Coronavirus is going to kill almost 100% of humanity

Coronavirus kills doctors and nurses, which means it kills when you have high viral load. Since Corona spreads to nearly everyone and reinfects, and you can't develop immunity, eventually everyone has high enough viral load to die.

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Other urls found in this thread: Newsletter: A Message to Help Dispel Fear (KCjVCj)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjb250YWN0c2hhbm5vbndlc3RAZ21haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiSzJ2WEF5In0=

Think about this, fags. This is the perfect bioweapon.

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See you on the wasteland faggot

>Spreads to Everyone
>You can't develop immunity
Patently false
>Eventually everyone has a high enough viral load to die
This fucking bullshit is so retarded.


Lmao idiot. What's funny is how slow you fuckers are on the uptake. This is the perfect bioweapon.

It will kill off the entire world except for Chinese people. Based.

OK Coomer


It's just disinfo trolls trying to encourage everyone to get infected.

You're right. The key lies in suppressing the viral load.

Nobody does that.


>Everyone dies
>Virus wins
I don't understand who other than ayys would release such a virus or even create it

That's why people are positive and even dying long after they're marked as "recovered."

90% of the world population is done for within a year or two.

You can't vaccinate for the common cold because it mutates constantly. Covid-19 is here forever.

Weak stale bait by now

You'd have to ask the chinks who designed it. They obviously want some people to survive, so the question is who has the cure (probably some ART for life)

I don't think you actually understand what's going on, but it doesn't matter. Just enjoy your remaining years on this earth, friend.

Five weeks ago wants it's low effort shitpost back.

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You can cure diseases been done before.


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The difference is the common cold doesn't kill once it hits a certain viral load in the body, whereas this bioweapon hangs out in your nervous system as the viral load builds, then it eventually kills you. The kill rate is 100%, just over varying periods of time depending on how much exposure you have.

>90% within a year or two.

100%, within a week or two.

This one is a designer bioweapon. It's the perfect weapon that uses your immune system against you. You can only survive if you use antiretroviral drugs for life, but it's not even clear the current ART will work.

This has none of the desired characteristics of bio weapons. You do know what those are don’t you?
I thought as much...

Until we developed a vaccine.

Lol this has none of the markers of a designed weapon, you larping brainiac.

You are the reason we need to cull the herd.

All you have to do is go innawoods for a while if you actually want to survive. You might be literally only one of a couple hundred humans left in existence after it's all said and done, but hey, at least you didn't catch the chinkflu.

Antiretrovirals wont save you. For short term yes - then they kill your liver in the dose required, as they just suppress, not eliminate.

The reason it will take up to two years is viral load has to build sufficiently. This is a genius weapon designed for the long term.

In fact, the reaction to this is exactly as the Chinese expected. It moves so slowly and in such an undetectable/imperceptible manner that the act of mass denial of its existence becomes the means by which it spreads. It's absolutely brilliant. All the retarded boomers out in public going derrpppp if urrr afraid of uh virus ur a pussy. Lol. They have no idea what they're dealing with.

It's sad seeing this and knowing where it's going.

its even got the massive state propaganda campaign behind it!



A lot of CEOs resigned, and this may be the reason. Elites seem to know and are going to their bunkers.

>and you can't develop immunity
Prove it

He is here...


No dude. It's not HIV. It reproduces aggressively. Reinfects within days & then kills within hours. This will not take years. The world dies in a week or two.

It uses your immune response against you. Your response is helping the disease to kill you. It's the perfect weapon.

If you want me to break it down, I'm suggesting that you're an idiot Coomer, that lives in his mom's basement and wants a happening because his life is miserable and he hates everybody. Yes, this is serious. Yes, a lot of people are going to die. Yes, this is likely going to really fuck up the economy. No, you're likely not going to fucking die because the world's not over. You happening fags are almost as bad as the nothing burger crowd.

And you do understand what's going on? Everything you've said is baseless accusations. Nothing you've provided is concrete evidence or, at the very least, an in depth, elaborate hypothesis that is backed by some data and concrete theories. Off yourself.

Humans didn't succeed in the awakening project so we'll have to be demolished and the new variant of humanity gets seeded. Happened many times.

Congrats, you just described the flu. But you still haven't proven your original assertion, faggot.

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Waste your life arguing friend, it doesn't bother me. Try enjoying your last years rather than frittering them away on this Cretin wool blanket knitting bulletin board.

