Chad here. Reaching out to other Chad's

> Chad here. Reaching out to other Chad's

I've noticed a huge surge in women reaching out to me this past week. All the big-titted roasties I've dated over the years are suddenly contacting me.

I have a theory. I think the Coronavirus has made women suddenly forget their hypergamy and want a stable man with money.

> Can other Chad's lmk if my theory holds up? Are you getting contacted?

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Other urls found in this thread:

chad here. getting extra attention as well. i think because i have an intelligent face, they think i might be a doctor

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>that post
call her ugly, she has extremely low self esteem

Girl needs to do more squats.

Based. I fuck tinderellas and tumblrinas.
Pic related is me on the right

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This but unironically

they're looking for someone to pay the medical bills, don't fall for it user.

But do u have a big titty goth gf?


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>Those hands

How small must your dick be to LARP this hard

You’ll really know shtf when tinder thots start hitting up my fat ass.

Tell your lil bro Nick to hit the gym

It's funny, I'm no chad but in the past two weeks literally all of my exes have hit me up

I feel like I've seen this before. Do you have any more pictures of yourself?

Begone race mixer

>have a theory. I think the Coronavirus has made women suddenly forget their hypergamy and want a stable man with money.

Everybody is shitting bricks, it has never being easy to slay pussy than right now

Wait, do you actually consider yourself to be good looking lmao?

>>Those hands
Bet she can max deadlift without straps.


Yeah, I've noticed it too. Can't be about the money because I don't have any. My guess is that they're afraid and the usual sois won't cut it anymore.

I knew I'd seen this before. Same picture, same line. Imagine larping as a chad

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I recently got a text from an ex out of the blue asking if I was okay. I haven't seen her in years and I can't believe she still has my number. Weird.
This probably.

I've noticed this too. I don't consider myself a chad, but I am an airline pilot, well off and fairly assertive.

The other side of the coin is my tinder matches have dropped precipitously. I think there's just less people using Tinder. Maybe they migrated to less hookup specific apps like Bumble, POF OKC etc.

Chad reporting in here as well...

Women are alot more talkative than normal, and I'm getting alot of attention from girls who are younger than normal

Yellow fever bat soup faggot

African exchange student here. The women REALLY believe black men are immune and are dying to hang out with me.

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who the fuck is actually from bosnia and herzegovina? is that even a real place?

It's not him, he posts the same picture and line all the time. He's larping as a 5/10 frat boy

They don’t want to die alone.

This is exactly right, OP.
Women have been messaging me non-stop practically begging for me to have sex and I find it disgusting.

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Girls with big tits always have no ass

My ex contacted me on Saturday out of the blue. Hadnt talked in a year. I'm only normie-tier, not a Chad.

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he's good looking enough in a kind of dumb-ish way that will help him fuck the type of girls he's fucking, also he's a big guy
you can probably rack up big numbers like that since he's less picky than someone that considers himself really good looking like I do

stupid nigger, hope you go first

My ex wife is asking me out and stuff...

Based and checked.

Listen here beta males, i'm an alpha or what you call a "chad" whatever the fuck that means. Anyways, being alpha means I never had to try to be a chad. It comes as naturally to me as it is for you to watch videos of cuckoldry and BBC. Stop trying to be a "chad". Stop aspiring to be a "chad". JUST. FUCKIN.STOP. It's embarrassing, not only to you but to the women you wont stop trying to awkwardly get with. All I have to do is walk by the girl you are trying to talk to. Give you the look and you all scurry like roaches or awkwardly joke around while I take your prospective girl away and make sweet hard love to her all night long, while I leave you wishing you had stayed home in you parents basement.

Former Chad here. I can sense it as well. They are looking for protection. They can sense the imminent collapse.

Lmao wtf they don't want you because you think you're Chads. They want you because they searched coronavirus prepping and saw Yas Forums threads. They remembered you were the creepy guy who tried to angle his phone so she couldn't see but she knew all along you were here. Thank you Yas Forums and based preppers for we shall all have gfs aplenty.

lmao look at this retard. He fell for the permanent prostitution meme aka marriage

You do know where you post yeah?
Incel heaven right here.


I could be Chad but I can’t stop eating and drinking beer

don't blame the nigger blame the woman.
Women are this fucking dumb

It’s because they’ve been laid off and constantly crave attention

I'm an incognito Chad that hides behind his career. Same shit happening in business. All of a sudden the internet just became useful again.

Ask her if her face is on her tits

Ugly jew phemnnnist is ugly.


God npc conversation is sickening

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her father's gonna shank your ass. They all carry daggers you fool


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so strange, legit 2 of my exes have contacted me. One keep facetiming saying she wishes she was quarantined with me and shit. I'm so confused by this but if other anons are noticing the this then its clearly a pattern and not coincidence. women are honestly the biggest sheep.

