22 million members monthly and no one fessing up they have the virus?

Even no one from Italy? Or someone who knows someone in Italy? China?

Does Pol actually know someone contracting the Corona Virus?

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I know people in my state that have it, what's your point OP?

Those numbers are bs, I refuse to believe 1/30 people in the US use Yas Forums

You know them personally? Or it was a news report?

This shit is fake as fuck, faker than the MAGAbomber

>22 million members just flew over my house!
Lol he doesnt know...

The mobile wifi sucks in hospitals

Personally, I know them by first name, she caught the virus and had lunch with a bunch of people at the office. I can't tell you the company, but they are famous for making furniture and are from mass.

>Even no one from Italy? Or someone who knows someone in Italy? China?

even if someone does fes up it does no good. May as well claim they also go to sandy hook elementry

My uncle is a healthcare worker and knows of two patients in my city who have it
He said it tore up their lungs

using 7.5 billion for the population of the world and 200,000 for infect, the current population of the world that is infected is 0.00026666666%

What are the chances you know someone in that population

Did you not see the Spaniard that posted his positive results earlier?
Also, have you never been in a hospital? They're notorious for blocking cell signals so they don't fuck with equipment.

There’s been tons of posts dude with people posting their confirmed results, stop it already.

It's all a show

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>Yas Forums

OP is a huge faggot.

I refuse to believe that 22 millions of retards use this site
that explains the nose dive in quality

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>they are famous for making furniture and are from mass.
It's either Bernie and Phyls or Jordan's.

I know none.
I know someone who has family that's sick and waiting on testing.
I know someone online who had "someone in there city" get it.
But that's as close as I've been to it. I don't know anyone who knows of a confirmed case.

Daily reminder it's been in Seattle since early January.

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I work at a hospital where a doctor was positive and he has to self quarantine. He had travelled to Italy. Everyone that was in contact with him is also quarantined

Wow those are completely perfect. Is this Chinese genetic engineering or some of that Asian makeup magic?

There's been a bunch of posts here from people claiming to have the virus. Some even showing paperwork with positive test results. So I don't know what you're taking about OP - You want concrete identified persons on an anonymous imageboard? Do you not understand how this place's characteristics make it the least suitable place to be seeking this?

First people have claimed to have it, some have claimed to survive it and be symptom free after a while.
Second 22 million people, there are more than 7 billion people on the planet, you're talking about less than 1% of the population and Covid hasn't even hit 1 million.
Fuck off idiot, learn statistics, also how to actually read.

I have it and I'm self quarantining, well...forced to self quarantine after the police caught me rubbing my own shit all over the seats on the subway. Thanks to the bail reform law they couldn't hold me in a cell so I was let go and the NYPD showed up at my door basically gave me a court order to self isolate for 3 months. I should've thrown a cup of my urine at them but I was too cowardly to do so. Anyways I'm bleeding from my asshole and have runny nose, high fever and dry coof. If anyone wants to know anything else I'm here to answer your questions.


i have it what you want to know?


There have been at least half a dozen posters here who said they were confirmed.

half of Yas Forums is amerimutts. soon they will be minorities...

The italians have been very quiet lately

My mother's child, who died at sandy hook, just died of corona

I’m in Brooklyn I know someone who has China Ching Ching *coof* flu over my house by first name also. They tend bar in the east village. Well they used to tend bar.

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some guy said his mom had it

my dad has it, (tested cause he's a first responder) I have felt like shit all week taking care of him so I probably have it, I'm just young and healthy so no symptoms other than head and body ache.

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I thought I had it but someone on Yas Forums just said I had renal failure

checks out since I drank like 12 steel reserves in about 48 hours

sorry to hear that user

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Lol about a quarter to half of the people on Yas Forums are not considered white.

>other than head and body ache.
still waiting for the results here, but I assume I got it too

about a week head and teeth(lol but yeah) ache. I lack the english word for this but it's like my throat is tense also sore. Just tired and cough a bit when I get up in the morning.

so if it's this, it's a fucking absolute nothing burger. Guess we'll get the result tomorrow. Got a sister with two toddlers in daycare, it came from them

>explains the nose dive in quality
That was me

what were the early symptoms? I have a feeling I have it and have a mild version of it, I started with a dry throat for a couple of days then a couple of days of mild fever and a tickly feeling in my throat which made me want to cough if i talked too much which lasted from last Wednesday to today

Sad news, user, i wish for recovery.

I imagine he will get better, he's only 50 and not too unhealthy, plus I turn 21 in two days so I'll be able to toke it up and feel much better.

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>US is the only nation in the whole world.
Typical fat retards.

