I just bought a shot gun without any bullets. I never fired before and Im anti-gun...

I just bought a shot gun without any bullets. I never fired before and Im anti-gun. Do you think it's enough to just pump it to scare people off, shouting at them, without even shooting it? Even blacks aren't that stupid to keep approaching you with a shotgun at their face. It would ward off 95 % of intruders.

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Brandishing without using it is worthless

You're incredibly stupid.

>I just bought a shot gun without any bullets. I never fired before and Im anti-gun.

kys . . . o wait you don't have any bullets

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I think it's better to have ammo. If you shoot a round or 2 in the air it'll really scare them off.
Also wtf take your pick up truck in a desert and fire some shots like a normal burger

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>just bought a shot gun
>I never fired before and Im anti-gun.
use it to kill yourself you fucking faggot

That's how you get killed user. Never point a gun at someone unless you are willing and able to fire it

better buy some shotgun bullets m8

you can get rubber (non lethal rounds)

>If you shoot a round or 2 in the air it'll really scare them off.

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>take your pick up truck in a desert and fire some shots like a normal burger
He's clearly an sjw beta faggot who probably doesn't drive and lives in Brooklyn.

Can't hurt to try, can it?

I hope you're a chick because you're dangerously low T

OP is a Faggot

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btw nice larp

Are you serious fag?

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Should'a bought'a bat.

You are choosing to place your and/or your family's safety on a gamble rather than securing it for certain. Are your feelings worth potential theft/rape/death?

As points out, this pumping of the shotgun is a good way to attract incoming fire. At that point you've brandished the weapon and given the impression that you've just slid a shell into the chamber indicating that the pull of the trigger is imminent. Wouldn't be hard to justify fear of life or grievous injury.

Might work. Might not. You really wanna try it though if it doesn't work? Go buy some shells and prepare yourself mentally for the fact that you might need to kill a man you fucking retard.

>I just bought a shot gun without any bullets
You almost became a man today.

Take all the shot out of a shell and fire it for practice (wadding stuck in barrel but newfags wont get it). Chamber another round with shot in it and fire for real. Barrel will explode. Retards shouldn't own guns.

He will get beaten to death with his own unloaded shotgun.

I thought they didn’t let retards buy guns

No. Darwin will be by to collect.

Short answer: yes
Long answer: get some fucking shells

those are more expensive than dove loads ironically.

>Blacks aren't that stupid
Wanna bet?
Your life.

>shot gun

Go buy a shotgun shell and turn your head into a canoe


If you point a gun at someone you should 100% be prepared to use it. I wouldn't be out there robbing people I'm not a nigger, but if some paranoid twink pointed a gun at me and didn't pull the trigger it'd be a very bad move on your part. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot you dead with my very loaded 9mm I carry. That's the response you'd get from the majority of people too, so it's not like I'm acting tough.

Statistically just showing and pumping it you will scarerun 8/10 cases
Air/floor shooting it will scarerun another extra 1/10
But the other 10% will shoot you.
So your odds are probably 8-2 on a typical HI.
If SHTF the intruder might be a lot more determined so you'll just probly reverse the odds.

just make some poison darts and turn it into a blow gun.

>blacks aren't that stupid

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Never threaten. Just shoot.

Shutup /k/, you know it's not stop baiting

If I had a gun and you lifted a gun to me, I'd shoot you with my gun as fast as possible.

Please live stream it.

im not going to face the lord having killed another person who just wanted to eat. it is one of the biggest sins you can commit.

There is no scaring people away. If they break into your home unlawfully, you pull the trigger or they kill you and rape your family.

>If you shoot a round or 2 in the air it'll really scare them off.

If you throw a charge of 3" buck into their center of mass it'll scare them more.

No. You are going to die. Good riddance. If you have a girlfriend or wife (unlikely), she is going to get raped as well, then killed

Don't do this
First is illegal, you may hit somebody
Second if you shoot in the air and then need to kill the nigger it will be used against you, bc you obviously had time to be a faggot, so no inmediate treat and bla bla

>that webm
I, uh... wow

If you sense an intruder you can still use it without any shells... Once you're certain you have a home invasion in progress, simply shit yourself and smear the feces all over yourself then you take that shotgun without any shells and you shove it up your ass then waddle on out towards the invaders yelling insane jibberish while praising satan and you should be okay...

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Haha. You said "loads"...

I completely understand why jews post here in large numbers, I have no clue why faggots like you post here. Please enlighten me?

