Brit/pol/ - Herd Immunity Edition

>Police use drones to enforce movement restrictions in Spain's fight against the coronavirus infection

>Supermarkets ask shoppers to be 'considerate' and stop stockpiling

>PrEP: Preventative HIV drug available in England from April

>Photographer who lured models to his London flat and sexually assaulted them jailed

>Virgin Atlantic boss urges Boris Johnson to sanction £7.5bn airline bailout

>Shopper is mugged for his toilet paper in broad daylight outside London shop as supermarkets across Britain have shelves stripped bare amid coronavirus panic

>Coronavirus: Elderly to be 'shielded' as PM seeks to equip NHS

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first for russell brand

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i took control of the weapon

curse these metal hands


Yes lads can't wait for our next PM.
Seriously though he's probably right isn't he?

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I'm listening to this nutter too. Never bothered before.

rmeinder that there will be no immunity. no vaccine. no treatment.

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Post yfw you ignore the corona spregs for nth thread in a row

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Ching-chong Chinaman, sitting on a wall
Why did you eat that bat, you daft cunt?

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Evening lads, just can't get her off my mind. Just want her back.

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it's his mum isn't it

I want her to peg me.

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Question: If you are positive but asymptomatic, doesn't that mean your immune system just hasn't recognised that you have the virus? I thought that virus symptoms are caused by your immune system being activated and fighting off the virus, not from the virus itself. I wonder if being asymptomatic isn't as good a thing as it seems.

>stop panic buying!! It's dumb! OMG STOP HOARDING
Says the childless/wifeless single cunt. Says the incel. I've got 1 son and 2 daughters to feed, along with my wife. I spent 5k bongs last week on stocking up our garage fridge with home essentials and food. If you missed out that's because you're a single NEET, INCEL, or some loser with no responsibilities. Fuck you all, and everyone else in this country. There is no way I will let anyone else take food or essentials away from my family.

eddies wants to go back to war but there isn't one so he wants to die lmao


Half jew.

Anons might like to read the Imperial College paper that has informed the current govt policy on the Flying Aids. It's 20 pages and is actually very readable, they spell everything out. I doubt it will make the /cvg/ pastebin:

the tory party has no business surviving what's about to happen in your country.

fit as fuck mate

Only 3% of people in Wuhan caught the virus, and it is quite possible that around 80% of people are immune.

Yall need some way to disable police drones

Ye thanks just watched it

how far behind are these retards? aren't there already 4 or 5 confirmed strains floating about?

if brit/pol/'s queen had her way, they'd be convicts crucified all along the M3

>I doubt it will make the /cvg/ pastebin:
How come?

"your daughter's gonna go to your grave and say oh my goddd my dad was a spastic twat"
--eddie's mum


So I realised with a Google that I have an ingrown toenail lads.
Broke it a while back in an accident, but wasn't too bad so got on with it. Only realised this week that this is something different to that.
Soaking my feet in hot water like R NHS's website told me to and it feels breddy gud to be honest

>Daily Fail
Almost as bad as the Daily Express telling me 20 meteorites should of hit us last week.

I reckon she'd piss in your mouth if you asked
for free

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Because it doesn't say we're all going to die, /cvg/ is only interested in doom-mongering

>if brit/pol/'s queen

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stop it lad, it's too late to be making me erect

Looks like Eddie from Bottom.

They should of desu

is that the snek he's talking to on stream? not going to lie this is getting sad to listen to. Sort yourself out eddie.

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Ah, fair enough. You do get some absolute mongs from there.

A runny nose and constant sneezing aren’t a symptom of the Kung Flu are they l-lads haha...

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Although I would love to smash the paki out of Priti I don't want some indian wog as PM

it's his mum, c.f. references to "taking it out on me" and the fact we already know snek sounds different

military brainwashing leaves broken men

Eddie could be dead lads, stay tuned

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*Should have

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im not a normal person

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>ywn eat her out under the desk at a cabinet meeting

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lmao she actually said simple as I didn't hear that first time around lmao

No they aren't

Would be great if all of them died t b h but they won't so yay based brown PM for the """Conservatives"""

I found a German company that sells some pretty awesome and tasty looking emergency food that has a ten year shelf life.

Should I buy? Its about 170 pounds for a 15 day supply.

An example of the type of food in the video,

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Priti is more based than all of Yas Forums. She was born of the Raj, the British Empire is strong in her.

They cherry-pick the worst possible projections, and dismiss anything else as propaganda. The same people claiming to be expert epidemiologists were claiming to be experts on international trade a couple of months ago.

absolutely quintessential

>11 quid a day

are you mad?

Less than 5% of cases report a runny nose, and they probably have a cold at the same time

imagine her in her 20s

>showing a picture of your daughter on a stream aimed at channers

Sort it out Eddie mate, enough is enough.

You gotta pay extra for the ten year shelf life bro

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>11 quid a day
Just get Dominos

bro she's a Jewish fucking asset.

I literally can't cum unless I think about her sitting on my face. Don't (You) me.

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Whats the daily mail going to say next, immagrunts caused the virus. HAHAHA

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still 11 quid a day if you wait 10 years and scoff it all when you realise its going out of date

Thank fuck. I started feeling dodgy this morning then this afternoon my nose just started leaking something awful and I’ve been sneezing every 5 minutes.

The rum's done him

Isn't this the slag who films herself sleeping for her pathetic virgin wubs to wank to?

You could live on much cheaper with bulk protein supplements, or a meal replacement. Oats, rice and lentals for the carbs.

Or cheap tinned fish. 2 tins of kippers and 2 bowls of oatz would gtet you buy in an emergency for a few weeks. If you could eat more, eat more ofc.

Also you can learn to bake. Live off bread for really cheap.

Assuming it all goes to shit.

They literally did, if people stayed in their own countries this wouldn't be a problem. Imagine, it took a virus for them to stop immigration (temporarily).

Russel brand vexes me, he used to be quite reasonable no he's gone to complete shit

Could be a sign of a brain tumour, though.

What is it with slags and showing their fat arses off?

Stop posting thots in my Patel blog.

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>10 year shelf life
Complete waste of money. If an event happened where you would need to store food for 10 years you would rather be dead


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once a cunt always a cunt

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you people deserve this for voting these monsters into power.

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And a Freemason who dated a Rothschild.


She's a fucking asset alright.
national treasure

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Better than hearing about fucking kung-flu all the time.
Gonna need a qrd m8
Post the fucking elephant.