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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet!EEQBSSLZ!JDsNExyznUJOgvyAkvJ4RQ!cYAixYYa!EEQBSSLZ!JDsNExyznUJOgvyAkvJ4RQ!QABmjAAI

>just wait one more day bro she'll totally be indicted totally bro just wait one more day

hey there qtards, jared kushner here, we have 55 thousand emails here, if there was actually anything worth seeing we'd just tell you about it instead of turning into a live action roleplay gameshow (???) but feel free to sift through these, or better yet rely on "magical internet autists" to sift through them

Attached: d-i-e-f-o-r-i-s-r.jpg (854x480, 94.65K)

it is confirmed

Attached: MV5BNmY2ZDkxZDQtY2E2Yi00YjFhLWFhYTctOWM1YjAyODkzY2I2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjgzMTEzNDU@._V1_SY209_CR0,0,312,209_AL_.jpg (312x209, 9.01K)

The day of rope is fast approaching.

Fun times are happening

double checked

Cool, show me one of the 55k emails. Just one...

he shared screenshots on the twatter

Attached: ETV58smXQAEj3WT.jpg (1376x620, 95.01K)


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what the fuck is goin on you guys? i cant keep up with all the Happenings

Attached: Happening_poster.jpg (259x383, 16.34K)

Breaking mass shootings across America

Fake and gay

Ficticous and homosexual


Unironically The Storm.

Attached: EQC_o__UYAAFikK.jpg (2048x1365, 601.63K)

>Fake and gay
>Ficticous and homosexual
the state of our existence

Just got done reading them all. Once again, nothing worth looking at. I wouldn't waste my time if I were you guys. Plenty of more important things going on like , COVID19 info.

k comey, eat a dick

hey.... i shat my pants and i
cleaned my ass
but guess what
the paper was totally clean
or was it?



So Veritas are asking for inside info on Corona, and then instead, NOW, they drop them the 55k emails supposedly. Hmmm, interesting indeed

This timeline is super fun
Please no one masturbate let’s stay in this timeline for a few minutes. It’s funny

Entheos is a mussad group read their bio about them being hardcore zionists.

All the emails that have anything to do with anyone who is hooknosed have been removed and scrubbed which is why they didnt release it to the goyim public.

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My point is I feel like its a distraction from what Veritas are actually doing? But yeah, its fucking crazy either way, can't keep up with the happenings

Attached: Entheos.jpg (789x711, 111.54K)

So why are they keeping them preoccupied and away from Corona? Really gets the noggin joggin

post the entheos zio bio proving they deleted all the emails to protect their own.

>Please no one masturbate
ahh, so that's the trigger. sorry about the last few months then. my bad.

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That's not what I'm saying, I am not saying it is genuine. My point is this is their response to the question. Almost like, yeah don't bother with that corona thing, have a look through these 55000 emails instead

How about you? If you're right then I want to know.

.... this is so fake but I mean trips mean truth so-

brainlet here,
is this the real deal?

Nailed it user, I hope other anons catch on but its like that earn it bill going through in the US, most dont even know whats happening anymore.

These are dark times.

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It gets frustrating, we all wanted the mass arrests, release of info, tribunals, day of rope, but we all know the normies 99% wouldn't be able to handle it, and so many of the tentacles ran deep and would have obstructed as much as possible. The Timing had to be right. The situation had to be right. And EVERYTHING had to be perfect. It could NOT have been done over night.
It had to he slow and steady, wake up as many people as possible until they felt the time was right. Had to slow expose the corruption. We know the corrupt, sick, evil shit is real but many wouldnt have accepted it. Needed the Epstein "suicide" to happen, needed Weinstein to happen, that shit woke up so many people. I believe the time is at hand, closures of school, nat guard activated, boreders being secured, restrictions on travel.

Since Friday:

HRC Lawyers asks appeals court to overturn order to appear regarding email server on friday.

