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SOLUTION: only allow chinks into the casinos, they make up 80% of revenue anyway.

Trump is a nigger faggot.

Fuck them, I hope they all go out of business. The world will be a better place without Las Vegas.

Truth. Casinos and stock markets are all gambling deadly sins. God will judge and condemn them. Hell awaits.

why do you think he bankrupted those casinos before becoming president?

You'd think if any place on Earth had some reserve cash sitting around, it'd be Vegas.

They should be the lowest priority.


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I used to work in the industry; started on my 21st birthday after completing the classes.
Made it up to a Pit Boss by the time I was 25; had a good career ahead of me.
We actually had hosts who would literally take your farm or your house in the middle of a good drunk.
In-house credit could be established very easily.
Know plenty of guys who killed themselves; one guy ate a bullet in the parking lot.
Walked away by the time I was 29.
I don't feel sorry for any of the workers; let them rot.
They have no conscience for doing what they do.

Adelson is a very heavy supporter of the GOP. I expect he will get shekels from Congress.

So wtf is going to happen when every business that provides a non-essential service starts asking for bailouts? How the fuck is this sustainable in any way?

>just doing my job

Exactly. If you're part it, you're culpable. Good on you user.

The alternative is that the business goes under and the employees lose their jobs. It's almost like nobody wins when morons grind the economy to a halt.

Large businesses are supposed to have a minimum of 6 months of employee payroll as a reserve for any instances like this.
Sounds like it's time to shut down a few casinos that are obviously breaking that rule.

>I work IT at a Casino
holy fuck can I double dip and get 1k a month too?


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What are you a commie pinko? You dont like freedom?

Yes thats whats supposed to happen in a free market you faggot. Are you a zoomer? They look for other jobs or open up a small business when the time comes.

Peculiar how people look at "jobs".
Even my uncle who has been a pastor for a long-ass time said there was no conflict with morality.
"Just a job".
I know now it was the right thing to do.
Don't put words in my mouth.
It's not in my interest to tell others how to behave.

>They have no conscience for doing what they do.

are you saying that they "cheat" user?

>set machines to actually pay out
>tell dealers to let mooks win
>people here casino is paying out
>traffic increases
>set shit back the way it was
>make back what you let people win plus interest
Is it that hard?

trump is fuckking pathetic.

But then they don't get free money instead.

yeah, vegas. a billion dollars a day needs a bailout. fuck them all

I work IT strip but shit I wanna double dip

All these casinos and airlines wanting bailouts made millions or billions in profit last year. why aren't they forced to dip into this?

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forgot to remove memeflag

Trump is going to help his dear friend (((Sheldon Adelson)))
What a total fuckup.

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>why aren't they forced to dip into this?
because all the profit went into the billionaire's pockets already

You forgot Steve Wynn, and (((trump)))

At this point, unless AGI robots are invented soon, the economy is going to collapse completely. Thanks china.

Casinos are hives of degeneracy, I hope vegas becomes a ghost town with superzombies like RE: Extinction

>casinos ask
>no link

The market being artificially halted because of media lies isn't a free market.
The most dangerous thing about coronavirus is the media. Trump's efforts are meant to stop them first and the virus second, and for good reason.

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>predatory industry whose whole business plan is to ask customers to take risks and lose it all
>ask government for a bailout when they took the risk and lost it all

Pathetic, inb4 'muh economy stimulation'

The house advantage is constant;
These places weren't built to lose.
The under-handed tactics of the Hosts/Hostesses who establish credit/markers for customers are egregious.
These places are built on psychological manipulation targeted at a very specific mindset that is easily exploited.

Well IMFO if they want their business to stay open and keep making them richer they outta be putting their greedy hands in those deep pockets and paying for whatever needs it, amirite?

>Casinos ask Congress for emergency aid
>no link
Thanks for the slide thread, kys faggot.

As the old saying goes, 'The only way to win the game is not to play at all

The House doesn't always win if there aren't enough people to lose.

t. nerd

Those dummies should be fine, it's basically a licence to print money. They are, in no way, positively contributing to our social welfare. NO BAILOUTS.

cringe larp

I live near a casino and I gotta say. Seems like they already get all the taxpayers money.

People unironically, and quite literally, give them money everyday.

Fuck the casinos, they sit on billions of dollars. DONT HELP THEM TRUMP!

"Winners" can't help but to come back.
It always comes back.
I had access to the player profiles; Could look up anyone at anytime.
>I won $20,000 last night, user!!!
>Look 'em up
>They're still in the whole, lifetime, for about 1/4 mil.

Adelson is worse than Soros.

15 trillion on black


>At this point, unless AGI robots are invented soon, the economy is going to collapse completely. Thanks china.

Blame clinton for this one. "free trade"
Thank God for Trump for getting us out of those bad, one sided trade deals

>Know plenty of guys who killed themselves; one guy ate a bullet in the parking lot
Why? Because he saw people lose money? Or because he gambled away his own money?

>The under-handed tactics of the Hosts/Hostesses who establish credit/markers for customers are egregious.

I see, Thanks user

I worked as a VIP lounge bartender for over a year. Caesar's Entertainment likes to hire Asians and Africans at a very low rate, fly them over, and have them work $10/hr jobs. Casinos also make 99% of their money from Boomers and rich Asians from overseas.

Covid19 is great news for the casino industry, and if Trump bails them out he's a failure.

Let the casino industry die, these people are all crooks.

PA dealer here, casinos closed here at 6am, I work the graveyard came in for an hour. The only white people at the casino at those hours were employees. Absolute dredge of society this morning playing up until they weren't allowed to anymore. They are all addicted and cannot wait for the opportunity to throw their money away.
Have off until the 30th now, much needed break from dealing to these animals.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Is this the 80s?

>Caesar's Entertainment likes to hire Asians and Africans at a very low rate, fly them over, and have them work $10/hr jobs.
I had the same experience;
They hired Africans who could barely speak English to polish the shitters.
They would sleep in the locker room.
Literally lived at the Casino.

>I worked as a VIP lounge bartender for over a year. Caesar's Entertainment likes to hire Asians and Africans at a very low rate, fly them over, and have them work $10/hr jobs. Casinos also make 99% of their money from Boomers and rich Asians from overseas.
This isnt true at all, pathetic bitch larper. What the fuck is wrong with you? You were born from a loser dad and a gutterslut mom?

>Covid19 is great news for the casino industry, and if Trump bails them out he's a failure.
Trump biggest backer is Adelson who Casinos in Macau, China.

Gambling isn't a sin in the catholic catechism.

>bet half of economy on red, bet half on black
either way we win, 19D chess

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Little bitch, I already called you out for being a cringe larper. Stop posting, ok? You're really worthless.

So many little losers come on here to play make believe and post fake stories like its reddit. It's sooooo cringe.