Why are they getting BTFO so hard by this?

Why are they getting BTFO so hard by this?

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its obvious, china straight up lied about their numbers......even an official Chinese news source said there were like 20,000 dead before changing the data....

also iran covering up true death rate as well.
only italy is showing true figures of how deadly corona is.....

They're very traditional and still keep things old school. They aren't very modern like the rest of the world when it comes to medical advancements. Also Italy is like the Pasta version of Florida. Full of old people.

Based Italians don't lie, and they don't wash their hands either.

Arab rapebabies

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It's a nothing burger. The curve is already starting to flatten everywhere in Europe since borders are closed and no one is leaving their houses to spread the virus around anymore. On a month, they will lift all these measures and life will go back to normal.

There's 2 strains. They got the shitty one.

they owe too much money and were asked to play a big part on this charade in exchange for a future pardon on their debts.
the virus is a hoax. China started it so it would affect the supply chains in the west. they now know that, when their economy stops, so all the western economy will
all western leaders know this. this is why you see all this organized panic.
ask yourself this: H1N1 killed 80,000 people in the US alone and the nothing had to be shut down like this.
we have 9 billion people on this planet and counting. do you think if we really had a deadly virus out there world leaders would be telling people to look after themselves?
why would they do all this damage to their own economies for something that has less than 1% mortality rate?

Looks like my uncle, but he has blue eyes and brown hair.

Other than that it's spot on, including the flies. Based.

>imagine not walking around with your own pack of flies

>china straight up lied about their numbers
Holy fuck you are in denial. How does China have anything to do with how badly Italy is doing? The majority of East Asian countries are practically recovering at this point. You make it seem like it's only China.

Old people with old people illnesses and lowest flu immunization rates in western Europe. 20 percent of pneumonia deaths have two viruses present. They were gonna croak next sneezy go round anyway. Korea has flu immunization rates near 80 percent. Mortality rate is less than 1 percent.

Because they're useless little WOGS

They have a substantial senior population and they have a substantial smoking population.

Whoaaa easy there !!
Enough of your critical thinking and good sense of judgment and logic! we don't wanna hear none of that ok!?
Help us spread the misinformation since we need to sell the new vaccines , people are already onto us regarding the flu shot and we need to sell them these vaccines.

Northern italy is fucked, bro.

Source: bassa bresciana

Catholics do that stupid thing where the pass around a goblet filled with the "blood of Christ" err red wine. Everyone sips from the cup and passes it along. Its called communion.

Easy way to spread coronavirus.

Weak races die faster

Because they are the niggers of Europe and because they turned diving into a profession.
>La Comedia Dell'Arte
fuck that shit. You are niggers and you deserve everything coming to you.

>bassa bresciana

Vatican Pedos are dying. And that's a good thing.

or more likely it's because italians are incompetent retards


Someone tell me if they see panic there. Why are they allowing camera crews and interviews? And that's the "worst" case???? Fake and gay

>We test everybody that dies
>The virus spreads super fast
If an old man has an heart attack and is positive, we count him

they had clothing factories where workers were all from wuhan
direct flights from wuhan every day
combine that with older population and general laziness of italians and you get a bad crisis with poor response

Because they aren't white and import millions of shitskins into the Evropa weekly.

Death rate is at 9% now

who cares?

because the average Italian greeting is a hug, kiss, tongue suck and eyeball touch.

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They are gay and they kiss other men just to say hi. Just like argayntinians.

I've never seen it done this way

The curve is flatten because they're running out of test kits.


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90% of deaths have been 70+ age group.

Got too close to the Gooks !

Looks like they now have a whole lot less of them. Wait until Italy happens here.

Or so they say.....

They were playing "It's just the flu bro, total nothingburger!" for too long

literal genius level IQ here

Would Zappa survive this? He was an Italian american.

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Because Mussolini was a jealous faggot and cost Hitler 5 weeks costing him the war against the USSR and thus the golden timeline

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northern Italy is demographically speaking consistent of more senior populations, and italians (especially older ones) have a propensity to be chain smokers.

Who would have thought that old people with debilitated immune systems and a pair of lungs that fell victim to decades of self-sabotage would die from a disease named "severe acute respiratory syndrome"...

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Yeah, I'm sure Taiwan, Japan, SK, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, and Vietnam are all lying about their numbers.

Maybe it's because they enacted aggressive quarantines that the West isn't even attempting to try.

Italian women AND men literally kiss eachother on the mouth every time they meet.

They don't need that many test kids anymore because the number of infected is steadily decreasing because everyone is at home and the borders closed. People won't get infected at home out of the blue. If the virus was uncontained it would be a different story.


Chink tourists everywhere and chink laborers in Milan, and pic related- they stand inches away from each other when talking.

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Im pretty sure Vietnam is lying. Now they blame western tourists for their outbreak while stay radio silent the whole time shit is going on in Wuhan and prison people who talked about the epidemic. They literally did what China told them during the outbreak in China.

t. Viet

who are these boomer fucks that want to vacation if fucking vietnam of all places?

You got it.
So smart!

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>the average costed Hitler
you were completely irrelevant

This. And Italians live in multigenerational homes and greet each other by kissing so every Little Tony who went to school and got it gave it to every Anthony Sr..

Sex tourists. There were 2 English boomer with corona that hired a prostitute in Danang and she fucked about 100 men later.

Those people are way more based than wh*toids though. They know how to control women and stave off degeneracy for one.

What's wrong with that?

second oldest population in the world
extremely dense cities
very social culture so ppl are always around one another
personal space is barely a thing over there
very affectionate culture
kiss on both cheeks greetings
they aren't lying about their numbers like China and Iran
they have a really good healthcare system so they actually are doing tests unlike America
incredibly stubborn culture that doesn't listen to disease prevention advice

Do you really believe this shit????

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To contain costs in their socialized medical care system, they shortchanged their hospitals on ventilators and intubation equipment.

They had to start triaging when their patient count was still embarrassingly low. Shockingly low. Like THREE people came in and they said:

>WHOOPS not enough ventilators! I guess we just let the old people die!

Congratulations on your national healthcare system, Italy.

"Just a flu, bro" attitude until they realized they were in abyssal depths of shit. It's a know fact that nobody ever takes shit seriously until people start dropping like flies and the government declares martial law.

The same Thing is gonna happen in Russia soon , right????

Go and learn

We are based (don't follow basic rules like stay in your fucking house) and above all we are honest about numbers, even saying what is not in need to say. Watch out your smarty smart govs guys, telling you shit about numbers and finding a fucking sick person sneezing in your face in a """""""""""""safe area""""""""""""