/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2215

► Detected: 198,212 ► Died: 7,965

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Millions of Americans to lose their jobs

Robbers grab 100,000 surgical masks at gunpoint in Ukraine

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Virus affects blood circulation

4900 deaths across 182 cities in Iran, Iran opposition estimates

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

Spain only testing high risk cases

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

23:16: 108 new cases and 4 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
22:15: 51 new cases and 1 new death in Turkey. The patient was an 89-year-old who contracted the virus from someone who had contact with China. This is the first death in Turkey.
22:13: First 2 cases in Montenegro. All countries in Europe now have at least one confirmed case of coronavirus.
22:12: 83 new cases and 3 new deaths in British Columbia, Canada.
22:04: First case in West Virginia, United States. All 50 U.S. states now have at least 1 confirmed case of coronavirus. American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands are the only U.S. territories with no confirmed cases.
21:33: 8 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
21:30: 78 new cases in Spain.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Let me tell you something, daydreaming for the end of the world cause it's the only thing that releases any microscopic amount of dopamine to your dull brain, it's fucking sad.

Man, I wonder why nobody on any other board in any other thread beside /CVG/ believes this shit at all.
It's almost like all sane minded people realize it's a nothingburger, cause you only find fearmongering like this here on /cvg/.
Man, I wonder why no person in the real world has been talking about this for weeks. (You'd know this if you ever interacted with real humans for once.)
It's almost like it's only the depressed fucking weirdos who want to see innocent people die, huh weird.
Who really surprised though? These were the same retards who thought Ebola, WWIII and North Korea were going to be the end of the world
Man, I wonder why none of you can provide tangible evidence for all the bullshit that pours from your gaping maw.
It's almost like circle jerking with a bunch of depressed doomposters makes you blind to the fact that this is nothing.
Maybe go outside, take a few days off the internet and go for a run you fat fuck.

You niggers are the most cherrypicking and evidence-ignoring group by far. Just hide anything that could prove you wrong.
If someone has a question that is opposite to your retarded apocalypse wet dream scenario you just say

Happeningfags are just conspiracy theorists with a 100% critical failure rate.
It really does get more pathetic every time you're wrong, especially the fact that you keep coming back to blow eachother in some Mad Max imagionationland dream that will never come true.
Sorry to burst your bubble faggot, Modern society is way too stable to collapse. Especially not to some pussy virus that only kills people who are already half dead.

Like always retards, we're fine.

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Threadly reminder, unless you have gold & silver you're going to exit the collapse into poverty

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>wake up
>remember that neurotypicals exist
>day ruined

► China 80,881 (3,226) ► International 116,864 (4,728): Italy 31,506 (2,503) Iran 16,169 (988) Spain 11,826 (533) Germany 9,367 (26) S. Korea 8,320 (81) France 7,730 (175) US 6,194 (102) Switzerland 2,742 (27) UK 1,950 (71) Netherlands 1,705 (43) Norway 1,469 (3) Austria 1,332 (4) Belgium 1,243 (10) Sweden 1,191 (8) Denmark 977 (4) Japan 878 (29) D. Princess 696 (7) Malaysia 673 (2) Canada 479 (5) Australia 452 (5) Portugal 448 (1) Greece 387 (5) Brazil 328 (1) Ireland 292 (2) Slovenia 275 (1) Bahrain 241 (1) Poland 238 (5) Egypt 196 (6) Philippines 187 (12) Thailand 177 (1) Indonesia 172 (7) H. Kong 168 (4) Iraq 154 (11) India 143 (3) Luxembourg 140 (1) Lebanon 124 (3) S. Marino 119 (11) Ecuador 111 (2) Turkey 98 (1) Bulgaria 81 (2) Taiwan 77 (1) Panama 69 (1) Argentina 68 (2) Algeria 60 (5) Albania 55 (1) Hungary 50 (1) Morocco 44 (2) Azerbaijan 34 (1) Dom. Rep. 21 (1) Martinique 15 (1) Ukraine 14 (2) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 7 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Qatar 442 Cze. Rep. 434 Israel 337 Finland 322 Singapore 266 Iceland 247 Pakistan 247 Estonia 225 Romania 217 Chile 201 S. Arabia 171 Kuwait 130 Peru 117 Russia 114 UAE 113 Slovakia 97 Mexico 82 Armenia 78 Serbia 72 Croatia 69 Vietnam 66 Colombia 65 S. Africa 62 Latvia 60 Brunei 56 C. Rica 50 Cyprus 49 Faeroes 47 S. Lanka 44 Palestine 41 Jordan 40 Andorra 39 Malta 38 Belarus 36 Georgia 34 Bosnia 34 Cambodia 33 Oman 33 Kazakhstan 33 Venezuela 33 Macedonia 31 Moldova 30 Uruguay 29 Senegal 27 Tunisia 27 Lithuania 25 Afghanistan 22 Liechtenstein 19 B. Faso 15 Macao 13 Maldives 13 N. Zealand 12 Bolivia 12 Jamaica 12 Fr. Guiana 11 Uzbekistan 11 Bangladesh 10 Cameroon 10 Monaco 9 Paraguay 9 Reunion 9 Honduras 8 Ghana 7 Rwanda 7 Chan. Isl. 6 Ethiopia 6 Guadeloupe 6 Cuba 5 Guam 5 Mongolia 5 P. Rico 5 Tri. & Tob. 5 Ivory C. 4 Kenya 4 Seychelles 4 Nigeria 3 Aruba 3 Curacao 3 Congo 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Gibraltar 3 St. Barth 3… Total 165/251