Trump considers pardoning Gen Flynn in tweet yesterday after DOJ "loses" all his documents.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

Gen Flynn's Lawyer Sydney Powell stated the Friday the Anthony Weiner Laptop should be brought forth as evidence.

We're in this together frens

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Seth Rich was his name.

or is it more like, "Yeah in regards to that Corona thing..."?

Shut up nigger. Just start arressting people if they did bad shit. Not rocket science bitch

Exposing that bitch and pimping hoes was his game...

Did you not read?
How deep were the tentacles? How much obstruction would have been pushed back? Would normies would have accepted it? The fucking smoothbrains had to be eased in and woken up. Remember Epstein? How big was that fucking flood of memes BEFORE he did it??? How about Weinstein???
...Bruder, We cannot think like normies...
We're better than that

They currently are!EEQBSSLZ!JDsNExyznUJOgvyAkvJ4RQ!cYAixYYa

Attached: Entheos.png (602x589, 55.89K)!EEQBSSLZ!JDsNExyznUJOgvyAkvJ4RQ!QABmjAAI

Im glad they removed everything relating to Israel, whew.

It all makes sense now


Guys, this is clearly fake bullshit by glownigger kikes. Dont even bother looking or downloading anything. Obvious malware.

Attached: meme_4chan_pol_group32_3315.jpg (869x490, 64.53K)

Name a day Baltimore doesn't have a mass shooting

Patricians giving the plebs a bone it would seem

Oh come on! That's about like Podedta having Password as his password! They wouldnt name the files "Trafficking Routes"

JDIF here, don't read. thx

based film.

where are the emails?
this is all breadcrumbs

Are you guys fucking retards?
That guy is a hoax.
I downloaded it and got nothing coronavirus

>Shut up nigger. Just start arressting people if they did bad shit. Not rocket science bitch.

Clearly it's not rocket science, meaning that there's clearly a fucking reason why it doesn't happen, and will never happen. Shit doesn't happen because every side of this argument is controlled by the same fucking people, just like it has been for the last 500 years. The only reason to have even a figment of hope is that one cabal of treacherous Jews is attempting to backstab and betray some other cabal of treacherous Jews in some overt power grab. Regardless of what happens, it's going to be the same motherfuckers controlling the world. If anything happens, ever, regarding the kikes who own the west, then this is 100% intended by those same kikes you think will be "exposed". Any sort of "exposure" is just a means to an end to further perpetuate the power of the fascist one-party Jewish state that has controlled every Western Nation since 1900.

There's no change in the status quo if some government shit gets exposed. That just means the government is killing off loose ends and shitty investments, in order to replace them with higher value assets. The same thing with Epstien. Epstien "died" because he had served his purpose and was too much of a loose end to be kept "alive". They got rid of him, replaced him with some other far less auspicious place to go rape children in order to pledge loyalty to Mossad.

Epstien was running his operation long before the days of the internet. it wasn't designed to stand up to the scruitny of the internet, of sattelite imagery, and all of this sort of bullshit. The government just took an old car to the junkyard, and you fuckers think. "Wow, the government got rid of that old piece of shit car. That means there will never be another car again. The government will never buy another car because cars are bad and the peasants don't like cars." It's fucking retarded.

I’m not joking pal, it happens every time even one of us jerks the gerkin. Don’t lope the mule and don’t change timelines
Simple as

Substantial if substantiated

Why the fuck was this shit uploaded over a week ago?

ok. i will lay off the log for the time being.

I'm not too sure user. They put everything else out there plain as day.

(((kushner the kike)))

What a shallow prick people are fucking dieing and those doctors are risking their lives to save them. Fuck some random emails from the world's most hated politions you can get those anywhere on the internet now... We could fucking die!


I’ve been thinking that DJT has been able to gain control of any blackmail held over him, since we know he went to Epstein’s Island.
When the Island burned maybe that freed DJT to bring down everyone else without fearing his reputation.

So now it’s just top bully bring down all the bully’s to be Alpha Bully.

But then is it true his uncle bought up Tesla research?

Checked and good on ya
You’ll acquire powers over a time span