>BTFOs both Yas Forums and /leftypol/ in one book
commies and lefties SEETHING
BTFOs both Yas Forums and /leftypol/ in one book
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Neoliberal bs
right wing socialists can't cope
Implying that having any government involvment is same as communism or fascism.
Stupid spin doctor, working to get more bux for the elite.
Im not right wing socialist and this guy is father of neoliberalosm you idiot.
So you're a left wing socialist then.
Cope harder. You have more in common with Nazis than you would like to admit.
He was a free market globalist jew.
Hayek was blown out back when he wrote it by Polyani and confirmed he got totally assblasted out of existence when the new deal and Keynesianism ushered in the golden age of “capitalism”
>free market is a bad thing
lol ok communist
Im not.
Neoliberalism began accelerating in importance with the establishment of the Mont Pelerin Society in 1947, whose founding members included Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, George Stigler and Ludwig von Mises.
Based. Checked.
>Keynesianism ushered in the golden age of “capitalism”
Yeah the system is doing really well under neo-keynesianism right now retard
Free market meme, while FED goes brrrrrrrrr and jews like hayak write praises.
We are not neo keynesian you idiot. World is increasingly neoliberal since 70s.
>government literally giving citizens $1000 in helicopter money to stimulate aggregate demand just like in 2009
>not neo keynesian
You are the dumbest gorilla nigger I have ever seen.
Look, a faggot took an econ class.
How quaint.
>actual political content on Yas Forums
Thread deletion and ban coming in 10, 9, 8...
>T. literal illiterate retard who hasn't read the book
Still neoliberalism, thats just political panic trashing. 99% of other policies were all neoliberal.
>get btfo and shown to not know what you are talking about
>move the goalposts
You're a retard, so it's no wonder socialism appeals to you.
You don't even know what "neoliberal" means most likely
Govrnemnt is slave to free market. Its duty is to weaken itself enough not to touch free market, but dtay strong enough to enable, protect and shill it. Exactly what Trump did with his budget. All went down but shit thats there to serve the free market like military. Go, check his cuts to all departments. Typical neoliberal move, keynesians would strenghten it not minimise it.
>incoherent babbling
OK commie
Your thread is shit memeflag. Im all you got in here.
no he isn't, keynes is retard.
I like “you gentiles” by this guy.
You are oneof those doofuses who heard about a book and author then read the wiki then came to Yas Forums to wax on about shit you really do not know much of anything about.
Hayek is literally in the truest sense the father of modern neoliberalist thinking and policy. The fact you mistake what he speaks about as "libertarian" only shows the rest of us you have no read the book. Or studied his theories. or know the history of political thought and its evolution.
Please, for the love of God and all that is holy do not breed.
What’s his ethnicity?
Keynes is retard.
Or keynes is father of neoliberalism?
Both are wrong, he was deranged pedo, but not retard.
Sadly, Hayek was retroactively refuted by Keynes.
A minor fraction of his ancestry is Jewish.
keynes set us on this autistic trajectory, and you are retarded
I have read his book.
Do you libtards still use that discord to raid Yas Forums, if this is best you can do then really, just stop.
This is the same fucking shit gun grabbers use. Guns aren't COMPLETELY banned from the public so we are secretly ruled by the "gun lobby". We don't have a totalitarian state, so it must be secret "neoliberals". Even though "neoliberal" can run from Hillary Clinton to Hayek, it only takes not being an open commie to be one.
You fuckers will praise every tinpot dictator then, when it's an obvious disaster, claim that it wasn't "real socialism" or "but droughts" and "muh oil prices". Starve. Here's a protip to keep your stomachs full: eat shit.
>Brrrrrr the fuck out of lolbergtarians
We are immune to you, jew. When will you stop raiding Yas Forums its pathetic
Hayek opposed central banking
>Implying that having any government involvment is same as communism or fascism.
Hayek doesn't say that retard. He says alternative measures to competition can be used, but only as a last resort where competition has failed. Read the book.
He did say it. Read more than just one of his book brainlet.
Hayek supported gold currency which ended in 1971, and the site you quoted was created by by bitcoin ancaps that like Hayek ideas.
>He did say it.
Please find where Hayek says "any government involvement at all is equivalent to communism or fascism" retard
>tfw you realize serfs and peasants had it better than wage slaves
sign me up
here's a few industries where competition has failed and we have done nothing to replace it:
when will we be left with the last resort? most of them are closing due to corona
>The successful use of competition does not preclude some types of government interference. For instance, to limit working hours, to require certain sanitary arrangements, to provide an extensive system of social services is fully compatible with the preservation of competition. There are, too, certain fields where the system of competition is impracticable. For example, the harmful effects of deforestation or of the smoke of factories cannot be confined to the owner of the property in question. But the fact that we have to resort to direct regulation by authority where the conditions for the proper working of competition cannot be created does not prove that we should suppress competition where it can be made to function. To create conditions in which competition will be as effective as possible, to prevent fraud and deception, to break up monopolies – these tasks provide a wide and unquestioned fi eld for state activity.