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>US State Leaderboard
108 total deaths


54 deaths
13 deaths
12 deaths
7 deaths
4 deaths
3 deaths
2 deaths
1 death

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Real Doc here, any medfag have already tried pulmonar vasocirculations with Anvedil 500?

My patient (38, male) is still OP

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Let’s get to the bottom of the L and S strains, has anyone studied it ?

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Healthy as a horse, bros! My bank account may be $35,000 lighter, but it feels like a great weight has been lifted.

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Just in case you're new here:
This a bulletin board where we pretend to be racist.
We pretend to say:
Fuck all jews,
Fuck all niggers,
Kill all slants who continue to infect us with CCP flying super-AIDS.
Nuke China now.
But most importantly:
Fuck jannies.

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whatevz i just want to lynch people without police getting in my way

Who /prime looting target/ here?

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i feel like i'm in some bizarre fever shill dream when browsing the rest of Yas Forums

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Fuck oc is shut down

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For the Glory of Corona-chan:

>close eyes, sit in a kneeling position on a comfy cushion or stool. visualize Corona-chan in preferred form in front of you in a white room sitting or standing as you prefer, transferring energy from one another). hold tip of tongue to roof of mouth while breathing in through nose. breathe out and chant through mouth slowly,.

Ia Ia Zi Azag!
Ia Ia Zi Azkak!
Ia Ia Korona Zi Kur Ia!

Repeat slowly for about 36 repetitions (extend one finger each recitation on hands, then at ten re-close them, repeating until 36 is done to shift focus from counting), then slowly bow your head, finish saying "Ave Korona-chan" before opening eyes.

Let's make a Corona-chan godform

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> pretend


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who stocking up on ecchi manga to fap to during quarantine? What are some recomendations

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I’m worn out. My eyes are sore, my joints hurt, my feet feel heavy... it’s time to go to bed now. I’m so tired.

How can I force my company to let me work from home lads?

All other department but mine are working from home because our boss is Argentinian!!

California has no idea what's coming. Keep going outside for stupid reasons retards.

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I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad.

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>OP got the last post in the previous thread

this pleases my autism

Well the good news is it isn't a death sentence. It's a mean virus but it is possible to survive it.

charge your phone

You forgot to ask if you were based

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good bait.

A third of the deaths in my state are in my county in my city.
I can only laugh

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just coof at work lmao

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>TFW Upper Morocco pretends to be smart.

So Canada is up 157 to 598 total cases, or +35.6%

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wait, why are we panicking over a flu again?


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Oh no, a disease that kills boomers and the parasites.

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>actual doctor here
>i promise i didn't get a hold of daddy's old medical book and start typing out random drug names

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Due to closed courts, the Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw has decided to halt all arrests for nonviolent crimes, to include “all narcotics offenses, thefts, burglary, vandalism, prostitution, stolen cars, economic crimes, such as bad checks and fraud, and any existing bench warrants.”


so much this

100% of people still saying this is “just a flu” are US flags. Right after a certain subreddit was shut down. It’s weird how literally none of them have ever been on Reddit though and are totally oldfags from 2004 Yas Forums. Weird...

California is going nazi on the corona shutdown but let homeless junkie camps fester in their neighborhoods , time to clean up

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15 mg of cummies


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>Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm
what took them so long to confirm this?



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Coronavirus outbreak: Upcoming President Joe Biden to address nation on COVID-19 pandemic | LIVE


What is he going to say /cvg/?

