/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2216

► Detected: 198,241 ► Died: 7,965

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Millions of Americans to lose their jobs

Robbers grab 100,000 surgical masks at gunpoint in Ukraine

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Virus affects blood circulation

4900 deaths across 182 cities in Iran, Iran opposition estimates

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

Spain only testing high risk cases

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

23:16: 108 new cases and 4 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
22:15: 51 new cases and 1 new death in Turkey. The patient was an 89-year-old who contracted the virus from someone who had contact with China. This is the first death in Turkey.
22:13: First 2 cases in Montenegro. All countries in Europe now have at least one confirmed case of coronavirus.
22:12: 83 new cases and 3 new deaths in British Columbia, Canada.
22:04: First case in West Virginia, United States. All 50 U.S. states now have at least 1 confirmed case of coronavirus. American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands are the only U.S. territories with no confirmed cases.
21:33: 8 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
21:30: 78 new cases in Spain.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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I wrote a song for /cvg/

>Makes your death as fast as lightning
>In fact it's a little bit frightening
>When it's your chest that I am tightening

>There were dirty Chinamen, from dirty Wuhan town
>They were boiling up some bats
>And slurping guano down
>It's an ancient Chinese art
>Making tortured animal broth
>Everything tastes so great
>Until you start to cough

>Your cruise just seemed so inviting
>Until it came to alighting
>On my shores for dining

>There's Winnie the Flu, blamin the US of A
>While coughing on TV
>Iranians claimed it was okay
>Then the Italians stepped it up
>Threw their arms out to the side
>Sang, "hug a chink today"
>Now 50% have died

>Tedros' palms are tightening
>His fever's a little bit ripening
>Due to the yuan that I'm providing

>Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh, *cough*
>Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh, *cough*
>Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh, *hack*

>Now our boomers can't be saved,
>It's too late for Tommy Hanks
>With apocalyptic glare, a figure gives her thanks:
>To all you dirty Godless chinks,
>To bat asshole enslaved
>Coronachan lifts her head
>And says, "here comes the second wave"

>Your coughs are sharp as lightning
>Is that your will that you are writing?
>Leave your kids TP for wiping

Attached: coronachan_lifts_her_head.jpg (648x772, 93.04K)

► China 80,881 (3,226) ► International 116,864 (4,728): Italy 31,506 (2,503) Iran 16,169 (988) Spain 11,826 (533) Germany 9,367 (26) S. Korea 8,320 (81) France 7,730 (175) US 6,194 (102) Switzerland 2,742 (27) UK 1,950 (71) Netherlands 1,705 (43) Norway 1,469 (3) Austria 1,332 (4) Belgium 1,243 (10) Sweden 1,191 (8) Denmark 977 (4) Japan 878 (29) D. Princess 696 (7) Malaysia 673 (2) Canada 479 (5) Australia 452 (5) Portugal 448 (1) Greece 387 (5) Brazil 328 (1) Ireland 292 (2) Slovenia 275 (1) Bahrain 241 (1) Poland 238 (5) Egypt 196 (6) Philippines 187 (12) Thailand 177 (1) Indonesia 172 (7) H. Kong 168 (4) Iraq 154 (11) India 143 (3) Luxembourg 140 (1) Lebanon 124 (3) S. Marino 119 (11) Ecuador 111 (2) Turkey 98 (1) Bulgaria 81 (2) Taiwan 77 (1) Panama 69 (1) Argentina 68 (2) Algeria 60 (5) Albania 55 (1) Hungary 50 (1) Morocco 44 (2) Azerbaijan 34 (1) Dom. Rep. 21 (1) Martinique 15 (1) Ukraine 14 (2) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 7 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Qatar 442 Cze. Rep. 434 Israel 337 Finland 322 Singapore 266 Iceland 247 Pakistan 247 Estonia 225 Romania 217 Chile 201 S. Arabia 171 Kuwait 130 Peru 117 Russia 114 UAE 113 Slovakia 97 Mexico 82 Armenia 78 Serbia 72 Croatia 69 Vietnam 66 Colombia 65 S. Africa 62 Latvia 60 Brunei 56 C. Rica 50 Cyprus 49 Faeroes 47 S. Lanka 44 Palestine 41 Jordan 40 Andorra 39 Malta 38 Belarus 36 Georgia 34 Bosnia 34 Cambodia 33 Oman 33 Kazakhstan 33 Venezuela 33 Macedonia 31 Moldova 30 Uruguay 29 Senegal 27 Tunisia 27 Lithuania 25 Afghanistan 22 Liechtenstein 19 B. Faso 15 Macao 13 Maldives 13 N. Zealand 12 Bolivia 12 Jamaica 12 Fr. Guiana 11 Uzbekistan 11 Bangladesh 10 Cameroon 10 Monaco 9 Paraguay 9 Reunion 9 Honduras 8 Ghana 7 Rwanda 7 Chan. Isl. 6 Ethiopia 6 Guadeloupe 6 Cuba 5 Guam 5 Mongolia 5 P. Rico 5 Tri. & Tob. 5 Ivory C. 4 Kenya 4 Seychelles 4 Nigeria 3 Aruba 3 Curacao 3 Congo 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Gibraltar 3 St. Barth 3… Total 165/251

Attached: global deaths.png (596x385, 29.86K)

is corona-chan part of the plan or did the elites screw up and accidentally unleash this

Real Doc here, any medfag have already tried a shock terapy with Trasfervil-LS or Glandosir 500mg?