All of those are debatable. Fuck off with the gish galloping.
what's it like being dumb?
How has competition "failed" in music, retard?
universal music group
/industry plants
weak as fuck argument, no point in debating anything with you further since you're reaching this hard
>here's a few industries where competition has failed and we have done nothing to replace it:
All industries are failing because central banking pumping during crisis guarantees that big companies always have capital to devour small ones.
Look at burgerland 60 years ago you had probably 20 companies building planes and probably 5 or 6 building commercial jets.
Now it's only boeing. why?Because the central banks pump during hard times and the companies that were the better during the crisis devour the small ones with the new capital injected.
The natural cycle has been destroyed after 1971 because there is nothing preventing politicians of pulling this shit anymore.
If it wasn't by the digital world of bits creating economic growth and momentum this shit would have stop working in 1985.
The creation of a digital untaxed land is the only thing that saved the post bretton woods system but with moore law ending in two years max reality is about to come knocking down the door.
sorry that you're not familiar with the subject. they own most successful record labels, they have the power to shill musicians into success. they own most of the rights to whatever plays on the radio thus keeping exposure to outside music at the minimum. weak deflection, but it's okay that you don't listen to music.
Didn't read it, but have a bump.
>they own most successful record labels,
They do not. I can think of several record labels that I like that are not owned by UMG but other companies or are independent.
Sorry you still listen to radio, fucking boomer.
Yo, OP, check out this thread: .
Not at all. Not even slightly, unless you think getting on Taylor Swift's label is the only thing that isn't failure. Sure, movies are a failure if all you do is watch mindless big punch CGI in space 3.
There's two enormous phone companies, but you can still get darkphone or nigger prepaid, or linux, don't think this is a great point. Competition is whittled out to very slim between giants, though.
Pretty sure there's enough competition here. Investing at your own risk is possible. Self-publishing is difficult but not impossible.
Ahaha, you want to spend your taxes on McArmy or AR-Batli, formerly Battlefield Incorporated? If this is a criticism of the military industrial complex, then sure. But that's confusing.
>finance? (social security)
A big part of this is public sector, banks might as well be public sector since they've been in bed with the federal reserve since the 60's. Your points are good here, especially education.
You're very correct.
A lot of this shit is straight up federalism, which is a problem. Good luck getting an elected leader to relinquish power, reversing the 200 year trend.
>All industries are failing because central banking pumping during crisis guarantees that big companies always have capital to devour small ones.
more or less agreed
>If it wasn't by the digital world of bits creating economic growth and momentum this shit would have stop working in 1985.
depends on your definition of working in the case of Boeing lol
>The creation of a digital untaxed land is the only thing that saved the post bretton woods system but with moore law ending in two years max reality is about to come knocking down the door.
this is unnecessarily nebulous, but I understand. I wouldn't want the end of moore's law to be what kills the productivity coefficient but if it is what's necessary then so be it.
>You can go one better. The longer, richer average now applies to those 6 billion rather than to the former 1 billion people.42 So multiply each by a factor of six to get the increase in “world adult materially supplied years.” These nurture the flowers of world culture, low and high, politics and music. Beethoven, for example, in a world sized about 1.0 in such terms was among the first highbrow musicians to support himself by selling his compositions to the public rather than to a noble patron. A market of bourgeois minipatrons was just emerging.43 Haydn had shown what could be done for musical art on the frontier of capitalism, moving in 1791 from the livery of Prince Miklós Esterházy of Hungary to popular acclaim and commercial success as a bourgeois composer in London.
In the two centuries since the young Beethoven’s time the market for music has increased if you look at it from the point of view of the 16-yearold setting out on adult life by a factor of 2 times 8.5 times 6—a factor of 102 in total. That’s not 102 percent, class. That’s a factor of 102, which is to say about 9,000 percent. Do you see? One hundred times, or 9,000 percent, more music, painting, literature, philosophy, cuisine, cocktails, medicine, sports.
>42. I’m assuming that everyone in the population has survived to adulthood, which is of course contrary to fact. Allowing for the fact would result in an even higher ratio of increase than 6 to 1, because the assumption is less true in 1800 than in 2000.
>43. Scherer, Quarter Notes, 2003, pp. 31–33.
>They do not. I can think of several record labels that I like that are not owned by UMG but other companies or are independent.
give it a few years, and we'll have the disney of music
>Sorry you still listen to radio, fucking boomer.
I'm saying this is what most normies and zoomies are exposed, sorry that reality hurts. don't make me navy seal post about my library size faggot
exposed to**
>give it a few years, and we'll have the disney of music
>okay so i was wrong but it will happen any day now unless we institute communism and central planning!!!
yeah nice backpedal
This believable. Worth noting that the supply of music seems of have increased relative to this supposed demand. You can find field recordings, several subgenres of drone, noise, punk, instrumental rock, different fields within fields of metal, and so forth.
>anything that isn't approved by Dear Leader
>competition has failed