Tucker Carlson 2024
My first time watching tucker carlson was with jon steward on crossfire (not live but about 2010) and I was brainwashed to dismiss him few years later watch him again and he seems to genuinely care about his country so I respect him for it and even watch him sometimes for sound opinions
Fuck it, I'll one-up you. Tucker 2020.
Why is Israel allowed to interfere in our elections?
Black cube and JIDF shills slide threads. Look how many pointless threads they post, this is to prevent serious discussions.
When Israel went into lock down did you notice all the "kill all israelis" posts dissappeared along with calling everyone a "Jew" and "tranny" if they point out (((coincidences)))
Trump was always taking it seriously.
Senate first.
Because a nation has an obligation to its citizens.
He's gonna run for prez and win 2052
>two white house sources told
The most dangerous thing about coronavirus is the media.
King Tuck
should media have even reported on this at all when it was detected in chink land? imagine if none of this happened because the media didn't catch a whiff of some picture of a chink doctor in a HAZMAT suit from facebook
>Senate first
Democracy is fake and gay. The time for playing by the rules is over. Tucker is getting drafted as Supreme Leader of the American National State and there's nothing he can do about it.
This tbqh
>stops war with Iran
>gets Trump to take Coronachan seriously
Tucker 2020
I noticed that too. The day after Tucker gave that speech Trump dropped the "just a flu bro" narrative. I knew it couldn't be just coincidence
why would anyone trust what oliver darcy has to say?
why do Republicans love drafting TV personalities and random ass nibbas to run for president?
so we're not in a crisis because by chance the president tuned into a late night hosts opening monologue. we are so very fucked.
tfw Hollywood is 99% leftist globohomos
Tucker and Trump versus evil.
The nation has an obligation to destroy the economy and several industries, leading to mass unemployment and poverty, just to give 80+ year olds who lived through the most prosperous period in human history a few more years of life?
He’s gonna make tuck his new vp isn’t he?
Q predicted this
>Fox news opinion hosts are directing the Office of the President of the United States.
How did we end up here?
Where are we going?
What possibility of a return to normalcy is there?
Only time will tell.
Lot of potential happenings and this is what you conclude?
Go sit in the corner for 10 minutes.
He's prime time. Have some respect for the Tuck
why is she mad?
Tucker's not some random journo. He advocates for whites and third position politics in a way no one else has in generations. His expose on vulture capitalism in middle America:
Is one of the most brazenly antisemitic pieces to ever air on American television. The kikes fucking SEETHED when it came out. They despise Tucker and hate that fact that he's almost untouchable due to his popularity.
If only Trump followed every single advice Tucker gave
It's because most of Trump's base view Tucker as Trump's main mouthpiece.
When the mouthpiece starts saying things that contradicts Trump, he (Trump) has two options:
He can go against his mouthpiece and lose message purity.
Or he can change his view to align with his mouthpiece.
Not at all. I don't buy the government reaction on the surface as them caring about our citizens. It's all a farce to seize power and control us, which we will never get back, just like after 9/11.
I was just putting the disease itself into perspective.
>carlson on fox news
>stewart ex-daily show host
how did those two work together?
The long awaited Day of the Pillow has arrived.
They didn't. Stewart was invited to go on Tucker's show and debate him
>being this fucking brain dead
Nobody gives two shits about the sick and elderly, the problem is when all your elderly get sick at once your hospital system is just straight up fucked. It's not sustainable and will kill far more than just the elderly.
So does /ptg/ like Tucker again now?
Idk why do dems like doing it with random nigger, wahmens, and assorted shitskins?
Those threads are literally 100 percent JIDF and BLACKCUBE
Do you seriously think the board that worshippers hitler went full MIGA.
Go ask them about these topics yourself and watch the silence.
because they're living history books with lots of life experience.
In some Indian province the elephants became psycho killers (killing people and each other) when the older generations were removed.
Boomers are such a drain on society. It would be one thing if they had knowledge or skills... but nope. They cant even rotate a pdf and most cant cook, or do any physical labor... worse than the millenial. Disgusting generation.
