Who here big cry?

Just had a big cry a couple of hours ago. It felt good, this shit is stressful and sad. It's okay to do it as long as no one sees it, so they can't call you a faggot.

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OP is unironically a faggot

I haven’t cried in years... last time it ever happened was over my friend’s kid dying


Men Don’t cry you retarded faggot


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Tits or GTFO

Yes I cried. I'm upset that people are being hurt and dying and experiencing pain.
I'm a man and I cry if I feel like it. You're not gonna tell me what to do, bucko.

you cry, you gay. OK?


flag checks out

> man
> I cry

Stfu faggot

Meme flag has meme emotions.

I've been really sensitive to stupid shit like pic related. I'm religious as fuck too so anything to do with Jesus gets me. I don't fucking bawl my brains out but I tear up real fucking easy right now. I think it's because this is the first time I've felt truly alive since a few years ago when I lived in Japan for a few months by myself.

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That you OP?

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>Who here big cry?
only if I'm drunk and get sad for some reason

i need to but i havent properlh in a little while

i actually cry all the time though from little things, music makes me cry alot even happy songs, im seriously too emotional

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I have lived all of my life practicing social distancing and half assed prepping.

I shed tears but I don't cry, and as far as the current situation goes I'm having a big laugh. Bring on the end, I'm ready.

Imagine crying over having to chill in your house play vidya for a bit.

You're pathetic

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youre a faggot

Seriously anons, it feels so good. It even made me stop coughing so much for a little while.

also my boomer dad (with whom I;ve had a VERY rocky relationship) literally just called me to invite me to dinner, and essentially made fun of me for saying I was self isolating so I'm on the verge of a few extreme emotional displays as we speak.

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Dont care about the crisis. My wife just miscarried at 8 weeks for the second time in a row. Pretty brutal

I felt really anxious and depressed for about 2 days last week and now I feel fine
I try to avoid the news but at this point I just feel like I've accepted this new reality. And considering the fact that it's only effect on me so far has been minimal since I hardly leave my apartment anyways, it really hasn't been too bad

women cry

men get angry

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How often do you go outside?
Serious question I'm not trying to mock you

Stop punching her in the tummy then

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I wish I was able to cry

>My wife
post her feet

just start talking about Germany or Russia

i almost did at the $1,000. if it turns into UBI i will.

I literally can’t cry anymore. After years of severe isolation I have just lost all emotion. Like if something bad happened like death of a love one I couldn’t cry, i couldn’t even show much emotion at all. Like I would be sad on the inside but like for example at the funeral i’d have to try and force myself to show emotion to not look insane but would end up just looking weird because i’d be forcing it.

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I bet you voted liberal, fucking traitor

I can only cry when i see valiant warriors fighting in glorious combat, am i a autist

Check your estrogen.

I've been crying a lot lately. I don't think I'm going to make it with this corona thing, anons

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your death would only benefit humanity

i've been depressed for the majority of my life. the past 2 weeks have felt like nothing special. in fact, they've been pretty comfy

good, you weebshitting pedo

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I cried like a bitch after my stepdad smashed my head against a desk 16 years ago, not shed a tear since. If you die you die what is the fucking problem


>complaining about anime

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I'm crying laughing at this shit

Fucking normiefags I will be dancing upon your graves

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almost never, because i have a disease that keeps me semi-bedridden most of the time due to pain for the past 4 years

relateable on so many levels

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At times I feel crushing despair there is so much pain and suffering in the world, other times I am in awe and glad I can experience the creation

I pray not that the LORD save us but that he grant us the STRENGTH to face whatever challenges we encounter

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sorry i replied to the wrong thing

this was my reply to you^^^

hey tripps....


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Sorry to hear that. It's very common before 12 weeks though. Can happen over and over again. You will get there eventually

I didn't cry when my father died but I had a mental breakdown when a girlfriend of 4 months cheated on me. Who else here /norelationshipwithfamily/?

I swear the most cringe thing about these weebs is they are not self aware how fucking disgusting they are

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>almost never
You're vitamin D deficient that's why you're so emotional
Either start going outside so your body produces it naturally or buy a supplement you'll feel a lot better
Make sure the supplement is D3 and not D2
take 3-5,000 IU a day

Is this real?

I cried a little to a song because it kind of reminded me of something that happened in my family.

I’ll admit it; I’m crying because this isn’t the apocalypse I wanted. I was hoping for the zombie apocalypse, so I could be ethically and morally justified in killing. Now I gotta wait for looters to break into my house to shoot them. Either that or something that’d force the world into Fimbulwinter. I was hoping to have to brave thru miles of snow, dig down into the drifts to access houses, scavenge thru and empty, frozen and still land with corpsicles.
Instead I get Outbreak and Contagion. I had a sad.

Don't worry user. I felt emotional this morning. Keep it together or just sleep a lot until it's over.

only men who show their emotions are strong men
though you are a leaf, you are a good person OP
odspeed in this trying time.

those who don't cry are pussies, and will be fucked in the ass like one.

thanks ill try it

You'd like that, wouldn't you, Ricardo?

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Do it user
Also remember, D3 NOT D2

Stop enabling men to be fucking pussies. Jesus shit like that pisses me off with men now days. That's something your mom says to you after your first break up or some shit. Just sit in your fucking house and chill it's literally one of the easiest things you can do. Now ungrow a pussy and stop crying at fucking Jesus pictures and coddling each other like females.

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Chin up, Ameribro! Keep planting that seed

Women cry

Men drink then get angry at women

Woman cries

it's the natural cycle.


man the fuck up pussy


So you knew my dad I see?
Very great man

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Its just the flu lad

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People who don't cry have autism or narcissism. They think they're tough and chad, but really they have no emotions. Pure NPC tier.

>Mother dies.
>Feels nothing.

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lol ur dad is a homo

>wants to fuck men in the arse

stop being a fag and man the fuck up

Are you a roastie

I've never cried before and I'm not gonna start now.

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