Why did the Democrat and Republican Parties switch positions?

How did the Republicans go from Northern Progressivism to regressive kkk members and how did the Democrats go from regressive kkk members to Progressivism?

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States rights used to be a Democrat issue, the Dem voters in the south didn’t move or change. The south only became republican after the southern strategy.

Republicans were never the racist ones, media manipulation just makes you think that.

Dems were the southern slave owners.
Dems started the KKK
Dems blocked the first version of the Equal Rights act by Grant
Dems passed the Great New Deal killing the black community
Dems buy votes with welfare and illegal immigrants
Dems were the racists then
Dems are the racists now

Why are all of the modern kkk members proud Republicans then?

>the modern KKK

You mean the 100 maybe across the country that are definitely not glowing under those robes?

What about modern neo-Nazis which are universally Republican

Democrat racist switched to Republicans after the Civil Rights act

Define neo Nazi. You mean national socialism? Do you mean white supremacists? That’s really vague

Lincoln wanted to deport the slaves. Then he was murdered by a jew.

Democrats basically just said 'no u' and their lapdogs in the media went along with it.
Anything else you hear is just bullshit.

watch this

The south went red after during Nixon’s run where he used a platform of anti welfare to scoop up disenfranchised southern dems who were tired of what they perceived as a betrayal from the Dem establishment

Both legit Nazis and broad white supremacists are pretty much always Republican. Also you don't mention how coincidentally the Republican party switched from being popular in the progressive Northern states to the regressive South

>Why did the Democrat and Republican Parties switch positions?
they didn't, dems just say that to pardon themselves

Old Democrat party and new Republican party:
>States rights over federal government
>Anti-immigration and pro-Nativism
>Popular among white supremacists
Old Republican party and new Democrat party:
>Federal government over states rights
>Pro-immigration and anti-Nativism
>Unpopular among white supremacists

It's really not that hard to see the switch

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They didnt. Democrats really really hate niggers. They just blame the Republicans for it since noone likes niggers.

>Why did the Democrat and Republican Parties switch positions?
They didn't switch places you fucking retard.

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Because they are all feds

>What about modern neo-Nazis which are universally Republican
Because more republicans work for the FBI


You do realize that actual Nazis, like ww2 nazis were socialists, right?

You can also be a racist and want small government and to protect your borders. That’s an ethno state. You’re conflating too many things together and just saying “much racist” right.

Actions speak louder, and keeping people in a victim mindset while giving them money so they are dependent on you is worse than trying to shrink the welfare state and make people self sustain.

The Southern Strategy is what made the south red. Slaves went north and east, the Dems followed them for the voting base. Think New York.

Did you read the fucking wiki about what the Democrats actually believed in? They were promoting socialism before it was known as socialism. It was called slavery back then.

They didn't switch places, they merged. The "red good, blue bad" and vice versa you see is just theater.

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Socialism was invented by Karl Marx and has nothing to do with the parties
That's one of your voting ancestors, Republican, you should be treating him with respect.

Socialism existed before Karl Marx you retard

look at this fag trying to deflect. You're out-smarted, young man.

So you think Republicans are anti-capitalists who think we need a government system in place that financially supports blacks and gives them free shit since they cant function in modern society? Because that's what the Democrats have always believed.

thats not deflection faggot thats a valid question define your goid damn shit and quit with the pilpul broadbrush

They didn't.
UR gay.

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Whenever someone posts a thread like this I ask them to explain why FDR and Woodrow Wilson were Democrats and not Republicans. Both were leftists.

no, i won't, you fucking faggot

The hard hat riots in Manhattan in 1970. The hippies wanted to prostest against the Vietnam war and bring downtown Manhattan to a standstill. The hard hats (proletariat) poured out into the lunch time streets and beat the living shit out of the bourgeois protesters larping as proles in their jeans and shit clothes while the Irish cops stood by and watched approvingly.


The left has never forgiven the white working class for betraying them, not seeing that they were themselves betraying the white working classes. But then they were jews and oblivious to their own iniquity.

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Also this

They were proto-party switch Democrats. They were mostly centrist, FDR only made social programs because of the depression

Parties never switched. Even the kkk my state endorsed Hillary in 2016. Most actual racists usalkky vote Democrat

Nazis are national socialists and has nothing to do with racism.

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Name the date the parties switched and name at least 10 politicians who switched parties.

You can't because they didn't switch.

Because all 50 of the are stupid, but not as much of a faggot as OP

This is doublethink. If you're trying to separate National Socialism from the Nordic supremacist model of the German Nazis then MAYBE you could make an argument that an economically centrist authoritarian "National Socialist" economy isn't racist. But German Nazism was explicitly about racial purity and Nativism.