RIP fren, write to your loved ones

Would be nice boiled in a nice ginger bat broth.

You guys realize you've essentially created a deity (false idol) and you worship her in these threads, unironically giving her more power, right?

I'd be careful if I were you. Wouldn't want to get on The Big Guy's shitlist with idolatry.

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every state needs this. EVERY STATE.

Can’t wait until they start having 6’ stacks of dead homeless on every street corner


Can I get the virus and die already please.

containment failed

we italy next

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Second death in Brazil, this is in the city where I live. Oh shit


>Britain's coronavirus shutdown could last for 18 months or more while scientists scramble to find a vaccine
>drastic lifestyle change for 18 months or more.
>British officials had only realised the danger 'in the last few days', the report said
>plans to control and slow the outbreak – to 'flatten the curve' – had been too ambitious
>data in the Imperial College report suggests that hospitals will be overwhelmed regardless of what measures the Government takes
>If no action at all had been taken against the coronavirus it would have claimed 510,000 lives, the team's report said.
>'Hopefully, tens of thousands... maybe, depending on how early we are, just a few thousands.'
>Yesterday’s measures went far further than previous advice, though they remain voluntary, so pubs are not required to shut, and people are not being ordered to stay at home.
>'To avoid a rebound in transmission, these policies will need to be maintained until large stocks of vaccine are available – which could be 18 months or more.'

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stop being a faggot, let him die and get the bed ready for someone worth saving.

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Mossberg Maverick 88, get one

pray to Corona-chan you nigger

>ecchi manga
Just fap to hentai, mate.

I'm not even joking here, my last patient the TxRx was over 0.6ppm/cm3. I can't imagine what could happen without minimum 35cc of Lisetrapil intravenous and without infibulation with NaCS procedures.

How do you explain that?

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I'm scared, anons
I'm gonna go read my Bible and pray

The “traveling” part is dumb. You get sick with something—perhaps wuflu—or something not as contagious “traveling” to a store or dr office. You obviously don’t have to go to China anymore to get the Chinese wuhan flu or they wouldn’t be issuing all these lock downs, bar closures, restaurant and school closures and quarantines. Totally stupid guidelines

glad you have a positive outlook

Friendly reminder to fire a flare if you're in danger and we'll come running. We only have one nigger in our organization.

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There is the daily mail article in the pastebin.
I think the conspiracy image pasta is fake and gay.
But it makes sense that S is more widely circulated now.
The reason being the trade off between aggressiveness and incubation period.

It would be extremely painful.

>What is he going to say /cvg/?
Whatever he needs to, to score points.

Is hit and run a violent crime or a moving violation?

imagine the shitstorm when prison guards stop going to work for sick inmates and mass riots happen. gang fights in prison.

Why would you advertise you won’t be arresting anyone for burglary or drug dealing

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Nice b8, chink. Here’s your yuan, shut the fuck up

>stopped updating.


That's not correct, my procedure regarding the TxRx transigrasis are well understood and were often used with NaCS procedures with or without infibulations, obviously with 75ml of Keraptene B and 35cc of Vexatolin18 every 1/2 hours.

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Digits and she gets you next

We won't stop until God himself feels the warm and sweet embrace of Corona-chan

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God since corona became a pandemic the only thing I want to too do is to breed a bitch
It must be the corona chan pics

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you fucked
there is nothing you can do

Proof? Source? Official .ca website hasnt updated shit today

They fell for it lols. They pissed the world economy away for our little prank. Just joshing, you guy. Super funny joke.

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Bad news user. There's a pretty big chance you're black.

Struck a nerve, I see. Here's your (you).

Watch for signs of mental deterioration , they’re everywhere

Where are the Chink numbers for today, are they too embarrassed to update, now that its patently clear their numbers are bullshit and Italians are dying faster than Wuhanians?

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These /Cvg/ threads seem to have alot in common with /ptg/ threads...

>British officials had only realised the danger 'in the last few days', the report said

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I swear, people are going outside MORE than usual. It’s spring break and there are people fucking everywhere while I’m driving home from work. Complete fucking retards. And they wonder why it will spread here so fast, everyone is so comfortable that nothing bad can ever happen.

Healthy immune system will only come to you if you say "fuck her good osmosis jones".

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I'm a big guy.


I think it is probably bad that I applied for nightfill positions at a time like this. Even in bumfuck nowhere in NZ the shelves are being emptied.

lmao its real

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>15 mg of cummies
Oh, thank God someone with a good suggestion.
You're the best, doc. Thank you very much.

