Lmao black people are violent criminals

>Lmao black people are violent criminals
>Meanwhile white niggers invaded America and thousands upon thousands of Natives died by the white man

Double standards much? Why is it ok to act like an animal but you point out black people just as violent? Hypocrites.


Attached: (1) 20,000 Native Children Died at America’s Indian Boarding Schools - YouTube - 1_16.jpg (1280x720, 156.74K)

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In all honesty? Because it hurts their feelings. You know im right amerimutts. No ine runs damage control as hard as the mutts.

Natives were killing eachoher off left and right, White people were nice to the natives, but then one night they were invited to a weird ceremony
>Have a bite of our human meat its fine
>They gotta die

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You do realize Native Americans did the same thing by murdering the previous people who lived in North America?

Those white people that took over are the only reason you get to post on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving board about how much you hate white people, your welcome chief walks like duck

conquering shitskinned animals is not against any law because they have no real laws.
just because people are being "mean" does not mean they are criminals.

You mean other communities conflicting with each other? Not on the level of the Invaders.

Criminals upon humanity. Sick.

>>Meanwhile white niggers invaded America and thousands upon thousands of Natives died by the white man
Wrong. We came to an unexplored wilderness with a handful of savages, and bought the land. They started crying and trying to scalp missionaries who came to give them education and healthcare, so we shot them. Then they all died of AIDS.

Thanks based somalian bro. You too can come to america if youre white.

>post on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving board about how much you hate white people,

And that's why I have bigger balls than you. You hide on Yas Forums while I make a difference IRL. :)

Faggot OP.

Whites took over the land of the Indians. They were weak and not able to sustain the fight against the superior for. The 'white chimpout', as it were, ended when the territory was conquered. After that, it became business as usual, i.e. no 'white chimpout'. This is how the white man does it. Violence and savagery when necessary and then it is over.

I shall allow you to now compare and contrast with the nigger.

Difference is they built something afterwards, they didn't destroy their own homes then sit on their asses and cry to be fed

What's it like to be a soulless sociopath?

shitskin injuns killed the red-haired Caucasian populations that were living in North America thousands of years before those manlet subhuman mongoloids crossed the Bering Strait Ice Bridge and settled in North America.

fuck you fucking spic

>accidentally giving small pox to stone age retards is the same as a double digit average IQ literal subhuman

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ITT: Sociopaths.

Who hurt you guys?

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Thanks, any cities I should visit?

Natives in America are respectable people, natives in Canada are what create our “ghettos”.

They should be sent back to Asian mountains where they can rightfully live off the land and never try to advance like their ancestors.

>>Meanwhile white niggers invaded America and thousands upon thousands of Natives died by the white man

you know China had negritos once, wonder what happened to those folks?

fuck off chang you slimy slant eyed hypocrit.

Niggers desu. They're pretty terrible.

Read about how the natives treated prisoners before casting stones. LOL

They were conquering an untamed land. They weren't shooting liquor store clerks

Not all of them are like that. I wish you would open up your heart. Less hate, more love. I refuse to believe you're a belly of hate. There has to be some good within most of you guys on here.

>you stole a pack of gum when you were six, how is that different from my robbing liquor stores at gun point and raping teenagers when I'm 26?
The levels of nigger in this post, I can't even.

Extremely cringe. You wouldnt be on here trying to whine about how bad whitey is if you actually amounted to anything at all. You are just a dirty nigger trying to internally justify your gibs or something

you aren't on reddit. that doesn't work here

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Black people are about as civilized as white people were hundreds of years ago? Yep sounds about right

unprecedented history in America in a couple hundred years my fucking ass, God damn fool

a white man kills on principle

black people kill on impulse

A rotten apple ruins the bunch. I would easily give up every passable to good nigger experience I've ever had to never see a nigger again.

Since whites mostly hang out with whites 95% of violent crime is white on white. A mugger just wants pocket change not your insurance policy or inheritance

I hate joe rogan so much. He's such a fucking faggot. I wish I could meet him IRL and just knee him in his hgh gut and watch him collapse.

The chugs massacred the real natives, the white European solutreans who arrived first in America via landbridge. The chugs were siberians who crossed over via a different land bridge and killed the white natives.

So turnaround's fair play. You chugs can dish it but not take it eh?


Attached: niglets.webm (224x400, 1.11M)

Those blood thirsty savages had to be brought to heel.

Damage control? I laugh in your face if you think I actually care. Yes I'm racist. No I will not apologize.

Natives are vulgar, they use to many f-sharps

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I'm honestly praying for your soul. I wish you'd leave all that hate out. Why the strong hatred for black people?

They already get enough gibs.

