extremely huge major political earth changing events that happened recently or to come

>1000 (or as Trump said, more, possibly much much more, it could surprise you) trumpbux to all
>google and other social media sites lifts filters on search results
>wikileaks grand jury disbanded
>travel bans to major countries where elite would flee to
>national emergency declared which leads to martial law and arrest of deep state actors
>hillary files appeal to TRY to stop court order that she must testify about emails
>congress on break from the 14th to the 22nd
>schools and many major businesses already temporarily shut down for the next month
>entertainment shut down for the foreseeable future leaving plenty of time for people to get caught up on current events
>national guard being activated across the country with major cities already being locked down
>30k US troops deployed to Europe for an "exercise" starting the 15th
>trump making moves against the IRS and FED, while installing those who wish to return to the gold standard
>harvested adrenochrome is manufactured in Wuhan, supply now shut down, possibility it was infected with COVID-19
>adrenochrome, the shape of the molecular compound found to resemble a white rabbit (follow the owl & Y head(rabbit))
>celebrities and other elite getting sick in droves
>CEOs and others in high level positions stepping down or resigning

these are major happenings
looking stormy outside

Trump also just said
>The coming weeks we will all have to make changes and sacrifices...but the short term sacrifices will produce long-term gain...

continued from the previous thread which hit bump limit:

Attached: 1572389577757.png (1261x578, 80.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


return to a gold or crypto backed currency? maybe silver certificates as well like FJK tried?


>Why do you think Trump is revamping the trade deals, using tariffs, cutting taxes to bring back jobs and manufacturing into the country, stimulating the economy, and nominating gold advocates to the federal reserve board? He's attempting to mitigate the inevitable crash and failure of the fiat system. He is preparing to flip from oil to metals, and restructure the federal reserve and fold it into the gov't where it belongs according the Constitution. It will probably happen in his second term.

>Did you see who's portrait Trump chose to have hanging right behind him in the oval office? Andrew Jackson, the man who repealed the Fed's predecessor, the Second Bank of the United States.

he's going to seize the assets of the deep state to pay for it all cause the link above gives him the power to

Attached: 1558103273297.png (789x427, 132.36K)

Get in, there's not much time

Attached: 1526357687.jpg (512x273, 32.54K)

can someone elaborate this ?


Attached: 1584153765346.jpg (1132x526, 131.24K)

they assassinated the last thread while it was active

>Bill Gates
>Bob Iger
>Other (((CEOs)))
>Kobe Bryant
>Tom Hanks
>Bread and circus sports
>Educational institutions
>Air travel to flight risk locations
>30K troops/gear to Europe
>Federal Reserve
>Student loans and payroll tax
>National Emergency
>Event 201 Pandemic
>Worldwide Sweeps
>Operation Corona 2020


Attached: 1582288145423.png (798x809, 468.2K)

>those who saw what was on weiner's laptop threw up
>they have it all, the clinton emails, the foundation emails, the huma emails

>flynn to be pardoned

>It’s time to declassify the last two FISA warrants!

>SEVEN Vatican Priests Have Already Dropped DEAD from coronachan

Attached: 1564801758198.png (861x417, 266.4K)


>Lockheed Martin CEO just stepped down.
twitter.com/YahooFinance/status/1239527508489449472 (embed) (

>Universal Music CEO has corona

>The Walker County Sheriff's Office recently kicked off an effort dubbed "Operation March Madness" that has resulted in 122 arrests for the month so far including the capture of U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive Joshua Wayne Burnett.

Attached: 1557740596295.png (2246x1304, 930.01K)

Bad goys, bad goys

Whatcha gonna do

Whatcha gonna do when they call out jews

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Gotta keep making these threads desu. They will keep getting slid until the job is done

this google shit is great

Attached: 1569605670172.png (872x832, 86.11K)


Holy shit

Attached: 1584156088425.gif (288x377, 1.83M)

War with China?


it's common knowledge if you've been around since ATLEAST 2012 newfag

>Emily Writes: Down the rabbit hole with the Covid-19 conspiracy theorists
I only get shit like this and "scientific" information about it.
Is this censor removing stuff happening only in America? I haven't seen any red pills on Google?



Fuck Q Tards and all other partisan faggots. Trump is better than the dems, but he's not the second coming of christ or superman or the greatest thing since sliced bread, or anything like that. He's a slightly-less-shitty politician. We still have a lot of work to do. In fact, we have more work ahead of us today than we did in 2016. Complacency and "Trusting the plan" is not going to get us anywhere.