>everyone else will die
>but you wont
>dont bee too worried user

t. expertly crafted propaganda to go with the expertly crafted bioweapon Newsletter: A Message to Help Dispel Fear (KCjVCj)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjb250YWN0c2hhbm5vbndlc3RAZ21haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiSzJ2WEF5In0=

5g connection is reallll

We only hear of people recovering, not being cured. Many viruses remain latent in our bodies like chicken pox or HIV. Is this curable?

I was hoping someone will ask this question at White House press briefings.

It is a good question. I don't care if the experts say "we don't know", which is what I expect.

>high viral loads
Talk dirty to me

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I'll save your post and try to remember it next year when everything is fine.

The thing they aren't telling you is it isn't curable, and when you consider that high viral load kills you, and this disease spreads endlessly to virtually everyone, it's a mass killer. It's the perfect weapon to exterminate most of humanity. This was a Chinese bioweapon designed with the help of an American kike, Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard.

Everyone meaning people with pre-existing conditions, the elderly, and yes, some healthy people though most will be fine. You fucking idiots are going to be the ones wasting your lives on this board 6 months from now still trying to convince people that "the end is nigh!" You'll see. Give it 6 months, faggots.

>don't keep selling off stocks because Trump needs to get reelected so I can keep my shill job

You have more important things to worry about.

>Coronavirus kills doctors and nurses, which means it kills when you have high viral load. Since Corona spreads to nearly everyone and reinfects, and you can't develop immunity, eventually everyone has high enough viral load to die.
Literally everything you said is wrong, congrats.


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>This one is a designer bioweapon.
So perfectly designed that it only managed to kill 7 of 3700 boomers on a cruise ship. You dumb fucks will believe anything.


All of that is conjecture. Even the so called "experts" cant even agree on the basics.

Take your med you fuck

Lmao says the kike trying to shill people into mass hysteria like the rest of the MSM. Just get rid of your VPN, we know it's you, Moshe. I swear you journalists will be first when Day of the Rope comes.

It likely works like tuberculosis which can;t be cured by the body, we wall it off in our lungs using a wax coating. Once our immune system gets weak as we age it re-emerges. I believe those who died experiance extream stress due to overworking or other causes like comobidities. Then the virus just multiplies. I do also believe getting an initial high virus load on initial exposure will cause severe infection.

Obviously you don't understand OP. The ones who die first are the diseased and old. The virus never goes away and spreads endlessly, and endlessly builds in almost everyone's system until they eventually die. There is no escape.

And when there are only lone wasteland walkers left? They will have very low viral load

Your kind are so annoying. Go lick a doorknob or something

All demonstrably false and paid for by Soros & Bill Gates

>Obviously you don't understand OP. The ones who die first are the diseased and old. The virus never goes away and spreads endlessly, and endlessly builds in almost everyone's system until they eventually die. There is no escape.
I understand your conjecture and reject it as unsupported. Explain how positive cases eventually test negative once recovered if "the virus never goes away". Post evidence or fuck off.


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italian design

people with HIV are initally positive then become negative for months until the virus replicates. Then they are positive again.

>Lmao idiot. What's funny is how slow you fuckers are on the uptake. This is the perfect bioweapon
That's all you've got? You make unsupported claims, he says you're full of shit (as you are) and your response is "lmao idiot"?

They're just as bad as the nothing burger fags. Yes, it's shitty, people are going to die and the economy will be ass for a while. No, the world isn't over and most people are going to be fine. Nobody sees shit in the middle. Happening and nothing burger fags need to be strung up in the trees for decoration come Christmas this year

That's what Israel thought.

And then China did the miracle out ass thing again.

What if this is like herpes? It comes and goes with stress, but destroys your lung when it come back instead of causing skin lesions.

A disease which mirrors the 5 stages of grief, taunting its prey as it advances in severity towards the inevitable demise of its host. It even disappears spontaneously, encouraging asymptomatic spread. A phantom plague.

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>people with HIV are initally positive then become negative for months until the virus replicates. Then they are positive again.
Read this


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>most people are going to be fine

This. This is some seriously sadistic shit that only a kike Harvard prof and chinks could come up with.

That's some convincing evidence you've got there. Really something to chew on.

Yes this is what I am talking about. There is a window period after initial infection. Viral load goes down and can't be easily detected.