Has anyone actually read the entire Jewish saga?

The Torah, the Talmud, literally every fucking Jewish book related to Judaism (bonus points if it was on Hebrew). Asking in order to confirm what Yas Forums has been repeating for over 10000 years. No offense, but I actually doubt that anyone here actually have read it, even the Jews themselves, but ehh, who am I to judge?

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Have you read all of Yas Forums?

good question. thanks op

I asked the question first faggit, now answer it.
Also noice location nigga, tell me how much Moshe did payed to do a scientific trip on Antarctica?

Does it really matter what their books say when we can plainly see what they do?

>Does it really matter what their books say when we can plainly see what they do?
Nice mental gymnastic to avoid a crucial question. It is very clear that those actions they are doing to us could not have been possible without the influence of their religion. So if something in their religion does NOT add up with what they are doing, or with a certain conspiracy theory, then it does really matter.

Do you know how long the Talmud is? Most rabbi's haven't even read it

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>Jews want to own the entire world
>Rabbis, one of the highest ranking members of the Jewish community, aside from bankers, don't read even at least their own books for the most of the time.
What did you meant by this?

How can you ever criticise anything about Jews or Judaism unless you have read the thousands of pages of translated bronze age sagas and belief systems just in case one line reads "Jews aren't really that bad"?

Fuck off.

It’s true

imagine dedicating your whole life to sky daddy canon and its various schizo interpretations

sad !!!

>How can you ever criticise anything about Jews or Judaism unless you have read the thousands of pages of translated bronze age sagas and belief systems just in case one line reads "Jews aren't really that bad"?
First, without knowledge, you are automatically full of shit. Even when debating a Mudslime, even with right intentions, there will be no progress unless you know your opponent.
Second, my point was never to point out that there is a one line saying "Jews aren't really that bad" since Talmud is going to have shitton of contradictions either way. That was never my point. My point was for to call out at least one person on this entire board to tell me if they have ever read the entire book in question. So far, none has showed up.
And finally, the third, how about you stop being so rude and realize that I am not your enemy, the enemy is the one that does not want you to know shit, after all. And does a Jew wants you to know what's written inside their books? Why don't we go and check out? Reading their own literature on itself is a redpill than reading propaganda pictures that may or may not contain missinformation.

So what actually influences Jewish behavior if it is not their religion then?

>Just read 17 volumes of the classic novel "How to Jew God: A guidebook for aspiring schizos" and try and tell me, without resorting to antisemistic canards and in a way that conforms to rabbinical argumentation methods, that it's not based and redpilled.

I don't have a problem with actual religious jews, my beef is with the ones who act like utter scumbags and get away with because "muh holocaust credentials".

Ive skimmed parts of the tulmud, it's mot all the different from other religious texts, they all play into each other anyways.
The part about goyim is cattle is real though and it's fucking retarded.

Also it should not be considered anti semitic to criticize the Israeli government, they do some fucked up shit.

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>First, without knowledge, you are automatically full of shit.
You haven't read my journals I wrote about myself when I was a teenager, so don't criticise me.

You can still fuck off.

Talmudic Jews hold the talmud in high regard second only to the torah. There are very concerning verses in the talmud that can be the root of "anti-semitic" or generally ant-evil behavior towards the Juden. Their disposition towards christians is made very clear in the talmud. Their position towards the goyim is also very clear. Why should I be well versed in all of Judaic thought if their is a clear pluarality that keeps citing this position. Highly esteemed individuals that are analogous to patriarchs in the Judaic world keep emphasizing the differences between the goyim and the Jew and how the qoyim is inferior to the Jew. Are you telling me we should ignore this because we aren't well versed. If so, then I would suspect that you have involved yourself in a red herring fallacy. Good day, kike

Yes, and they backstab themselves, and can't be trusted

If Jesus wasn't wasn't kind he would of mohammad'd all these kikes. and now they aren't even the same ones, but they are the same liars who claim they are gods chosen.

