Brit/pol/ - The Chinese Flu Edition

>Police use drones to enforce movement restrictions in Spain's fight against the coronavirus infection

>Supermarkets ask shoppers to be 'considerate' and stop stockpiling

>PrEP: Preventative HIV drug available in England from April

>Photographer who lured models to his London flat and sexually assaulted them jailed

>Virgin Atlantic boss urges Boris Johnson to sanction £7.5bn airline bailout

>Shopper is mugged for his toilet paper in broad daylight outside London shop as supermarkets across Britain have shelves stripped bare amid coronavirus panic

>Coronavirus: Elderly to be 'shielded' as PM seeks to equip NHS

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First for Punjab Union in the wake of economic collapse

beep boop

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First for feeling supersonic.

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be honest, how much pasta do you have in stock and how much pasta have you eaten in the last few weeks?

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boris has the blood of millions on his hands.

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Hope everyone filled their cars up tonight, if not make sure you do it tomorrow morning lads.

why are we so based lad's?


>how much pasta do you have in stock
About 4 normal size packs of it.

>how much pasta have you eaten in the last few weeks?
Had some macaroni a few nights ago, was all right.

36x1kg bags
I don't eat pasta. I need it for macaroni pictures while im in quarantine

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will the british government ever realize that you can't have a functioning ecomony without a population?

I was thinking about this.
What's your evidence for this coming down the pipes?

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I genuinely have 17 bags of noodles and 10 bags of pasta.

I'm surprised Spain hasn't exterminated us

All according to plan

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Had some fusilli and mince last night.

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Six gatrillion to be fair. Borris, borris borrs. Why didnt he listen to twitter!?

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where do those figures come from, closed cases?

Is he gonna run the economy like how he runs his corner store?

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Girlfriend works for Highways England and they were given a police briefing today, they obviously have their own depots so were ensuring they had enough fuel as to keep the strategic routes open as well as traffic management in the event of a mass exodus of of the population from the cities.


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look what i got

40 packets of noodles

unfortounately i missed the delivery and it went to my neighbour across the landing, who is a very very attractive girl who i really want to bonk.
she gave me a really strange look when i went to collect it.
she's deffo got me down as some kind of noodle obessesed weirdo now.
oh well.

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>a mass exodus of of the population from the cities
stay away ahhhhhhhhh m25 wall now

>blood on his hands
also Blair, Brown, Cameron, May

he's Punjabi you racist piece of shit.

So he'll run it like a Tandoor

royal mail depos usually have a massive diesel tank

tell her you'll share your stash when shtf

how can they, they cant even stop us from "accidentally" landing on their beaches.

Will I be okay lads?

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Anyone else just resigned to egtting it, and not giving a fuck? Pointless to resist, just get it and get over it or die, whatever. Fuck wearing masks n shit, just carry on as normal. Lock up all the old fogies, I dont give a shit they're dead soon anyway

By far the best oasis tune

In two weeks you can hit that for a pack of noodles or two.

DRunk as fuck lads not gonna lie, have to work home for 3 weeks, work for a tech game company

Been so fucking bored all day man, I used to be a proper alcoholic when on Job Seekers and I can feel that mindset starting to creep back in due to all this isolation

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Wait a week or 2 and youll be able to trade a packet of noodles with her for sex

Am on meh faackin oliDAY innit!?

this 40 pack of noddles only cost £16 btw
and each packet has it's own sachets of soya and seasoning.

im well chuffed.

just carrying on. normal shopping, no masks. catch it, get over it.

Give it a few weeks and she might be receptive to a bit of noodle eh?

Yep, I think everyone know London will be where the trouble starts. I'm working at home anyway but filled up my Land Rover this evening, we also have a 2000 litre tank of white diesel on gfs parents farm.

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>Anyone else just resigned to egtting it, and not giving a fuck? Pointless to resist, just get it and get over it or die, whatever. Fuck wearing masks n shit, just carry on as normal. Lock up all the old fogies, I dont give a shit they're dead soon anyway

that's literally the best course of action, the societal damage from lock down is going to be far worse than the virus.

would rather lose a couple million than everything collapse

>not chicken and mushroom

what you playing at

noodle obsessed weirdo. she's got you pegged.

where from lad?

I'd like to do that.
dad's disabled though.
He'd get fucked.

put a bowl of bat soup in his lap. also give the bat a little *cough*

Shut up you whiny drunken pig

she will be begging for it soon enough

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the government is itching to get civil servants working from home if possible. They will make a decision tomorrow.

Wheres Italianon? Did he get arrested?

I get through about 500g a day because I'm a boring gymcel who eats the same every day