Its not a meme anymore; he actually is one of the greatest presidents in US history

Its not a meme anymore; he actually is one of the greatest presidents in US history

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally the worst president

I suspect in about 10 years, all of history will prove you wrong.

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Yes, he is

Screech and seethe.


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When he serves as a one termer remembered for scandal after scandal and utter incompetence handling a pandemic he’ll be remember as the worst.

2 Yangs in the mail in
2 weeks

No, that would be Jackson
No, that would be Wilson
Truth is he's just like all the others we've had recently, a jew puppet, no different.

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Trump knew of a big global pandemic back 2017 and ignored the warnings and fired the global pandemic response team.
look at page 11. He got this right after his inaugural address
and this
so yea, fuck this nigga

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Every scandle against him as been debunked and only served to hurt his opposition

orange clown laughed at in every country on earth

With the way things are going probably the last.

vote for joe receive free black gf (soi face)

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fake scandal i.e. propaganda is the only ammo commies ever have because their basic inability to comprehend base-level economics and biology is a fucking clown show



the get

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Kek. You tards have no foresight. The msm has ensured that a democrat will never be elected again by allowing trump to represent the people, while they attack him and praise their hateful pet politicians


Greatest ever..without a doubt

This is libshit bait but imma bump anyway.

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You almost had me there, OP

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for $1000 free bucks he and his family has my vote forever

the duality of pol

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I would't say one of the greatest but certainly way above average. Maybe like as good as Grover Cleveland.

I unironicly switched to Trump from Bernie when it started to become clear that he was gonna win again in 2020. He's been a pretty decent president and I'm kinda tired of being on the losing side anyway

hey trumptards, hows this redistribution of wealth make you feel? suddenly you're all proud communists eh? anything to stick it to the libs eh? how does it feel being a welfare nigger? how is the US dollar going to survive this confidence boosting coronagibs?

Where you around for Grover Cleveland, faggot? Shut up and ride this Trump train into 2020 NO BREAKS.

you're damn right

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the next 5 years are really going to go hard for you. Maybe you should burn a trash bin or punch some old person in the face then run away like a bitch when Patriot Prayer shows up? I mean it is not as if you will ever amount to anything anyways.

Yawn. Get back to me when everyone who ever did anything on the Wiener laptop is actually hanged.

>zionist militais enforcing noahide laws

closer than you realize

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>Its not a meme anymore; he actually is one of the greatest presidents in US history
It was never a meme.

God bless this man.

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Hmm, under the circumstances it's necessary to deal with the chink virus. Once globalism is dead forever afterwards and we pound China's dick into the dirt for what they did to the world you will be crying about muh war and to leave muh China alone!

The "pandemic response team" had the same relationship to real pandemic response as the Vindman brothers and all the other bloatware trash occupying seats on the staff of the NSC had to real national security - NONE. They were placed there by Obama to criticize and sabotage the next President should he be a Republican.

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All the maddies and seethers in this thread make me /comfy/ knowing that all that wasted energy will deplete their threadbare souls. Because after Trump's 8 years we get American Ceasar and start tossing these commie fucks into an early grave.

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>pandemic response team
you are so full of shit we could use you as fertilizer. He fired the Tranny Science Study Group.
>Muh Snopes, Muh Politico
If you were any more full of shit turds would come out of your mouth like a kike pez dispenser.

W Bush did the same thing in the mid 2000s and I spent it all gambling in canada. wealth redistribution doesn't work and will never work because people dont always spend it the way its indended to be spent, and yangs failure to understand this demonstrates what a retard he is

Done as a one off or in extreme circumstances anything is justifiable given the right conditions.
>Lmao, how dare you execute enemy spies and 5th columnists, they were just using freedom of speech bro
It's how the country is run when not under desperate conditions that's the important thing since guess what brainlet, that's how it's run 99.995% of the time.

>devil get
How is Fort Trump coming along, pollack?

as if Biden has any fucking chance to beat trump

Top 5 easily.

i think you mean the worst. even the republicans are turning on him.

notice how the Trump voters never seem to worry about jews anymore? Weird how all these "based MAGApedes" forgot about die ewige jude and started focusing on the enemies of ZOG like Iran and China... weird... they got the virus while Israel had a vaccine already! what a cohencidence!

obvious glowniggers. try harder, we know Trump is your guy, fuck you Kushner you're not even half of Kissinger's circumcised prick

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>probably voted for bernie
yea yea yea zion don and kushner and the fence

onigger was worse

He'll definitely be known as the one who changed the course of history.

are your the 3M half mask adviser from /cvg/ ?

I remember when I used to post these same things and spam bernie threads.
Sorry about that btw Yas Forums

no you filthy kike, I voted for Trump because he said he was going to build a wall and deport illegals and solve 9/11 and stop the wars. Turns out he was a zionist cuck for his Son in Law and his bbf Bi bi all along. "Trump Heights", "King of Israel if they wanted", "They love me over there", "Doing great things in Israel"

cope more kikesucking faggot

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>No one can work not even illegal immigrants
>Church and welfare centers are closed
>Citizen get 1000 while illegal immigrants starve to death
You commies lost once again, you are just too stupid to see it

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At this point I’ll take anything

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Sure does if the Sheep out there believe the rigging they will try, but I'm quite sure this time the people will come for their heads if the do.

checked and based af

that's totally different, demonrat shill. this is a national emergency. UBI should extend to working white families until the crisis has ended.

t. NEET that actually believes he is gonna get $1000
Protip : you won't.

Trump could spend every day jacking off 24/7 and he still wouldn’t even be bottom ten. Learn your presidents historylet, there are plenty of bad ones

Literally the worst post.

For better or worse, he is going to be one of those presidents everyone remembers like Washington, Lincoln, FDR, JFK, etc. He wont be Millard Fillmore.

>firing deep state hold overs

Cry harder

Yeah we know.

>>zionist militais enforcing noahide laws
You don't know much about Patriot Prayer or any of the other groups. If anyone is a Jew here it is you since a kike always brings up something kosher.

that would be a level of based that humanity isn't prepared for yet

of course history books written by (((them))) will say that orange man bad

imagine being btfo by a cheeto, what weak niggers you are

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Being this mad about Jews but still sitting at home and not on a prison bench for shooting up kikes.

Your impotency is amusing.

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>built the wall
>is deporting illegals
>stopping wars
Who said he'd "solve" 9/11? lmfao larp somewhere else redditor.

you'll always be just a dumb golem for your real masters. the more things change the more they stay the same. Good luck with your militant semitic jihad, user

No shit

I finally realised his actual as goal and you are fucking correct, I almost can't believe it.

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You can smell the r/thedonald, Qanon boomer stench coming off these comments.

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He’s Reagan 2.0. Laughed at by the world, rimjobbed by the republican in the us

>deporting fewer illigals than Obama
>is building bollard fencing when he promised a wall
>Does nothing about the 14th
>Openly wants to flood us with more H1Bs

Constant cope from you faggots

you kikes have a lot of potential enemies wrapped up with your Trump psyop, but things are falling apart, no amount of Coronagibs will stop what's coming, Trump said it himself. You fucking jews are going to lose, that's why you're resorting to such drastic measures. And for any newfags reading this, Trump is a zionist puppet, with jews you lose. Do not trust a kike or their puppets.