And the funny thing is, the same lefties that are asking him to delete it are also chastising people for reporting him, as they all agree with the sentiment expressed, they just wouldn't tweet it like he did
Bernie bro goes mask off, succs in the replies try to rein him in
Other urls found in this thread:
Wtf I love the elite now
Kek based
Hes right for all the wrong reasons desu
He says that but I guarantee he won't have the balls to do it himself.
Report it and move on
completely correct
Why are Bernie supporters unironically more cringe than trump supporters?
Trump supporters can actually win elections.
these same stable individuals think everyone is a nazi and that every nazi must be beaten to death
theyre not big on trials or law and order. they kind of just want to use their feelings to determine who lives and dies.
you think Yas Forums is edgy, unlike Yas Forums these people are not being even remotely sarcastic
this guy is literally Yas Forums but on the left
because deep down they know they are working for the establishment and that they will be allowed to get away with it
i rarely see posts that stupid on Yas Forums
most Yas Forumstards know the difference between free speech and a felony
Except Yas Forums, if given the option, would peacefully remove non-whites.
We don't hate shitskins, we just don't want them in our communities
He's not wrong though
Law Enforcements only job is to perpetuate the existing power structure, all that other feel good shit comes after the fact.
That said, killing a cop wont do much, you’ve got to take the head off the snake
>This is the elites fault REEEE
>Go shoot a cop to show them
Is he retarded or am I too much of a brainlet to understand?
Why do all of these commie faggots have something about needing a rest or being tired in their username?
They don’t even work. When the collapse comes they will be culled first for the lack of productivity.
Or worked to death by the state, wouldn’t that be fitting.
>This tweet is no longer available
So does he realize the ‘elites’ are Jews
>only job is to perpetuate the existing power structure
and to stop and prevent murders and rapes and lootings and such. which is why people who want to murder, rape, or loot hate the police.
lefty thugs justify their hatred for police with fancy words but really they just want to legally murder people they dont like, which is everyone that disagrees with them
This guy walks up to you and threatens to shoot you in the face.
What do?
>Heroes of the Storm
Be nice guys he's autistic
If they went after anyone that would make a difference, where would they get their next iDildo type devices or sugary burnt coffee
they still want elite in charge, but THEIR elite, who will surely take care of them and not the brown people that work for half price
we can't expect God to remove all malarkey
Why do democrats vote against their own interests?
>and to stop and prevent murders and rapes and lootings and such
police don't stop those things, they respond to them after the fact
This is the face of the revolution
No, I legitimately hate them
this because bernie lost?...
why are they like little children who don't get that toy at the store because he has to wait till his birthday?
Of course he won't
>eat the rich
>blame the elite
>kill the police?
does'nt make any sense. schizo or fed. shooting the police will solve exactly nothing for anyone, least of all for Berntards. gassing your local jews in minecraft? could that be a solution?
>the elite are abandoning us to die
Watch out police, this guy is coming for you
das it mane
>elites are the head of the serpent
>this retard tells you to attack the tail
and if they didnt respond after the fact then the murderers and looters seeing a lack of consequences for their actions would increase the rate of murders and lootings
you fucking brainlet
Anyone notice his @? Amusing.
>Of course they're desperate. They can smell their death, and the sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest.
>mfw Bernie loses
Notice how none of these commies ever dare to actually name "da elitez".
Hmm...seems like they fear that something, something will start to be noticed about all these elite people.
Are all commies like this? They understand to say the word elite but then tell you to go kill the police? Can one of the shills spamming this board elaborate this conundrum
go back faggot
Go shoot the nearest jew in the face.
Why are the people who encourage others to commit violence online but never actually commuting any violence themselves? This guy has shot 0 police officers and never will commit any violence.
I would never tell peopl e to go throw their lives away and murder someone unless I was willing to lead by example.
I'll never understand how people get this upset over an election, and the fucking primaries at that. I just get slightly annoyed and then shrug it off for the next handful of years if my guy doesn't get in.
Cops have a lot of problems but people seem to forget just how much order the threat of consequence helps keep. They're what's between us and going back to using corrupt faggot vigilante thief takers who are x2000 times worse and don't even ever do their actual job.
>b-b-but me and my militia of 70 IQ boomer oathkeeper MIGA retards will enforce the fair and just law better than the bully police!!!
>go shoot a cop in the face
Holy shit imagine being this retarded
It's funny isn't it. I'd pay good money to see him try to fight a police officer.
this was probably posted by a jew if anything
>oy vey look at this comment i just happened to find on the internet!
Now that's what I call BASED
brainwashed by tv news
the biggest threat to national security going right now
He's a native indian. Likely shitfaced and violent. He may do it bros.
the only solution to this behavior is beatings
Nobody watches the news anymore.
t. the news
I've thought about this a lot. We've got a lot in common with the Bernie bros. Sometimes I feel like it'd be best if we all teamed up and overthrew the current establishment. Then we'd fight it out at the end of the day
being anti-police is a sign of low intelligence
Typical angry, white male.
if he posted any of that shit on Yas Forums he'd rightfully be called a glowie
and yet for the normies and leftie retards it is still their benchmark for what is and isnt reality even if they arent tuning in they still hear about it. or john oliver or some late night faggot regurgitates that tv news into their mouths. or they hear the tv news from some boomer faggot at the water cooler at work.
Trump supporters are the least cringe of them all.
or facebook headlines of the tv news
and news websites that are owned by the same corporations as said tv news etc
Well it depends on the police too. A lot of the time bad cops are a product of a bad system combined with a bad community. If you have shitty cops it's because you live in a shithole and chances are you're just as much of a pile of worthless shit as they are. Sometimes it can be because they're legitimately corrupt and controlled by the city, which in case it's not really "the police" so much as "the city".
Hating cops because they're the closest observable authority is brainlet. Hating all law enforcement because you're unironically a criminal and think you're justified and cops are just harassing you makes you a dindu nuffin nigger.
Hating cops because they kill your precious black voters makes you a kike.
Hey there. Nice strawman.
There's no point in hating wild animals