My patient (45, sex unknow) is still under heavy blastocities fumigations and still no improvements.
Tried with heavy IV infusions of Brawdosir (750ml/h) and with Xenohefvir-500 and the TxCx is still over 0.90ppm/sec. I'm literally blind on how to proceed now: LI.ST. tests negative, K-limtase reading on the norm. PEEP nominal and VBS more or less stable on 980M/sf.

Solutions? Suggestions?

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>$1.2 Trillion Isn't Enough to Fix Coronavirus Economic Damage

Attached: moneyprintergobrrr[1].jpg (800x450, 57.5K)

Honestly, kind of unrelated, but where do u guys usually meet girls your age? I only see boomers roaming the streets.

Still stuck at 197,140. How long has it been now, 4 seconds? 5 seconds?

Imperial College London simulates millions of deaths in the USA alone as likely scenario
>Imperial College London simulates millions of deaths in the USA alone as likely scenario
Imperial College London simulates millions of deaths in the USA alone as likely scenario
>Imperial College London simulates millions of deaths in the USA alone as likely scenario
Imperial College London simulates millions of deaths in the USA alone as likely scenario
>Imperial College London simulates millions of deaths in the USA alone as likely scenario


Attached: wwwwrtf.jpg (300x300, 15.75K)

desperate for attention

Anyone have the original image?

Uruguay is at 50 (+21) today sweet.

b-but they said anti-virals would work! They said we'd knock out a cure real fast!

>Remdesivir has no impact on virus and signals liver damage

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Actual doctor here.

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.


no one cares about your shit country

elites had nothing to do with it, some random misanthropic chink virologist was playing with CRISPR and a cocktail of virulence factors and then some retarded chink lab tech accidentally let death loose upon the world

remember the first sign of collapse is breakdown of law and prison riots/escapes

I hope you have sex someday, I really do

Alright gents
How to multiply my trumpbux? I was thinking of ordering Vit C pills in bulk and sell those, ut there has to be more creative methods than reselling

Is this it bros? Is Covid19 the storm we've been waiting for?

Attached: covid hurricane.jpg (1200x899, 345.43K)

15 people died since the last thread was made.

Have you done DMT?

New Zealand cases have jumped to 20.
And this is ONLY by testing those who have traveled overseas. There is no bother to test locals who have not traveled.

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>tfw you'll be able to say you've lived through the biggest happening since 9/11

yes, this is why Trump has heavily implied that national military mobilization and engagement and martial law is imminent, if you have kept up with the daily taskforce briefings

If you had sex you'd realize it's overrated

Was reading hard boiled by Frank Miller when this appeared

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bros, I just had the most awesome chicken salad from my stash. Lunch was a massive rice-based dish. This has got to be the comfiest disaster that I've ever lived through.

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Fuck this is basically right next door

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Current numbers

Attached: Wuhan Virus numbers March 17.png (430x980, 54.58K)

Why the fuck isn't shitaly testing for antibodies in a random small shithole village in Lombardy?
That way we could know the true CFR

My fellow Americans, remember to spend your neetbux immediately and to not throw them to your savings. When the dollar collapses, those extra $1000 in your account won't mean shit. You might as well spend it for material objects of actual value now.

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Are these the same people that devised the herd stagey for England based on bad data and a shit model?

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What are the next steps? Serious inquiry

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can you get the pneumonic symptomps without fever???

Anyone who falls for this crude level of shilling deserves to succumb to the plague

Corona-chan will get him before that


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Okay, after 5 days of shitposting that, I'm starting get really bored of original... I am an editor first after all.

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>UK lockdown
>Lose my job because all my clients are in the UK
lmao based coronachan, now I can return to the comfort of NEETdom

Im down to my last pack of toilet paper lads

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Does chloroquine not work with everyone?
Every test group seems to have amazing results

are we dead yet

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No, use your credit card to buy $1000 worth of stuff before you get the check, then immediately pay if off once you receive the check


Your hands are shaped kinda weird man

will anime figuarinos to hot glue make it through customs???

>banning human interaction
>drone deliveries
>mandatory vaccines
>martial law
>biometric IDs
>banning cash
>tracking purchases
>supply chain issues
>food confiscation and redistribution
>gold and silver confiscation
>companies forced to invest in automation
>no more jobs for people
>communism worldwide
It seems like they fucked up alright.

Attached: toiletpaper.png (640x479, 469.29K)

Bro it's in my city hospital and the patient has infected his two highschool age sons, that later went back to school. We have shut everything down and for some reason my boss says I still have to work because the government said "it's voluntary"

No no, it's not me, are my patients that need attention.

Filslurten-900mg is not always working when PTR levels are under 600psi/um. Need some advice.

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Job Seeker benefit?

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were we ever alive?

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Jeez 200k confirmed tomorrow, feels like it was just yesterday it was 100k

>Not calling it ShanghaiShivers.png


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wait for the first wave to be over, travel to resume worldwide, and people being reinfected by different serotypes

that's when young people start dropping dead

kek. Is that an antenna on the top of his head?

can anyone provide a non archive link for the first article under NEWS (about it being airborne) please? I can't find anything about this on the WHO site or through a google search

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>trump says west virginia is doing great
>few hours later we mysteriously announce our first positive case

Lefties will stop at nothing to ruin him.

You know what they say about guys that wear big socks?