With all this coronaids shit going on let’s get a white beauty thread going.
White beauty thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy simp
pathetic and teenage. sage this garbage
You realize her post's caption is lyrics from the song "Itty Bitty Piggy" by Nicki Minaj, right?
>check muh generic edgy skull face mask babe, we were meant to be together
Loser fucking simps.
>my entire vocabulary is knee jerk buzzwords like simp and roastie
The jews really did a number on these "men"
Why the long face?
>those comments
Fucking simps.
>people always respond to me with "simp" and "roastie"
>surely something wrong with them
self awareness: 0
ok simp
>those comments
So this is the power of white Yas Forumsacks...wow...
is this how reddit faggots shut down politically incorrect threads?
My family has an iron cross from 1813 but I would never put it on because I did not earn it.
>White beauty
You just want to worship pussy and be a coomer. You use "the cause" as a mask for that. And it isn't even politics, imagine that.
Her eyebrows look ugly
Do you own one of those faggot face masks cause you thought you'd be cool as fuck and now everyone has one so it's just fucking gay and your mad cause you thought it would make you bad ass.
WAIT, you're the loser who actually posted the picture.
"Simp" has been around for a long time loser.
>Wearing war medals of a defeated ideology on social media for attention.
lol how empty the lives of people like this must be
What the hell is a simp? Is it beta orbiter or cuck?
Doesn't sound like a word that would originate here... Either that or meme quality is decreasing even more.
simps deserve death
All of the homosexuals screeching at the white beauty threads and posting incessantly in the woman hate ones deserve death. Why are there so many faggots larping as "conservatives" and "on the right" these days?
Just because someone is aesthetically pleasing does NOT mean that they are correct.
Please, post pictures of your favourite race/ethnicity/religious group.
Once again, if you can post a picture of Abigail Shapiro, then it means Jews are OK.
If you can post a picture of a photogenic Catholic Priest, then, it means that Catholicism is OK.
If you can post a picture of a 20yo black bikini model, then, it means that blacks are OK.
Guys, isn't this getting a little silly already ?
fpbp and based
It's probably reddit. I've seen 'Karen' here too, which is definitely reddit.
here my contribution
Very based. Simps should be eradicated by the corona virus
GOD I want that little Nazi slut to put me in her gaschamber IYKWIM
non-white ugliness is also proof of white beauty by contraposition
damn this is exactly what we are seeing here
can this bitch talk normal, the fuck is with all this like
She look like she fuck med guys
why does she look hotter blonde with blue eyes?
Looks like a Muhammad child bride
>eTHOT starts a new venture trying to suck money from lonely stormfags.
thats a new one
Karen is from that youtube livestream of the guy who put speakers with TTS $5 in front of his window, in a crack alley, and some woman named Karen kept reporting him to the police and tearing down their wallpapers saying /ouralley/ and Yas Forums.
why manspread like that shes so nasty
>thats a new one
no it isn't, the only new one is you
Don't do it!
Epic use of the SIMP MEME. I love saying it. SIMP
Simp is a 70 year old term used by male American blacks to describe weak subservient men who will do anything for a woman's approval.
Typically a momma's boy raised by a single mother, again is the black culture connection.
Face tattoo degen but otherwise gj
Yes, but unironically
No. Until white women give up on consumerism and feminism, until they return to evolutionary traditional living, they and all women are 100% unworthy of your time or attention.
It is woman who is propping up the framework for the entire elite cabal. It is why women were targeted first.
A being which is not evolutionarily mature is easily corrupted. Combine this fact with the tendency of most women to be followers, not leaders, a group of people who simply outright copy those women they perceive as more successful rather than actually thinking, logically or creatively, and you have the massive global mess which we have now.
How's ancient ruins uncovering going?
Suckers idolizing mediocre pussy
Don't trust white pride women. In ten years she will be on CNN talking about how she was brainwashed into a hateful cult that would beat and rape her along with minorities.
How's the pyramids?
Faggot Lil peep wanna be
Our revolution grows stronger by the day, frens.
All women do
this. women shouldn't be involved in politics at all. best woman to marry is one who defers to her man on political matters.
FLAT (and not justice)
>caked in makeup
are you twelve or some shit?
You're severely retarded user
there is a reason they are called wigger nationalists
>people who frequently use words like "simp" and "roastie" know what the fuck they are talking about
Yeah no. Fuck off.