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Pretty much everything and then some

Is the fucking apocalypse son, God is feed the fuck out with American bull shit

It will happen when the weather cools.

as with almost everything, this is click bait. The "blizzard" they speak off is only hitting the northern rockies / plains states that are used to it in March. It is nothing but a rain even for the majority of the midwest. Also OP is a major faggot.

hahahahah looks like it misses MD, eat shit chicago !

O fugg

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Race mixed

Lol, a snow storm would be the absolute cherry ontop of this shit subdae. Normies cant handle inclimate weather.

Divided God's land.

>defying moral values
>not honoring him
>not following his path he has designed for you
>being a racist cunt

I could go on but I don't think you are worth the types of my keys. Repent now!

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Florida Men confirmed for God's chosen people.

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First, you abandoned God.
Second, uou had a chance to fund a cure for all of humanity, and you believed in your current $$ structure more.
Your nation refused a cure for every virus on earth.
You literally mocked a man who created the revolution in human health.
It may not be too late, but it's getting close. Repent and seek Christ.
Consider actually funding real cures, and tell your "leaders" to stop fighting the last war (if they can even think).
>What if we could make a tiny microscopic chemical ID machine that grabs ahold of the virus while it's replicating, in the cell and stops the cell from ever replicating the virus. That way, your immune system could capture some of the viruses, and if any of them snuck into cells before that, the cells wouldn't produce more
Should be pretty easy, especially since it already exists.

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weather wars

literally the reason we can have our studded snows on til end of april up in commie ny

fuck off and die

we sin
but He still loves us enough to send His Son to die for us

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friday will be 17 degrees in canada tho. well above normal

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Those redskins still blocking up the rail lines?

>what did we do wrong?
i dont know ... umm ... maybe we dismissed God and instead build a new idol, called it technology and worship it? Oh no, but thats silly, right? I mean its totally normal to be hooked to every digital device, being addicted to porn, vidya etc. fleeing reality into virtual worlds, consoom the latest trends, movies and brands.
And poisoning earth, water, air isnt as bad as it sounds. Depriving humans of real freedom, families and love isnt the case in this world too, since we have enough social media to compensate and get „thumbs up“ and „hearts“ for our posts.
Things are amazing! Why could God be possibly mad at us? We have build so many things, soon we can even pollu- ... i mean conquer other planets and build fantastic things too!

There is no god, accept nature wrath fren

>god spares Calichads again

take a hint, flyover scum.

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so far the virus has thrived in places where the temperature is 50c, if that continues then early spring will see it spread more

bro you are already a scorched earth cesspool... where is the spared land?

if i was god i would be more raging with your analogy, since we just throw away the gift of intelligence and shift the blame into something else, refuse to adapt things to better and act out of interest,throw its name for the sake of explaining and to justify our means but when things go wrong its also his rage and not just the natural course of reaping what we sow

Don't people usually stay home in a blizzard?
How would this case WuFlu to spread?

Holy sh

Aiborne HIV too op

Women in charge is against God's law for a starter.

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If God is perfect why he made his followers a bunch of retarded assholes unable to understand the fucking nature he created.

It's supposed to be 70 on friday here in the greater nyc area.

For a good reason God forbid adam to eat from the tree of knowledge, but the snake/satan deceived eve - this is where it all started.

knowledge and intelligence arent inherently bad. technology is not bad either. both is neutral. but it becomes either good or bad depending on our actions, just like a knife can be used to murder people or to prepare dinner.
We are clearly unable to use our knowledge in a responsible manner, but instead destroy everything around us out of greed and vanity.

>3 months later

So was his son, the retard though was a good idea to let himself get killed and barely cover any place in the earth with teachings,not only that the retard didnt even know human nature that would abuse his name for their own self-interest afyter his death

And then what? You say its bad but we are here? Didnt god want to judge us? Without knowledge there is no judgement, since we did it doesnt mean that its completely bad it means that we have two paths one that can be and one that can be good, dont use the excuse that the fruit was fully bad so you can try to shift the blame

Fu k fu k fu k fu k

You mean Satan wants the virus to spread. Satan rules this world. Read the gospels and scripture you fuck. Before it's too late.

free will.
intelligence is a tool to gain knowledge. knowledge is a material to generate ideas.
intelligence and knowledge give you the ability to create and shape your world.
wisdom is a guide or filter and makes us differentiate between good and evil.
most people lack wisdom and therefore create evil things.

