Why do most younger White girls idolise liberalism and blame White men for everything evil in the world and hate them?
Why are most young White women these days SJWs?
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You have any hard data on those numbers?
But fundamentally the reason is a combination of ignorance, dreamery and idealism, fueled by the media, education system and incompetent parents.
Because women rarely come up with their ideas and concepts or stand for what they believe, they just follow the herd, the trends, etc. and can easily be influenced.
Unless a woman is legit retarded/a lost cause/low IQ, it's just as easy and quite fast to redpill her.
I wish I could meet girls like this and just laugh in their stupid faces. Does nobody ever do this?!
its absolute astonishing talking to most women and never getting anything that could be considered original thought. i mean a lot of men are NPC's too, but i would say the ratio is something like 70/30 for men and 95/5 for women
Almost everyone just follows the herd, it's not a man or a woman thing.
look at how fucking narccistic that cunt is, looking to the side with her smug "im so important" look on her face so that the camera shot would look good
Universities and pop culture. Women are designed to be programmed by mass consensus.
Why do you people respond to this faggot. He's spammed hundreds of these threads. Fucking waste of life.
My gf is SJW. How can I red pill her slowly?
Does this seem worth the effort to you?
I couldn't be bothered to even leave the house just to laugh at these retards.
That's one reason.
Absolute waste of time to interact with them in any way.
Except rape or the rope maybe.
Because they go to college. Don't send your daughters to fucking college.
they know that if the don't become the biggest SJW they know, then they risk being called on their white privilege and their identity crumbles.
Women follow whatever the authoritative voice is in society. In the past, it was their husband. These days, it's the mainstream media and universities, as marriage is now busted and local men have no power thanks to feminism.
>Don't send your daughters to fucking college.
Why do you want your daughters to be dummies?
>college makes you smart
Go to college, nigga.
White women can't defend themselves from racist non whites attacking them for their whiteness, so they're constantly trying to prove they aren't racist. They'll constantly throw their own men under the bus to showcase to minorities that they're not racist.
There is truth to the idea that the only way to fight white privilege is becoming fucking retarded.
>white people are superior due to intelligence
>become a retard
>superiority gone
Precisely what is happening.
Something I've learned from my nerd hobbies is that you can get almost anyone to believe anything by tying it to their sexual instincts in a subtle way.
Liberalism probably feels really good for women because it sells a narrative that there's a class of excessively masculine males, who've been done wrong by society because of their exotic features, that they can protect from more "tame" males that bore them.
The reality is that niggers want to beat them to death and white guys are "tame" because the professional infrastructure of society has demonized their sexuality.
And what if my future husband died of an illness or a workplace injury? How am I supposed to support my children if I don't have any skills or education?
fuck off
i see this often, white girls trying to out-SJW each other in a conversation, like they're trying to prove how virtuous and knowledgeable they are, but still coming across as self-absorbed and ignorant. they'd rather tell a person of colour about them than listen and maybe learn something new about their privileged lives.
Because women are social sheep which causes them to be much more susceptible to feeling the need to virtue signal.
Or maybe it's because women know about the atrocities white men have caused to minorities.
cuz their bosses are white men only
Yas Forums is the dumbest board on Yas Forums, and it gets dumber everyday. Sage.
SJWism is like crack cocaine for weak minds. By doing nothing but being a cunt to everyone around you, you treat your brain to a cocktail of the most powerful hormones and neurotransmitters a body can make. It's supernormal stimulation of the most basic neural subroutines--the very stuff that enabled people to survive. It's one reason midwits fall so hard for it. They aren't self aware enough to see the objective reality of their own biology. True morons don't buy it because of the extensive symbolic thinking required. People 2 or 3 standard deviation above normie IQ don't fall for it because it is logically untenable. Women almost all fall in the middle of the distribution, and are thus highly susceptible.
Riddle me this, Batman
>why do non-white minorities exist
white women don't give a fuck about other people. they're in it for themselves only.
White women are shit
(((Gee I wonder)))
I would bet anything these 2 were sucking their white boyfriends' dick within a few hrs of this photo. all these "woke" chix are slaves to the bwc.
