All American adults will soon be recieving $1000 for free

>All American adults will soon be recieving $1000 for free

>tfw have to work 40 hours a week and make $500 a month because I live in a shithole

Why do mutts get money simply for existing whilst I have to wageslave? Fuck America.

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Wakey Wakey Wagie, get back to Mr. Shekelsberg's factory.

Why don't you just move to Finland and live on NEETbux instead of being a slave?

I can't speak Finnish

Nowhere, expect for Mittens grandstanding in front of the press, is there any amount specified. I bet it’s $500 at most. Our elected officials see us as cattle that pay taxes.
The bail outs will go to business, we will get bird feed.

Seethe some more faggot

If you have land there's no stopping you from building a city. $1k doesn't even cover people's monthly bills here.

Should have supported Greatest Ally better.
We even get Second Row seats to the Vaccine.

Go worry about your own nation faggot and stop being obsessed with American dollars. We never think about you

STFU americans are obsessed with Lithuania

not saying that this is a good thing on our part, but most americans couldnt even point out lithuania on a map.
where is it, under estonia? i feel like i remember seeing it there

America is the headquarters for the NWO, and apparently gets special privileges. North American Union coming soon

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Won't they teach you?

you could ask 10 americans if they knew lithuania was a country, 9 would say no

Fuck off faggot If you are so jealous just immigrate here it's not that hard. Just look at the mexicans

yes, more or less.
under estonia there is latvia and under latvia there is lithuania.
you know it is lithuania because it has nigger flag colours and is shaped like africa

Because we live in a dystopian energy farm society, this is literally the LAST resort to keep the slaves in line

>Lives in a country full of women, most of whom arn't fat
>Complains about it

>americans are obsessed with Lithuania
I saw your flag and thought it was somewhere in Latin America

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You know what to do.

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But does 500 a month where you are go far?

The federal government isn’t going to be issuing this money to illegals you fucking nitwit

cause our country is superior to your shithole

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No, it is the minimum wage

My first gf was Lithuanian (her parents were immigrants). She was amazing and I still love her.

Nobody can. Pretty sure it's just a made up language.

based so did i

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So what are the bills like? Anything left over, you going hungry?

I literally thought you were Colombian or some shit kek

>be Lithuanian American getting Blimpfbux

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>shaped like africa
lmao it is, like a squished little pygmy africa

Bet they do.

Rent 1 room apt €180
Food €160
Bills €80
trams and bus ticket per month €25

holy shit your rent is cheap, thats the price for a single bed room here, with flatmates

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God fucking damn I love this country.

I live in shit tier area, in Vilnius you would pay €350 for my apt

Any chance to make more money?

yeah thats more or less the same then

all languages are made up

I know you where you are bro. I hear it's very cheap to retire there

The money doesn't go as far here. Also, we have achieved a much higher level of voluntary order. Teach your people to be less brutal to one another and you also can make such gains.

my first girlfriend was also lithuanian and she was both a kike and a whore. seriously.

I am Lithuanian but I live in Denmark, Danish people also get money for doing nothing but that is if you contribute basically if you study you will get 1000 usd etc. Businesses will be covered through this and employees will receive 80% of their wages up to 20 something thousand kroner by the government. Lithuania is a corrupt country. Glad I live in Denmark :)

Move to England and do a job like truck driving and make €2500 after tax, that is what my friend does. But you need €2000 to pay for truck test

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I thought it was Colombia lol. What an ugly ass flag.

Seriously, if all parts of the world could form *trustworthy* governments, we could accelerate development so damn much.

As it is, evil people treat integrity like an unlocked door.

>$1000 for "free"
>new corona tax of $200 per paycheck for the next 10 years

good deal I tell you what

Maybe crowd fund the 2000?

I only know about lithuania because of that loop guitarist on youtube


Jesus Christ 40 hours/week and only $500/month? LMAO

Actually it will be a lot more and will probably be monthly for a while. Don't worry though, the whole economy is crashing. Even after it all resets we will still be richer than you. The ones that live

What's funny, Nigel? OP wants to live well.

I pay $350 per month for a 1 bedroom duplex. Nice area, nice place, cool landlord. Pretty sweet deal considering similar places in my area are $100-$150 more and not all landlords are decent people.

i couldnt even point you out on a map

I could try but to me that is like begging

donate to him then, simp

Cant you just go there, scream racism, and demand that Finns learn your native language?

That's the shit in my batteries that lasts forever, ain't it?

I would if I had the ducats.

Good good. Now give us back our Wilno adamkus.

If its one time than its nothing special
If its permanent then dollar will devalue real fast

with jews you... win? That doesn't sound right.

It is.

But think of it as a chance to get something you don't already have, if you don't get the 2k then you didn't have it in the first place anyway. It's like a job interview. You don't have the job and if you don't get it after applying/interview then you didn't have it to begin with anyway.

Ok retard

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Everyone’s getting a gun woo