Prove to me that black people aren't specifically targeted by police because of their ethnicity and superior genes.
Prove to me that black people aren't specifically targeted by police because of their ethnicity and superior genes
I don't need to. The sub saharan race ought to be exterminated they are whats holding humanity back from the stars.
you can look at both crime rates and conviction rates. The research paints a very clear picture.
you're right, it has nothing to do with their relentless urge to commit crimes and be terrible citizens. it's definitely jealousy.
Why do they look shopped together
gorilla and horses have superior physical strength to the niggers does that count?
it only proof niggers are nearer to animal than people
Because they are.
prove to me niggers don't commit more crimes
>superior genes
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
I'd love to watch some porn where he stretches her anus out while she moans
Pajeets like you.
First, prove to me that you're not a Jew.
Around blacks never relax, even around their pictures. Should’ve known.
>targeted by police because of their ethnicity
Agreed! No mother should have to fear for her son's life every time he commits a robbery.
Sensible places like california get this, they just passed a law saying that anything under 400$ is free to steal
nice photoshop man. the chimp has no gun in the xray...
Not gonna lie. I want to see her get fucked silly by that nigger.
You're not the only one, Satan.
>superior genes
>Prove to me that black people aren't specifically targeted by police because of their ethnicity and superior genes.
They're specifically targeted because they commit more violent crime in their natural state. It's that simple. Pic related.
likewise: Prove to us that blacks ARE specifically targeted by police because they're black. It's a liberal fallacy to just assume in your little SJW head that the default position is that blacks would commit the same amount of crime as whites if they weren't "oppressed"
>1 Post by this ID
How this make u feel blackboi?
for every black girl a white boy resorts to, there is one white girl free for the taking. thanks for taking one for the team cracker
you know a kike directed this because nobody would leave their doors unlocked when a nigger gets his hands on a gun
Yes, they're superior. Now they should go to Africa and be superior without whitey. Perfect.
prove they are
who gives a shit you tranny ass fucker?
dayum source?
no nigger. you prove to the world you are capable of being more than niggers. unless you cant
kek she is ridin' fo biden (check the Talmud box)
>1 post by this ID
Superior genes...africans? You 're crazy
Not wrong
Good for cooming but wtf is with those veiny hands
They are, whitey hate the fact that a black man has more desired masculune features than their cuckold ass and they really hate it when all the women within 15m of a black man are constantly drooling over their huge bulge and big muscles
>human leg
That's a nig leg.
When youre more active and in a hot environment the veins increase in pressure. Dont tell me you lived all your life and never wondered "why the fuck do my hands get veiny sometimes"
Or are you just too fat to see them?
This, during the summer if I work out I have cock-like forearms, in the winter veins usually get more inside not to lose too much heat
Look at their criminal records and get back to me.
There's a reason most niggers go to jail at lease once in their lives, and it's not because muh racism.
>There's a reason most niggers go to jail at lease once in their lives
Well Im pretty sure thats factually wrong, and its mostly the same people being repeat offenders and going to jail over and over and over.
I think their gangbanger, gangster type image makes them more popular with women. Lots of criminals here used to get love letters and admiration from women.
I came.
try being white and living in a black neighborhood
Achieveable natty??
Go move to a black neighborhood
>because of their ethnicity and superior genes.
well, that isn't the reason...
>prove a negative
doesn't work that way.
nothing wrong in having little black fuckdoll on the side user.
Mutt's Law
do they not know how intercourse works?
Africans have traits that are specialized for the tropics. Outside of the tropics, their genes are not superior. In short, go back to Africa.
I hope Iran nukes you.
Immigrants are for increasing average penis size. No wonder why everyone's desparate for BBC. Chinks are investing hard into Africa to gain some for themselves.
this feels very nice
A girl will never look at my pale flabby body like that
Will it’s 2.5 more bmwf then vice versa
Most blacks are in prison for black on black crime.
>Prove to me MY OWN CLAIM
Pretty sure the burden of proof is on you monkey man.