Brit/pol/ Boat lift edition
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Stop posting boats on my Priti-eats-greasy-food blog.
first for piss on my face patel
who /dyingfromCovid19/ here?
ftw no ginger gf
for who gives a fuck
>Police use drones to enforce movement restrictions in Spain's fight against the coronavirus infection
>Supermarkets ask shoppers to be 'considerate' and stop stockpiling
>PrEP: Preventative HIV drug available in England from April
>Photographer who lured models to his London flat and sexually assaulted them jailed
>Virgin Atlantic boss urges Boris Johnson to sanction £7.5bn airline bailout
>Shopper is mugged for his toilet paper in broad daylight outside London shop as supermarkets across Britain have shelves stripped bare amid coronavirus panic
>Coronavirus: Elderly to be 'shielded' as PM seeks to equip NHS
she does stink of curry tho m80
Which one is real bread?
real anti-poo thread with links
she must go home
This was posted first lad, all I can say
Fuck off you spastic this was posted first
so are we gonna get free money too?
(i am stuck in us for foreseeable future and really need money)
This is England right now
I can't get out threaded by a potential tranny, my career would be over
I'm reaching levels of want I didn't know were possible.
imagine you cant handle being rekt by a girl so you denounce her as a tranny cus its easier to cope
Contact the embassy and if they refuse to help threaten to go to The Sun.
ofc it is
I've sussed out your true identity anyway
Absolutely fantastic lads
Came here from the other thread as a show of support.
England is tranny capital. You’re doomed.
t. tranny
Flip flop
>not a Wall's product
Neck yourself please mate.
thanks la, was starting to panic
I swear Brazil is the epicenter of the drag queen pandemic
Please stream it. The high rollers need something to entertain themselves with.
Hang on wasn't it saying in the last thread that it doesn't out itself as a girl and whats it just done kek
Checked and cheers'd
Would right hook an orphan for that right now t b h
>"ur a tranny"
>"SEE LOL she mentioned it again"
all fields
England is the epicenter of gay bars and poofs. Take a visit to London.
Its yank shite
Are you Scouse?
true, ive been to a tranny club in london, its been going strong for decades
>London is the epicenter of gay bars and poofs
There I made it make sense for you
I would prefer some Haagen dazs but it's better than nothing
Whatever currynigger it’s probably the best thing about living in Britain right now
Not quite, I just say la sometimes la
>friends reaction image
Kill yourself my dude.
Nah you wouldn’t mate. Hagen daz don’t do anything like these kind of flavours. This is on another level
might join the sas
>right where it hurts
The Haagen dazs salted caramel is god tier m80
Why are Englanders so cheap?
I meant this one
Shyness is nice, and
Shyness can stop you
From doing all the things in life
You'd like to
Please God
can't tell if this is bait or if you're a spastic
Eddie was in the sas ask him
join priti's death squads instead
Kind of unrelated. I just wished I had a girlfriend.
My old man is Sc*ouse I hope to return to my ancestral homeland of the norf and escape the dystopian hellscape of souf.
wish I could see her toes.
piss running down her leg onto the floor
she dips her toes in the warm golden nectar and feeds it to you.
makes sure you get every drop before she dips again....and again.... and again
Plenty of places better than Liverpool up norf pal
Ah trust the Irish to sum it up in song. Sadly even a great Smith's lyric cant cheer me up. Only Priti sitting on my face will cure this slump i'm in.
Absolute plebs
Me 2 lad. It's been 3 years since I last called a woman my own.
God save the queen to you to. Cheers.
>"alt-right" e-thots are still trying to get in our boys only club in the year 2010+10
Why lads? Every post has high tranny energy attached to it.
Stop it
>stop it
why do you hate the fact that are Priti is clamping down on crime?
Lived in Manchester for a bit, thought it was quite good, any recommendations? I work SIA related stuff.
One question lad. Priti Patel. Queen or Waitress?
What is wrong?
We hate you posting disgusting fetish content about her you fucking weirdo nonce cunt.
>What is wrong?
Single for 3 years. Dead end (£30k) wagie job. Just wish I was born in the 1800's lad, when a man could makr his mark on the word.Dream about tearing a hole in Africa with a Martini Henry.
I was with you from the beginning lad.
at least all the trannies and spastics are in the other thread
Bit difficult when it comes it cities like if that's what you're after. I really like York, has a few leftie spastics but the city itself is nice and not many scumbags, also 95% white.
Cringe. So much cope.
Don't listen to this plonker, Priti posting is the best thing to happen to Britpol in years.
you and your mum?
Step 1. Go gym
Step 2. Get Dench
Step 3. Tear a hole in Africa without having to leave GB.
We got tired of sailing and just brought them to us for a ruck.
It's all a matter of perspective.