Why are British people so utterly repulsive?
Britbong Hate Thread
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Was the British underclass always like this?
no not at all. there was a video yesterday that was like 4k 60fps taken in 1909 or something of laborers and they were nothing like whatever that muck is
fuck off d&c kike faggot
that's just a big lad, I thought he was an American country boy at firsr
Yes we've always stood up to adversity with a mental strength that causes other more cowardly nations seethe.
that doesn't seem like mental strength, just stupidity
british and amerifags are all fat fucks
Get the fuck out of the UK then you slime.
I think Brits are a quite special people. Smart and tough when they need to be, and dumb, drunk, criminal or just retarded most other times. They are fascinating really, in a way.
The virgin hospitalised with pneumonia non-Brit
The chad 'just a flu' cured with a few cold tinnies Brit
>You're the stupid one for getting on with your life, I am superior because I am scared of something that may or may not even be real. The whole world should stop just in case.
Fully grown adults genuinely believe this.
Fuck off you nonce.
complete strawman
he'll probably be fine if he doesn't have an underlying condition, but he could spread it to more vulnerable populations and overwhelm health services.
thanks lad should i take as a compliment :3
also im not British i am English ta x
British men are not made to please the eyes of homosexuals you repressed faggot.
All peasant tier people are like this. If they're not fat from processed meals they're surely just as stupid. I will say though most people like fatbloke in OPs pic do tend to be hard working plain folk, dumb as mince but they earn what they get.
Is this obese man not wearing a shirt in public, or at a pool?
This place needs to have Scots, English and Welsh flags desu then I wouldn't need to use fucking memeflags
pints in
chinamen out
at tha end ov the day its just anotha roll ov teh dice
get on with it
>chubby naked tranny choosing whether to fuck a pudgy manlet or a nigger, both naked
This is the #1 primetime dating show in the UK.
They eat beans for breakfast.
>imagine unironically giving the slightest fuck about coronavirus
Big Baz is right
We're panicking over nothing
Show your flag, then we'll talk.
The UK is the worst nation in the Anglo sphere, and arguably the worst in the world. I'd rather be with the muttiest of mutts or the most simpering of Leafs than be with the English. They fetishize authority to a disgusting degree, they trade whatever freedom they have for the slightest feeling of security, they worship the people who rape their children and shriek and holler at anyone who is revolted by their actions. They whine and complain, nothing is ever good enough for them and whenever you help them, they betray you. They have some authority they created crush your skull for the sheer reason of wanting to exercise their power, and stand back smirking with a smug, satisfied grin, "he deserves it" they reassure themselves. But worst of all they pretend that this isn't the case and roll all their shit down hill to us.
The whole cursed islands can burn, and the Queen and her blighted offspring can die drowning in their own shit for all I care.
Someone should make a picture with norfs beating up a corona apu
Cunning bongs, like that old lion Churchill. Wish I was Brit rn
But he looks like the average yank, except a bit slimmer.
simple as
Says the Aussie who lets lebbo rape gangs fuck their daughters into oblivion. Britain was just fine until the Jewish miasma sunk in, and no western nation is free from the poison. It's only the last 25 years Britain has truly gone downhill. It's the fate of every white nation unless we root out the kikes.
Do take it as a compliment. When I say Brits, I mean the English anyway. I remember an incident that I will never ever forget. A seemingly drunk Englishman in Los Angeles got into an argument with one of my US friends at a bar in the valley. We stood back and watched it evolve. The Brit acted all wasted... just waiting ... and bam my buddy had his nose knocked in by the man's forehead.
Right after the Brit was quite sober again, it seemed... threatening our group, and disappearing real quickly.
Nietzsche called the english: 'a plebbish unphilosophical people'. I agree desu.
>The UK is the worst nation in the Anglo sphere, and arguably the worst in the world
t. Aussie
from jeremy kyle videos
malnourished dracullaaah LMAO
exploitative television.
such a "lovely" lady
you always find the weirdest animosities here
Sorry mate, but i couldnt help but notice that things in the top left of your flag. Looks quite cool really.
no native aussie would EVER talk in such a womanly manner. post your hand chang
who did she choose?
Bruh use your eyes
do they show this on cable over there? here it would probably be classified as pornography
Just basic television. Channel 4, free-to-air, goes out to everybody.
>sucking up to bongs when they absolutely hate you
not a real american
>stirring up anglo divisions
you're definitely a real kike
Please tell me they broadcast it in the evenings? Around the time children go to sleep?
If not, I'm convinced brits are fucked in the head
i've never even heard of it mate so i doubt it's primetime viewing. for what it's worth everyone at channel four should be gassed and no-one has really watched it since big brother was big in the early 2000s, but still i admit it's peak degenerate cuckoldry
Luckily it is from around 12pm to 3am something like that but im not too sure
mate they allow the fucking jeremy kyle show to air during the daytime with this disgusting british mess. if they allow that they can allow anything.
They're fucked in the head, friend.
Such things are daytime Telly for the Brits. They are brainwashed into this
We don't hate you, we're just disappointed.
very based, very redpilled
Holy shit, I can’t believe brits think this is ok
Any other Londoners/SE residents in here?
I'm hearing reports of tanks and army vehicles coming down the motorway towards London, can anyone confirm/deny?
aint spotted nought
I'm hearing it from a neighborhood forum for my local area, mostly yummy mummies on there so it seems very unlikely to be made up, they're not the type to lie/exaggerate. Is London going under Marshall Law?
your genetics come from people who suck mutilated baby penis blood
and the bretons are disgusting XDD
also this dogshit thread, worthless jannies
don't bother
90% of the women are fat tattooed pierced skanks
Cant speak for london, but nothing near chelmsford/ braintree and the like
All according to plan
What in the goddamn is this. Weimar returns.
Yeah British people are weird. The lower class are entitled and lazy while simultaneously being extremely prideful for some reason. Middle class is filled with normie banter lads or robots who have no emotions. And then there is the upper class but who knows what they are up to. There are some decent British folk but they are hard to come by. Zoomers seem to actualy be going in the right direction tho but it might be too late. To sum it up brits are fucking weird.
millions will die
Brit bros I might be moving to Wales in a few years, what's it like there?
>white people ""cocks""
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA No wonder why white women worship BBC
Retarded girl is retarded
Not impossible but they'd be heading to a military facility as additional reserves, not straight out on to the street.
Well take it from a zoomer in essex but all my mates are based and redpilled and have struggled to find any gay SJW behaving cucks other than a teacher at my college.
actually they hug the runner up, the winner walks of with her after, unless i remember it wrong
Not sure why that time stamp is in there; just rewind it to the beginning.
Not an argument.
Lol brits are nothing compared to you underclass mutts.
Depends. Which part?
Well yes this is definetly what will happen when everyone gets the virus all at once because "Herd immunity" and there are no police to stop rioting.
It's called dysgenics, if you don't support eugenics and race hygeine then you can't complain.