Of course I've read the Torah. The Talmud is extremely opaque and difficult to read. It's heavily, heavily referential yet doesn't contain said references. There are centuries of debate about what half the things and people mentioned in it are even referring to- it's pretty much impossible to know for sure, but it takes years of study for Jews to debate it. You're free to read it, but don't expect to make much headway with the majority of it. It's a mess

>that schizo greentext
user please, if you think someone telling you to read Talmud is a pilpul, you truly need to take meds.
Well I am anti-Zionist, so I do agree with you regarding Israel. As for the Talmud, good for you mate

>I need to know everything written by every heroin addict, I need to know everything about heroin, to know it's bad and to know to keep addicts the fuck away from me or my loved ones
Imagine this but satanikikes. Yikes.

no u

Oh, to confirm what Yas Forums says about it, yeah it says mean blasphemous things about Jesus boiling in sewage and semen and so forth. There's some debate about whether it is referring to Jesus Christ or some other guy, but it's definitely Him.

I disagree, they hold the Talmud in higher regard, because the Talmud blatantly contradicts the Torah. I know you can't take every Rabbinical quote as true for all Jews, but the Talmud has one view on gentiles that is quite clear. To hold the Talmud in their tradition at all is to abandon the Torah.

What you need to understand is that the Talmud is Canaanite/Babylonian mystery religion; it was created by Edomites who hated the Judeans but converted to their religion as to not be genocided for their baby sacrifices to Molech. This is literally what Jesus came for, they were the Pharisees. And now they are the Khazars.

it's a book of guidelines, essentially. It's in dozens of volumes and is supposed to dictate if and when certain things can be done.
I'm not sure if you're making an argument with your response but i'm gonna go ahead and sage because you sound like a jackass

Talmud was written after the 2nd century AD so I'm not sure where you're getting that

It's an ancient oral tradition, only first written post-Christ because its writings literally get jews killed. That's like the first thing to know about it lol, along with the Gentile raping.

Getting at about a third grade understanding of history

It’s also very possible you are just dumb.

I didn't. Religious texts are pretty weird reading.

Err, it gets """Jews""" killed --- as in Edomites/Pharisees/literal Satanists, not Judeans.

Star of Saturn/Solomon's Seal/Star of "David" is NOT Judean. Rothschild's and Israel use it specifically for a reason.

Most Nazis never read Mein Kampf.

Back in the days I read plenty of contemporary Jewish "philosophy" but it never made any sense. Most of the message seemed to be hidden. Then I found out about the goy issue, the Chosen people bs etc and it all started to make sense.

The most unnerving thing about them is that it's actually easy to understand what they're all about.

Eh they edited their torah around the 8th century so it can fit their talmudism. That is why any person who calls himself a christian and uses the masoretic bible is a heretic

And their contemporary philosophy is part and parcel of their new-age Luciferian syncretic religion.

>You haven't read my journals I wrote about myself when I was a teenager, so don't criticise me.
Talk about the world of non existent dialectical logic. Well then, let me show you why your statement is wrong.
You see, you took a way verse from my post, and made it easier to attack, by applying a riddicilous example of yourself writing a journal about how much you loved to suck big black cocks in anime girl type suit in a school bathroom... Wait, that's not what you meant?
Oh sorry by being rude dear friend, but that's what you did to me with your current statement. Your argumental logic is way too formal, you assume that world only goes in "yes=yes","no=no" law system... Well that's not the case, as obviously everyone can criticize you, even if they don't know what you have written. But that's not the point, my lad. The point was to enlighten you that you can only successfully and ultimately destruct someone is to learn what about their own ideas and to investigate. Sure, you can criticize, but again, without knowledge, there is no way. It's like firing a blank.

And I would much appriciate it if you weren't so willfully ignorant and passively agressive, my dear friend. After all, Yas Forums is a board of peace, and I would like it to stay that way, and telling someone to "Fuck off" certainly wouldn't make it a board of peace, and you would not want that, right lad?

