Google employee here

google employee here

we disabled the hatecontext and hate-censors on google to collect the IP's from people that post here and go look for nazi stuff since Yas Forums doesnt want to hand over IP addresses.

Google on your own risk, you will be indexed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Okay nigger lover, do you think we're scared of you retarded tranny lovers or something?

It's over shill

dont care kike

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could you fucking idiots already do that with image search queries?

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Don't index me bro

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Fuck you and fuck google. You think I care if they record my searches? I don't.

lol what ever you say nigger.

and is this like assuming we only submit a query if we see a fucking autofill we want? not able to just continue to block shit buy then record the ip of queries that have a matching result in a set? i think someone is playing big brain, lol

RIP google employe

this faggot wishes he worked for google let alone finished his cs degree.

how would you know google was blocking something without fucking submitting a search for the blocked content? what need is there to unblock said content in order to the the fucking ip of the person who submitted the search?

thanks for the heads up bro

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Shut up and kys faggot


Idgaf about ZOG, they can come visit me anytime. Death to Israel, death to pedos :)

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Come try to do something about it bitch I cum pure zyklon b and I'm gonna fuck your ass and pump you full

remember this?

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post pic with timestamp for proof faggot.

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i'm sure they're trying to identify people, but the blocked content doesn't prevent them from doing so. doesn't this place have a higher than average number of developers on it?

consider youtube links posted here? think they can't identify us from clicking on those?

>Laughs in VPN

don't care you Chink nigger. Every red-blooded american is ready to kill anyone that gets in their way right now. Enjoy your onion latte, for now.

Also being called racist these days doesnt do much. The leftist kinda wore out the term nazi.

>Laughs in VPN's trust that they don't sell your data based on the laws and companies attached to said VPN provider

I believe you, my thesis is they're trying to manufacture a pseudo-collapse with a landscape similar to the immediate post-WW2 territories without functioning Govt's and armed partisans roaming these territories removing their ideological enemies, unimpeded. This Corona virus is a ersatz replacement , in the absence of war, to create this situation.

Eat a bag of zyklon-b covered dicks you filthy kike.

>I believe you

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noooo not my nazi stuff you kike

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They already know who posts what did to capchas bad larp

FYI this also works on adult content which was previously blocked by Google, so this is not the case. OP is a LARPer and its simply all filters that are off. Why is the question.

>claims to be google employee
>doesn't understand what IP addresses are
You have to go back.

Jesus Christ returns and raptures his church out of here whenever the man of sin is revealed and the world will go through it's seven year great tribulation time period.

I will return at the end of the great tribulation with Jesus Christ's heavenly army prophesied in Joel Ch 2 and I will laugh at all the ones who thought siding with the synagogue of Satan would be a winning decision.

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I’m sure I’ve searched something previously to land me on a list already.

Project Zephyr

Like I give a fuck.
Come for me pussy ass yellow bellied cowardly fuckwads. I done been waiting.

>Alexa: google "nazi cunny wearing pepe wet pepe t-shirt"


I don't fear some shitty tech company or a human government I only fear the LORD

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No you didn't.

Hitler is still censored in the YouTube search.

I google Yas Forums to get here young gun

>since Yas Forums doesnt want to hand over IP addresses.
they can get that from anyone using windows 10 or chrome

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>Yas Forums doesnt want to hand over IP addresses.
Oldfags know Yas Forums has provided IP data to law enforcement for years. 3/10 troll harder newfag.

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We're already indexed and when you're no longer of use to the regime you create you'll be expunged like an unused google product


Use Duck Duck GO

oh you done did it now boomer bro


lol I would love for Google in an organized and willful manner attack the 1st Amendment of the United States of America. I would love for them to admit that they keep full dossiers on individual Americans for the purpose of enacting illegal, unlawful harassment against them.

All that is fine and dandy of course but here is the real crux for them...I would love for them to steal power from the federal government of the United States. We will see how far their FOREIGN INFILTRATED surveillance program on American citizens takes them, especially in these no nonsense times. These Googles employees would have to be insane to think that they can usurp power from the US Government. This is not their domain.

Fuck around and find out cunt.

Great now everybody's going to become a Nazi thanks idiot.

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I don't give a fuck, nigger.

I would be appalled if they didn't.

>Using google
I seriously hope that you faggots don't do this.

Nice LARP dumb dumb. Watch "The Selfish Ledger" Google internal training video. Google has been building detailed profiles of every user for years, everyone from DANGEROUS RIGHT WING TROLLS to your grandma already has a profile. Something else is going on.


Really because when I type in "why do Jews hate white people" I get a load of shit about how evil white supremacy is.

ahahaha, I'm ready to fly baby fly

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This place is evil. Stop coming here.

>Nothing can stop what is coming.
Bolshevik crackdown 2020?

>Countrywide lockdown with military intervention
>Indexing of those using hate speech
>Social distancing

Hmmmm definitely not a happening

all of us have come to terms with our deaths these past couple days
kikes will not be able to threaten us anymore

HA! You want my identity? Why not just ask instead of wasting all that time trying to develope a means to do so. Here I am, nigger. Are you mad that you don't have a high-vaulted nordic forehead like me? Yes, that means I am more intelligent than you will ever be.

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>go look for nazi
>google the tragedy of the holocaust

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holy fuck jewgle is so overated, they wont do shit

All they do is track shit, if things ever actually get bad we'll be the ones on the streets and jewgle will be hiding somewhere scared as fuck

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Actually with the earn it ACT, this wouldn't be far off, looks like we gotta pack up and go home boys it was fun shit posting and pretending to be racist.

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I come here to make fun of the sissy-whites, and to encourage dudes to plow trannies. You faggots at google will be getting the IPs of progressive heroes like me mixed up with those of the stormfags.

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Samefagging but actual leftists have never done shit throughout hisotry. All theyve ever done is cry about their wages then they go and get gunned down by nationalists spooky NAHTZEES

kys homolord

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Every post on this board is fucking satire, including yours. Are there people posting politically incorrect content on a board called politically incorrect? What a fucking surprise.

Based satanist

Have fun in hell though

user when you are simply replying to yourself it's never been considered samefagging.
With IDs it's obviously impossible, but unless you pretend to be another user in an attempt to seem like others agree with you than yes you'd be samefagging. Lurk more you faggot and I love you

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hate, that sounds pretty emotional are you feeling a ok?

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I'm going to index your ballbag to a baseball bat with nails in it.

nigger jew, jew nigger, nigger nigger jew jew I've been here since the King Nigger days

It doesn't show

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Shag trannies, lads.

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probably not im drunk dude

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Q story is correct but instead of deepstate getting clensed under the cover of coronavirus it's Yas Forums autists.

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Ummm shid

And also fard.

And cum.

My ip is and I browse on the 4 channel.

It's ok I'm being a major douche

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are you a tranny or a tranny shagger?

K, keep me posted