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Where the fuck do the bats pick up this virus from to start with?


Once raiders find out you own gold & silver they will take it if you are lucky otherwise your life along with it if you are not as lucky.

If there is a collapse the only people to survive will be the most ruthless and strong organized groups.
It's funny as superior as you think you are gangs would be more organized than an isolated NEET with a house full of guns. gangs also have a lot more field experience.

> Can’t wait until they start having 6’ stacks of dead homeless on every street corner

Dead homeless cease defecation

Nice argument schizo retard

One the bright side, the homeless will likely spread this statewide, or at least cities that tolerate them
Imagine Skid Row and San Francisco in general.


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Should I get Nioh 2 or Doom Eternal? I mean I can't buy either yet but hey I gotta choose

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[Pretending a Roman Salute].jpg

To each his own

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Why publicize it? Why not just keep it a secret that your police efforts are shifted from petty crimes during a happening?

>head of the Treasury watchdog has said Britain faces a “wartime situation” and must urgently raise public spending to support households and businesses
>economy was “probably shrinking as we speak” – with damaging consequences for the public purse – but that now was the time to spend without regard for the national debt.
>“One regards the £12bn as being a downpayment. The idea of what needs to be done and how expensive it needs to be is going to change on a daily basis.
>“If you damage the economy, you damage the public finances further down the road. All the evidence we have, from whether it’s the financial crisis or things like this, is that big early action is better than half-hearted action delayed.”

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who are the people that are dying the most at the moment?
What is their age?
When did they get infected?
How long have they been critical?
Do they die because of triage or in ICU?
Since in Germany the deaths are only now increasing I assume that most of them got infected during the carneval which was a month ago. So it takes at least one month for people to die if they receive proper treatment?

We at /cvg/ Hospital care all the patients and we do not discriminate on age or previous medical conditions.

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of "virus made in china" and the like, to spread on social media.



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police not taking reports for petty crimes it's like the purge for small time criminals wtf guys

nobody should be in panic but if you aren't taking precautions to minimize potential millions of unnecessary deaths then you are a not very smart person.

based osmosis jones

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From the Wuhan BSL-4 Lab, obviously.

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This. It's one thing to suggest that the plague might be of divine origin (I mean, He did it to Egypt, right?) but to perform idolatry is another whole level.

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look at this faggot paying for games

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What? Retarded 67 year old US flags who have to deny that this is serious? I agree. They should go find another subreddit to talk about neocon based niggers.

Doom Eternal. It comes just in time for you to finish it before you can live it.

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Because then we wouldn't be aware of them, and no keks would be had.

hehe...yeh ..."pretend".. t-that's right.

>police commissioner
>Daniel Outlaw

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I want to see corona chan being swallowed alive by immune cells.

I fucking hate politicians. the point is doing it because WE DONT HAVE TO, not until we need to. fucking dumbasses.

for you

>Cousin went to brunch with a friend who just came back from a cruise ship and had a cold
>After that came to my house
>My father has MS and is bed-ridden for 2 years now, really really weak health. An aunt is on a risky pregnancy and was here. Her mother helps me take care of my dad and has diabetes. She was also here
>She fucking knew of the risks
>The friend is now under quarantine and my cousin has the symptoms
>If my father gets it he's dead
I wanna bash her fucking skull on the pavement, i'm so fucking ANGRY how can someone be a fucking 30 something with a business and 3 FUCKING KIDS and be THIS irresponsible
If my dad dies because of it i'm just gonna cut contact with everyone, fuck this family, fuck this shit

Looking to get a 12.5" barrel for the 870. Still upset that I might have to kill someone, I only bought guns for fun

I'm a consolefag so you're bullying me for all the wrong reasons
I mean yeah but shooters on consoles are fucked but I loved Doom 2016

They're too worried about Clippers and Lakers being infected

>Open article, see picture,"Oh it's a Nigger in charge"
>Imagine my surprise.jpg
>close article

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A bio lab. The “bat soup” meme is so that normalfags don’t freak out and ruin the economy even more.

I know you're fishing for (you)s but you know, you're gonna feel like a fucking dick when one of your parents or grandparents dies. Keep thinking it can't happen to you or anybody in your family, because it can and will. Cunt.

why are people in government so slow? Don't they have interns and children browsing Yas Forums who can warn them?

Philly is. Now a Negro paradise

Please don't tell me that, my patient NEED help. I will try Fescrativol-900 as last resort tonight.
Pray God.

