Previous thread...
I am reposting so more people can see and critique.

Since the hysteria around coronavirus has been showing up, there have been inconsistencies in the symptoms for everyone who gets it. This has caused me to question why exactly this is happening, and why some countries/people seem to be getting hit with a life threatening version of this while others are almost completely asymptomatic. Well, after doing some digging, I was able to stumble across a post that talks about how both ITALY and WUHAN were dealing with severe tuberculosis outbreaks prior to the "outbreaks" of Covid-19. It states:

"In a prior report I cited the pre-coronavirus outbreak of tuberculosis in Wuhan China coupled with culling and incineration of herds of pigs infected with African swine flu that created aerosolized pig waste particles that infected humans with a Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is largely a lung disease that kills 1.7 million humans annually. TB may be the origin of this deadly infection as normally coronavirus produces mild infections. Tuberculosis fills the lungs with fluid and the patient drowns in their own secretions. That is what is happening in Wuhan. ... Italy’s Prime minister Matteo Salvini claims migrants have brought on this TB plague to his country. News reports dating back to September of 2018 cite Salvini’s assertion that a TB “invasion without rules or controls” has swept through Italy, carried by indigent migrants seeking asylum in his country." (1)

Attached: nejmc2001272_f1.jpg (1800x1807, 539.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Generally, coronaviruses do no cause severe symptoms. In the vast majority of people, it seems that symptoms are almost non-existent. Sure, some people have more serious symptoms, but all public cases so far have been very benign. Additionally, at the beginning of January, there were reports coming out of Wuhan of a "mystery virus" that supposedly causes tuberculosis... Now think about that. Do viruses magically just give you tuberculosis? NO. That's because the issue IS the tuberculosis...

"The Wuhan health authorities reported late on Thursday (Jan 16) that a 69-year-old man, who was first taken ill on Dec 31, died on Wednesday at the Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital in Hubei province after his symptoms became more severe on Jan 4, with pulmonary tuberculosis and multiple organ functions damaged." (2)

"Two people have died from the virus, including a 69-year-old man who died on Wednesday after the disease caused pulmonary tuberculosis and damaged multiple organ functions." (3)

The crazy thing is that TB does not always immediately present itself. It can remain latent in humans for a while:

"It is not necessarily newly arriving migrants that are carrying TB, masquerading as COVID-19 coronavirus, to Italy. TB can remain in a latent state in the human body for many years before it erupts into disease symptoms." (1)

Does anyone have any opinion on this? I am trying to figure out the discrepancies in symptoms, they are way too wide ranging and it doesn't make sense.




Keep letting you Asian gf coof in your mouth

Map of resistant tuberculosis... China, Iran, Italy.

Attached: 1584413830382.png (1325x694, 382.53K)

Why is one lung darker?
How is this different from normal lungs?
I don't even understand what I am looking at other than this is an x-ray of a chest.

>not having the TB vaccine
Sucks to be you

Food for thot...
>er'body eventually gets TB
>disease is kept in check by functioning immune system combined with exposure to vaccine earlier in life
>coronachan comes along
>she ain't having none of that
>fucks ups up your immune system
>TB can't be kept in check anymore
>die of TB
Shits like dieing of chicken pox cuz ya got AIDS.

darker is better
lighter is something there that shouldnt be there

you should really acquire BASIC medical knowledge

This leaf gets it. The fact that TB can remain latent is a big part of this

many don't in the us don't moron. only good thing going on here is a bunch of liberals just indirectly killed themselves with open borders. with any luck juan down the street will take care of your smug nigger ass too.

Attached: We have a plan.png (652x687, 871.04K)

I actually think that’s a good way to describe it. I think that’s why a lot of cities are corralling and isolating the homeless too now. A huge amount of them have TB.

Just a flu,don't worry folks.

So TB has an R0 of 10 which would warrant the quarantine panic AND an incubation period of 2-12 weeks. If Coronavirus is waking up TB in a fuck ton of people that’s so gnarly

Well, the idea that a new mutation of a coronavirus causing TB is interesting, considering the how common coronavirus is.
This paper shows that in approx. 10% of cases of flu in Glasgow, coronavirus was present (44,320 cases over 9 years).

I guess a place to start would be the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, if there also was an increase in TP cases during that time frame.

This, but then with 5G that fucks it up. The 5G network was turned on at the same time Corona became a thing.

i've needed to type that all day
now i did and im happy

Sorry, they tested 44,320 cases and found coronavirus in 10%.

>Previous thread...
Medics already BTFO this shill like 20 times in those threads but he keeps going like he's getting paid for it. Hmm

Attached: 1579534671919.png (286x278, 63.38K)

Oh shit

Chad who destroyed bronchitis in 2 days here, AMA

So where's the corrolation of HIV and TB?
Exactly, check and mate.

> The risk of developing tuberculosis (TB) is estimated to be between 16-27 times greater in people living with HIV than among those without HIV infection. In 2015, there were an estimated 10.4 million cases of tuberculosis disease globally, including 1.2 million [11%] among people living with HIV. Almost 60% [57%] of tuberculosis cases among people living with HIV were not diagnosed or treated, resulting in 390 000 tuberculosis-related deaths among people living with HIV in 201

>HIV and TB
Nigga, just put dat shit into the googles and you'll find it, son.


Oh fug.
Good thing we have vaccines for this.