Your government deployed 20.000 soldiers into the heart of Europe this spring and used the soldiers and ISIS refugees to assassinate hundreds of innocent european civilians (conspiracy theorists, fundamentalist christians et al). There was huge collateral too, they killed entire families.

This is God's direct response to this. Expect things to get far worse if your rotten Trump government doesnt wisen up quickly.

On top of that China recently announced that they want to edit the christian people.

Next thing up on the menu will be an extinction level asteroid. Your choice, burgerclaps. Praised be the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Strangely enough it happened the red parts. I do feel bad tho

Oh my fucking Kek.

B-but, if He is perfect and do him followers and him own son retards are on purpose, right? Maybe he is a sadic motherfucker with a superiority complex. So far of the perfection The Bible proclaims huh?


It's forecast to be 72 on Thursday in the middle of that area

i am not saying letting adam eat the fruit was bad. it was most likely all of gods plan. planting the seed of knowledge and later separating the wheat from the chaff. and thats the whole point. we are not responsible but absolute retards when it comes to making decisions and using our intelligence, for the most part at least. there is only a bunch of people, who are worth saving.

>t. never had children

Intelligence is a tool that you can develop not being a retard following and believing a book created 2K years ago to scare some farmer sandniggers to stole their grain

>it will happen when the weather cools

Seeing his story he is just retarded like we are no wonder we were made on his image, god that made us a retard

Imo, if i was religious the very existence of jesus,bible and church are against the idea of following god, they are all things that exist and existend in the material world,its how others tell me how god is, and how i should seek god, the only way you could ever truly break free from material and truly see through god is to follow no messiah, believe no book but seek to understand god completely yourself

>So was his son, the retard though was a good idea to let himself get killed
It was a splendid idea, actually. Satan was faced with an impossible choice, either kill the sinless man, and lose his rights to the world (John 12:31), or let him live and be swiftly defeated by the Lord's miracles and teachings.

it is the apocalypse, unironically

thats still retarded, if he is trying to preach love through jesus the idea of allowing him to be killed is the same of treating all of this as a game wtih satan

The rod and the ring will strike

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Nah, son...

Nothing happens for another 6 months.

See you in September, faggot.


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I don’t believe in Armenians you stupid faggot

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actually if you were intelligent enough, you would see that the atheistic believes do not make any sense and just by following logic, you can come to a conclusion that there has to be a higher intelligence/consiousness. Jesus teaching are a gateway to god, since they lead to essential questions about existence. and when you independently find your answer, you find god.
ask him for wisdom and you shall receive.

>passes over Michigan
>it's going to be 64f/17c and rainy and then colder and sunny


Better than the apocalypse. It's the end of the yuga!

No fren, thats just a scheme,a real schemer would use the very existence of jesus to throw you away from the path of god, you know the biggest temptation for people like you? its "faith", when you are able to push the idea of faith into someone like this you can also make they completely avoid god, if i was satan i would just come as jesus preach all that shit look smart, and throw the world into chaos with my existence and look how people will still defend my existence,since you don't doubt,since you swallow the truth that others tell you,since you dont see the creation of god but men creation

Expose our children to sexual predators in the name of tolerance and diversity

Well this could go the other way OP, it could go either way, it might force everyone to stay indoors and reduce travel, killing off the virus.

Maybe this is actually a miracle from God.

Ok, I'm gonna ask you, why a perfect god creates a imperfect world with imperfect creatures? Sadism? Recreation? Is your god a 12yo kid with The Sims Earth Edition? "Haha look at that chinese family, say goodbye to the pool stairs, pandemic boom! mom buy me doritos"



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We elected the champion of Christ killers.