this is what it looks like. this is what it does to your lungs. You don't believe it, because your experience is limited. I'm here to tell you, it's happening. believe me, don't believe me, I don't care.
also, ask questions, I guess.

Attached: the rona.jpg (902x1279, 172.28K)

I don’t have lungs

This, why should I care about other people's problems?

>He didn't take the gillpill

Where is this? China, Italy, USA?
Age group?
Is this the average outcome, or critical?
How dis you get this info?

looks frightening
like a heavy smoker

Attached: screamingsomemore.jpg (900x904, 152.22K)

congrats, you're immune.
the pic is a 37 year old male with no history of lung issues. no comorbidities. no ailments.
well. antibiotic allergy.

Attached: kabuki yes.jpg (752x908, 110.17K)

Western PA, USA. rest is here
I'm a nurse.

Can you explain what we're looking at please?

37 is old, faggot.

>people of interested disappear and are rediscovered with radioactive elements injected into them
>these people are recovered in pain with radiation sickness

seriously what the fuck are they not telling us? what's going on? i heard about this from a friend's father when he was over talking about intergovernmental affairs and it's just like excuse me?

Same here , except mine are gone from chain smoking for 45 yrs.
Sorry Kung-Flu i took the Emphysema pill long ago. COPD btfo Kung-flu

op took a picture of a screenshot

Can I trade my ok lungs for Roblox currency

Wtf is this? Some kind of primitive weather radar?

Bro that’s normal chill. Wu flu can fuk off

That the S or L strain ?

i harvest organs in my rimworld colony usually they die with a lvl 5 doctor

My doctor said this is being all being over-hyped by the media and don't worry about it. Why should I believe you over a doctor?

What the fuck am I looking at here?

it's a CTA of his lungs. the white spread through the dark? that's not supposed to be there. pulmonary fibrosis. Dude's got zero fucking capacity now.

>believe me

Where are the deaths?
If this was real it would be in the world somewhere jacking up death rates.

>"believe me, I don't care"
You cared enough to make this and a dozen other threads. Why?

Attached: 8365274563455734.png (1636x1070, 1.84M)

Source: my ass.

Thats just a photo of the lungs of an average 24 year old chink living in shanghai

Attached: 765867969.jpg (284x177, 6.89K)

Fake and gay. But even if it was real, why the fuck should I care?

Is this scar tissue or another type of permenant damage? Can the lungs recover?

your doctor gave up years ago, and he's repeating what's heard. I'm dealing with this, day in and day out. he's one of four presumptive cases right now. I don't care whether you believe me or not. Decide for yourself.

>People died from pneumonia related to the flu

>antibiotic allergy.

I don't even know what I'm looking at

>can the lungs recover?
unknown. it presents similar to ideopathic pulmonary fibrosis. but much faster. This developed in less than a week.

On CT scan of healthy lungs, they are suppose to be pure black with tiny white lines. A CT scan of pure white lungs is really, really bad. Might as well pass away than survive with fucked up lungs

Lung is one of the first organs to regenerate completely in a short period of time, ofc lungs are gonna get damaged when ur having pneumonia or bronchitis.

>Gets btfo because the virus isn't that bad
>Plays doctor
>Uses fake images, from serious cases of shit like tb

wrong. not that kind of antibiotic.

It’s viral pneumonia. Man, this place has been filled with retards for a long time but this is reaching critical mass

Unfortunately lungs kinda suck at healing scar tissue compared to other parts of your body.


Can I request a CT scan anywhere? How much? Or do they need a reason?

k. hope your lungs get fucked and you have to live on a vent.

Attached: sip.png (1001x994, 1.68M)

lol, just smoke some weed, dude.

Attached: CoronaChronic.png (482x418, 539.29K)

Put chlorine in a fog machine
Breathe in deep

Are you a grill?

Not very true. Other parts of the body don't have something as fragile as tiny air sacs aka lung alveoli. Scar tissue is a bitch to have anywhere in your body but lung is one of the shittiest place to have scar tissue

depends on your insurance, but if you think you've got problems, your doc shouldn't have any problem ordering one for you.
you don't want to pay out of pocket though. It's fucking ungodly expensive. depending on the hospital and how jewish they are, it could be thousands.

>lung alveoli

America does not have a culture of getting CT scans on demand without doctor prescription

>volunteer to get your brain fried
no thanks

There was a doctor on fox news that even said there will be permanent scarring to the lungs

Where in western PA? I'm in NE ohio and it's definitely making its rounds. My best friend might have it and is a heavy smoker, how fucked is he?

stay away from the doctor then.
they are the #1 cause of hepatitis too

I'm just saying you can do physical therapy on an injured limb with scar tissue, like massage it, stretch it, etc but you can't really do the same thing with a lung.

Post timestamp on scan or fuck off


Attached: 1560533031015.jpg (258x196, 11.59K)

i was simply making the point that OP is likely correct

My lungs already look like that.

Attached: f.jpg (500x600, 58.18K)

they seem to be slowly disclosing the truth. The situation in utero will likely be next.
I'm not saying. but Youngstown is close. It's hard to say for him specifically, but he needs to take it seriously. get to a hospital, they'll start him on antivirals. if he gets them fast enough, he'll be good. if not... just make sure he gets it looked at.

Vapefags, Yas Forumsizens, and lungboys BLOWN THE FUCK OUT, we smokin here

Attached: 1543232469213.png (1024x768, 280.4K)

Just to be safe i went and got a CT scan yesterday. It was uncomfortable at first having to remove my pants and underwear but the doctor assured me it wasnt a big deal. He said my results were extremely sexy so thats good

American Radiologist Associations don't seem to recommend CT scans for Coronavirus due to time and effort in decontimating CT machines and that most CT rooms are not intended to host infectious patients since not every hospital is some biosafety lab level 3 or 4. You are gonna get radiologists protesting since radiologists are the most personally and emotionally removed from patients. They sit behind monitors and not meant to be primary care doctor or nurses

you should know better than that. OP is likely fake and gay.

I’ve read some preprints about a cytokine storm triggered by the virus. How common is it percentage wise in your experience?


>don't seem to recommend CT
good, it's nasty devil magic


Attached: 1570324675390.jpg (647x1445, 166.53K)

Did the 37 year old have a history of smoking or vaping?

>young people
>terrifying lungs
>chinee vaper goo
>imagine my shock

What do you mean situation in utero?
Wife is 28 weeks pregnant.


That's an old picture. It's in black and white.

>Two bears high-fiving.

>The situation in utero
what. the. fuck. does that mean??

damn I got laid by a United Nations broad 28 weeks ago. I'm a nigger btw.

37 is old alright. Fucking Boomers.

honestly, I don't know. This is the first round of patients we've seen, with new guidelines. We had some before that were suspected, but the testing parameters and patient questionnaire didn't allow us to go further if they had not traveled to china. I'm just an autistic faggot that wanted to pass on as much info as possible. it's still extremely early days for my area.
one of the presumptive cases right now is pregnant. her OB has been digging into stuff from china, and she wants to test the baby. Apparently there were 9 cases of pregnant women. 4 were still born. two had complications. the other 3 tested positive at birth. it's a small sample size, but we're working with limited data.

Lazy faggo


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Is this mucus, wtf is this. I had a pretty shitty lung infection, every morning I would struggle to breathe and I had to coof from 30 minutes straight to clear air waves. Started with sinuses, lasted for 4 days because I'm relativly healthy.

it's scar tissue. an insane amount of it.

So.. one thing no-one has answered yet is this permanent scaring and damage to your lungs or do you recover fully?

>This developed in less than a week.
wtf, how do you stop it?