*hurr durr* lets buy guns and shoot the virus

>*hurr durr* lets buy guns and shoot the virus.

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Of course you retarded snaggletooth retards don't understand the concept of somebody taking what you have since you willingly give your ass up to Abdul every night.

You don't have to shoot the virus you asshole. You just wave the gun and scare it away.

You shoot the niggers that creep out like zombies to steal all your shit.


Its to protect my shit from the hungry people because they lost their job due to quarantine and closer dumb fuck dont post ever again on the interwebs

I'm using my Trumpbux to buy a pistol.

They're all sold out and the background check processing is backed up

It’s for the niggers when they come to loot fucking britcuck. Not that you would know anything about protecting your property since you faggots get dinner knives confiscated.

People are going to get desperate. Police will stop policing. People will do anything when they're desperate. If you don't have sufficient ammo and weapons you're doing to be worse off than the guy without toilet paper.
It's going to get very violent out there.

When the government starts confiscating your hand disinfectants then buying guns n ammo is the right thing to do!

I'm having a hard time visualizing what would constitute a surge in firearm sales in the USA given the normal buying habits.

Attached: guns lots of guns.jpg (2048x1536, 625.48K)


niggers will always loot when given the chance. it's their culture

I personally cannot wait to nail a nigger with my .308 after it breaks into my home.

Attached: swiss thot gets her nigger destroyed by the police.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

go see a dentist you retarded faggot

>shooting the virus
implying guns are for shooting virus, not the infected

We can shoot anything if we put our minds to it.

You know exactly what they’re for

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Your blacks are slightly more domesticated than ours. As soon as there's a hiccup in the avaialbility of frozen food or sugary drinks for pavement apes, they will start stealing shoes and TV's fo' dey sovivel.

That's when you shoot them.

So? I have a savings account to stash it.


you're the same kind person who made jokes about not being able to eat toilet paper and so on and so forth.
you and everybody else like you are low iq niggers.
it's going to be great when the virus takes you out.

>projecting this hard
The guns are for niggers that invade your house for toilet paper.

Stupid OP. Their buying a suicide device.

Honestly, God bless America.



Guns are to shoot dumb looters.


Philly already made an announcement that arrests for narcotic offenses, retail thefts, thefts from a person, burglaries, etc. will not be enforced until further notice.

So criminals beware not only could that house your robbing make you sick but it's occupants could shoot you as well.

>>*hurr durr* lets buy guns and shoot the virus.
They're not for shooting the virus, Muhammed.

>saying your own post is based


This. Fpbp. Kys OP

As usual fpbp

checked and fpbp

Jesus what the fuck is wrong with that faggot?

>People will not loot or riot
>Now replace people with niggers and it all makes sense.

Kek'd und czeched

If you're collecting supplies during an apocalypse without ammo and guns being one of said supplies, you're only collecting supplies for people with guns.

bought a few myself

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>not wanting to be armed/better armed in uncertain times
Just like schizos, or trannies, I will thankfully never understand mentally ill no-gun faggots.

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Nigger insurance.

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kys niggertard

If you have the guns you can get the toilet paper.

No it’s to shoot niggers taking advantage of the collapse to steal your shit you British idiot.

A bong like you would never understand. Then again all you have to understand is the Coronas and Abdul taping your daughter is part and parcel in living in bongland.

Pic related, I’m stocked and ready to handle looters if they try to access my stash

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First thing I thought when I noticed niggers hoarding TP. That is far from a damned necessity, but if shit gets bad enough, figuratively or literally, and I wanna treat myself, I'll have TP.

Enjoy being deaf

>Gun sale surge
>There's no fucking ammo anywhere

>*hurr durr* lets buy guns and shoot the virus.
is not about the virus you dumb no guns faggot, it's about protecting yourself from gangs of feral niggers.

Niggers don't cook and the restaurants are closing. Niggers riot at Popeyes when they run out of chicken sandwiches.

>Not having autodampening mic'ed headphones on your nightstand
What is wrong with you?

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>op leaves after losing a g a i n
is there anything more quintessentially british?

That's a pretty 92. I'd raid ya just for that.

>Niggers aren't a virus

I cannot wait for raiders to show up at my house. I've built a perfect illusion that they are welcomed and they will definitely feel comfortable. Food and drinks will flow like crazy until everyone lets their guards down, then the scopolamine fills the air around them. They will then be turned into my zombies and forced to eat each other for my entertainment. When they begin to come to, it will be too late. The burn pile will take them home.

> Sings together for morale, claps to cheer and thank the doctors, makes community networks so that the young can provide the elderly/disabled/etc with food


> hurr durr Ima need protection zombie apocolops second amayndmant hurrr

The guns are for shooting the nigger looters that are far more deadly than any virus dipshit

dont you have a nigger to get raped by?

> hurrr Im best empire in histori hurrr europens inferior full of nig, hurrr where ma NBA tho

Whatever faggot. When has criticising Americans for owning guns ever ended in a situation other than you wishing you still had rights? You can talk all the shit you want but later tonight you'll sit down and realize you're completely defenseless and a slave who needs a butter knife license.