20 hour work day

What drugs are these people on to be able to work 20 hours a day?

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orphan blood


They just go to meetings, talk, and forward emails to people who actually work

it's pretty easy with amphetamines

jew cummies

Imagine the smell

Ephedrine, caffeine and flonase.

t. used to work 36 on/96 off

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honestly just vyvanse

>swing a hammer for 8 hours a day
>sit in an office while your aides prepare everything for you, stand in front of a camera and read from a sheet

Flonase? How tf does Flonase help?

Yeah I used it in college, shit is nuts. Made me start thinking about suicide tho so had to give it up

Without black beauties after 16 you get all ran down. Pop them pure caffeine crack pills you're good for 24 to 36. After that quick 45 to 2 hour naps will work. After a week and half this cycle you'll start shitting and pissing yourself unknowingly. It's fun.

what does flonase do?

It gives you a jolt like 5 Hour Energy, but it doesn't affect your stomach. Good shit.

I have to work 48 on sometimes for construction when doing AHU changeouts for hospitals/labs etc and we take adderall, phenibut, caffeine, kratom and plenty of cigarettes to get us through the weekend

I didnt have that experience, but drugs of any type are highly dependent on the person's baseline neurochemistry, so yeah crucial to be cautious and disciplined

Cocaine, crack, crystal meth

stay up for 20 hours sleep for 8 stay up for 20 hours. try doing that and actually working not sitting around in meetings. try UPS.

Decongestants contain mild stimulants because it helps clear your nose


I do 34 hour shifts sometimes. Twice a week. No drugs needed except coffee.


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trump didnt work 20h from jan to fab!his

also 109 death americens thx to trump an corona

have a nice day :)

Psychopath drug.

sounds like a typical dissociative (vs wilder claims about communing with demons)

Underrated comment

Uh... This is what their job is.
They get what, years or decades of not doing shit?
They're finally having a chance to prove their job isn't 100% pointless.


I've done it with monster energy drinks. But only for a couple weeks at a time. Made good money from overtime.



Watch Dan pena, meathead

you wouldn't understand

Go back to Iran.

serious question. so lets say the average hourly rate is $15.00/hr. why not pay someone $30/hr for 20 hours a week?

its not that hard especially if you doing something important. 20/7 sustainable for like 2 months easy.

you can also do that sleeping thing with a bunch of naps + one 2 hour nap. this how one guy I knew managed 21 hour days for 3 months.

foreskin milk

ephedrine is pretty much impossible to buy for us europoors, i just want it to do eca on summer not for fucking meth goddamit

This. Moderate doses of adderall with a little caffeine to fill in the gaps will easily get you through 20 hour days. You will age twice as fast while doing it though.

What was that guy you knew doing 21 hours a day for 3 months?

ranking grand marshal in wow :3

I thought it was easier in Europe. Literally just go to a pharmacy and ask for bronkaid or whatever your equivalent is.

>hello, I need asthma medication please
>do you have asthma?

iran???? wtf?

the compund used in asthma stuff here is mainly albuterol not ephedrine which is a little different and less powerful than ephedrine

clears up your nasal cavities after snorting all that other shit dumbass

Kills the china virus


Nah. You just feel like you are doing work, but the quality of work deteriorates.

Decongestant and mild psychostimulant

Misread thought it said afrin. Flonase is a corticosteroid to reduce nasal inflammation.

illegal irl cunny and drugs

baby brain juice

This as well as coke and high grade meth

Adrenochrome harvested from 8 year olds.

I'll look like the crypt keeper, babble nonsense and chase shadow people in the corners of my eyes within days.

>"work" 20 hours a day
L0Lno fgt pls


The world is about to end drug

I take it every day and don't get a jolt from it.