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Not true. Maybe the lower classes in Germany prior to Hitler's rise to power but during Hitler's rise to power and later on, everyone was quite clear on Hitler's message

Yas Forums has become an e-meth trap house. E-meth junkies have gone too far in their intelligence illusions, have never learned to synergize information or think critically, so all we do is debate them for kicks, but it never really goes anywhere and the whole narrative is heavily dependent on who happens to be their daddy, though we can push them and kick them around for fun. All the junkies do is call us Jews which is really only hurtful if you’re deeply insecure about who you are. I really don’t care if people call me Jewish, nor do I feel unsafe on the streets if people were to collectively call me that. I’ll die fighting so it really comes down to mental strength. These e-meth junkies are lost and will never recover, they can only hope to die from corona.

Sorry meant 9th century

This isn't related to anything interesting, nobody is going to read it.


This post is pure masturbation. It's ironic how much of a projection it is too. Also
>Yas Forums is one person
Half of Yas Forums is leftist shills.

>Strawman logical fallacy intensifies
What a surprise.... No wonder why tranny mods are a thing here when those things keep fuckers like you around.

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But everyone is going to give me a (you) instead? How nice of you. Here is your (you) too lad. Now let me finish my Guinness please.

>pol is one peson.
Kek this.
As much as the Jidf and sara Silverman want to think everyone on here is a hardcore neo nazi, it's just not true.
/pol is one of the most diverse groups of people you will find anywhere.

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Fuck is up cancerous junkie. Fucking calling out my Freudian level analysis.

Yas Forums is 99% influenced by news media, they don’t know where they stand. The Jews have them exactly where they want them. Yas Forums is a machine, projecting - as you claim me to be doing - their inner mental representations of their overstimulated brains in a designated area where they can pretend to be philosophical and act like they disagree while they are really upholding a status quo imposed on them by their very enemy. It’s not even warfare, it’s modern slavery.

Hmmm.... Looks like a good book, though I have certain doubts...

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I am a Jew who can read Biblical Hebrew and Yiddish.

Judaism is an extremely utilitarian and ethnocentric religion.

I will eventually be publishing my commentaries and audiobooks of both the Torah and the Talmud.

Do not listen to any Jews who tell you that the Torah supercedes the authority of the Talmud, it is vice-versa. The Jews believe that while Moses was receiving the 10 Commandments, the Jewish elders were having a meeting, and at the same time received a higher revelation, that which would ultimately become Talmudic law.

The Talmud teaches that sharing its teachings with a gentile would be equivalent to the killing of all Jews. This statement is logically based on the fact that a greater percentage of the population would grow to dislike the Jews, were they to truly find out what Jews truly think of them. Make of that what you will.

I hope this helps. Thank you for your question.

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Yep. It's as simple as that. It took me years to get there though because their stuff is intentionally convoluted and cryptic. It's literally designed to confuse goys and at the same send a signal to ((((those)))) who are in the know. They use code words such as: "law", "red", "light", "silence", "scream", "gold", "angel", "voice" etc.

If you do this be prepared for an absolute shit storm.
Look up David cole, he is a jew who went to Auschwitz and made an exposè.
Hollywood murdered his career afterwards.

I’m a really grimey person, I don’t see anything wrong with extreme utilitarianism. If Judaism as a religion stands out because of this, I’ll be happy to convert.

Now that we're talking about spaghetti, can someone redpill me on why the jews want white men gone? Why are they so angry at white men? I heard something about some event that occurred some time before Jesus was born that they're apparently still angry about. Could someone explain?

Not a single word in those books refer to this world.

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David Cole on the Montel Williams show

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My main problem with any racist is that you assume that the other party cares.

Oy, stop right there law breaker! What you doing on the "live" internet this is highly irregular.

The Torah has always been a joke to the Jews and the Talmud has been irrelevant for decades already.

The modern religion for the jews is the Holocaust, get with the times.

Again, Yas Forums is mostly shills and you're too dumb to discern which is which. Your analysis is less than meaningless.