I’ve been confined for 4 days and I already want to die.
I’ve been confined for 4 days and I already want to die
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hang in there bro
You can go for walks can't you? Just stay on trails and avoid public places.
Learn to read, fucking faggot
Stop crying and put your head up. People have been through worse.
Do a flip faggot
read Marx
>go for walks
Nope. Fines go from 100 to 10000€.
Debes de leer tu biblia. Dios te quiere.
tahts because you're a stupid normalgroid and you need to get off this site
>start getting my shit together
>drop porn
>get Yas Forums
>daily walks
>this happens
At first I chose the NEET life, but now the NEET life chose me.
Only if you have a dog. I have heard that people are renting their dog to neighbors so they can also go out.
If you're already starting to crack than you should just give up and do whatever it is normies do. Only the strong will be able to stay indoors during the pandemic, it's not fully your fault, you're a sheep, it's in your nature to be in the herd. You need social contact to survive, you can't bear to be by yourself for more than a week or so. People like you are spreading it.
Cry harder, normie. That shit is my life for years now. It's like a walk in the park for me.
cry me a river bitch boy
Just walk to the supermarket or the pharmacy.
This. If you are going to end up brain dead because of the illness, you might as well anticipate it
I've wanted to die my entire life you weak piece of shit
Go for it
Fuck off niggerlover last time i go out my country was white
Aguanta amigo, Aguanta siempre.
Yo desarrolle esquizofrenia a raiz de un accidente muy grave, y tengo clinica de aislamiento.
Estuve una decada sin amigos saliendo yo solo por ahi sin amigos...
AGUANTA llegaras al final del tunel ya veras.
Ok messi
Jajjajajajjajajajajja eso os pasa por irse de putas en medio de cuarentena
same shit for me
> start forcing myself to go out
> start meeting cool people
> even girls get in touch to do stuff togeher
> consistently making plans
> this happens
It's like the abyss forcefully claiming my soul as his.
Teach us master
Since I'm an introvert and have been a neet for 2 years, this is just a normal day for me. I find it funny how some people are going crazy already.
>when Yas Forums isn't enough
the real memories are the shitposts we made along the way
Se lo estás poniendo de puta madre
Fk. Build a model star ship.
But you don't even go out for a walk? How can you cope with not being allowed to go out?
Todo por una puta gripe, por un puto "flu" como dicen los gurisi.
Ya estamos como gallinas en el corral.
¡Recordad aplaudir todos a las 20:00 malditos fachas!
>be eurocuck
>forbidden to walk on street
Just quiero a RPG and beber alcohol all day you dumb spic
Don't tell anyone who wants to kill himself to hang
Don't hang in there bro.
Unironically based
Pues joder si yo he aguandtado y ahora estoy bien pues no se que mas decir, yo trato de ayudar a mi manera.
Si yo he aguantado el tambien puede.
Eso si yo espero que la gente se rebele... pero eso ya es un asunto que le dejo a la GC, PN y delito teletontaticos para analizar...
>based pasta bro
I'm on my third week and have at least one more to come after this one. It got even worse now that my girlfriend is home as well, sitting in a room with her 24 hours per day is driving me nuts.
Its a chance.
Meditate, think about your life, do pushups every day.
Challenge yourself, learn to play go or chess.
Ir may sound cheesy, but you know how they say:
Some peolple see problems, others see opportunities..
>Ah you think confinement is your ally? You merely adopted it. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the the outside until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but scary”
NEETS have been practicing this for 10-20+ years. Get fucked extroverts.
Hay ciertas cosas interesantes de esto a nivel social, como lo que dices del confinamiento y los aplausos. Buen experimento para sacar datos acerca de la docilidad y adiestramiento de la sociedad.
He abierto un par de hilos acerca de la conspiracion del coronavirus para ver que encontraba, estas son las ideas que he recogido
-La version oficial es legitima.
-ha sido provocado por china para atacar a USA. aprovechando que tiene un sistema sanitario deficiente.
-ha sido provocado por USA para joder a China, Iran y Europa (competidores)
-Los judios/aliens/reptilianos lo han hecho para resetear la economia y limpiar el planeta de viejos.