Icahn omar.jpg
because tv news told them that's what everyone else was doing so they did it too
It's hypocrisy. They don't hate white men, but they hate their idea of white men. They hate the idea of white men who dominate everything to the exclusion of everyone else. But ask that woman who wants to ban white men if she wants to ban her father, her white boyfriend, her son, her closest male friend, or some random white guy struggling with cancer, and she'd say she obviously doesn't mean them - she just means all the figurative other white men who are less human than the people she actually knows... because they're imaginary figments of her imagination.
for instagram, then they go back to their white boyfriends
Let's talk about the REAL reason:
White women are cucked as fuck by Asian women in the "post-modern globalized" world they oh so desperately advocate for. Why? Because men and women have natural roles despite what the media squawk box tries to ingrain in to your psyche.
Gonna throw in there that asian women age like wine and have bodies like twenty year-olds until they're like fifty
t. been with plenty
And their boyfriends are cucks, as is any white man like this
> why do girls subscribe to the ruling ideology
Yas Forums is hopeless. Even when spoonfed they don't have the sense to swallow.
Kys pasty incel. All the Asian women that have good bodies belong to us too. You can stay with the ugly twigs tho
Nobody wants a chink right now
government backing mostly. chicks in failed states don't even consider this shit an option.
This. They absolve themselves of their white guilt by dating us!
Being slow
ok roastie
Mutt’s law
Keep dreaming, incel
disgusting newfag, banging a blow up dol is more real than any asian.
Yeah, that's what he said.
Lack of strong and directive men in their lives. Most men are beta chumps that promote feminism and bullshit trendy society virtues. I took a girl who was left leaning and turned her into a far right trad girl by asserting dominance and not standing down from my views from the start.
Also, girls these days watch a lot of television and spend a ton of time in social media which is brain washing programming.
As someone who live in China I can confirm most chinks hate niggers.
The larpers on here are getting out of control, she most of been a fatty
Your delusional as fuck, most women of every race, including yours prefer to be with white chad, and they like big white dick.
The reason you hate white men is because you know this, so you try to convince people on this imageboard that your distorted version of reality is ... real. Well it isn't. However I can understand why you would hate beta basedcuck males.
Get off twitter/the internet and look outside colleges/universities, there are plenty of white women that are not sjws.
>attacks random women with deadly force
>a sad, violent end to a short promising life
What do (((they))) mean by this?
Is it hard to believe people actually have girlfriends that aren't cucking them or are fatties? You project the reality you are most use to.
I'm just working, exercising, and playing video games. Don't mind me.
Ah, white women. The most entitled people on Earth next to boomers.
Fuck’em literally and figuratively.
Invite her here. My bf let me browse this board with him and I got redpilled over a few months. I’ll take this over dumbass politically correct Twitter and Facebook any day.
Everyone gloats about that woman but hoenstly I feel just sad and empty.
She is beautiful.
Her parents let her down in a big way, as did society. Letting her age 18 decide to do whatever she felt like meant she made some terrible decisions.
Expecting women to make logical, sensible, forward-thinking and rational chocies is like expecting the same from a cat or child.
Women are easy to manipulate and trick. Jews pushed for them to vote for that reason. And she was so stupid she let a negro plow her when young and then abandon her as pregnant.
I don't particular hate the negro, he was just following his primitive instincts. In saner times white men made sure through alws and force that negros couldn't get access to white women.
Had her parents and society controlled her for just a few years she would now have white children with that white man. Instead its'a mutt. The only consolation is it's a female half-breed. They usually grow up to be slutty but are sometimes ok. The male half-breeds usually turn violent.
Still the whole thing is a good example of how "women's rights" have hurt women and undermiend society.
Women are powerless in the face of a Chad. All men should aspire to be Chad.
Women are biologically predisposed to harmonizing social relationships, and creating inclusive and nurturing environments.
For 99% of our evolutionary history, this was applied to tribal scenarios with a clearly defined ingroup, where women were creating a tight social structure that allowed the tribe to survive while men defined the perimeter and guarded it with violence.
In a globalized, hyper-individualized society where traditional social units have been deconstructed, that instinct has been hijacked to be a bland, amorphous universal morality that pushes blindly for the inclusion of EVERYBODY, with a preference on the most extravagantly weak & helpless (hence the continual search for the next tortured minority to defend).
Hijacking these instincts serves the goals of both the nanny state and the global corporations.
Male aggression, on the other hand, is siphoned off into video games and sports.
The book "Becoming a Barbarian" explains it all better than I can.
Something about being a whore opens you up to demonic possession.
This makes so much sense holy shit