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Hitler was right about the Jews

the hells of collectivism in the 20th century


Jesus was a jew

>a fucking leaf
you'll get the rake last

There were only an estimated 400,000 Jews living in Eastern Europe before Hitler's rise to power making it statistically impossible for 6,000,000 to perish in concentration camps.

Greeks were gays and pedos

The native americans were fucking savages and those that survived the plague and lived under white people had it remarkably better.

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both of these are taught in schools

prove it

They can be hard to accurately count given how shifty they are

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no u

America was never supposed to be diverse or a "melting pot"

Hitler was a Jew.


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Jordan Peterson fanboy

Sumerians were the first to speak of viruses and called them "demons". In some tablets it is mentioned how viruses affect 1 in 3 childbirths. Today it is 1 in 4 that results in a miscarriage. How tablets mention 7 men and 7 women created, if you run math on branches you can see how genetic variation emerges without inbreeding.

A coincidence....

Honestly how would anyone know the real number? The best guess would be to collect records from local synagogues right?


absolute fucking madlad

Viruses are unironically Demons man.
I’m assuming you’ve read about them before since your posting this
That shit is crazy. It’s probably the closest thing to supernatural that we know of.

this is what they teach in hebrew schools once they reached the subversion classes, once they're ready to be mossad operatives or american politicians (redundant i know)

This used to be a white nation.

Ottoman enslavement of Europeans
Muslim current day enslaving in the ME

Fucking based!

Abe Lincoln wanted to deport Africans back to Africa, and even created Liberia to do it.


Women want Chad babies and beta resources

That America was built by white men with guns

West Ukrainians welcomed Hitler with bread and salt (traditional slavic way of welcoming guests)

>start violent insurgencies when referendums don't go your way
>start a war of conquest against the Soviet Union
>grab Czech lands when their state is falling apart
I'm talking about Interwar Poland, btw.

I know, I knew them all and counted them myself. There were definitely around whatever the amount that the other user said there was. Trust me.

Whites are the most adaptive race

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Le Pétomane was a a famous performer who farted for the french.

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Hitler did nothing wrong.

Yes, because they hated the communists who just starved millions of them to death. Makes perfect sense, in retrospect.
What they DONT teach, is that many of the german atrocities in 1943-1945 were actually committed by these Ukrainians, who gladly killed communists and Belarusian and Polish women and children.
And I say this as someone who hates commies with a passion.

I have a book about him! He called himself a “fartiste.”

nero did nothing wrong except lose the battle against christcuck marxists from judea, in a damnatio memoriae civilization


Stop adopting fake kike words to identity yourself. If you play under their rules you've already lost the game.

The holohoax

United States is a jew nation founded on treason by tax dodgers.

The details about how the land of Israel was established

Show Union Jack, Nigel

>Honestly how would anyone know the real number?
Census data, duh.

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Africans prospered and advanced far more under colonial rule than they ever had, are, or will under their own.

The Tuskegee experiment was a good thing

that the holocaust is a holohoax and that they brought all the slaves here.

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Carona virus was a hoax.

The Brits should be blamed for slavery not the US.

The problem with saying that is at some point the idiots always want credit and gloat about their accomplishments.

When you start teaching the true history of you jew loving nation.

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Rome was a degenerate shithole. The Visigoths were Europe's crowning achievement.

>jews poisoned their kings, had a puppet installed on the throne, literally opened the gates of visigoth cities for the moors, finally murdered the last of them off when the bolsheviks took russia.


Damn right. Everyone knows that as soon as the USA had won it's freedom it freed the slaves.

You're a jew.

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Diversity isnt a strenght, its a weakness.

Elenor Roosevelt's pen pal, and Henry Silvermaster (spy ring) combined with Anglo-Soviet subversion (harry hopkins/dexter white) to initiate the current trajectory of Poz. The following is that development from the Rosenbergs, to the Pollard Case & Promis/INSLAW in the Bush-Reagan era:

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All the facts because most teachers/professors are liberals that don't deal in facts, but you'll learn about peoples supposed feelings through history, or white man bad/we wiz kings

The trans-saharan slave trade is overlooked completely while the atlantic slave trade is focused so much in global history as the only bad slavery that took place. Apparently, when niggers are told this they say that western slavery was something completely unique, which is complete BS. So we know that they have no problem with being slaves as they are completely oblivious of african slavery in the MENA countries that is going on right now.

Oh boy...

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Which is why you set the Basque and the Catalan free. LMFAO

>The 3X year old cringe poster

wow this is what justifies your jew hate?

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Black Africans sold their fellow Black Africans into slavery...

Holodomor was much worse than the jewish holocaust.

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That a private for profit bank creates our money out of thin air from nothing with no oversight or accountability.

among other things

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Blacks served in the german army and Hitler never historically hated blacks. Fact and also every review on the black nazi book calls it "holocaust revisionism" when the word jew is mentioned 8 times in the entire book. Fuck jews and fuck their fucing families.

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>does not exist
>if somehow did exist, would never post on Yas Forums

Choke on syrup.

You won't do shit frenchie you'll probably surrender before the first sweep of the rake
Imagine being French and talking tough

Is that where Russians genocide whites?

I dont hate jews, just most of their collective actions.

Hitler was Polish man.
I gonna delet dis in 2 min

we were so fucking close

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you'll be the first

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yes, pretty much take all the food away from ukraine and let 5 million people starve to death.

Yes Hitler treated Jesse Owens far better than FDR did during and after the 1936 olympics

Literally everything that Chomsky says is a lie or at best extremely one sided half truth.

It was where retarded jewish communists got too cocky and thought farming to feed 150 million people would be easy

We have more. Would you like to know more?

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> 1) Why did a jew survive?

That is the foot you choose to lead with?

Africans wanted to come to America because it was the land of gold.

The only Africans who were put in chains were criminals who were violent, rapists, and uncivilized much like they are now. Slavery is the biggest lie in history.

god i love the net.

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>circumcision being a bad thing
You are not equipped to live life as a male if you stick your fat nose in the affairs of others children.

it was also where stalin fucking hated ukrainians but loved the land and wanted to just make them either work for moscow or die for it.

Makes sense. Russians are not a European people and would seek to exterminate Europeans and take their land.

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Hitler came to power on the promise of stopping degeneracy and Jewish Marxism/Masonry. America invented eugenics.

He didn't kill any of the powerful jews. None. Zero.
He did however, kill a bunch of jewish farmers who didn't know who the fuck Hitler was talking about and caused the death of 90 million whites.

Very smart man