-Ha sido rusia utilizando a china como tapadera.
a mi me llega la barra de dominadas mañana, asique ni tan mal
eso si los vecinos tienen que estar hasta la polla de oirme con la guitarra 4 horas al dia
we are in the same boat user
for some reason ive neeted for decades without issues, but now that im quarantined the temptation is just too great
Me pica muchísimo el ojete y no queda papel en ningún sitio
El picor es INTENSO
Pues yo por ahora voy bien haciendo el gilipollas en BeamNG, es relajante reventar coches.
Fuck off normie.
I've been in isolation for 11 years, ever since I moved to Australia.
Deje de mamar verga y pongase a aprender a programar o por lo menos a jugar algo en Steam.
Donde esta el pantolones? Yo tengo la zapotos!
Lávese el culo, moro asqueroso.
I have been training all my life for this, now I have so much time to do my things it's a bit overwhelming.
Si fuese moro usaría LA MANO
I read that with mutt accent desu
One thing is being a NEET and another thing is being trapped in your fucking house and not being able to go out.
I've been quarantined for months and we don't even have the virus here.
Normies get out!
But I laughed with your meme thanks for the laugh.
very based and witty
Lol whos gonna get that money from you? Some judge? Haha, like make em pay you lol. Humor them a little.
Oh mate I know your hassle. Fucking gym is closed. I started to give a shit about work and uni. Now all that seems postponed. But at least I can practice more guitar.
Hang in there, dude, and don‘t mind the usual autism,
I could do this for years
>walk over to Mercadona
>then walk 2 km to Aldi
>then walk another 2 km to Carrefour
>finally return home
>been outside for well over an hour
>if cops ask, just tell them I'm coming from the supermarket and take a longer route
It's hardly rocket science, user.
Quieres que te diga mi opinion de loco lunatico.
Yo creo que aqui esta habiendo un juego nuevo.
Yo creo que ha habido la creacion de una nueva "masoneria" llamo masoneria pero no tiene nada que ver.
Creo que esta masoneria maneja la informacion de mucha gente y tiene capacidad de chantajear a muchos hijos de puta del poder.
Creo que esta nueva faccion que ha entrado en juego esta moviendo sus cartas para provocar un despertar en la poblacion.
Pero bueno yo no se nada, es una suposicion.
Yo es que me imagino siendo un "snowdden" teniendo poder para ver toda la mierda y oir toda la mierda de las elites satanicas y bueno... No se que haria la verdad.
Lo que tengo claro es que aunque yo estea acostumbrado al aislamiento por mi patologia, no me gusta ver a la gente como yo, quiero a la peña bien, hoy baje la basura y me encontre a una mujer con su niño en el portal, en cuanto sali del portal me clavo una mirada como pidiendo clemencia...
Simplemente increible, puedes sacar a tu perro y no a tus hijos.
Y por cierto ten cuidado donde "habres" tus hilos porque yo estoy bajo investigacion, o estaba, ahora esta suspendida por el estado de alarma, por delito de odio contra nuestra querida hernia y acusado por el secretariardo herniano.
Tened cuidado lo que posteais amigos, tengo miedo por la limpieza que puedan hacer. y por ultimo atended a este video.
A partir del 2:10 habla de los "analisis" del coñavirus.
Atended bien amigos a lo que dice esta señora.
>neet stuck at home, wants to kys
Come back when you have news to report user
based loco lunático
I hope my exchange agreement to Andalusia won't be jeopardised because of the lockdown. Haven't heard anything from the uni down there.
I just went to a whore house yesterday. Life is good when we are not afraid of dying.
where you from amigo
There's no Andalucia any longer mate. It's gone. Spain's gone.
Sucks to be over socializing southerner
Tell me about the Chinese population in Madrid, user.
They're better, cleaner and smarter than the average Spaniard.
Its now called "Gyppain" or "Gitania" in spanish.
But were still being secretly Spanish fren!
>They're better, cleaner and smarter than the average Spaniard.
They are also the race most prone to susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection and are 100% responsible for introducing this virus into your country and killing thousands of ethnic Spaniards.
Cannabis and internet
Barcelona is way worse
Tienes a los Freemasons, (((ellos))) y a veces el gobierno corrupto... que es eso de la "nueva masoneria"? Suena a cuento??