Salvini isn’t the Italian pm mate and tb makes you cough blood and enters skeleton over a long period

> Patient 1 was a healthcare worker who became infected with SARS-associated coronavirus (CoV) while on duty with SARS patients. After he was transferred to a hospital dedicated to SARS management, pulmonary TB was diagnosed (positive acid-fast bacilli smear on sputum samples).
> Patients 2 and 3 were known to have cases of pulmonary TB and became infected with SARS-CoV after contact with other patients hospitalized for SARS. These 2 patients were sputum smear–negative for acid-fast bacilli, and diagnosis was made on the basis of previous exposure to TB
> Patients 2 and 3 recovered without complications; patient 1 had the most severe disease and required mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit before recovering.

> TB in SARS patients has been reported on rare occasions (4,5). In a cohort of 236 patients in Singapore, it was diagnosed in 2 patients after recovery from SARS (4). As with patient 1 in this study, TB had developed after the patient acquired SARS, most likely as the result of reactivation of past infection or new infection with M. tuberculosis, while temporarily immunosuppressed because of SARS (6) and corticoid therapy.

Well, 10% of flu cases have CoV, so there you go. Its just a flu bro.....with potential TB complications.

So OP might actually be on to something

>coronaviruses do not cause severe symptoms
>SARS-CoV mortality rate 10-15%
>MERS-CoV mortality rate 30-35%
dropped, retard.

If what anons have said is true about permanent lung damage(tb can get into other organs too) and that you can reinfected (have another tb spell) it would actually fit pretty nicely. A big question is the rate at which babies and children contract and die of TB comparatively

He was talking about the common cold, obtuse faggot.

>So where's the corrolation of HIV and TB?
>quick google HIV/TB: "it's the most common contagious infection in HIV inmunocompromised patients leading to death"
user, I...

Chloroquine can help tuberculosis cases. Chloroquine also shows some uses in covid cases.

"Oh shit" - South Africa

Do you purposely spread misinformation or are you just uniformed? Bacterial TB and Viral pneumonia are not the same thing.

>approximately one-third of the world is infected with latent TB

Attached: download.png (225x225, 4.24K)

So... What you are saying is... We are all gonna be Cowboys soon?

Attached: dG8EGh7X3m8f5ETLagEgWV.jpg (1280x720, 163.38K)

Actual doctor here.

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.

if pol goes down in the next hour we'll know this is accurate. CAP IT. CAP IT AND BACK IT UP.


Go away.


show your flag

In English, doc?

No, we're brainstorming the theory that wuflu may be activating the latent TB in those who have it lurking in their system.

Layent TB has been growing in the west in the past decades due to immigration.

OP isn’t saying they’re the same thing

shits fucked m8

>Italy’s Prime minister Matteo Salvini claims migrants have brought on this TB plague to his country.

lol what fucking century is this. we are going to go through the great reversing of time

the shills are not even trying to make sense here, just desperately attempting to call OP retarded without even remotely understanding what he's trying to say. if I understand right people with this latent TB infection have it go supernova when they get Covid-19. It's two entities acting together. If this is true it basically means...everything WILL be fine in the USA, it's all a fucking stage play, the government likely KNOWS THIS but we're going to be under martial law and quarantine anyway to fulfill the actual purpose of this entire operation, which we HOPE is benevolent.

Not as elegant as the turbo encabator joke, but p funny. Throw in a few more recognizable words to more directly show the interaction between the jargon, and you've got something.

After seeing that Italy hospital video with ICU patients sharing a room all immunodeficient as fuck I’m thinking about what the implications are For the other patients including the staff if even just one has infectious tb.

You have to be at least 10 years old to...

>It's just TB bro.

Tired of the goal posts moving. Any normal human would have their confidence shaken and shut up after being proven wrong so many times.... but these low IQ faggots are too dumb to realize how fucking retarded they look.

I hate cocksure retards, guys. I fucking hate them. I'm so tired. It's all so very very tiresome.

Attached: itsallsotiresome.jpg (206x244, 16.43K)

If it could kill Arthur Morgan then were all fucked.
"I got TB. I got it beating a man to death for a few bucks"

Thanks auto correct.

How long did it take you to post this garbage.

T.- actual doc

kek this fucking guy again

Fun fact in its heyday TB was known as “The great white plague”

CT scan of a lung showing dark lung with tiny white lines is good. CT scan of a lung with very white lungs with almost no dark color anywhere is bad

100% it's fake. No one is dying to the virus. The CDC is inflating the numbers to get funding. Someone will die of pneumonia and theyll say the virus weakened their immune system and add another death to the death toll. They dont know the virus is what killed them. It's totally fucked! Dont believe shit they say and if you get sick DO NOT go to a hospital. A hospital is THE WORST place you can be... they will only load you up with drugs that will further weaken your immune system, and you cant just refuse treatment you have to stay in quarantine. I wouldn't doubt it if the treatment is what kills most these poor folks

Thanks to 3rd worlders, more Americans have been exposed to TB than realized.
Once you have been exposed you have TB in your lungs for life. Just pray you never suck a dick and get AIDS, TB will take you out pretty quickly.

No it wont. You have no idea what you're talking about.

ok now im wondering if arthur dying of TB wasn't just a random disease. maybe some foreshadowing of this year.


>Just pray you never suck a dick and get AIDS
That's not usually something one would have to pray about...

Antiretrovirals paired with antibiotics could kill any elderly person no doubt. The doctors are fucking retards