It's mostly fake. We are going through Alien Disclosure. The point is to position the populace to be scared enough that instead of being scared when the Aliens arrive, we welcome their assistance with the Chink disease that most of us have or will have. Also, the disease scare keeps us locked-down & under control through the process

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quite a few have claimed they were infected, but they are typicaly dismissed as "fake and gay"
its kinda funny, kinda fucked

Yea my sisters friend in England has irbid. What do you want to know?

I personally know one dude that tested positive today.

This. Have seen no less than a dozen threads about people who claim they have it. “Nobody knows anyone with the virus” is Yas Forums version of “why can’t atheists define atheism” right now. Like literally fuck off.

Once you know you have it you're too incapacitated to use internet. It's much worse then they are claiming.

it's a nothing burger for young lads like us. just dont meet with your grandparents or touch siblings/parents
thanks user

if this is the price I have to pay for 4k a month than consider me a happy boy

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How is it that all Asian women have perfect tits? No matter what size they are, they're always perfect. I don't think I have ever seen azn tiddies that I didn't think were perfect.

Memeflag kike kill yourself.

Take your fucking meds you schizo. Five co-workers of my mother tested positive and one of them is in the hospital.

You can't simply gather the whole fucking world and make them pretend there is a virus because you have some shady psyop going on. USA doesn't own the entire planet, and God knows you don't own China.

I am sick and tired of you fucking American being paranoid about everything. You get constantly ass fucked by your government and you have trust issues. We got that. The whole world got that. Now sto projecting your delusional reality and insecurities on everyone else.

I hope your entire family gets infected and they die slowly and in agony. You will feel how real this virus is soon enough.

Sage goes in all fields.

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How the fuck would a virus "tear" up someone's lungs? So they have hands like Nancy Pelosi?

that's called a boob job, kiddo


> Implying we go out
> Implying we have friends
Well meme’ededdead!

>the world ends at americas borders

My wife's coworker has it so it's only a matter of time until I end up with it.

I just got back from the supermarket and my nose is feeling a little itchy. It's hard to say whether the headache and dizziness is related or just part of the hangover.

I might have it but I still feel healthy. I'm a good citizen, I won't take the care of someone who might need it more than me in a hospital.

Checks out.

How come i don't have shit

asians have the best tits change my mind.

We can’t get tested, nigger. Call a hospital and ask if they’re willing to test you. The answer will be “we will only test you if you are admitted to the ER”
Everyone who isn’t dying right the fuck now is sitting at home coofing.

Photos or false

post proofs

It's not that no one has it it's that it's not that lethal and is just the flu bro.

Yea, they're going to go under the guise of medical martial law for quarantine purposes to round up truthers and those who call the Jew and execute them.

Source? Fuck off. There are videos of people confirmed to have the virus and they seem fine

I had it last month and made a post asking for advice when I was very sick 3 weeks ago...
The strange thing is that the countries in europe react at least 2 month too late for this epidemic.
I remember hearing a lot of ambulances 3-4 weeks ago in my neighborhood around the time I was sick.

My neighbor got it. They called ambulance for her. This was a couple weeks ago. She recovered.

>alien disclosure

What makes you think this is even going to be a thing? They will never disclose this.

My roomates mother has it so... Im sleeping in my car away from him

Number of Yas Forums users in the US
>11 million monthly users.


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Yes someone in my WoW Classic guild has it

There's multiple threads from Ainsley who claim to have it. Most people call them LARPERS. What's so hard to understand op?

yes, this guy

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No, it isn’t like the flu. It feels weird and unlike any cold/flu I’ve ever had. If you’d like to know more I’d be happy to explain.
t. coworker tested positive

I'm infected AMA

So my sister went to the hospital on Sunday after having symptoms for 7 days. She was put in a quarantine room and examined by a Dr who said she has a moderate chance of having covid-19, but said they won't test because she has no underlining health issues. The Dr told her she is now under quarantine. My sister had to argue with the Dr aswell to get antibiotics because if she's not getting tested how does she know if she needs them. Crazy so don't believe any of these fucking numbers

god damn my country is the full spectrum. from the greatest innovators to the dumbest of people on this rock

weed stores still open ?

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There are usually 2 threads where OP says they have it up at any one time.

It's far worse than they're saying. It's a mass culling.


holy madre of basato

dead men tell no tales

I'm still spooked about whether or not you can get reinfected. Once we have a better idea about that I think I'll stop giving a shit about this boomer doomer

I got sick with flu like symptoms in november and again in january. And the second time was long like a whole new illness and no the old one flaring up.

My friends ex husband is in quarantine with it right now. They really aren't testing here so I'm assuming everyone coughing has it. Another friends baby daddy just got out on a ventilator. Are they gonna test? I don't fucking know.

Wayfair. LOL my friend worked there for a bit, he hated it.

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