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Quick question for the rest of the board...why? Why are you trying to help this cunt? 100% voted to remove your rights, did so eagerly in anticipation of the adoration of the elusive feminist roastie in his book club, and is now in self preservation mode, but would do it all again in a New York minute if it serves his interests. People like this are traitors, enabling a tyrannical government to thrive and prosper, and doing so with no apology. Let them reap what they have sown.

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No, but you can do things like pack rock salt into your shells to only wound or scare someone. At least get ammo, your life may depend on it.

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What state you in OP? I have like 300 rounds of 12ga but no shotgun as I had to sell it pay bills a couple years back

It's probably still illegal, but falling shot isn't lethal like falling bullets are. The ballistics differ.

thats 6 or 8 shot
SLUGS will go through walls
bird shot is tiny and takes forever to get out of someone, a real pain in the ass, literally

Nigger go find a box. They should still be available for 10 bucks or less.

>memeflaggot kike
Good advice from a jew for free, RARE

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Dude, God is all about killing niggas. Help him out and do some smiting in his name.

“The force is strong in this one.”

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>I just bought a shot gun without any bullets.

>Even blacks aren't that stupid to keep approaching you with a shotgun at their face.

Until you're dealing with the wrong one.

remember load one round birdshot first with that you can scare them ,then load one slug one buckshot, alternating buckshot and slug until capacity is reached

>aren't that stupid to keep approaching you with a shotgun at their face
no blacks are really that stupid. you need to atleast shoot ones at them or near them to scare them. just like dogs, they dont understand implications.

>Even blacks aren't that stupid

I think you're underestimating how stupid they rally are.

Go buy bullets and hand gun and practice.

I have one gun, took it out shooting and held it wrong once, leaving me with a cut thumb, but no biggie.

Few years ago, a cracked out white boi showed up to my house wanting to kill his "daddy". Well, his daddy wasn't there but was going to go for my father.

Safe to say, I ran, grabbed by gun, put my already loaded clip into said gun and pointed it at the loser.

Dude saw the gun (never in my life have I seen a druggie sober up so quick) and run like the little bitch he was.

Shits going to go down. Once they find out it doesn't go boom, you screwed.

jesus said if you dont have a sword sell your cloak and get one.

i would imagine he was telling his deciples to defend themselves or have the capability to defend themselves or others and not to get a sword to simply brandish

i would pray on this, but in modern times a gun is the new sword and it is not useful without being loaded and a loaded gun is not useful in the hands of someone unwilling to pull the trigger to save himself or his loved ones.

You're even dumber than OP.

Because we are close to a complete change in the way /nogunz/ people think. If we show them kindness and understanding and give them useful information in the way of this pandemic maybe they'll see we had alot more sense then they did all along

Never ever pull a gun if you don’t intend on shooting it immediately- this includes trying to scare someone away(who may have a loaded gun).
Also never tell to someone nearby to “go get my gun” unless you indeed have one nearby and they know where it is; elsewise you may find yourself greeted with a surprise.

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I'll take your ammo mail it to me

What do you think will happen when the niggers you're too pussy to kill steal your shotgun? Do you think it will go to a retirement home for shotguns in the country?

Can I ask why you bought the gun to begin with? You must have had a vision of using it.

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>Im anti gun.

So you got scared and bought a gun eh you faggot liberal? Spent years trying to take others rights away but now you're a scared little fuck you go out and buy one? You shouldn't have been able to buy it. Go ahead and shoot a practice round right into your face cuck. Maybe id you'd learn something from this you could be saved but fact is you wont.

Buy some ammo asap. 00 buckshot and deer slugs. Make sure you get the same gauge as the gun you bought.

You can learn to use a shotgun in like 15 minutes on youtube unless you really are a literal retard.

Nope. 2 rounds of 00 buck shot, fill the rest of the sleeve with slugs. 1st shot’s a warning. Second is taking out their cover. Subsequent are killshots.


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I'm sure whomever shoots you will enjoy their new shotgun.

I would never, under any circumstances, point a gun at someone without being ready to shoot them. Pointing a gun at someone is some real shit and you should not do it if you are not prepared to kill that person.

This is a good way to get killed. One of the main self defense rules is that you don't point a gun at someone until you're ready to shoot it. You can't be ready with no bullets.

alright I'm going to buy some of the rounds that can hunt turkey. disable him until the police arrive.