Me too! I'm semi-chad but this is fucking weird af and I had no idea it wasn't just me until this thread. Women really are fucking parasites who want to be taken care of when they're anxious and feeling insecure, but want to fuck around without consequences when they're not. All my exes know I have a nice farm out in the middle of nowhere so I think they're looking for a safe space come the boogaloo.
>I didn't respond to ANY of them.

based, the chad memes are fucking gay, even if its done ironically

this is why

I bet she has a snout only a mother could love. That's why she didn't include it in her "hot" photo.

chic i was seeing in jan just texted me to see "how i was doing?"
...oh im doing just fine

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i just hate niggers, fuck them
fuck roasties too

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This. When stressed, women graft on to whatever warm body is near to them like leeches.

I am definitely NOT a chad but I have had Women at work start private conversations with me over the company chat line recently. They had no excuse to start the conversation and we never talked, nor have I worked in the same department as these Women for years but ALL OF A SUDDEN they're making social calls to me? Yeah I hate to agree with you OP because you sound like a homosexual but it's happening.

>tfw no ex's to text or receive texts from
>about to hit the big 30 in a couple days

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>I have a theory. I think the Coronavirus has made women suddenly forget their hypergamy and want a stable man with money.
same here bro. no shit. especially since they all know i'm always prepared from being a boy scout, knowing how to shoot, and being stacked on foods, guns, ammo, money, and that sweet sweet tp for their bungholes. trying to decide on my pick of the litter right now. leaning towards this big tittied khazar milker havin' jewess who already liked to stay home and liked to suck dick out of boredom and would eat my ass on command(hella useful to ration my TP horde yo). hbu bruh?

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Surfer Chad here
I've noticed the same. I assume :
1-they are scared
2-they realize they can't be slutting it up on Tinder
3-eventual lack of money

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Based nigger watch all the whities seethe

I have money. I'm fit. I'm generally older though. It's been a strange week to get SO many messages from the roasties.

Lmao you know that shits funny though

post body

Yeah you are 100% correct! The dating sites all died. But, that tells me the roasties are after stability right now. I have seen a huge downturn on matches on the dating apps but a huge number of reach-outs from past girls.

Both exes have boyfriends as far as I know, so idk wtf is going on

Not really tho

The only reason that happens is because it's no illegal to kill you.

2, sluts and whores including the mansluts are dying from the isolation and no parties anymore,

>Boy scout
>eat ass
Incredibly homosexual

My ΣΑΕ bros slaying Stacy pussy on the reg.

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So it's been confirmed by about a dozen chads in this thread. Is there a name for this phenomenon?

I've noticed the same, amazing. Even girls that ghosted me months ago messaged me again.

will i get matches if i post my stash?


Feeling better now about calling out this pattern.

Haha happening to others too huh? I thought something was weird women trying to make conversation with me in checkout lines all of sudden. Oh my God, such parasites. Never interested before, then change on dime when shtf.

They'll be asking for stash rides like no other, broski.

SAE is the gayest fraternity on earth, Sigma Nu is superior

Don't know if there's a name, but it's about fear in my opinion. The future seems uncertain and all the women are afraid, especially the single ones. I've never seen anything like how it's been over the last week or so, they're literally stopping you in the street to flirt.

thats where based serbs tried to remove kebab for good and did a pretty damn good job until kikes stepped in with the EU.

I've had several different girls come on to me, I shouldn't have let them see my BTC

Yeah. It’s called autism.

t. Chad with Aspergers

Goddamn right! ФΑ

How do you feel about me flexing my tinder to Yas Forums virgins?

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social distancing, only a thirsty beta would chase tail right now

everyone itt change your roastie app profile pic to this and report results

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lel...whatever, fag.

Crap, im not a stable man with money.

Phi Alpha faggot

Same here. I'm getting hit up all over the place here. I confess to being a chad, but it's another level right now.

you are right, but you arent a chad. chads dont speak of chad, similar to fightclub

Weird deformity on left shoulder detected. Also...every female with this build ends up a 500 pound landwhale. She's no better than a pump'n'dump. Not worth anyone's time beyond that.

I smell khazar milkers.

> Claims to be chad
> Also claims women are now settling for stability

Sorry to break it to you (betas).

What does your profile say? Just got out of a marriage and need to get my new game up to snuff since this online dating shit is new to me.

Tits > Asses, nigger faggot.

Chad here. Definitely getting more attention from thots. I thought it was my beard trim... who knew it was fear of the corona hoax

>stable man with money

lmao you've got it all backwards

chad is chad regardless of money, and definitely regardless of how dedicated he is to committing to women. in fact chad is LESS LIKELY to be a "stable man" because he has so many options

everyone in this pic looks like the ugly kids who had no life in highschool

at this point, partying in college is nothing but COPE, its nothing but tryhard dysgenic genetic filth


genius idea. Post pics of yourself standing next to your boogaloo stash on Tinder. It's like niggers flashing their life savings in cash for the camera but for whites.

chad here, yes many womin want my tendies
can confirm

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I can count a baker's dozen approaches by women these past two weeks.

Fuck off Jealous incel

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calm down tyrone it says she is a feminist not a coal burner

Women wouldn't even know what to do with power if they got it.

That bitch is probable in her early 20's, check back in ten years when she's a fat lonely wreck

I’m just really tall

He never specified a preference. It usually goes that if a woman has large tits, she has no ass, and vice-versa.

That's been largely my observation, as well, with some outliers.