$1000 Trump Bucks

What are you guys going to do with your free $1000 Trump bucks?

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As someone who is extremely sickly and suffers from mental illness, I've done my part by openly defecating all over the D, Q, F and N lines. Most of the trains that I've come in contact with has tasted my shit and urine. I've even smeared feces on the backs of MTA employees without them realizing it. Next order of business is to rub my tainted kaka under car door handles

Video games and weed.

I'm a neet do i get anything

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Join the NRA

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rent and vodka

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Mass produced self milled 80% lowers.

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1000 buck of BAT

I've been working for 3 months now but I haven't filed taxes do I get anything?



wonder how you're supposed to claim your gibs

is it actually happening? source me

right onto the stock market

rent is $1200 and I just got laid off

This desu.

when your state declares state of emergency your governor will force land lords to waive rent until the emergency order is over

should I cancel my $300/month health insurance? it's not like the health care system will be able to cope this year anyways, right?

Gonna buy me an Obama phone with my Trump bucks!

>should I cancel my $300/month health insurance
are you retarded? no, obviously not

Go to the grocery store and spend it all.. You little fucks better stay out of the way of my scooter.

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Go for it and save some $

Probably best user, that $300 Trump bucks are best used else where. Probably should just stock up on toilet paper and water with it.

give it to her

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About 300 cups of coffee

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My work went from overtime everyday to lay-offs in less than a week. 1000 bucks can fuck off. Cancel this happening niggas I need money

Absolutely turbobased and redpilled.

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donate it to the Biden presidential campaign.

Either use the money for a remote air bnb out of state or save it.

Actually I'll end up using some of it to buy a 3800ti if that comes out. I fucking refuse to be on the same level as a console fag.

Batches of free 550B are available only for Germans


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plans. good plans.
you might spend some time studying the finer points of primer caps, someone who can shape these for even a gerry-rigged use, will have an endless supply of nearly anything.

looks like half the people I know here. fml

Antique Magic cards for sure. Fuck you, Rudy!

my man

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I want gf not stupid thousand dorra

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Pay my rent. Got laid off today. Thanks Trump! You're still a faggot for pushing sodomy in 3rd world countries.

Pay bills and buy a couple cheap items of audio video technology.

I’ll get to pay the govt on taxes owed

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Its going straight to the principal of my mortgage.

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BannerLord and Animal Crossings New Horizon.
Wtf else is there"?

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do you think there'll be an option to trade your 1k for a state issued gf?

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Buy silver.

Look at Mr. Responsible over here. I wonder how much money that saves you overall with interest over the life of the loan.

from where? it's all sold out

Buy a Switch

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I'm going to donate it to Trump's re-election campaign.

Lol, not buying your dumb metals. They can stay crashed for all I care


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Hope you did a 15yr note there lad.

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even if its sarcasm, die nigger

Upgrade my computer/office since I work from home

I don't have a job. Am I fucked?

Simp on some ethot probably

no taxes, no trump coin. COPE

I sure hope so. I need sex

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I can’t decide if I’m going to pick up a high end masturbator or just spend it on hookers and booze. Any suggestions? For a thou I could get two hours with an absolute 10/10 plus have like 200 bucks left over

I will be, unironically.
Can't wait for Animal Crossings.
I can be camping in Quarantine.

Based and Svedka pilled.

I'm going to buy space marines and there's nothing you can do about it [spoiler] and they will remain unpainted in my closet for at least 2 years [/spoiler]

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Buy a derelict property from the state. No more rent!

Kek Shit in one hand and hold out the other, see which fills ups first.

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Remember when migapedes were complaining about Yang? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR IT YOU CANT JUST GIVE OUT FREE MONEY MUH COMMUNISM

I'm sure they'll all refuse their free $1000 right?

Thousandallah covers my weed habit for six months.

>1 payment /= 12 payments per year, every year
only tax payers get a gib, no money for you, NEETARD