Once gain:
Fuck Q Tards
And also fuck jannies, fuck Jews, and fuck globalists

Attached: 1584488338166.jpg (1029x437, 93.82K)

ummm excuse me

offensively based.

also on adrenochrome
it's what the elite used as a drug
the way they got it was through torturing children before ritually killing them
this was done to produce blackmail on people who wished to seek power

once trump got into office the supply lines for these began to be cut off
they had to find a source of it or face withdrawals
when you're rich and powerful you don't just ween off you find a new source

the new source happened to come from wuhan
which happened to be the lab funded by soros and bill gates
which also happened to be where corona virus broke out


it's a ritual
it's to get blackmail
it's to find those who are willing to do unsung acts in order to gain power
this allows them to operate behind the scenes without ever putting themselves in the public eye

The question is how much more dangerous is it than other virus epidemics we've seen over the years? How many of the reported cases and deaths are false positives from faulty test kits?
And it's already been reported that there's 2 strains and that it's mutating rapidly. Some here think there's a mild public strain that infects the general public, intentionally released by deepstate to put everyone into panic, and maybe the second strain was released to counter that and target adrenochrome users only?
There's certainly something going around, but how much of the pandemic is really a result of the virus, and how much of this crisis is a cover for other operations?
The hospitals being overwhelmed makes sense if every person who gets sick and shows some of the very generic symptoms (fever, cough, potential breathing issues) are all rushing to the hospital at the same time seeking treatment due to the panic.

Attached: 1556559113106.png (1428x1524, 1.67M)

Tom Hanks has recently been posting photos that feature the letter 'W' with the use of zero space. Other general creepy shit notwithstanding, this strikes me as exceptionally suspicious.
You are reminded that Hanks used this technique himself in the DaVinci code.

Attached: Untitled49_20200317182822.png (1518x2988, 2.46M)

>Project Veritas has Hillary's emails

Attached: 1556785858354.png (1454x1014, 526.95K)

Attached: Untitled51_20200317190420.png (800x450, 323.72K)

Tom Hanks is addicted to Adrenochrome and he caught Covid-19 from the latest batch of tainted Adrenochrome that came through Celine Dion who is a high priestess from the Church of Satan. She is well-versed in poison as she’s been lacing her children’s clothing line with a chemical that makes our children “gender neutral”. Tom Hanks signalled to the Hollywood Liberal Elite Cabal DeepState in his Golden Globes acceptance speech that there would be a shortage of Adrenochrome. Ellen has closed her studio audience because she’s addicted as well. Heidi Klum is too. And so is Michael Rappaport.


These people are so fucking dumb, what is going on man? They seem to be flooding this board and I've been trying to figure it out. Are they bots, what is going on? It seems most of the threads are bullshit fake hysteria.

It's making me schizo.

lock her up then faggot

Why don't you lick my ass, faggot fucker? Prove yourself or go fuck a dog nigger

here you go fren
also checked

check these out if you want to know what Q is really about
it's a small group of people close to the president, likely in the NSA


here's some videos to understand what it's really about
remember, if this shit wasn't real then why are shills and the media this desperate?

Attached: 1576601045629.jpg (946x895, 169.69K)

you niggers better not be larping I just made a massive financial bet that I will not disclose on this all being true

>face withdrawals
ummmm anyone in here know anything about brain chemistry and want to describe why if this was an actual drug it wouldn't even cause withdrawals

I do not want to hear elitism from a fucking Maple Nigger

There is no adrenochrome harvesting
No grand Trump save the world secret plan
The truth is far simpler and more insidious.
you know what else happened march 15? the Fed cut reserve requirements for all banks to ZERO, if you dont know what that means, or how huge the implications are, then you need to educate yourself.
Corona, the lockdowns, the glowie af conspiracy threads, theyre al misdirection while the greatest robbery in human history is taking place.

you will be very rich then

Attached: 1564958194209.png (728x494, 180.24K)

This is some schizo shit.

We're going to.

Expect indictments next week and expect Hilary to be faces charges of TREASON by the end of the month.

This is it. Trump just check-mated the globalists.

