Ron Paul says the Virus is a HOAX?

Ron Paul says the Virus is a HOAX?

Is he right?

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Yes. But no.

>give back the meds!

Dr. Ron Paul is right as usual. Too bad we have a Zionist cheetokike running the show and not good people like Ron Paul.

It’s real but not the threat it’s hyped up to be. It’s a psyop, We are all participating in a military operation

Senile conspiratard idiot.

You watch your dirty nigger mouth

It's not happening.

he's the only person I agree with
what is Rand saying about it?

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Corona is real. The reaction is bullshit.

No, just because Ron Paul said it and the video has a high like to dislike ratio doesn't mean the information is correct. Lots of people can agree with a thing that turns out to be incorrect.

>g-g-give me dangerous freedom over so called safety w/government!!!!
Yeah ok, tell me that when you get a roon canal and your dentist charges you a billion dollars.

He's absolutely right.
And you're a giant, fucking faggot as usual OP. He didn't say the virus was a hoax, just the overblown government response.

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he's wrong but not really actually. corona is real and various political forces will attempt this crisis to seize power and push for totalitarianism.

if you work you probably have dental insurance, if you are poor you probably qualify for your state's health insurance, if your state offers shitty healthcare programs then move or stop voting for the same people tranny

He's not fucking right though.
Again, just because Ron Paul says it doesn't mean it's true.



>Is he right?
Yup. Didn't expect him to know.

Yeah but that's what worries me the most. I really think people are going to take advantage of the societal breakdown to have major chimpouts up and down the country

Made me lol

>if you work you probably have dental insurance
What if the employer doesn't wanna pay dental insurance? What if the company has a monopoly on the service it provides and gets away with not providing "insurance" for anyone?

You can't trust the private sector with healthcare, use your head numnuts. Again, quit believing in Ron Paul just because he has a cult following and has videos with more likes than dislikes.

I'd be more concerned about what governments get up to. I know ours is pushing more surveillance, among other things.

this, the government shouldn't do anything, it's just the flu brah

Haven't watched it. He's never been wrong about anything yet, but after I watch OP's vid, I'll tell you whether he's right or not.


yes he is and im right about you being a gigantic faggot who sucks cocks

My ID is "tea". Your opinion is invalid.

based Ron

That's what Ron Paul said. People over 80(!) are the ones at risk.

>trusting the government

ok boomer

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There really is no easy way to control a virus bar from completely isolating groups of people/cultures being from each other (beyond just simply being nationalist). In a modern society where people like to travel, you have to have some sort of authoritarianism otherwise in order to contain it.

No, he's not right. You can take so much of his arguments apart.
Again, think beyond the like-to-dislike ratio.

and they already do charge a billion dollars nigger. 2 thousand dollars to me is the same as a billion - out of my reach.

And trusting private corporations is the better choice?

You can't trust anyone with healthcare, simply because of the nature of healthcare. This is what people don't understand. Healthcare boiled down is people trying to stave off the reaper. And because most people fear death to the point of madness, this enables predatory factions to set up shop with complete ease. There is no solution to this problem owing to the nature of human psychology.

Look what people will willingly put themselves through just to fight against the inevitable fate of cancer.
Humanity's blessing, higher intelligence and motivation(ego) is also our curse, as we both know of our mortality and fear losing ourselves.

>and they already do charge a billion dollars nigger.
The DENTIST charges you a billion dollars, not the government. If you're talking about Obamacare that basically helps all private insurance companies and helps no actual human being.

Hold on. Watching now, had to finish a song.

Well the UK is being weirdly different, really resisting lockdowns like in other countries. I wonder if we left the EU at a great time, even Ireland is taking more extreme measures than we are. But yeah, if what Paul is talking about is true then it seems like the US is going full Escape from New York

are you retard or just trying?
100 deaths and let's shutdown a trillion dollar economy?

Why do I love these doom pauls so much?

who said anybody has a choice?

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Real image of Covid 19 under electron microscope with the name of photographer who took it or fake and gay. Shouldn’t be hard with such a pandemic right?

That’s basically what Trump said when he called the reaction a hoax. Of course the dishonest left twisted his words.

I agree with you to an extent, but that doesn't mean certain diseases can't be helped. Maybe starving off cancer with our current methods is an exercise in futility but getting root canals/fillings/crowns, treating a bad flu, and getting casts for broken bones seems like something healthcare systems can do without being existentially "starving off the reaper."

Ron Paul has dementia

old Yas Forums actually looked up to this fucking idiot

embarrassing, LOL

The worst part of social media is it makes people think anyone cares about their opinion. Who the fuck are you? Why the fuck should I care what you think about anything?

user if you live in a modern, Democratic society you have to install at least SOME sort of cautious fear in people in order to prevent the spread of a virus.

I wish it didn't have to happen that way, but it literally does, unless you incorporate some serious mandated positive thinking/law of attraction shit.

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It's habbenning man.

