Did he just name them?

Did he just name them?

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Other urls found in this thread:


yes it's synagoge of satan

He means the Coronavirus, tards.

Spoiler: it's white people! But not jews.

Christcucks and Trumptards are the most delusional fucks on this planet. He is referring to the Corana. Fuck he is even a zionist bot. Please kill yourself, for wasting my time you low IQ inbred.

no he means invisible warfare


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Right these idiots blame the jews for every damn thing

Why does anyone still pay attention to Trump's tweets? They never mean a damn thing. Anyone remember 3 years ago when he tweeted about cutting off federal funds to universities for allowing 'antifa' violence? Nothing happened after that. He tweets all kinds of shit, and then never follows up.

Checked. This.

Attached: 5db3b85781855f46e3e659551398e944c2cc528a26a32f35c574b9148ad9be89.jpg (398x400, 12.69K)

synagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satansynagoge of satan

If the job of potus is to shitpost, he can't be that important.

>Right these idiots blame the jews for every damn thing
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me 109 times, well. You get what you deserve.

Attached: 당신은 당신의 자격을 얻을.gif (498x280, 2.73M)

i want to believe


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yes, the world has been infected with this (((virus))) for too long

hes talking about muslims and coronavirus dumb nigger
he's too loyal to israel to shit on the jews

Weird way to spell Jews.

Thought the virus was pretty well known worldwide, not hidden

it's the retarded Qboomers reading into every tweet like gospel

none of those who aren't lobotomized take anything he has to say seriously

According to Tulsi it's Saudi Arabia

>Trump's entire administration is filled with kikes and hardcore zionists
>Trump called the corona virus an invisible enemy at a press conference
This thread is being spammed over and over today. Something big must be coming if /ptg/ is astroturfing this hard. Stay vigilant.

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His family is married into them - Jared 666

Every-body was KUNG-FLU FIGHTING!


Attached: trump jew puppet.webm (640x352, 2.9M)

Then why did you start this pandemics Donald?

Wouldn't he have said invisible enemy rather than hidden if that was the case?

I'm ready for war.

He is them

What the fuck? I never really bought into the JQ crap. I only started coming here because of the pandemic. Is that real? How do I redpill myself?

Attached: shill.png (1494x669, 265.33K)

White Rabbit - Andrenochrome Users

Nope. You're still a dishonest faggot.

Attached: trustthejew.gif (550x621, 160.68K)

He is talking about a kind of Synagogue of Satan

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It's "hidden" because it's infectious without symptoms for the first four days of having it. You guys are hopeless.


He named us.


I can cut you out of 2 years research. The Jews are antihuman scourgelike beings

Based chink

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Yeh because Dems took the house you fucking brainlet.

That started the Kavanaugh > Russian Hoax > Ukraine Impeachment.

You think it's a coincidence the virus is just after impeachment? That was their Plan B if that didn't work.

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Is there a level above Giga-Chad? Both these guys are there.

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David Weissman is on the list.
He's very very mad and scarred

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Holy shit, you are smarter that OP, and I thought Poles are dumb

See hereYou can change your flag every post, you are losing.

Attached: Jewgib.png (640x806, 417.94K)

Find one bit of corruption or degeneracy in Western Nations that doesn't have a Jew behind it.
>You can't
>No one can
This is rather telling seeing as Jews are only 2% of Western Nations populations.
Synagogue of Satan is correct.

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yeah, pretty much

Attached: 1584436983916.png (1639x1227, 255.33K)

Corona virus actually has a fatality rate of less than 1%, this lockdown is about something else entirely.

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Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

— Woodrow Wilson, "The New Freedom", 1912.

He also once implied he would leak how Mossad and Saudi Arabia did 9/11, but instead, he just sucked their dicks.

He does, but they couldn't help but name themselves in replies. Glorious

can you see the virus user? can you see it in the air or while it lies dormant in an asymptomatic patient? i'm starting to realise that Yas Forums consists of smartasses not actual smart people

Keep kvetching
Named the kike

Look how glad they are

>UNRELENTING 24/7 Negative Coverage and attacks from Kike-Controlled News, Media, Entertainment, Politicians, Sports and Business and attempted sabotage from previous administration, CIA, FBI, and foreign intel agencies

B-But Muh Kushner! Muh Ivanka! Muh Kike Loans! Drumphdt hasn't gassed the kikes or nuked israel! He's just another Kike-Zog Shill! You should vote for Biden to spite him!

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Shadow government controlled via crimes against humanity and blackmail.
They fulfill the wants and needs, set them up to do crimes. Then they record them commiting the crimes. Then the blackmail begins. The politicians and elites are now controlled. The politicians and elites then have nothing to lose and they continue with their crimes against humanity and bring others into the fold.
That is the system, it has gotten large, in every branch of life they're there. Their is no evil to evil for them to commit, there *was no crime they could not get away with.
From the top to the bottom of government and law enforcement they're there in the fold to back each other and prop each other up.
While they are being taken out and their Network dismantled they become desperate, they are losing their power and their hold, their crimes will be exposed to the world for all eyes that look.
They are the blood ritual Satanists of old, a more than 3000 year old cabal known as the synagogue of Satan.

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Is this shit even real? Kek,The madman!

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>what did he mean?
>is Trump /ourgoy/?
>what did he mean?
>Trump based
>what did he mean?
>is Trump /ourgoy/?
And then MIGA shills get butthurt when the entire world is hates America

Attached: 1584480977228.png (968x1056, 848.48K)

Why didn't he use quotations for context like you just had to do then?

because he's a boomer retard?
have you seen what he regularly tweets?
