The unemployment hasn't been that high since the great depression nearly a century ago. Holy shit.
better sell those stonkerinos before its too late
The unemployment hasn't been that high since the great depression nearly a century ago. Holy shit.
better sell those stonkerinos before its too late
already 25% in NYC
Yes sell now, the bank will buy them up with money they printed. Oops your dollar has no value and we own everything thanks for playing!
>Source says
Friendly reminder that bluecheck disinformation can be more damaging than the virus. :)
fuck kikes
100% welfare state inbound!
He used it as a way to scare senators into voting for the gibsmedat bill.
WAAAAY more then that....
They are shutting shit down....
more like 40%-60%
Based and redpilled
>retail is considered a good an essential job by the government
>my job is safe & secure
Anyone else here stock shelves for $16 an hour?
I spend more money wiping my ass than you make for a living.
rip murica
Do people really not put money away? I've always been told that you should try and put away enough money to sustain yourself for at least six months in case of an emergency.
all cause some chink decided to eat bat soup for lunch
I mean yeah they are preparing to shelter in place in major cities, meaning almost no one gets to work
>Interact with the same 3 people daily
>Soon will not get to work because of this fucking flu
>Going to JUST my finances forever when I am literally JUST UNJUSTing them
fuck americans are stupid. now they're closing schools in america. generational stupidity on the horizon
At my current expenditure levels...I'd probably make it 4 months on my savings. And I'm way ahead of many Americans, both because I'm unusual in having savings and because I'm a single man with no children. Not a lot of needs, but a lot of resources.
Too bad I don't have a corona bunny to sooth my loneliness.
source of original images plz
Yes obviously this is ideal.
But it only is really possible once you have a stable job and place to live. I and all my college aged friends are out of our various jobs and pretty much completely fucked.
Yeah I just don't get how we are supposed to self quarantine but also pay bills. Even if you moved to a new cost of living area you can get double fucked cause unemployment looks at your past history and gives you 50%.
I'd be more than happy to shelter in place and leave once a week for groceries, but pay or freeze (not forbearance where the costs pile up) my bills and give me a stimulus.
Those dumb statistics only come from those eligible for unemployment benefits.
tfw i work in a bakery and earn 23 dollars an hour easily. people want their bread
>no work and money for at least a month for me
Shhhhhhheeeeeeeeiiiit. I got about 100 days of food and that's it
Sometimes shit happens. I had 6 months saved last year and then broke my leg playing basketball, and the bill with insurance was $6000 + tip
the rates will skyrocket but it will be temp, which is why their temporary checks is a good idea. ~800k people being out of work in vegas for the next month are going to need assistance paying their bills
Shouldn't be hard. Womyn are thirsty as fuck right now it's like easy mode
I just can't believe we are finally in a situation where I support welfare
niggers in my buthole
fuck fuck fuck fuck
Not just because of the coronavirus, but because of the response to it. Instead of doing traditional roadblock quarantines on areas with lots of infected(which governors actually have power to do), they are illegally demanding "non-essential" businesses close their doors, oftentimes statewide.
Are Democrat governors intentionally destroying the economy?
Imperial College London simulates millions of deaths in the USA alone as likely scenario twitter.com
You have no idea how badly America fucked up.
I have $50 in savings and $20 in my wallet for emergencies. I've been putting everything I can into paying for school since I don't want to be a debt slave for lifeby taking out massive student loans. I lost my current job when my school shut down and I also lost my summer job at a place I've been working at every summer for 6 years due to a projected lack of funds. Thankfully there is talk ona partial refund for my dorm/meal plan and I just received a huge scholarship so I have a decent chunk of next year covered, but right now things are looking bleak. I'll just spend the summer not buying anything and keep looking for work, but it's a less than ideal situation to be blunt. The one saving grace is the panic is driving up animal prices. Brought a load of chickens and eggs to the sale last week and got prices I've never seen before. Got 300 eggs in the incubator right now hoping that the prices hold, might actually be alright as long as they don't shut down the sale. I got plenty of feed left from last year, so I should be able to raise them for next to nothing.
This is so fucking over the top. Far more death and destruction will be attributed to the overreaction than the virus itself.
>he still buys the official story
goddamn you people are stupid
I prefer Coronageddon desu senpai
>yes goy, sell your businesses for pennies on the dollar to your caring central bank that is privately owned and controlled by mostly Rothschild backed banks...
