I normally don't go to pol, but I want to ask a question

I normally don't go to pol, but I want to ask a question.
>What are the long term effects of being "trans" ?
I mean living while your a kid and older is what it is, but what's with the other 60% of thier lives? Are they not going to have kids and get old..
I've never seen a 80yo trans person

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The typical long term side effect is suicide.

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Guaranteed suicide is the only long term benefit. And it actually benefits the planet, not you.



holy shit is that the suicide rate?

attempted* suicide rate

damn.. why is female to male so much worse? did they realize being a man is shit?

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Google "old transgender" and find out.

Because once you realise that you fell for the satanic brainwashing/conditioning, and there is NO way to go back, since you turned yourself into a Eunuch, of your own free will, and that you will never fully pass as the opposite sex, suicide starts to look more and more attractive.
Death is the inevitable outcome for all of us, the mentally ill just accelerate the process, while taking themselves out of the gene pool (which we actually thank you for, hence us not stopping you).

Because they get to realise that noone gives half a fuck about men, and wish they could get attention as easily as they could when they were in their prime female years.

i just see a bunch of happy ugly people

what should they have done instead though? not transition? therapy? coping with being female?

The only reason anyone becomes trans is because they think that their perceived life will be better once they switch genders because they currently feel useless and like they don't belong. Post op trannys play on this and try to get as many people to switch as possible.

However once switched, one is suddenly hit with the realization that they once had value before as a human, however small it was, they no longer have it. They are monsters. They have purposely disfigured and chemically ruined themselves to fit in with other freaks. So now they have 2 options, corrupt others so the feel like they didnt make a mistake, or kill themselves.

The entire culture is based on lies and mental illness. This entire thing will be looked back upon as a dark time in medical science.

Trans people are attempting to reject a foundational characteristic about themselves. It is an untenable delusion. They also tend to have other co-morbid mental illnesses.

There are severe physiological effects from the mutilation("surgery"), and exogenous hormones disrupt all bodily systems, including neurotransmitters.

-long term health problems and an already onset death from such which doctors know and try to keep hush hush because they make money off of every tranny they trick into transitioning
-the fact that people who pursue this lifestyle are usually doing so completely out of uncontrollable urges toward a fetish that they realize is unfulfilling when their genitals are butchered beyond ever having a real orgasm again atop their brains permanently being fried by the hormones and meds they took
-that and they were already fucked mentally and had diminished self worth to begin with else they wouldn't have felt such a strong problem with self acceptance as they were to begin with and thought destroying their minds and bodys would fix it

Yes. They could have not transitioned. Simple as. Proper treatment for gender dysphoria is easily handled. Chopping off your genitals is not the proper treatment. Giving into the mental illness is never the correct thing to do

I work with transpeople.

I regularly have patients who are transwomen in their 60s, 70s, 80s. In some cases they have transitioned 50-60 years ago when they were teenagers.

Nothing "happens" to them in particular as they age. The suicide meme really only applies to pre-transition or actively transitioning trans patients. If someone successfully transitions their suicide rates are no higher than white males.

>be greedy and envious female
>believe men have it better
>realize there is a risk premium in being a man
>get depressed

Most FTMs are butch lesbians that take it too far.

Turn off the TV, and stop thinking about sex nonstop, like a faggot.
Yes, if you are Jewish, you are more likely to have gay thoughts, because of your ancestors Moloch worship, and the homosexuality surrounding it. But that does not mean that you have to act on those impulses. You are stronger than the Serpent body you live in, and you must learn to control your instincts and be the master of yourself, wholly.

so its all a nothing burger then?

but this here sounds so plausible

>Things that never happened for $2,000, Alex

>What are the long term effects of being "trans" ?
Usually suicide.

Other anons have mentioned the suicide rate.
Medical complications:
MTFs have numerous surgical complications from the penis chopping:
>loss of sensation
>phantom pain
>malodorous discharge
>chronic inflammation
>need for multiple operations
>need to ‘dilate’ potentially decades later
>MTFs have very high rate of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism due to being on estrogen
>high cancer rates (including inside the ‘neovagina’)

>FTMs get vaginal atrophy from the testosterone
>can lead to vaginal prolapse
>many eventually need a hysterectomy to prevent this, and also to prevent uterine cancer

MTF and FTM both likely have very high rates of weird medical problems, however the trans lobby has research on this topic under full lockdown so it is never studied. Anyone publishing research that doesn’t fit the narrative is hounded out of academia and has their life destroyed, look what they did to Lisa Littman (she described rapid onset gender dysphoria as primarily a form of social contagion among dumb teenagers)

Fuck trannies. disgusting abominations. a disgusting blemish on humanity

It's because someone convinced them into embracing/growing their mental illness, rather than helping them overcome it.
The other part people rarely talk about is the demonic possession that occurs during the act of anal sex. This also contributes to the mental disease, or may in fact be the very trigger that starts it.

guys how can i filter out one user on this board

>did they realize being a man is shit?
Probably. This lesbian larped as a man for about a year and a half and she ended up in a psychiatric hospital:

>so its all a nothing burger then?
Ya basically. Personally, I'm opposed to it just on the grounds of religion. We should preserve man and woman to what they are. But it's hard for me to argue with medical evidence. I try to walk the same line I do with the age of the earth vs geology.

You don't even have to believe my word. It's substantiated in the evidence including research where n=1000+. That's the only reason why I am medically fine with it. I was finishing up an endocrinology fellowship before this virus outbreak started.

About 30% of my patients get bottom surgery. The rest do not get genital surgery.

>I try to walk the same line I do with the age of the earth vs geology.
Biblical age*

The voice of Truth too much for you, faggot?
Besides, did Ahmed finally allow you to have internet in your cuckshed, Hans?