Also I'd like you to give me one decent source of a kkk member or neo-Nazi endorsing a Democratic candidate

They're not. The KKK are still Democrats.

When I say "Party Switch" I don't mean politicians literally switched positions while in office because no politician does that. I'm talking about how voting preferences and the ideologies of the two parties switched between North and South in the 20th century

They never did. This idea they switched is a meme. The globalists have always pulled strings with both parties before they were parties. That said, republicanism is still republicanism, and democrats are still democrats. What you call neoconservatives and neoliberals are Luciferian constructs designed to intentionally invert opposites against each other. Good becomes bad, bad becomes good, and so-on. The thread runs through Marxism and Zionism and further beyond, all the way to the Babylonians and Canaanites.

So the republican politicians who abolished slavery supported the KKK?

Even the German Nazis weren't racist. They didn't hate other races


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Tell me the date that the parties switched you fucking nigger.

kek this kkk member was obviously trying to undermine Clinton with bad press, you fucks don't even try with your fabrications anymore. Where are all the news articles of the amount of donations other white supremacists have donated to Republican candidates? They don't publicize that shit.

They didn't want other races in their country and were willing to kick them out if need be which is pretty demonstrably racist.

>kek this kkk member was obviously trying to undermine Clinton with bad press

And this logic doesn't also apply to when they support Republicans?

alright moshi. Youre just bitter no one wants you in their homelands.

Was FDR the equivalent of a modern Republican or a modern Democrat?

kkk members and white supremacists express their support for the Republican party in conversations and interviews. What you don't see is a kkk member phoning up a news organization to tell them they donated thousands of dollars to a Republican candidate, because they know that wouldn't help the candidate.

>kkk members and white supremacists express their support for the Republican party in conversations and interviews.
They did that for Democrats instead according to what has been posted here. Why are you being hypocritical?

>kkk members and white supremacists express their support for the Republican party in conversations and interviews. What you don't see is a kkk member phoning up a news organization to tell them they donated thousands of dollars to a Republican candidate, because they know that wouldn't help the candidate.

So it only matters when they support Republicans. When they support Democrats, its fake support. Nice logic you fucking nigger. Did the KKK support FDR?

He was a centrist with universal popularity so probably neither, like I said he was a proto-party switch Democrat

because the scam can only last for so long

That's not racist. They wanted to their country homogeneous with natives of that country. That's not racist. Hitler even treated his black soldiers and black people in general better than America did at the time.

Also the democrats still have allot of support from the Klan. Hillary is especially beloved by the kkk. Her mentor was lifelong Democrat kkk leader Robert Byrd. The Klan is a Democrat organization thats just 99% federal agents now

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The parties switching sides is propaganda to hide the hate on the left.

Democrats have always been the party of hate and divide.

I don't know vampire. Did they?

I'd bet anything that if you quantified the amount of real white supremacists that support the Republican party it would far outnumber the Democrat party, you're just projecting with this kkk member that couldn't even describe what policies of Clinton he liked, obvious hatchet job

The Klan is like 400 people and 390 of em are feds.

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LBJ built the Democrat Plantation for gibs and sweaty old Nixon and his southern strategy permanently fucked how people and the (((media))) saw Republicans

They overwhelmingly support democrats. You act suprised that racists overwhelmingly support the party of slavery that rejected the civil rights bill. Welcome to reality kid.

OP is a retarded nigger.
LBJ and the "Great Society".

Nobody "switched". Both parties evolved in different ways, the idea that a Modern Democrat would be happy voting for an "old-school Republican" is absurd and so is the reverse.

Keep eating up that Roger Stone propaganda you trailer trash

Lol Wut? Not even regular republicans are “proud” party members. It’s literally choosing the car that is driving towards the cliff slowly instead of booking it towards the cliff. Republicans are just progressives driving the speed limit.

As a modern Democrat I would vote for Teddy Roosevelt without a second thought

There's a reason why it's universally known as the Democrat Plantation. They like to keep their slaves in check and dependant on them so they don't escape

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This, all the old white Democrats are the same shit you would have seen back 70 years ago. However, the party has been partially co-opted by actual communists and minorities who climbed the totem pole into positions of power/ are just useful idiots.

If you're white and support democrats then you're a Klan member. Its 2020 kid I hope you get over your racism and hatred of black people someday. I know it's hard since they commit most of the crime but you have to get past that and learn to love instead of the racist hate that's in your heart

I wouldn’t have. I would have voted for the bourbon democrat running against him in 1904 and Woodrow Wilson in 1912, before knowing he was gonna set up the fed, if I knew that I probs would have voted for Taft.

I am so sick of this normalfaggot brainlet meme

Waste of digits. Nazi is National Socialist, there is no such thing as a Republican Nazi