Tucker-(Ted Cruz/Rand Paul) 2024
Ok boomer. Like i give a fuck. We need freed up houses, not living history books
>Because a nation has an obligation to its citizens.
I agree, sadly I think the US is well beyond that stage and is an empire which only serves kikes and other assorted moneyed interests.
That is slowly looking like a potential.
On the flip side home schooling is now being pushed. This will invert programming to a certain degree if the parents are not shit.
based tucker
Oldsters will die, but if everyone gets it that means a lot of younger people will die as well due to an overloaded hospital system.
>Why is Israel allowed to interfere in our elections?
You know why.
Because they're much more desirable in society than whiny entitled faggots like you.
Fuck /ptg/, I wish Tucker was president.
Trump closed travel to China and request billions in Aid to fight the spread before "Tucker's monologue."
Why are you faggots like this?
Tucker stabbing us in the back with this fake crises crying.
I know. Just trying to get them to fuck off.
Copy and paste and reply to every memeflag disruption poster and they quit posting
>because they're living history books with lots of life experience.
>In some Indian province the elephants became psycho killers (killing people and each other) when the older generations were removed.
Elephant boomers actually care for elephant millennials and zoomers
Human boomers are parasites
Lmfao Erin "alt man" kek
Yes a flu is always serious, but nothing to go in self-isolating panic about, nothing to beg the state to take away your freedoms and ensure that you in the future will have no route to dissent
You don't just get to take all medical resources and neglect old whites Mohammed.
Can't cuck The Tuck!
at least they are politicians. Say someone like Josh Hawley instead of fucking Tucker Carlson.
You seem like you could use this user. (Pic related)
This. What a load of shit. Tucker is acting like a creepy porn lawyer.
>if they had knowledge or skills
Reminder that the entire reason entry level jobs have stupid fucking requirements like "3 years data entry experience" or "1 year java programming experience" for something as banal as managing the front desk is because boomers didn't have the skills to compete with muhlennials but they had """"experience"""". Society is falling apart because old people that never learned to actually do their jobs are 70 years old and still in charge of systems administration and shit like that while johnny gen xer his 40yo son pays half his paycheck on the 1 million suburban shitshack he owns because boomie inflated the prices.
Cant tuck the cuck
I have been
Somehow perma banned from posting photos because of the Elohim pictures I always posted Kek
Literally who
Trump was literally downplaying the virus as just a flu bro and was avoiding taking about the problem as much as possible. I know i followed everything everyday. It was only after that monologue that Trump accepted that shit had hit the fan
Your digits show the blessings of Kek on your proposal.
>His expose on vulture capitalism in middle America:
but he supports politicians that promote policies that continue to gut middle America
They do it to say they didn't find anyone who was qualified and then hire Pajeet for pennies
Hawley is too new to be a star in the party and all the big established names in the GOP are either distrusted by the base or neocohens like Tom Cotton.
Hawley would be best paired as a running mate to Tucker since he can provide the policy experience to make Tuck's platforms workable.
Cause he agrees with Yas Forums on 99% of things
>anti-mass immigration
>Pro Assad/Maduro/Gaddafi
>Economic protectionist
>capitalism with the goal of supporting families
>Trump closed travel to China and request billions in Aid to fight the spread before "Tucker's monologue."
>Why are you faggots like this?
They're chinks hyping this bullshit virus:
These comments are moving too fast = Chinks consensus cracking, pretending to be anons, or legitimate NPCs
Yikes, the economy is going to get fucked just as hard if all working age people get sick for a month, and a good many will die. No one is immune and it’s a pretty nasty virus.
I would hope shlomo trump would avoid getting his faggotry on tucker.
Imagine an America right now if Tuck had got shut down and couldn't talk sense into Trump.
>Hawley is too new to be a star in the party
worked for Obama. you have to strike when the iron is hot.
>mixing marxist style commie talk with Tucker and NS as if there isn't a difference
>he supports
That's a stretch. He just plays with the cards he has available. Trump is president, congress is full of zionists. There's literally nothing he can do about it