>entire crime units just for their races
>their own special letters in LGBT+
>apology money
>universities are required by law to apologize for taking their land before plays, music, speeches, ect

I wish I was joking

White niggers dont exist, and if you didnt discover the wheel on your own then you aren't human.

Blame the seals for bringing TB from Africa bitchnigger lol

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Have you ever interacted with one?

If only... I wish whites would wake the fuck up.

Yes? My sister is married to an educated black man and never broke any laws. I don't know why you're so afraid of them when they're all nice.


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>destroy things and savagely kill people for no reason then pay the consequences afterwards because you're a dumb nigger with no emotion and can't think neither short nor long term
>vs invading land that has basically nothing more than a bunch of barbaric tribes constantly killing each other and then turning it into a proper civilization
oh yeah it's totally the same thing

NAxALT isn't an argument bitchnigger lol
Learn what proportionality means

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>Meanwhile white niggers invaded America and thousands upon thousands of Natives died by the white man
We just sent some dozens of dudes with metal armor and pointy things, and rallied tens of thousands of tribesmen against the aztecs that used them for human sacrifice.
They converted to what they called "the good god", the one that had the sacrifice already made, the blood was wine and the meat was bread, no need to kill anyone to please him.
In no time, unlike the anglos, we converted them, built universities, hospitals and a bunch of incredible stuff, recorded their language in written form so it could survive.
Meanwhile anglos were waging civil war between the colonists and the british empire (spain paid, supplied and fought for your independence). You were a colony, spanish america was another province.

This proves that anglos are niggers, unlike Spain.

Everyone in this video are just minding their own business? What is going on? I'm also praying for you.

But black people are more violent than whites. The statistics on this are crystal clear. No one can deny it.


Indians are also more violent than whites

Whites conquered through war

Do niggers want war? Yeah, that's what i thought, sit down and be humble coon

not only did whites not finish the job regarding the injuns, they also brought niggers over and forgot to send them back

Pray for my protection from niggers.

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The only people who type like this is when they hate the world. I honestly feel bad for you. I hope you recover and think differently one day.

>archers with a much higher firing rate than the guns from the era
>add guns to their collection to increase their kill range
>repel and exploit Europeans easily
>suddenly exposed as weaklings when disease kills the majority of their population
>can no longer hold territory
the bad old huwhite man killed them it was so one sided they were peaceful buffalo fuckers who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

fuck shitskins

>brought niggers over and forgot to send them back
Whites did not own slave ships, jewish portugese did.Aaron Lopez

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It’s a double standard that a lot of white incels have a hard time copeing with.

>Double standards much?

Yes, we don't care about niggers. Niggers have never cared about us for one second.

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hope you can come to terms with it someday

>listening to a manlet

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>hurr durr you have double standards and that’s wrong
go fuck yourself kike, your bland platitudes and buzzwords have no power here.

I like it how they ignore that to live in those days everyone had to be murderers. Everyone had to be violent psychopaths. Those were harder times. If you weren't a violent psychopath then you succumbed to your neighbor who most assuredly was a violent psychopath. Survival of the fittest. There were no laws. It was eye for an eye. No one was innocent.. But really, the Spanish, Christopher Columbus and his men were not white.


>settling the wilderness is the same as chimping out in a modern society

>copeposting cringe

learn to respect your superiors

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She said they died of disease, reality check is tht every child was a risk there were more poor children dying form preventable diseases in bad conditions with actual full time child labor in real factories and farms with no education , education boarding schools were not full time child labor like regular kids fucking had, she said it was partial trade that helped pay for the boarding school there's no way the hours were high considering it was a school and the sympathizer didnt even say it was hard work or long hours, she said ti was just the afternoon, sounds like no it being native American was sucky when you had no boarding school options and just worked to death form a young age having your own farm or trade or whatever as a family business was being lucky, and still bad fuck off brainlet low IQ retarded useful idiots,

Pretty much why Spain rolled over the Aztecs. Just imagine if those savages got hold of the modern technology the Spanish Empire had. I mean we already know now thanks to Cartel videos on Liveleak how they act with 20th technology.

more white kids suffered

Disney has made a whole generation (or more) completely stupid. Native Americans were a broad group. Some were peaceful, some were back stabbing cunts, some would pull your dick off and eat it. At one point, they had better guns than the US military of the time. Given that they could buy guns as well as anyone. And "peaceful" Indians would deliberately sell land and keep the hunting rights between their area and that of a tribe they were at war with. Thus using the settlers as a buffer/shield. Sometimes they would let the settlers know this. And many tribes sided with the confederacy against the union. Which pissed off some yanks. So it wasn't some overnight slaughter.