And nu/pol/ can't discern an actual happening from a fake one, takes the bait hook, line, sinker and the fisherman.

user you need to look beyond the paradigm of whatever Yas Forums has to say.
Some people need to take this age-old internet wisdom seriously: believing in everything you see online is a bad thing.

No it's not a hoax.
No it's not as lethal as the stats show as most cases arent reported.

I see that Ron Paul is too playing his part as useful idiot.

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Which is why I'm 100% positive that there is no virus. A global smokescreen for pushing more draconian shit onto the cattle, meaning us.

ron paul reminds me of thomas jefferson or george washington, he should have been president

The only reason you think that is because some random people you saw online said that. You gotta stop believing in fringe conspiratorial things just by virtue of wanting to be against the "mainstream"

Sometimes the mainstream is right about something.


Ron is always right.

A statement this dumb and communist in nature could have only come from a boomer.

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>No it's not a hoax.
>No it's not as lethal as the stats show as most cases arent reported.
So can we please ban corona topics for a week?

Not really.

>The only reason you think that is because some random people you saw online said that.
Oh, so that wasn't my own conclusion based on my observations, but a simple, blind belief in something I saw somewhere.
Ok retard.

Yeah I am thinking he is retadex. This virus hasn’t even come close to its peak and 1,000 isn’t anything to sneeze at.


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he's always right

didn't watch the video but whoever says the virus is Hoax publicly is based AS FUCK

>criticizing hardcore Libertarianism is "communism"

Based. I voted for him twice.

>So can we please ban corona topics for a week?
Would be nice, or at least move them all to a containment thread.

So RP is absolutely right about government and media loving panics and fear. This can't even be denied at this point.
He's also right in comparing the death rates of Flu-Manchu and saying how they're not really significant.
People hear words like "thousands" and can understand them, but people cannot understand "millions" or "billions", and thus when putting numbers into context, they lose it.
This is why people have a shit-grasp of time. They think the 50-100 years they live matters because that is their entire life.

Fentanyl from China will have always killed more people than this virus, yet you never saw any efforts to put extreme controls on our seaports to stop the importation of that chemical weapon.
And no, most fent did not come in through the southern border. It came in on container ships full of korean cars, 4K tvs, gaming systems, rice, pottery, etc.

And he's right about sunshine and fresh air. Solar radiation kills viruses dead. The UV radiation utterly eviscerates the DNA and RNA that viruses contain, destroying them very rapidly. Fresh air, too, is a desiccating element, preventing viral stability. Fresh air also contains minute quantities of ozone, and oxidizers are a virus' worst enemy.

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>Who the fuck are you? Why the fuck should I care what you think about anything?

>Oh, so that wasn't my own conclusion based on my observations, but a simple, blind belief in something I saw somewhere.
Honestly, yes. People are more shallow than you think, they'll believe anything as long as it's against the MSM. Be critical of the anti-MSM too user.

He is right to an extent. The government loves any opportunity to take more power. But the rate at which the virus spreads is pretty alarming and I'm surprised people care as much as they do, and just because there haven't been many deaths yet doesn't mean there won't be if we don't take measures to halt the spread.

Cherry on top will be when this old senile bag gets Coronad and dies.

RP is a practicing physician.

Fuck you, leaf. Fuck you and go back to "reddit".


I'm so tired of elderly politicians.

He doesn't say that though.

He's a Freemason - i.e. - A Jew servant.

Now that there is actually a happening that had really harder then before.

It is a hoax. the things being done in the name of it is the happening.

Based Paul. Still telling us in advance that the State is gonna screw us.

Also notice how quickly borders around the world closed as soon as it started to infect the elite.

>we don't live in a timeline where ron paul was president instead of obama
ron paul is too pure for this world

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fuck off rebbit. This is Paul country.

You can't "halt the spread" that much. The government and media are putting on a good shot to prevent absolute panic.
In reality, the only things that can halt the spread of an illness like this are sunlight, oxidizing disinfectants, and very spaced living.
That latter point is the real problem, because every single city on earth, and all of the economies being run from them, utterly depend on people being close to each other to maintain themselves.
Out in the sticks, you don't need to see another nigga for weeks. We get along just fine. Cities are unhealthy to an extreme, but people live in them because they want the extra $$$ and the social contact.

You're the most correct of everyone in this thread.




This timeline is a fail. Better prep.

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He’s a Dr. are you?

I haven't listened to Ron Paul in a while but he's on the money here.

He's one doctor.
Just because one doctor says COVID is a "hoax" doesn't mean it's true. Again, you people need to kick your heads into gear

If instead of printing money we prepare to pay a mass labor force to train in and perform eco-related tasks such as soil repair, tree planting, digging water infiltration ditches in arid regions, placing solar panels in fields throughout the nation, and so forth, we could invest in our next seven decades of economic strength.

Post this around! Mr. Paul, help spread the word of alternative employment potentials!