retard. As Chad Biden said: right now it's all fucking free. Having a healthcare system like Italy would help us so much during a national public health emergency, right? I mean, Europe is doing fantastic!

Joe’s dementia is the wildcard.
If Joe has the right bad senior moment that the media can’t ignore, it’s over for him. If that happens before the convention, it’s anybody’s guess what happens.

watch biden from 7:23 in the video
he just stood there after he was finished and his wife had to come and get him

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I watched that stream. he had 300 viewers.

I admire Bernie's persistence. Dude is likely going to die because of all the stress he's causing himself. That would suck major donkey balls.

>300 viewers.
to holocaust americans, that's like 300 million though

He's got a good hustle scamming dumb college kids. Why stop? Daddy needs a 4th mansion.

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Based Bernie destroying the Democrats chance at the general election

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Lol. This mad kike.
Is this why Trump likes him so much compared to his obvious hatred of the others (minus Tulsi who I think Trump doesn't know exists outside of whenever she is on Tucker Carlson)?

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berniegger has to milk those superchats to give half to biden in exchange of political favors like a 4th house

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he wants to make it so biden has to keep campaigning and debating so more people can see his obvious dementia

Wait, so Yas Forums differentiates between em?

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Do you know how many donations he's poised to get if that quarantine bucks bill gets passed? I'm sure there are plenty of bernouts who would give him the entire check. He's gotta stay in the game as long as possible so he can secure the bag from his most loyal followers. It's like a patreon scam. You only lose when the last moron stops giving you money.


I wouldn't be surprised if bernie bros stay home for the election and trump wins


Even his stimulus sucks compared to his contemporaries. What an egotistical asshole.

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He was basking in the adoration.

he's medicinal socialism

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1 stream 300 viewers

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>Bernie is staying in the race despite being dead in the water
It's all part of the scam OP. I fucking called this shit the second he announced he was running again. It's literally a repeat of the 2016 election for the Dems.
Bernie was never in the race to actually get the nomination or to win the general election.
The Democratic party is using him to energize young voters because their real picks are unlikable fossils. Bernie will stay in the race despite having basically no chance of winning and he will goad his supporters for more and more money right up until the executioner swings the axe at the convention to make it official. Once Bernie "loses" the nomination all those donations will go to the DNC and subsequently Biden's pocket so he can fund his campaign with tardbux. After which they will cut Bernie a fat check and he will end up buying another seasonal home that socialists totally need.
This bait and switch maneuver was obvious when Bernie first went up against Hillary 4 years ago and tossed her dusty old salad instead of going for the throat.
How anyone could still think this dirty old Bolshevik is a legitimate candidate and not a paid hype man is beyond me.
I've never seen anyone get Jewed so fucking hard in my life, let alone going back for seconds.

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Bernie raises money for the DNC, and get's well paid for it. Any of his followers that don't see it by know are hopelessly retarded

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Does wuflu give him an advantage due to the healthcare thing?

it won't matter if the dems keep running neolibs.
you might as well vote for the republican. at least they aren't hiding what they want to do

biden isn't going to do anything for the left. he's a republican

It's going to be fucking hilarious if that happens and everyone blames the Rachel Madcows, Bill Maher's and TYT's of the media for moving so many faggots so far to the left. Not sure if anything will top 2016 but that just might.

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if the economy does tank because of corona biden will bail out the rich like obama did. screw the peasants

>"Biden is really popular with hispanics :--DDD"
>loses Miami-Dade
Literally, LITERALLY only appeals to fraction of a fraction of a fraction of white people, and only a fraction of those are old enough to vote.

That's why this otherwise brilliant plan backfired in the most hilarious fashion possible back in 2016.
Not all the rats will follow the pied piper into the DNCs camp. Cults of personality are tricky things.

Bernie I meant. Sleepy and senile like Biden I guess.

He is just waiting until Biden gets arrested.

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I don't think biden can win anyway. trump will destroy him in the debates and biden will forget where he is

clean your fucking nose. Shanghai Shivers will do him in.

Should start spreading around that "us" BernieBros will donate our $1000 because it's that important

lots of people recognize biden for what he is and I don't know if they'll vote for that

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IMO Trump will lose 2020 because unlike 16 the Bernie Bros (of which very few are hard core) will not sit it out in protest, now that Trump is very real.

Guess who will be sitting out 2020? Much of Trump's hardcore base, due to both his failure and lack of interest.

Don't let current Trump rallies fool you. Its the same 40,000 Trump-tard Boomers in RVs following him around like Grateful Dead groupies use to.

In 2015 Trump was real, now he is more like George Bush Sr to GOP voters. Just another out of touch Swamp Dweller who says the right things and does the wrong things.

Funny part is anti-Trumpers can't mention his total failure because all his 2015 policy remains very popular.

there lots of this

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Yeah, Biden is neoliberal scumfucker.

I'm abstaining my vote, or doing a protest vote.

>wife semi-angrily walks off stage
lmao this guy is a complete mess

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no. its just that his supporters are all mentally ill retards

All he needs to do is give Biden another aneurysm, assuming he doesn't get another heart attack of course.

>thinking he actually cares
The guy just goes with what ever is popular with young people and scams them out of their money, he doesn't give a shit about anything he says so long as he gets money from his supporters.


He's hoping corona wipes out Biden.

He's probably hoping that corona fears will keep Biden boomers home and Sanders zoomers will brave the ballot booth.

He was pretty sharp Sunday night