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Lol only 3 dead
Predicting a billion
GTFO of here

Fuck imagine the balance we could get if half a billion street shitters croak. Gas prices will plummet.

Let the bodies hit the floor

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They had their first case almost 50 days ago though

maybe drinking some fresh cow piss will help them


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pooshield activated!

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Who's gonna call me from Microsoft to let me know there's a virus on my computer?

i like how they put diabetes on the fat one
based sikhs

India is a capable country and is also backed by the US and Trump. Not too worried about them.

Holy Cow!

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"I'm everywhere now. See you soon." - Corona Chan

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I honestly think these numbers are over a month old.

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Screenshot this. In April millions of pajeets will die because of carona virus. The world is suffering because street shitters locked down Kashmir for one whole year with nothing for them to eat, schools, internet, mobile networks. I kept telling you guys but now its too late, Allah locked down the entire world cuz nobody helped them. Street shitters will have it the worst. No bobs no superpower only hell for shitters awaits on earth!

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Do not worry Paki,we got it covered ,its 3 people mort,they were all muzzies,wish they were more of your inbred kin.

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India is pretty fucked. Now we just need Africa to get a nice fat pandemic.

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So...the shits hit the fan .

Don't @me, soon to be extinct dravidoid

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poo poo spreads virus.

fuck sikhs ,smelly pakis
They will be tunnel ng for refuge in ur cuntrys after indian and afghan unite again. ,which is soon in the making.


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Godbless but add 197 million pakis to that list too. Inshallah

last digit of your post is your roll

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Inbred dalit convert ,get this straight because we looted from ur patrons all knowhow to fabrique generic pharma.
So u cannot throw us under the bus.
We live and learn unlike ur inbred father.
I do not think u have a place un the new world order.

Bloody Shame

>USA covers up Corona deaths
>s-see e-everything is fine we got this

>India invents Corona deaths
>uh ohh yes the virus! so sick! look at that Indians are humans too!

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It's obviously satire, but the line between this and the serious posts is pretty blurry.
You took the bait. How's it taste?

Indians are alright.

haha bless you user this is great top kek

I'm sure cow urine will cure what ails them

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Poo in it

>10-15 million deaths

I doubt they would even notice.

How about eight fat pandemics all rolled into one? And ten more to follow their diaspora around the world.

2020 superpower

I wish

Their everyday interactions with the insanely unhygenic have made them superimmune to most pathogens.

never had a problem with pakistanis, you're probably my favourite of the non-white groups in canada desu.

that said I would still recommend for you guys to all go back and improve pakistan rather than live in Canada.

So what happened to this hot country shit kills off the virus? It's running riot in a shitload of hot places.

The shits hit the pajeet.

Looks like someone forgot to import their daily dose of cowpiss lol what's the matter punk? You already got refugee'd loser

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How on earth did that ever become a standard cultural practise?

Master race

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Westernized Indians are total bros and easily the most worthy of living in the West out of all brown races but India really needs to be culled.

its funny

Did you know that smallpox inoculation started in India before the West?
Smallpox inoculation is an ancient Indian tradition and was practiced in India before the West.

Smallpox was not known to Hippocrates, and probably not to Galen or his successors either. The earliest Western references which seem to describe it are those of early medieval chroniclers. The turning point comes with the great physician and alchemist Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (865 to ca.923 AD), whose Kitab al-jadari wa'l-hasba (On the variola and the measles) is still regarded rightly as a landmark in the history of medical literature. It gave the first clear account of these diseases and their differentiation in the Western world. But in China smallpox was accurately described several centuries earlier than in Islam. The key passage occurs in the Chou hou pei chi fang (Handy therapies for emergencies) finished by the great physician and alchemist Ko Hung about 340 AD, and revised by Thao Hung-ching (also a great physician and alchemist), in the around 500AD.


based poos

Yes, but wait until they get low on cow shit to cover themselves with. The rate will skyrocket