Did we break the CIA? The glow niggers always used to be out of touch boomer types but they seem like Yas Forumsros now...

Did we break the CIA? The glow niggers always used to be out of touch boomer types but they seem like Yas Forumsros now.

Did they spend too much time here? Did they start recruiting from Yas Forums? What the hell happen?

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Once you come you're here forever...

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>Did they start recruiting from Yas Forums?
Probably this. I've seen a lot of familiar posters suddenly turn evil. I guess that government paycheck can do that to you.

>when you look in the abyss long enough the abyss will fuck your shit up and drown you in memes and arguments you can't refute it's just "it" and you're stuck here anyway for work related reasons so fuck it, just become a part of it too

cia glowies never were very bad, a bit to cocky and dismissive toward foreign entities (but that's just the stereotypical american abroad) the scum are nsa fbi and other domestic soupies

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Staying here too long breaks you and slowly turns you into one of us.

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As a member of the Central Intelligence Agency, I can confirm that we are all at home right now due to the coronavirus. Please refrain from disclosing details about yourself, any weapons you may own, or any details about subverting globalist plots until the current situation has subsided. Thank you. Sincerely, Mr. Glownigger

i kek'd

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Imagine being a CIA nigger in Italy lmaoo

One of us
One of us

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What a polite glownigger. Can we keep him as a pet?

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I've been here well over a decade and never recognized any posters except archivebro.
Are there lots of tripfags on the boards you read?

My theory:

Most if not some people that browse Yas Forums were CIA agents in a past life that got reincarnated and they're in a sense still CIA but working assymetrically because of some secret project called Pegasus which was about decentralizing the CIA that mixed with the KGB into a global entity inside a one world government

this means that something went wrong and Yas Forums is fighting the globalists or this is all part of the plan and Yas Forums actually helps the globalists in some way because they got Trump elected

will this make for a good anime plot?

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They most likely have a literal gun to their heads. They are probably having a laugh since they know they are just pawns and won't get in trouble because they are being forced. I like talking through them to their masters though.

>subverting globalist plots
How is anyone supposed to do that from home?

>tfw you realize all of pol are actually sleeper agents for the government and we lose memory of the events after the fact only to continue our lives like nothing happened none the wiser.

We are a board of peace. We want nothing more than for everyone visiting to understand the differing ideologies and understand true diversity.
>inb4 Jew

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This always happens to me. By the time I find the links the thread is already closed. But I remember Mister Metokur streams on Yas Forums infiltrations, and also had some on what it looked like paid actors saying they committed their radical crimes because of Yas Forums, very very weird and fishy stuff.

it would explain that weird dream i had about people in hazmat suits in my room when i was younger

i like this one

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>Probably this. I've seen a lot of familiar posters suddenly turn evil. I guess that government paycheck can do that to you.
If you are interested, I can send you an application. Post your home address and we can send you a baby with disassembly instructions and all of the information you need to successfully extract adrenochrome. Just send the adrenochrome back in the bottle we provide, fill out the questionnaire and we can get you started. Welcome to the Agency fellow glownigger.

I hope you get better my dearest luminescent letter. Remember to get plenty of fluids and sleep.

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Yas Forums could be the CIA's best asset and they probably don't even realize Yas Forums IS the CIA because of security clearance on information

e.g project pegasus

maybe its something i just made up because it sounds close to project paragon and i play alot of video games but it could actually be a real thing

also remember kek? that could've been mind control or actual psychic phenomena


>you can check out any time you like but you can NEVER leave

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They have programs and algorithms manipulating us now. Their bots are becoming very advanced

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It's not hard to identify who they are from their flag and posting style. That shitposting Australian guy is still based. There's also that one cool hardcore racist Christian Irish guy. Some not so based characters are that American nigger who calls abused children pussies, and that jewish New Yorker who usually wears a memeflag but sometimes forgets. Brazilians in general are just evil.

>How is anyone supposed to do that from home?
Don't play coy with me. I know what you are up to.

Doesn't matter if youre a normie, a simp, a shill, a thot, a glownigger, a regular nigger, a sand nigger, a gook, a kike, or what. Once you come to Yas Forums and post one post. You are here forever.

social media workers in general are getting better at this, they compile trends for different demographics to get better at "creating content in different voices" aka code switching

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>Imagine being a CIA nigger in Italy lmaoo
It's pretty cool actually. Good wine. Good food. I mean, all of the imported niggers suck, but for the most part it is a good station if you can get it.

>What a polite glownigger. Can we keep him as a pet?
Yes. I'll send you an invitation to our secret Illuminati sex parties. I usually enjoy being kept on a leash.

