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thats uhmazin

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Palestinians loving the news

based, i hope all americans get the virus and die


See how it shapeshifts

Your best allies sure love you my dear burgers.

im not burger fuck you

No fucking lie i went to ace hardware to buy a mask and the jew tried to tell me they were sold out. I looked behind the register and secured some mask and filters. They knew about this and stock piled

In our dreams we can be anything, even Burger.

>Boro Park – More than a hundred people who were tested in Boro Park on Monday have coronavirus, an urgent care clinic confirmed.
>Asisa said that there have been “over a hundred” positive results returned from its first day of testing in Boro Park, an astonishing number that has yet to show up on official statistics unveiled by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday morning.
>There have been at least fifty confirmed cases in Bobov alone, despite that kehillah’s strenuous attempts at containing it. They were from a handful of shuls that practiced social distancing this past Shabbos and the rebbe has led by example, davening in his private room instead of in the main beis medrash.
>Official figures cited by Cuomo at his press conference claim 187 new cases across New York City.
>Crown Heights, another city hotspot, has ten people with coronavirus who require respiratory aid.
>The only way to control the disease’s spread, experts warn, is by staying at home and not mingling with people, particularly with those over 50.

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Are we sure this isn't Herpes?


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You're whatever you need to be for any occasion you filthy kike rat.

oi vey remember the hundred

i wonder why it's so concentrated

Fuck. Dont let any of them to step foot in Israel.

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Okay Berger

Yes you are

Because jews are dirty fucks who barely wash, plus the faggot beard and no haircut is a recipe for disaster


>they expect 100 of us in the wreckage, brother

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LGBT failed with social genocide of mankind
so elites start the biological


The word on the street is that real Jews are only in Israel.

Oh noooooo
That sucks

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What do you mean 25,000?
I can't believe 3 million tested positive!
We need reparations now for the 6 million infected!!!!

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all that "test positive" like celebs and when you read headlines like this are being "quarantained" in a doomsday shelter
when they have rallied enough people ww3 will commence
and by that you will already have forgotten about the celebs that "probably died already" of coronavirus in "quarantaine"


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My question is how? How did this group catch Wuhan flu hands.

Also in New Rochelle, which has a high jewish population. maybe from all their international travel.

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it really feels like kikes are NOT in on this hoax, they're panicking as much as the next toilet paper hoarder.
which gives me hope

remember the 6000 coronavirus victims

So.. The 6 million figure is from their holy scriptures right? A prophecy?

think harder

these tests are hard to get and take days

how have 100 people from the same tiny neighborhood ALREADY had their tests?

LMAO, let's hope the South Side of Chicago gets it

something something foreskin blood suck blowbang jewish pedos now they all got it they are vampires from hell

>how have 100 people from the same tiny neighborhood ALREADY had their tests?
it was 1000 tests and 100 (1/10) had it
i do find this strange
even that nursing home on the west coast didn't have this many cases

I certainly hope everyone in Israel doesn't get it

no, you the one that have to go you hooked nose vermin

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guess they all sucked the same infected baby dick

Very based and checked.

You'll get in the oven, berg

Omg rude


how are there 1000 tests to give out to an entire neighborhood, one very specific neighborhood, with a very specific group of people?

Who fight your battles for you then retard?
Im saving my bullets for your people.

they need a quorum of ten men at least three times a day to pray

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i know, this is highly suspect



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100..damn that's almost 1 million..4 million is a lot

Yes, only when they lost that many would God permit to let them return to Israel. So they tried to kike this world into believing that many did so they could grab it here. Just like with their euruvin, they wont trick God.

that's like wishing for your brain and heat to explode

i fight my battles, and one day we will fight and defeat usa just like we have in the past

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Yes, I'm in Australia, and many people have relatives in Jew York.

There have been many friends of ours coming back with the virus.

Whatever. It will blow over in a few weeks.

People are panicking because they FEEL that society is collapsing. They can have knife fights in supermarkets over TP to relieve tension.

All the kids are home from school. Doing online lessons.

maybe they went to AIPAC like this girl

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Mah Shoah

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