>There is no adrenochrome harvesting
>No grand Trump save the world secret plan
>The truth is far simpler and more insidious.
The truth is that you're a fucking fed kike nigger

Attached: 15635464576865452.jpg (1400x933, 106.96K)

there is more

Attached: banks.png (687x580, 61.54K)

is there anything more pathetic than a qboomer?

Is this the 14th time you've posted this?

On family vacation with my dad in Breckenridge. Dad just asked "Hey user, I need you to explain who QAnon is because all my friends are talking about him"

It's going to be a very long night

Attached: publix pepe.png (500x522, 125.16K)

This is the most boomer shit I've ever seen. Is the new kike strat to repost this over and over to discredit all conspiracy theories that have truth to them ala flat earth bullshit? Or are boomers and /ptg/ redditors getting even dumber? I didn't think it was possible.

A namefag, memeflag, faggot. I.e. you

Indictments next week, amiright?

I didn't think it was possible for kike niggers to be ANY more obvious than before. Keep sweating kike

I'm in Newfoundland, currently the safest place to be in North America. I'm on the tallest hill just south of Pissing Mares Rig. I'm also American, pic related.

Stupid fucking nigger.

Attached: 20200317_232730_HDR.jpg (764x1019, 65.23K)

another armchair chemist, or rather a shill pretending to be one
have you ever looked into the actual existing academic literature before making your Dunning-Kruger bullshitting?


A. Hoffer 1962 paper (65p):

R.A. Heacock 1971 paper (5p review):

Commander C. L. Mac Carthy, reporting the work of dr. Demeter Buchnea
>SYNTHESIS OF ADRENOCHROME (original article in french + english translation) --> USING SILVER OXIDE AS THE OXIDATION AGENT

Alexander Shulgin (greatest "debunker" of adrenochrome psychoactivity) is a self-professed member of the "Owl Club" (Bohemian Grove):

>you're welcome

Attached: chimther1.png (1256x886, 1.64M)

Get off my board

This one is too easy to spot.

>Expect indictments next week and expect Hilary to be faces charges of TREASON by the end of the month.
are you willing to bet federal buildings, random gov employees, postal workers and such on that? because given all this bullshit i foresee nigger hordes a rampaging and wicked bastards finally losing their patience and beginning to slap the taste out the establishment moufs. Whatever is going on it's got the nutjobs everywhere riled up and after the first few toilet paper killings they are going to start turning their anger on the percieved entities that are supposed to mitigate the madness.

Bot instantly replied. Go fucking die.

Jesus how fucking pathetic and thin skinned are you? You should post your social too, just to be safe

kek it's easy to cut and copy something retard

Attached: 1575996506520.png (1373x833, 59.2K)

>everyone is a bot but me
FUCKING KEK stay in Canada please and never come back

Holy balls you kikes really fucking hate this general. It's funny to me.

Attached: shills.png (1494x669, 265.33K)

He's talking about the chink virus

u dont need actual drug to have addiction withdrawal

Why is google suddenly showing these results??????

Adrenochrome and the adrenaline type compounds (adrenolutin etc) are the psychoactive ingredients, the ones that give you the high

but there are other ingredients in there that are not psychoactive, but rejuvinating and keep you young (proteins, polypeptides and whatnot)

Remember in Twin Peaks the demons drinking GARMONBOZIA? Russian pronounciation of "hormone booze", meaning blood enriched with adrenalin type hormones, the blood of tortured animals or children

Again, the Chinese do this up to this day. In rural China, they will ask a butcher if an animal has suffered enough, the Chinese prefer torturing animals before eating them. The meat may not taste as good, but they do it for the effects. They say it gives them strength, increased sexual prowess and make them more manly.

So again, if meat from a tortured animal does this, what do you think a tortured child will be like?

actual quote by a chinaman:
>In Chinese medicine «old ways» people (mostly male) believe animal has to feel pain and fear to make meat «strong». They believe it boosts testosterone and adrenaline and make man more sexy and strong. Old people ask butcher if animal had «good suffer.»

Attached: garmonbozia.jpg (800x442, 30.64K)

I love this new shill line

is it or is that a fake screenshot as was demonstrated above?

Did Trump fucking forget that the shadow cabal have fucking backdoor access to our launch coded and are fully willing to hold the entire fucking planet hostage should he actually come for them?