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Damn, all the luxury soup is gone. People in Canada must be draining their life savings.

I just wrote /cvg/'s song

Makes your death as fast as lightning
In fact it's a little bit frightening
When it's your chest that I am tightening

There were dirty Chinamen, from dirty Wuhan town
They were boiling up some bats
And slurping guano down
It's an ancient Chinese art
Making tortured animal broth
Everything tastes so great
Until you start to cough

Your cruise just seemed so inviting
Until it came to alighting
On my shores for a night-in

There's Winnie the Flu, blamin the US of A
While coughing on TV
Iranians claimed it was okay
Then the Italians stepped it up
Threw their arms out to the side
Sang, "hug a chink today"
Now 50% have died

Tedros' palms are tightening
His fever's a little bit ripening
Due to the yen that I'm providing

Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh, *cough*
Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh, *cough*
Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh, *hack*

Now our boomers can't be saved,
It's too late for Tommy Hanks
With apocalyptic glare, a figure gives her thanks:
To all you dirty chinks,
To bat asshole enslaved
Coronachan lifts her head
And says, "here comes the second wave"

Your coughs are sharp as lightning
Is that your will that you are writing?
Leave your kids TP for wiping

I'll mess around with this idea kek

Shit.. you have a good point user.

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lol look at this faggot

they are all gonna die user, and there's you or we can do to stop it

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>All looters, it's free real estate out there! Have fun!

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Post the recipe please!

Wasn’t an argument, brainlet. It was an insult to your shrunken manhood

>I'm a consolefag
just buy a pc with your trumpbux

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Doc, I have a boo-boo

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Time to buy japanese pharmaceutical stonks?

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I only need to know if formal Beta-EF blockers are effective with patients with an EZ>=45 and an Ox2

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think it was a leak

Your dad has ms and is bedridden with beetus. He should be put out his his mosery dude. Why are you so selfish?

So much this.
Just how we pretend the second amendment is about overthrowing tyrannical governments. We all know it's really about hunting and compensating for small penis sizes.
I would never shoot at the government. That would be against the law.

think they are natural vectors sars and other diseases. something about how their immune system functions don't make them respond crazy to it tho so they can carry it but not be affected.
>listened to a podcast once

Remember to call it Wuhan virus.

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Why are the signs in Engrish & fonga?

And this shit is why it's ridiculous to complain about Trump as much as they are.
The LA Marathon went on on March 8th with 25K+ participants.
Today we hear some fags in Miami tested positive after attending a gay festival on March 4th with up to 10K.

Airports officially fucked

I feel for you bro. hope your dad makes it man.

Probably but what the fuck do I play for 2-3 weeks? I got nothing to do

>French researcher posts successful Covid-19 drug trial

>Coronavirus: Israel enables emergency spy powers

>U.S. Military Prepares Hospital Ships for Deployment, to Open Its Labs

peak prosperity vid today discusses why you need to wait before licking it down, you only have so long you can shut it down, so picking the right moment is paramount to maximizing herd immunity while minimizing deaths

Try out GamePass if you have a XBOX

Lmao literally everyone is talking about it 24/7

/herd/ threads when?

>Wasn’t an argument
That's the problem you autistic spaz

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And that Preston Garvey sure is a nigger.

Coronachan a slut!

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Wait, I'm into vore now?

Too bad I'm a dirty sonygger.

>italian minimizing the power of corona

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Actual doctor here.

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.


people should go to work to stay locked in with their guns in hand

People calling it a silly little cold in one sentence and then not talking about it ever again is not 24/7 buddy.

implying anyone wants this fucking gross World we live in to thrive

But where do they pick it up from? Hearing from rotten food it's not to certain


Attached: rrrrr.png (661x670, 498.03K)

if they stop arresting for theft does that mean you can load up a grocery cart and walk out the store?

Bats naturally carry many viruses. Only sometimes the viruses mutate to jump to humans. Most likely scenario to me: Either this virus mutated naturally or was a part of a research project that escaped.


Attached: bat cuddles.webm (854x480, 2.57M)

give oxygen
if sepsis give infusion and antibiotics
if fever too high give something against that
best thing we have against covid19 is placebo
give placebo
get baptised
do triage
wash hands

Where did you find that, user?

>Mossberg Maverick 88
forget that faggot gun and get a benelli m4.

Attached: meirllol.jpg (347x365, 10.6K)

>Daniel Outlaw
Someone, somewhere, is laughing his ass off at us all stuck in this simulation, I swear.

Attached: 1581814253191.png (3804x2676, 1.47M)