>Instead of doing traditional roadblock quarantines on areas
> they are demanding "non-essential" businesses close their doors
How the fuck would you say they could barricade the property so nobody can go in or out, but not tell you not to open?
I'm going to take my Donald-Dollars and pay my taxes with em.
>In total, in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in GB and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality.
16 March 2020, Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team
Agreed. The response is absolutely ridiculous. Is this what happens when you let a bunch of scientists and public health “experts” scare you and give them free rein to shut down everything to stop the spread of a virus? It would be better to do nothing and let this shit run it’s course. Many will die but at least the entire country and economy don’t go to complete shit. Get ready for the Great Depression part Two, boys. The UK has it right for once.
They have been cooking the books on unemployment since the 90s. Real unemployment has been over 20% for a decade. Is everyone on Yas Forums a retard?
Just trust the plan
>Donald Trump: (00:06)
>Beautiful day outside. And then I think we have some great things to talk about. I’ll start by discussing the Federal Reserve. As you know, it just happened minutes ago, but to me it makes me very happy. And I want to congratulate the Federal Reserve. For starters, they’ve lowered the fed rate from what it was, which was one to 1.25. And it’s been lowered down to zero to 0.25 or 0.25. So it’s zero to .25 that’s a big difference. It’s a quite a bit, about a point.
>And in addition, very importantly, the Federal Reserve going to be purchasing $500 billion of treasuries and $200 billion of mortgage backed securities. And that number can increase, but they’re going to start with that and that’s really good news. It’s really great for our country. It’s something that we’re very happy, I have to say this. I’m very happy and they did it in one step. They didn’t do it in four steps over a long period of time. They did it on one step.
>And I think that people in the market should be very thrilled. And that brings us, we’re the strongest country in the world by far financially and every other way. And that brings us in line with what other countries are. They actually have negative rates, but look, we got it down to potentially zero. So that’s a big step and I’m very happy they did it.
>Hey it's only 3% death rate and only for old people but we're going to intentionally put 20% out of work on the street for the flu
Things that happened
>Many will die but at least the entire country and economy don’t go to complete shit.
>The UK has it right for once.
our economy is grinding to a halt lad. utterly grinding to a halt.
better a short, sharp shock of 6 weeks' quarantine, than a "flattened curve" that will go on for years and completely destroy all economic activity except (but possibly including) the grocery supply chain
Something fishy is going on but it sure in the fuck isn't the virus having a 10%+ death rate. You guys can only ride on that "just a few more weeks bro" for so many months before people start calling BS. The virus has been in the US since January.
The only reason most people are taking time of work is because their kids are at home and the babysitter...i mean school isn't watching them.
I thought you guys were carrying on as usual? Did the authorities there change course in the past few days and do the same shit that Europe and the US is doing by closing everything and destroying the economy? I just talked to my sister in law in London today and she said people are still going to work.
From CNN's Jeremy Diamond
It was already that bad, user. Labor participation rates before the virus was already at a 50 year low.
If you're not going to spend money you should not be allowed to make money. Kys retard.
>I thought you guys were carrying on as usual?
no, we're slowing the spread, which is like containment but only to be strictly (i.e., police and army) enforced at specific times. this means years of relative economic inactivity. most offices have closed. other businesses are closing as soon as a member of staff gets ill. layoffs are already happening.
>I just talked to my sister in law in London today and she said people are still going to work.
some are, but that's not going to last. i give it a few days before the remaining businesses flake out and we will be left with a skeleton economy of mcdonalds and supermarkets.
it's going to be interesting to see what happens when half the country can't afford rent
What would change in practice?
p.s. all our nations had to do was close the border to china and we wouldn't be in this mess
600000 gorrillion people MAY die too. But they won't.
in every field
Why do you idiots fall for easily disproven bullshit every time?
Unemployment will not jump 20%.
+tip was a good touch user
oh ok then
So it’s the same situation as here. Restaurants were ordered closed and the entire service industry is either laid off or about to be laid off. Anybody who can work remotely is working remotely but if our plants and distribution centers shut down we are all fucked.
good time to be an office worker, bad time to be a minimum wagecuck in fast food etc. where you'll get this virus and not even receive danger pay
You tip your insurance companies? Fuck me, I can’t imagine having had a horrible accident that would possibly prevent my ability to work and then have to fork out a massive sum to fix it.
Why don’t the US have a national health service?