There is an entire show about it

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larp harder pls.

>>What are the long term effects of being "trans" ?

this stupid bitch doesnt have a clue what is in store, that's what makes this so tragic

fuck you kikes for causing this, I hate you more every day you parasitic vermin

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alright then, thanks for the info
personally i dont care what they do, they can jump out of every window on earth as long as it doesnt hurt me

whats wrong with his post

The only happy ending for this is for the dad to kill them both and either kill himself or go start over with a new family

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user what am i looking at?

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Transsexualism is an autoerotic fetish. Masturbation is autoerotic, and too much of it can lead to erotic target location error, causing autogynephilia in straight men. This causes men to fantasize as the opposite sex during masturbation. This, combined with narcissism and other comorbidities, including possible imprinting, leads to the transformation fantasy where a man wishes to castrate himself and take hormones to impersonate the opposite sex. In western nations, it is now largely autogynephiles who transition, there are only a few dozen children who are being transitioned in the whole US. There is a minority of MtF transsexuals who are homosexual and spontaneously flamboyant, they used to be a larger percentage of transsexuals, but now being gay is socially advantageous, so it is only somewhat common in like southeast Asia and Brazil and stuff, this type of trans.

Otherwise many MtF are lesbians.

FtM trannies are just angry women with penis envy. They like beards or whatever. Autoandrophilia sort of, which is also what makes gay men want to work out and grow big beards. But women don't really have much of a fetish drive, though they can, and with testosterone, can get really fetishistic.

God dads like this need to be sent to concentration camps aloong with their faggot of a son
a mans son is his pride and joy someone you've raised to become a strong man not a faggot who's gonna get dicked down by niggers, it's their shitty lifes and i wish them the worst.

>>What are the long term effects of being "trans" ?
You suicide. Why is that hard to comprehend?

Eesh, the mom is more mentally ill than the son.

i think thats her... his? mum

I’m in my mid-30s. Transitioned over a decade ago. Getting old is just getting old. Nothing special about it.

>I normally don't go to pol, but I want to ask a transexual question.

I don't get it.



Because testosterone is the realist hormone. Estrogen is the retard hormone.

Glad to see that I'm not the only one who wanted to say this.

>In some cases they have transitioned 50-60 years ago when they were teenagers.


Of course trannies commit suicide. The older they get, the less sexually attractive they can be. No longer being able to look remotely like an attractive woman will inevitably make them realize what their concept of femininity actually was -- sex appeal. They can try to pretend that it isn't happening, but the reality is that the practice will become much less exciting for them. Then they have to grapple with the fact that they ruined their own lives just because they were bored.

Children have it even worse because they have to think about how every adult around them was lying straight to their faces. They were suckered into throwing their futures away by a bunch of sycophantic faggots who didn't know what they were talking about. Imagine how it would feel to realize that your own mother lied to you in order to cheat you out of having a normal life and a real family, just because it was so progressive. Child trannies have it worse than any others.

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>the 40% suicide rate isn’t really relevant because I meet people in the 60%
God I hope some one this stupid isn’t actually a doctor


How do you think these sons become "transgender" in the first place?

What's wrong with his post is that it's most likely a lie. LARP stands for Live Action Role Play. The dude's story makes no sense. Even if he did work as an endocrinologist, what are the odds that he would work with even one elderly tranny? Very low. Now what are the odds that he would work with several, including some who "transitioned" back in the 1960's? It doesn't add up at all.

Nobody will read this post, but:

>What are the long term effects of being "trans" ?
The same effects you get when you tell schizophrenic patients that the voices in their head are totally real.
The same effects you get when you tell people with OCD the world will indeed end if they don't turn the light of 50 times in a row.
The same effects you get when you tell a psychopath they really are god.

The long and short of it is that we should be curing the cause of the mental disorder, not telling the mentally ill that they're right.

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We're probably going to see a lot of murder/suicides when the current crop of children who've had this shit done to them grows up. I'd say we've got maybe 10-15 years before it really hits if we continue on the path we're on.

Because chopping off your balls isn't a cure for depression.

what do you mean "why" are you so fucking retarded you can't see the obvious

All trannies I ever met are completely mentally ill

The long-term effect of being trans is primarily being a faggot
secondarily you might statistically very likely to consider suicide if you for whatever reason consider taking the operation (+Hormone therapy)
Why? most seem to have put themselves under the illussion that their new genitalia is actually functional, sightly and not painful.
The nicest thing you can hear about a MtF is that you have a gunshot pussy and that the radical hormone change will make you go bald, your new "pussy" is at an immense risk of infection and unending pain and because its a wound, the body wants to heal it shut! what do you do against it? shove a smooth glass dildo into it? is it painful? YOU BETCHA!

And for FtM? You will have an easier time molding into a manly shape, but your penis will be frankenstein-looking and the skin for it is often from the thigh, which means your thigh and nearby tissue is absolutely fucked-looking.

Also: remember that there is no such thing as sexual sensation in either the gunshot wound pussy or the frankenstein-dick.

You will look like a freak and for some live in constant pain for all your life because you "weren't happy with yourself" you ungrateful cunt. so if your entitled shit-fuck "i feel different inside"-schtick didn't get you to off yourself, then you will absolutely think about roping yourself like the worthless pond scum first worlder you are because the pain will only stop under constant influence of ibuprofen.

I would like to close this retarded fucking question you asked with: fucking end yourself, faggot.

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>You don't even have to believe my word. It's substantiated in the evidence including research where n=1000+. That's the only reason why I am medically fine with it. I was finishing up an endocrinology fellowship before this virus outbreak started.
actually most new research is heavely attacked and there is a big problem because most "transgender profesionals" "loose contact" with their patients.

Nobody’s young and attractive forever.

why did i read all of this