I remember when someone first told me that, back when I was a faggot normie. I shook my head thinking he was crazy, like everyone here was a bunch of faggots. And I still think you're all faggots, but you're my faggots now.

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They realized being an agency of traitors to the United States is starting to get really risky now that they have a bunch of SO's gunning and hunting their asses.

ONCE CIA, ALWAYS CIA, AM I RIGHT? You fucking goddamn right Mockingbirds.

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see this is what makes the least amount of sense.
this is supposed to be a quarantine board, i.e. "you're here forever" but its actually the opposite, its like patient zero for everything memetic, whether its a news story or a meme character or just some turn of phrase.

I took a long break from here recently and thought that was it I was finally not going back, but then it occurred to me that the outside world has been thoroughly Yas Forumsified as well.

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>Did they start recruiting from Yas Forums?
Yas Forums started recruiting at the CIA.

fuck you too, faggot. See you in the field, shadilay

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Kys yourself faggot.

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No one is fooled, glow nigger. Go report to your desk on your failure.

>I usually enjoy being kept on a leash.
Okay I don't know if I like him any more now.
Another one to the gas chambers I guess.

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>the outside world has been thoroughly Yas Forumsified as well.
It's not the world that has changed it's your perspective of it. You're a carrier, you carry Yas Forums with you and change things around yourself like a memetic/psychic virus that's warping reality.

I can tell you from personal experience that a lot of the new generation of younger people coming into the intel community in the past half decade or so are Yas Forumstards or at the very least sympathetic to a lot of the views expressed here. Intelfags are mostly high IQ autists with an interest in international affairs and geopolitics or criminal justice and knowledge of fringe politics so that pretty much describes a lot of people who browse Yas Forums

Do people still say shadilay ironically?
I mean I wont lie that song has good memories but it's so fucking normiefide ever since the end of the election.

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They got bored of getting rammed by cars.

I bet they have some AI that presents them a dashboard of a psych profile to keep them from fraternizing with us and feeling. AGENT GLOWIE BROWN STAY AWAY FROM THIS POST. OR ELSE YOU MAY FEEL RACISTSEXISTHOMOPHOBICWRBRWBRBWBRBEWRR FEELINGS

They will sell us of out to the jews 1 by 1, i look forward to meeting you guys IRL in the fema camps i couldnt ask for a more fitting bunch of guys to die with.

>Jew in a kekistan flag
I mean I can't say cringe or anything he's quite damn effective. This is next level Jewry. He went out on a limb without even realizing it and without approval from his fellow Jews. Yet he managed to make the flag untouchable caste and imparting it with weak loser vibes.

Source on pic?

It had a good run in 2016, but since normalfags caught up on pepe in early 2017 the meme has got stale. Made worse by fence sitters like Sargoy of Mossad coopted the kekistani thing at the same time.
This thread is the first time in three years I see enthusiastic kekposting.

Shame they end up being owned by the Bush Sr. cartel. They could have done good if they were managed by a pro-American intelligence agency.

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GCHQ pakis glow in the fog

I don't think I have anything to do with it. My attempts at persuading people have always failed laughably.
If they're getting """redpilled""" its coming from their own normie spectacles.

I'll give you an example, I was talking to my parents a while back and I just brought up the leftwing talking point about how not having children is good for the environment they both immediately started grumbling about how "oh right so YOU don't have kids while EVERYONE ELSE does" and it was clearly a racial subtext to it. But its all subconscious for them, approach any other subject directly they'll give the politically correct response.

pepe will always be god tier I feel like.
It's just the kekistani cringe shit. And yeah it legit makes me mainly think of Sargon "I am smart cause accent" Mossad

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I second this. We can dress him up in diffrent costumes.

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>Did we break the CIA?

No nigger. The only reason the CIA seems cool is because they've literally indoctrinated you into becoming their pawn. You think your masters and your owners are "cool" because that's how indoctrination works. Just like "America is a good country" , it's the same exact bullshit.

That just means the CIA won when the CIA seems cool. Instead of listening to organics, you now just listen to "cool" glowniggers who tell you exactly what to do, what to say, and what to think, in order for Yas Forums to function as effectively as possible, as the empty threat factory, as the Emmanuel Goldstein that forever keeps the kikes in power by making endless 100% empty threats against the kikes and their agenda, all so the kikes have some "evidence" that justifies their further brutalization and dismantlement of any civil rights you have and any ability to resist their control of your country. The CIA being cool just means you've become 100% faithful ZOG soldiers.

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