Attached: 1584161518327.png (2048x1582, 3.69M)

You're a fucking stupid Amerimutt without any clue about the real world. I'm making a valid statement and you come in with a stupid fucking response. I will fucking end you so fast kid. You don't know shit about who I am. I own 10500 acres of North America's biggest Fjord and my great grand father passed it down to me and it's my responsibility to look after Pissing Mares Ridge. It's been a long time since I've hung stupid fucking Amerimutt half cocked coons off the side of her, I will make you another part of the collection.

Go eat shit you fucking retard.

Wouldn't that be fucking epic if your government assigned NSAfag was also a double agent for the best president in the world? Like for instance, you'd be going thread to thread destroying shills being a smart, manipulative motherfucker and your government assigned NSAfag is in the background running interference to keep you in play on Yas Forums to counter the shilling . And you don't realize this because you're having too much fun larping as a smarter-than-a-Yas Forumsack reptile.

Attached: 1573339230077.jpg (1023x1024, 156.3K)

Two days ago Google announced that it was going to increase its censorship and delete jewtube videos even when they don't go against their terms and conditions.

This looks like an outside move, to be frank, Q is real and anyone denying this by now is either blind & stupid, or has malicious intent.

Attached: kek real result.png (1194x910, 106.62K)

why don't you go back to your little temple or lodge and blow your head off?


when do we get to the point where we can just sing shanties and eat beans with our bros?

Attached: 20200309_110808.jpg (3264x2448, 3.06M)

Indictments, next week? That's what you guys have been saying literally since April 2017. Trump is no different from a regular Republican. Yeah, he's better than Shillary or some globalist corporate dem, but he's not here to save the white race or some shit. He's literally an establishment billionaire Zionist who hung out and partied with all the other billionaires.

Also you're a fucking retard and a hardcore newfag and you don't actually understand chan culture if you think Yas Forums is a Pro-Tump Board. We're not and never have been. We've mainly been an anti-establishment board with an odd mix of libertarian and nat-soc leanings and always has been (and there actually used to be a lot of chill anti-PC lefties years ago).

>This looks like an outside move

by someone with those capabilites, i.e. NSA

Attached: NSA 04122019.jpg (675x1200, 133.3K)

>You're a fucking stupid Amerimutt without any clue about the real world
>I'm also American, pic related.
Did you run out of Klonopin, kike?

Attached: 1582936888968.jpg (502x432, 38.9K)

After nearly 3 years the shills can still only repeat “larp boomer schizo” over and over again. Sad!

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>shadow cabal have fucking backdoor access to our launch coded
i remember from a thread yesterday the q tards had as part of their laid out intricate plot of happenings that said cabal (and other mortal kombat characters) hacked a sub and launched a missile at air force one (back when the cali text alert about NK missile launch supposedly happened), which i find absurd, even if they could do that it sounds like a great way to accidentally sink a sub that didnt know it needed to be at launch depth and oriented properly. children, you cannot take screenshots alone at face value.

yes this is true
chinks r bloodthirsty savage
they even eat aborted babies, or unwanted babies

These threads are always interesting to read. Sure would be cool if all the shit the qoomers talk about actually happens lmao

also, you now realise the double meaning behind Q's catchphrase "THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK"

no-one is falling for that bullcrap anymore, wake up and smell the coffee

Attached: these peopel are sick.png (2250x2046, 3.73M)


>“Today we have learned that solidarity between EU countries is a myth. China is our only hope” - Serbia

Let China handle it. Trump is as capable of defeating bad guys as women and dogs are capable of defeating monkey men.

after 3 years we still haven't locked her up and all you can repeat is trust the plan so i reckon that makes us even huh faggot?

fucking tards.
this is a real thing that happened, not a conspiracy, not a maybe, not some secret inside sauce user. this is real,
if you dont belive it, its in black and white and posted on their official web site.
If you dont understand it then you should educate youself because its huge
if you're shit talking my post because you dont understand, then you're a genuine fucking retard.
otherwise your a glow nigger and you're just doing job, so i say fuck you and enjoy your day

Dog, try it. Google "Who owns the banks" right now

>anyone who disagree with me is either retarded or a shill

Maybe some people just have a different perspective on things? Idk user, you sound pretty rigid in your thinking. Maybe you should consider other perspectives. I personally don't like Trump because he's a Zionist. Did Q tell you about that?

He has literally banned speech criticizing Israel, thereby establishing a new precedent which overrules the 1st Amendment. Cringe and ZOGpilled i all I have to say.